CHAN YUL YOO portrait
  • Assistant Professor, School Of Biological Sciences

Professional Service

  • National Science Foundation (NSF). Role: Reviewer. Reviewer 2023. 12/01/2022 - 01/24/2023
  • Frontiers in Plant Science - Abiotic Stress. Associate Editor (Editorial Boards). 08/18/2022 - present

Internal Service

  • Scientific Research Initiative (SRI) Research Stream Lab. Member, 07/2022 - present. College service.
  • Graduate Student Admission Committee. Member, 07/2022 - present. Department service.
  • Bioscience PhD -Molecular Biology (MB) program. Member, 07/2022 - present. University service.

Honors & Awards

  • 15th Annual CEPCEB Symposium Lightening Talk Award. University of California Riverside, 12/07/2017
  • Travel Grant Award. International Symposium on Plant Photobiology, 05/24/2015
  • Hargitt Postdoctoral Fellowship. Duke University, 04/2013
  • Future of Science Scholarship - Nuclear Events in Plant Gene Expression and Signaling. Keysteon Symposium, 02/2012
  • Outstanding poster award. Purdue University, 01/2012
  • Bilsland Fellowship. Purdue University, 01/2011
  • Outstanding poster award. American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) Midwestern Section Annual Meeting, 05/2010
  • Outstanding Teaching Award (Plant Physiology). Purdue University, 12/2009
  • Travel Grant Award. 19th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR), 06/2008