• Faculty Director for Management Undergraduate Major, Management Department
  • BCOR 3030 Course Lead, Management Department
  • Management Department Representative on the BCOR committee, School Of Business Dean
  • Associate Professor (Lecturer), Management Department

Research Statement

As a teacher-scholar, I believe that my research should support what I teach in the classroom.  First, my research is in-discipline by focusing on organizational behavior and management topics of influence tactics and organization development.  Second, I am always interested in translating my research for pedagogical use by management educators and practitioners.  I have blended in-discipline research with a pedagogical perspective resulting in publications in peer-reviewed journals.  These journals include the following: Organization Management Journal, Organization Development Journal, Journal of Management Education, and Management Teaching Review

My efforts of bridging in-discipline scholarship with management education is highlighted by my publication entitled “Learning to Influence Others: A Training Module and Experiential Exercise” published in the Organization Management Journal in 2017.  While teaching students about influence tactics, I found that students were enthusiastic about the subject matter yet struggled to be successful on exams in regard to this topic.  My co-author and I developed a training module and experiential exercise to aid students in learning how to influence others.  The publication also provides a ‘how-to’ background and instructional materials for instructors to effectively use the experiential exercise.  This manuscript was awarded the Best Management Education Paper of 2017 in May of 2018.  This prestigious award is chosen from all management education papers in the journal for the year.  The award-winning paper is chosen by a panel of past presidents of the Eastern Academy of Management. 

One of my current research projects focuses on student incivility and its impact on professor job related outcomes.  My co-authors and I developed a conceptual model and extensive literature review. This conceptual paper was submitted to the European Academy of Management Conference in 2018.  We are currently in the data collection phase of the project; we have collected over 150 usable online survey responses at this moment in time.  We have received anecdotal feedback from business professor colleagues from across the globe: India, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Brazil, UAE, England, Australia, Norway, and more.  Our target journal is the Academy of Management Learning and Education.

My publications have demonstrated wide-reaching impact.  According to, my publication entitled “Millennials and Technology: Addressing the Communication Gap in Education and Practice” has been read 9,685 times (milestone achieved February 25, 2019). I have co-authored multiple book chapters in academically edited books and have numerous peer-reviewed proceedings publications from conferences in the United States, China, Japan, Poland and Iceland.  I continue to have manuscripts-in-progress continuing my research.  Based on the core values of the College of Business and my research interests, I feel that my research stream would be an asset as UTPB maintains AACSB accreditation.  According to the faculty standards at my current university, I am currently Scholarly Academic (SA) qualified. 


Research Keywords

  • workplace incivility
  • social power
  • management education
  • influence tactics
  • experiential learning
  • emotional intelligence

Research/Scholarship Projects

  • Does student behavior matter? The impact of student incivility on business school faculty. PI: Lindsey A. Gibson. Co-PI(s): Connor, S., & Rossi, K.. 08/01/2019 - present.


  • English, fluent.

Geographical Regions of Interest

  • Europe
  • United States of America


  • Gibson, Lindsey A., Steenhuis, Harm-Jan & Ulusemre, Tolga (2023). Teaching Millennials: Academic Entitlement. Handbook on Teaching and Learning in Operations Management. Edgar Elgar Publishing.. Teaching - other, Accepted, 11/22/2023.
  • Steenhuis, Harm-Jan, Gibson, Lindsey A. & Ulusemre, Tolga (2023). Exploring business students’ Perry cognitive development position and implications at teaching universities in the US. International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education. Teaching - refereed, Accepted, 01/31/2023.