
  • Kivlighan III, D. M., Adams, M. C, Drinane, J. M., Tao, K., & Owen, J. (2018). Construction and validation of the multicultural orientation inventory - group version. Journal of Counseling Psychology. Published, 06/2018.
  • Tao, K.W., Owen, J., & Drinane, J.M. (2017). Was that racist? An experimental study of microaggression ambiguity and emotional reactions for racial-ethnic minority and white individuals. Race and Social Problems. Vol. 9, 262-271. Published, 12/2017.
  • Black, S. W., Owen, J., Chapman, N., Lavin, K., Drinane, J. M., & Kuo, P. (2017). Feedback informed treatment: An empirically supported case study of psychodynamic treatment . Journal of Clinical Psychology. Vol. 73, 1499-1509. Published, 11/2017.
  • Owen, J., Drinane, J.M., Adelson, J., & Kopta, S.M. (2018). The psychotherapy outcome problem: The developmental of the outcome stability index. Psychotherapy Research. 1-8. Published, 06/2018.
  • Drinane, J. M., Owen, J., & Tao, K. W. (2018). Cultural concealment and therapy outcomes. Journal of therapy. Vol. 65, 239-246. Published, 06/2018.
  • Owen, J., Drinane, J. M., Tao, K. W., DasGupta, D.R., Zhang, Y. S. D., & Adelson, J. (2018). An experimental test of microaggression detection in psychotherapy: Therapist multicultural orientation. Professional Psychology. Vol. 49, 9-21. Published, 06/2018.
  • Drinane, J.M., Owen, J., & Kopta, S.M. (2016). Racial/Ethnic disparities in psychotherapy: Does the outcome matter?. Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology. Vol. 23, 1-14. Published, 12/2016.
  • Owen, J., Tao, K., Drinane, J.M., Hook, J., Davis, D.E., & Foo Kune, N. (2015). Client perceptions of therapists' multicultural orientation: Cultural (missed) opportunities and cultural humility. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. Vol. 47, 30-37. Published, 10/2015.
  • Owen, J., Drinane, J.M., Tao, K., Adelson, J., Hook, J.N., Davis, D., & Foo Kune, N. (2015). Racial/Ethnic disparities in client unilateral termination: The role of therapists’ cultural comfort. Psychotherapy Research. Vol. 27, 102-111. Published, 07/2015.
  • Owen, J., Drinane, J.M., Idigo, K.C., & Valentine (2015). Psychotherapist effects in meta-analyses: How accurate are treatment effects?. Psychotherapy. Vol. 52, 321-328. Published, 01/2015.
  • Drinane, J.M., Owen, J., Adelson, J., & Rodolfa, E. (2016). Multicultural competencies: What are we measuring?. Psychotherapy Research. Vol. 26, 342-251. Published, 08/2016.
  • Owen, J., Tao, K.W, & Drinane, J.M. (2018). Microaggressions: Clinical Impacts and Psychological Harm. (pp. 67-85). In C. Capodilupo, K.L. Nadal, D.P. Rivera, D.W. Sue, & G.C. Torino (Eds). Microaggression Theory: Influence and Implications. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons. Published, 06/2018.
  • Drinane, J.M., & Strokoff, J. (2018). Oppression and couple therapy. In: J. Lebow, A. Chambers & D. Bruenlin (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy. New York: Springer. Published, 01/2018.
  • Chapman, N., Winkeljohn Black, S., Drinane, J.M., Bach, N.B., & Owen, J. (2017). Quantitative performance measurement: Feedback informed treatment. (pp. 123-143). In T. Rousmaniere, R. Goodyear, S. Miller, & B. Wampold (Eds). The Cycle of Excellence: Training, Supervision, & Deliberate Practice. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons.. Published, 02/2017.
  • Drinane, J.M., Owen, J., Hook, J.N., Davis, D.E., & Worthington, E.L. (2017). Microaggressions and cultural humility in psychotherapy. (pp. 316-328). In E.L. Worthington, D.E. Davis, & J.N. Hook (Eds). Handbook of Humility: Theory, Research, and Applications. New York, NY: Routledge.. Published, 01/2017.
  • Coleman, J. J. (2023). Psychotherapy with clients who are incarcerated: Therapists’ multicultural orientation, alliance, and outcomes. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. Published, 11/16/2023.
  • Owen, J., Sinha, S., Crabtree Polser, G., Hangge A., Davis, J., Blum, L., & Drinane, J. M. (2023). Meta-Analysis of Couple Therapy in Non-Randomized Clinical Trial Studies: Individual and Couple Level Outcomes. Family Process.. Published, 09/15/2023.
  • Winkeljohn Black, S., Drinane, J. M., & Akef, Z. (2023). Detecting microaggressions toward a Muslim client in psychotherapy. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 54(6), 461–469. Published, 08/2023.
  • Wilcox, M. M., Winkeljohn Black, S., Farra, A., Zimmerman, D., Drinane, J. M., Tao, K. W., DeBlaere, C., Hook, J. N., Davis, D. E., Watkins, C. E., Jr., & Owen, J. (2023). Cultural humility, cultural comfort, and supervision processes and outcomes for BIPOC supervisees. The Counseling Psychologist.. Published, 07/2023.
  • Drinane, J.M., Owen, J. & Kopta, S.M. (2023). Sudden gains and deteriorations in psychotherapy: Modeling the impact across outcomes with university counseling center clients. Journal of Clinical Psychology. Accepted, 03/10/2023.
  • Haywood Stewart, S., Drinane, J.M., Owen, J. & Dumas, D. (2023). Psychotherapy training via a task-based assessment of multicultural orientation: A pilot study. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. Accepted, 03/07/2023.
  • *Cabrera, L., Drinane, J.M., Van Epps, J. & Weitzman, L. (2023). The Sum of Competing Parts: Religious and Sexual Identity Disparities in Therapist Effectiveness. Psychotherapy. Accepted, 02/02/2023.
  • Wilcox, M. M, Winkeljohn Black, S, Farra, A., Zimmerman, D., Drinane, J. M., Tao, K. W., DeBlaere, C., Hook, J. N., Davis, D. E., Watkins, C. E., Jr. & Owen, J. (2022). Cultural humility, cultural comfort, and supervision processes and outcomes for BIPOC supervisees. The Counseling Psychologist. Accepted, 12/15/2022.
  • Wilcox, M. M., Black, S. W., Drinane, J. M., Morales-Ramirez, I., Akef, Z., Tao, K. W., DeBlaere, C., Hook, J. N., Davis, D. E., Watkins, C. E., Jr. & Owen, J. (2022). A brief qualitative examination of supervisees’ experiences of multicultural orientation in clinical supervision. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. Published, 02/02/2022.
  • Drinane, J.M., Roberts, T.S., Winderman, K., Frierson Freeman, V. & Wang, Y. (2022). The myth of the safe space: Sexual orientation disparities in therapist effectiveness. Journal of Counseling Psychology. Published, 01/01/2022.
  • Drinane, J.M., Wilcox, M.M. , Cabrera, L & Black, S.W. (2021). To conceal or not to conceal: Cultural identity processes in clinical supervision. Psychotherapy. Published, 05/05/2021.
  • Quirk, K., Drinane, J.M., Edelman, A., Chow, D., Lim, J., Chandra, D., Miller, S. & Owen, J. (2021). The alliance–outcome association in couple therapy: A common fate model. Family Process. Published, 04/04/2021.
  • Owen, J. , Owen, J., Coleman, J., Drinane, J.M., Tao, K., Imel, Z.,E., Wampold, B. & Kopta, S.M. (2021). Psychotherapy racial/ethnic disparities in treatment outcomes: The role of university racial/ethnic composition. Journal of Counseling Psychology. Accepted, 03/03/2021.
  • Wilcox, M.M., Drinane, J.M., Black, S.W., Cabrera, L., Tao, K.W., Hook, J.N., Davis, D.E., Watkins, Jr., C.E. & Owen, J. (2021). Seeing Supervisees: Layered Cultural Processes in Supervision. Training and Education in Professional Psychology. Accepted, 02/02/2021.
  • Black, S.W., Drinane, J.M., Owen, J., DeBlaere, C. & Davis, D.E. (2021). Integrating spirituality as a multicultural component into time-limited psychotherapy: Two case studies. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. Accepted, 01/01/2021.
  • Cross, W. E, Drinane, J.M., Owen, J., Schmidt, C., Raque-Bogdan, T. L., Hook, J. N., Davis, D. & Ajibade, A. (2020). Uncovering alternative ethnic identity trajectories: A cluster analysis of the MEIM and psychological well-being. Race and Social Problems. Published, 05/08/2020.
  • Owen J, Drinane JM, Kivlighan M, Miller S, Kopta M & Imel Z (2020). Are high-performing therapists both effective and consistent? A test of therapist expertise. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. Vol. 87, 1149-1156. Published, 02/01/2020.
  • Coleman, J., Drinane, J.M., Owen, J. & Kopta, S.M. (2019). Establishing Expectations: Exploring session limits in university counseling centers. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy. 1-15. Published, 08/02/2019.
  • Winkeljohn Black S, Owen J & Chapman N (2018). Feedback informed treatment: An empirically supported case study of psychodynamic treatment. Journal of clinical psychology. Vol. 73, 149915091499-1509. Published, 06/01/2018.

Research Statement

Psychotherapy is often described as being among the most complex of independent variables. Despite attempts to manualize treatment and standardize the process (e.g., a seated 50 minute session between client and therapist that is theory driven), what unfolds is transactional and the degree to which clients change is influenced by the individual differences of clients and therapists alike. My research agenda is driven by a desire to unpack the “noise” associated with these differences, in particular with regard to how therapists navigate sociocultural dynamics that not only provide a context for clients’ distress, but also for how the therapeutic relationship develops. Accordingly, it is my overarching goal to measure client-therapist-system interactions to enhance the provision of high quality care across client demographics (i.e., why, for whom, and under which circumstances change occurs).

Research Keywords

  • LGBT
  • Psychotherapy
  • Process and Outcome
  • Multicultural Orientation
  • Mental Health Disparities
  • Cultural Processes
  • Quantitative Methods


  • Drinane, J.M. & *Foster, E. (2023, June). Antiracism in action: Patterns of therapist responding and a new way of operationalizing cultural (dis)comfort. In A.E. Perez-Rojas (Chair) Using the Multicultural Orientation Framework to Address Racism in Psychotherapy and Supervision. Symposium accepted for presentation at the 54th Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference. Dublin, IRL. Presentation, Accepted, 06/2023.
  • Tao, K. & Drinane, J.M. (2023, March). Designing mutually inclusive classrooms and practicing cultural fortitude. Structured discussion to be conducted at the 48th annual meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A. Presentation, Presented, 03/2023.
  • *Dyer, R., *Kelly, D., & Drinane, J.M. (2023, March). White feminists unlearning racism. Pre- conference workshop conducted at the 48th annual meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A. Presentation, Presented, 03/2023.
  • *Foster, E., *Park, J., & Drinane, J.M. (2023, March). Antiracist interventions in the therapy space: What does it look like to address our clients' racism? Structured discussion conducted at the 48th annual meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A. Presentation, Presented, 03/2023.
  • Klinger, K., *Luxardo, D., Winkeljohn Black, S., & Drinane, J.M. (2022, August). Identifying microaggressions in therapy: Cultural humility and comfort levels of therapists. Poster presented at the 130th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A. Presentation, Presented, 08/06/2022.
  • *Foster, E. & Drinane, J.M. (2022, August). Anti-racism in therapy? White psychotherapists responses to racist white clients. In D.M. Kivlighan (Chair) Was that a microaggression? Examining client- and therapist-initiated microaggressions in therapy. Symposium conducted at the 130th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A. Presentation, Presented, 08/06/2022.
  • Drinane, J.M. & Hayes, J.A. (2022, July). Queer in college? Sexual orientation disparities in therapist effectiveness in a large sample of university counseling center clients. In A.K. Deisenhofer (Chair) Therapist, Treatment, Clinic, Neighborhood: What Explains Outcomes in Large Naturalistic Settings. Symposium conducted at the 53rd Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference. Denver, CO. Presentation, Presented, 07/09/2022.
  • *Sales, C., *Cabrera, L., *Foster, E., Black, S.W., & Drinane, J.M. (2022, April). Do you hear what I hear? A task of therapist detection of microaggressions against a gay client in psychotherapy. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association. Salt Lake City, UT. Presentation, Presented, 04/09/2022.
  • Klinger, K., *Luxardo, D., Winkeljohn Black, S., & Drinane, J.M. (2022, March). Identifying microaggressions in therapy: Cultural humility and comfort levels of therapists. Poster presented at the 93rd Annual Eastern Psychological Association Convention. New York, NY. Presentation, Presented, 03/12/2022.
  • Drinane, J.M., & Black, S.W., (2022, March). Do you see what I see? A task of therapist detection of microaggressions against a gay client. In J.M. Drinane (Chair) Cultural conversations in psychotherapy: Broadening our understanding of how identities influence care. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology, Chicago, IL. Presentation, Presented, 03/04/2022.
  • Merced, K., Drinane, J.M., Imel, Z.E., Caperton, D., Derek Caperton, Ph.D., Kuo, P.B., Lord, G., Atkins, D., & Narayanan, S. (2022, March). So, what are we talking about today? Topics of conversation in psychotherapy. In J.M. Drinane (Chair) Cultural conversations in psychotherapy: Broadening our understanding of how identities influence care. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology, Chicago, IL. Presentation, Presented, 03/04/2022.
  • *Foster, E. & Drinane, J.M. (2022, March). Anti-racism in action? Methods for assessing how white therapists intervene with their white clients. In J.M. Drinane (Chair) Cultural conversations in psychotherapy: Broadening our understanding of how identities influence care. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology, Chicago, IL. Presentation, Presented, 03/04/2022.
  • *Cabrera, L., & Drinane, J.M. (2021, November). Intersections of identity: Therapist effects and disparities in care. In K.W. Tao (Chair) Cultural processes in psychotherapy: Innovations in training and application. Symposium presented at the virtual chapter meeting of the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research. Presentation, Presented, 11/01/2021.
  • *Cabrera, L., & Drinane, J.M. (2021, August). Intersectional identity conflicts in psychotherapy: An unexplored facet of cultural process. In J.M. Drinane (Chair) How do therapists influence cultural processes? Applied examples and methods for training. Symposium virtually conducted at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, C.A. Presentation, Presented, 08/07/2021.
  • Cabrera, L.*, Drinane, J.M., Black, S.W., & Wilcox, M.M. (2020, August). Cultural concealment and satisfaction in supervision. In J.M. Drinane (Chair) Modeling the Cultural Processes of Psychotherapy Across Training Contexts. Symposium accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. Presentation, Accepted, 08/2020.
  • Drinane, J.M., Kuo, P.B., Caperton, D., Lord, S.P., Van Epps, J., Imel, Z.E., & Atkins, D. (2020, June). What are we talking about? Multilevel models examining if sexual, racial, and religious minorities engage in more identity conversations while in psychotherapy. In J.M. Drinane (Chair) Personalizing the Process: Measuring Cultural Dynamics in Psychotherapy. Symposium accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Amherst, MA. Presentation, Accepted, 06/2020.
  • Cabrera, L.*, & Drinane, J.M. (2020, June). What our voices tell us: Emotion regulation and patterns of responding during cultural identity conversations. In J.M. Drinane (Chair) Personalizing the Process: Measuring Cultural Dynamics in Psychotherapy. Symposium accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Amherst, MA. Presentation, Accepted, 06/2020.
  • Coleman, J.J., Drinane, J.M., Owen, J., & Kopta, S.M., (2019, August). The salience of campus racial/ethnic diversity. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. Presentation, Presented, 08/2019.
  • Drinane, J.M., Levenstein, Y.*, Black, S.W., & Owen, J. (2019, August). Heteronormative microaggressions in psychotherapy: What can therapists see. In J.M. Drinane (Chair) Microaggressions in Psychotherapy. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. Presentation, Presented, 08/2019.
  • Abrams, L., Drinane, J.M., Tao, K.W., & Norsworthy, K. (2019, August). Building skills through 'being': Cultivating a multicultural orientation (MCO) in clinical practice. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. Presentation, Presented, 08/2019.
  • Abrams, L., Drinane, J.M., Tao, K.W., & Norsworthy, K. (2019, March). Yeah, but, how do I actually ‘do' that?: Cultivating a multicultural orientation (MCO) in clinical work. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology, Newport, RI. Presentation, Presented, 03/2019.
  • Owen, J., Drinane, J.M., Haywood, S., & Tao., K.W. (2018, September). Observational measures of multicultural processes in psychotherapy. In R. Janis (Chair) Presenting Problems and Therapy Among International Students Studying in the USA. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research, Snowbird, UT. Presentation, Presented, 09/2018.
  • Drinane, J.M., & Owen, J. (2018, September). Within therapist identity-based disparities: Implications for research and practice. In J.M. Drinane (Chair) Multicultural Processes in Psychotherapy: Methodological Advances, Outcomes, and Implications. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research, Snowbird, UT. Presentation, Presented, 09/2018.
  • Drinane, J.M., Haywood, S., & Owen, J. (2018, August). Multicultural orientation: Recent innovations and future directions. In K.W. Tao (Chair) Multicultural Orientation: Research, Training, Practice, and Future Directions. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. Presentation, Presented, 08/2018.
  • Coleman, J., Drinane, J.M., Kopta, S.M., & Owen, J. (2018, August). Take It to the Limit: Revisiting the Impact of Session Limits on Psychotherapy Outcomes. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. Presentation, Presented, 08/2018.
  • Drinane, J.M., Winderman, K., Roberts, T.S., Frierson Freeman, V., & Wang, Y. (2017, February). Sexual identity disparities within therapist caseloads in a university counseling center. Poster presented at the meeting of the Big 10 Counseling Centers, College Park, MD. Presentation, Presented, 02/2018.
  • Drinane, J.M., Owen, J. & Kopta, S.M. (2017, August). Sudden gains and deteriorations in psychotherapy: An examination of the phase model. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. Presentation, Presented, 08/2017.
  • Folds, D., Edelman, A., Polser, G., Drinane, J.M., & Owen, J. (2017, August). Countertransference in couple therapy: Associations with systemic alliance and therapy outcomes. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. Presentation, Presented, 08/2017.
  • Drinane, J.M., Owen, J., & Tao, K.W. (2016, November). Cultural concealment as a predictor of therapy outcomes. In J. Owen (Chair) Multicultural Processes in Psychotherapy. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research, Berkeley, CA. Presentation, Presented, 11/2016.
  • Drinane, J.M., Rhodes, G., & Owen, J., (2016, August). The effectiveness of the prevention and relationship education program: A meta-analysis. In B.D. Doss (Chair), Research on couple therapy and relationship education – Current status and recent innovations. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO. Presentation, Presented, 08/2016.
  • Brannon, J., Swink, M., Browning, L., Drinane, J.M., & Owen, J. (2016, August). A slice of humble pie: Thin slices of couple humility in the prediction of relationship functioning. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO. Presentation, Presented, 08/2016.
  • Anderson, R., Drinane, J.M., King, B., Pugia, A., & Owen, J. (2016, August). Therapist multicultural orientation training: A pilot study. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO. Presentation, Submitted, 08/2016.
  • Drinane, J.M. & Owen, J. (2016, August). Does race/ethnicity impact the domains of improvement observed in psychotherapy: Within therapist racial/ethnic disparities. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO. Presentation, Presented, 08/2016.
  • DasGupta, D.R., Zhang, Y.S.D., Drinane, J.M., & Owen, J. (2016, August). Do you see what I see: Trainee recognition of microaggressions in session. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO. Presentation, Presented, 08/2016.
  • Polser, G.A., Folds, D., Lamphere, B., Drinane, J.M., & Owen, J. (2016, August). Does the level of commitment uncertainty in a relationship affect the alliance? Poster presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO. Presentation, Presented, 08/2016.
  • Kaminsky, G., Drinane, J.M., Manthos, M., Shuck, B., & Owen, J. (2016, August). Witnessing coworkers with benefits and employee engagement. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO. Presentation, Presented, 08/2016.
  • Drinane, J.M., Owen, J., Tao, K.W., Adelson, J.L., Hook, J., Davis, D., & Foo Kune, N. (2015, August). Cultural comfort: Does it explain racial/ethnic disparities in dropout within counselor caseloads? Poster presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, CA. Presentation, Presented, 08/2015.
  • Drinane, J.M., Owen, J. Tao, K., Adelson, J.L., & Foo Kune, N. (2015, June). Addressing racial/ethnic disparities in therapy outcomes: Therapists’ multicultural orientation. In J. Owen (Chair) Psychotherapy Outcomes: Variations in Trajectories of Change. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Philadelphia, PA. Presentation, Presented, 06/2015.
  • Drinane, J. M., & Owen, J. (2013, March). A content validation of the cross-cultural counseling inventory revised. Poster presented at the meeting of the Kentucky Psychological Association Foundation, Louisville, KY. Presentation, Presented, 10/2013.
  • Drinane, J.M., & Owen, J. (2013, October). Multicultural “competencies:” What do we really know? In J. Owen (Chair) Cultural Processes in Psychotherapy. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research, Memphis, TN. Presentation, Presented, 10/2013.
  • Drinane, J.M., & Owen, J. (2013, April). What do we really know about therapists’ multicultural competencies? Poster presented at the Spring Research Conference, Lexington, KY. Presentation, Presented, 04/2013.
  • Drinane, J.M., Beard, C., Weisberg, R.B., & Keller, M.B., (2012, April). The relationship between trauma and comorbidity in Latinos with anxiety disorders. Poster presented at the meeting of Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Arlington, VA. Presentation, Presented, 04/2012.

Research Groups

  • The Laboratory for Psychotherapy Science , Research Professor. 09/18/2019 - present.
  • Joanna M. Drinane, Research Professor. Culture, Well-being and Diversity Lab. 08/20/2018 - 08/21/2019.

Geographical Regions of Interest

  • Spain