Adjunct Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Obstetrics And Gynecology
Assistant Professor, Psychology Department
Adjunct Associate Professor, Psychology Department
- Kaliush PR, Terrell S, Vlisides-Henry RD & Lin B (2022). Influences of adversity across the lifespan on respiratory sinus arrhythmia during pregnancy. Developmental psychobiology. Vol. 63, e22132.
Published, 03/01/2022.
- Ostlund BD, Olavson K & Brown MA (2022). Maternal mindfulness during pregnancy predicts newborn neurobehavior. Developmental psychobiology. Vol. 63, e22131.
Published, 03/01/2022.
- Tabachnick AR, Sellers T, Margolis E, Labella M & Neff D (2022). Adapting psychophysiological data collection for COVID-19: The "Virtual Assessment" model. Infant mental health journal. Vol. 43, 185-197.
Published, 02/01/2022.
- Shakiba N & Gao MM (2022). Parent-child relationship quality and adolescent health: Testing the differential susceptibility and diathesis-stress hypotheses in African American youths. Child development. Vol. 93, 269-287.
Published, 01/01/2022.
- Kaliush PR, Gao MM & Vlisides-Henry RD (2021). Perinatal foundations of personality pathology from a dynamical systems perspective. Current opinion in psychology. Vol. 37, 121-128.
Published, 10/01/2021.
- Vlisides-Henry RD, Deboeck PR, Grill-Velasquez W, Mackey S, Ramadurai DKA & Urry JO (2021). Behavioral and physiological stress responses: Within-person concordance during pregnancy. Biological psychology. Vol. 159, 108027.
Published, 04/01/2021.
- Vlisides-Henry RD, Deboeck PR, Grill-Velasquez W, Mackey S, Ramadurai DKA, Urry JO, Neff D, Terrell S, Gao MM, Thomas LR, Conradt E & Crowell SE (2021). Behavioral and physiological stress responses: Within-person concordance during pregnancy. Biological psychology. Vol. 159, 108027.
Published, 02/01/2021.
- Gao, M. & Conradt, E (senior author) (2020). Prenatal maternal transdiagnostic, RDoC- informed, predictors of newborn neurobehavior: Differences by sex. Development and Psychopathology.
Published, 12/19/2020.
- Conradt, E. (2020). Biological embedding of chronic stress across two generations within marginalized communities. Child Development Perspectives.
Published, 12/01/2020.
- Conradt E, Shakiba N, Ostlund B, Terrell S, Kaliush P, Shakib JH & Crowell SE (2020). Prenatal maternal hair cortisol concentrations are related to maternal prenatal emotion dysregulation but not neurodevelopmental or birth outcomes. Developmental psychobiology. Vol. 62, 758-767.
Published, 09/01/2020.
- Sheinkopf, S.J., Levine, T., McCormick, C., Puggioni, G., Conradt, E., LaGasse, L.L., & Lester, B.M., & (2019). Developmental trajectories of autonomic functioning in autism from birth to early childhood. Biological Psychology, 142, 13-18.
Published, 01/2019.
- Lin, B., Kaliush, P.R., Conradt, E., Terrell, S.M., Neff, D., Allen, A., Smid, M.C., Monk, C., & Crowell, S.E. (2019). Intergenerational transmission of emotion dysregulation part I: Psychopathology, self-injury, and parasympathetic responsivity among pregnant women. Development and Psychopathology, 31, 817-831.
Published, 01/2019.
- Ostlund, B., Vlisides-Henry, R.D., Crowell, S.E., Raby, K.L., Terrell, S., Brown, M., Tinajero, R., Shakiba, N., Monk, C., Shakib, J., Buchi, K.F., & Conradt, E. (2019). Intergenerational transmission of emotion dysregulation part II: Developmental origins of newborn neurobehavioral risk for psychopathology. Development and Psychopathology, 31, 833-846.
Published, 01/2019.
- Terrell, S., Conradt, E., LaGasse, L., & Lester, B.M. (2019). A developmental origins perspective on the emergence of violent behavior in males. Infant Mental Health Journal, 40, 54-66.
Published, 01/2019.
- Conradt, E., Ostlund, B.D.**, Guerin, D., Armstrong, D.A., Marsit, C.J., Tronick, E., LaGasse, L., & Lester, B.M. (2019). DNA methylation of NR3c1 in infancy: Associations between maternal caregiving and infant sex. Infant Mental Health Journal, 1-8..
Published, 01/2019.
- Brown, M.*, Conradt, E., & Crowell, S.E. in press. Epigenetic foundations of emotion dysregulation. In T.P. Beauchaine and S.E. Crowell (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Emotion Dysreguation. New York: Oxford University Press.
Accepted, 01/2019.
- Aghagoli, G., Conradt, E., Padbury, J.F., Sheinkopf, S.J., Tokadjian, H., Dansereau, L.M., Tronick, E.Z., Marsit, C.J., & Lester, B.M. (2019). Social stress related epigenetic changes associated with increased heart rate variability in infants. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.
Published, 01/2019.
- Conradt, E., Flannery, T., Aschner, J., Croen, L., Duarte, C., Friedman, A., Guiille, C., Hedderson, M., Hofheimer, J., Jones, M., Ladd-Acosta, C., McGrath, M., Moreland, A., Neiderhiser, J., Nguyen, R., Posner, J., Ross, J., Savitz, D., Ondersma, S., & Lester, B.M. (2019). Prenatal opioid exposure: Neurodevelopmental consequences and future research priorities. Pediatrics, 144. .
Published, 01/2019.
- Conradt, E., Shakiba, N., Ostlund, B., Terrell, S., Kaliush, P., Shakib, J.H., & Crowell, S.E. (in press). Prenatal maternal hair cortisol concentrations are related to maternal prenatal emotion dysregulation but not neurodevelopmental or birth outcomes. Developmental Psychobiology.
Accepted, 01/2019.
- Shakiba, N., Conradt, E., & Ellis, B. J. (in press). Biological sensitivity to context: A framework for understanding relations between early life experiences and problem behaviors. In K. Hardness & E. P. Hayden (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Stress and Mental Health. New York: Oxford University Press.
Accepted, 01/2018.
- Conradt, E., Brendan, B.D., Guerin, D., Armstrong, D.A., Marsit, C.J., Tronick, E., LaGasse, L., & Lester, B.M. (in press). DNA methylation of NR3c1 in infancy: associations between maternal caregiving and infant sex. Infant Mental Health Journal..
Accepted, 01/2018.
- Hogan, W., Winter, S., Pinto, N., Weng, C., Sheng, X., Conradt, E., Wood, J., Puchalski, M., Tani, L., & Miller, T.A. (2018). Neurobehavioral evaluation of neonates with congenital heart disease. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 60, 1225-1231.
Published, 01/2018.
- Lester, B.M., Conradt, E., Padbury, J., Tronick, E.Z., & Marsit, C.M. (2018). Epigenetic programming by maternal behavior in the human infant. Pediatrics, 142, e20171890.
Published, 01/2018.
- Conradt, E., Crowell, S.E., & Lester, B.M. (2018). Early life stress and environmental influences on the neurodevelopment of children with prenatal opioid exposure. Neurobiology of Stress, 9, 48-54.
Published, 01/2018.
- Lin, B., Ostlund, B.D., Conradt, E., LaGasse, L., & Lester, B. (2018). Testing the programming of temperament and psychopathology in two independent samples of children with prenatal substance exposure. Development and Psychopathology, 30, 1023-1040.
Published, 01/2018.
- Conradt, E., Adkins, D. E., Crowell, S.E., Monk, C., & Kobor, M.S. (2018). An epigenetic pathway approach to investigating associations between prenatal exposure to maternal mood disorder and newborn neurobehavior. Development and Psychopathology, 30, 881-890.
Published, 01/2018.
- Conradt, E., Adkins, D.E., Crowell, S.E., Raby, K.L., Diamond, L., & Ellis, B. (2018). Incorporating epigenetic mechanisms to advance prenatal programming theories. Development and Psychopathology, 30, 807-824.
Published, 01/2018.
- Conradt E (2017). Using Principles of Behavioral Epigenetics to Advance Research on Early-Life Stress. Child development perspectives. Vol. 11, 107-112.
Published, 12/01/2017.
- Fong MC, Measelle J, Conradt E & Ablow JC (2017). Links between early baseline cortisol, attachment classification, and problem behaviors: A test of differential susceptibility versus diathesis-stress. (pp. 158-168). Vol. 46. Infant behavior & development.
Published, 10/01/2017.
- Ostlund BD, Measelle JR, Laurent HK, Conradt E & Ablow JC (2016). Shaping emotion regulation: attunement, symptomatology, and stress recovery within mother-infant dyads. Developmental psychobiology. Vol. 59, 15-25.
Published, 08/01/2016.
- Lagasse LL, Conradt E, Karalunas SL, Dansereau LM, Butner JE, Shankaran S, Bada H, Bauer CR, Whitaker TM & Lester BM (2016). Transactional relations between caregiving stress, executive functioning, and problem behavior from early childhood to early adolescence. Development and psychopathology. Vol. 28, 743-56.
Published, 07/01/2016.
- Conradt E, Hawes K, Guerin D, Armstrong DA, Marsit CJ, Tronick E & Lester BM (2016). The Contributions of Maternal Sensitivity and Maternal Depressive Symptoms to Epigenetic Processes and Neuroendocrine Functioning. Child development. Vol. 87, 73-85.
Published, 01/01/2016.
- Lester BM, Conradt E & Marsit C (2016). Introduction to the Special Section on Epigenetics. Child development. Vol. 87, 29-37.
Published, 01/01/2016.
- Conradt, E., Beauchaine, T., Abar, B., Lester, B.M., Lagasse, L.L., Shankaran, S., Bada, H., Bauer, C.R., Whitaker, T.M., & Hammond, J.A. (2016). RSA reactivity at one month moderates the relation between early caregiving stress exposure and biobehavioral outcomes at age three. Psychophysiology, 53, 83-96..
Accepted, 01/01/2016.
- Conradt E, Beauchaine T, Abar B, Lagasse L, Shankaran S, Bada H, Bauer C, Whitaker T, Hammond J & Lester B (2015). Early caregiving stress exposure moderates the relation between respiratory sinus arrhythmia reactivity at 1 month and biobehavioral outcomes at age 3. Psychophysiology. Vol. 53, 83-96.
Published, 12/01/2015.
- Conradt E, Abar B, Lester BM, LaGasse LL, Shankaran S, Bada H, Bauer CR, Whitaker TM & Hammond JA (2014). Cortisol reactivity to social stress as a mediator of early adversity on risk and adaptive outcomes. Child development. Vol. 85, 2279-98.
Published, 11/01/2014.
- Conradt, E., Abar, B., Lester, B.M., LaGasse, L.L., Shankaran, S., Bada, H., Bauer, C.R., Whitaker, T.M., & Hammond, J.A. (2014). Cortisol reactivity to social stress as a mediator of early adversity on risk and adaptive outcomes, Child Development, 85, 2279-2298.
Published, 11/2014.
- Conradt, E., Fisher, P., DeGarmo, D., Abar, B., Lester, B., LaGasse, L.L., Shankaran, S., Bada, H., Bauer, C.R., Whitaker, T.M., & Hammond, J.A. (2014). The contributions of early adverse experiences and trajectories of RSA on the development of neurobehavioral disinhibition among children with prenatal substance exposure. Development and Psychopathology, 26, 901-916.
Published, 11/2014.
- Conradt E, Degarmo D, Fisher P, Abar B, Lester BM, Lagasse LL, Shankaran S, Bada H, Bauer CR, Whitaker TM & Hammond JA (2014). The contributions of early adverse experiences and trajectories of respiratory sinus arrhythmia on the development of neurobehavioral disinhibition among children with prenatal substance exposure. Development and psychopathology. Vol. 26, 901-16.
Published, 10/01/2014.
- Conradt E, Lagasse LL, Shankaran S, Bada H, Bauer CR, Whitaker TM, Hammond JA & Lester BM (2014). Physiological correlates of neurobehavioral disinhibition that relate to drug use and risky sexual behavior in adolescents with prenatal substance exposure. Developmental neuroscience. Vol. 36, 306-15.
Published, 08/01/2014.
- Lester, B.M., Conradt, E., Marsit, C.H. (2014). Are epigenetic changes in the intrauterine environment related to newborn neurobehavior? Epigenomics, 6, 175-180.
Published, 04/2014.
- Armstrong, D.A., Lesseur, C., Conradt, E., Lester, B.M., & Marsit, C.J. (2014). Global and gene-specific DNA methylation across multiple tissues in early infancy: Implications for children’s health research. The Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.
Published, 01/2014.
- “Neurodevelopmental outcome after fetal exposure to maternal stress.” International Symposium on the Fetal Brain. Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC.
Invited Talk/Keynote,
Presented, 11/11/2020.
- Neurodevelopmental consequences of prenatal opioid exposure.
Presented, 06/25/2020.
- "The power of positive parenting to buffer children against the effects of early-life stress: The science speaks!" Critical issues facing children and adolescents, Salt Lake City, UT.
Invited Talk/Keynote,
Presented, 10/2019.
- "Your DNA does not define you." Utah Foster Care conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
Invited Talk/Keynote,
Presented, 04/2019.
- Crowell, S. E., Butner, J., Neff, D. Terrell, S., Kaliush, P. R., Vlisides-Henry, R. D., Brown, M., & Conradt, E. (2019, March). Emotion dysregulation across generations: Mother-infant dynamics and risk transmission. Talk presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.
Presented, 03/2019.
- Brown, M. A., Terrell, S., Ostlund, B. D., Kaliush, P. R., Crowell, S. E., Conradt, E. (2019, March). Intergenerational transmission of baseline RSA: The role of maternal emotion dysregulation. Symposium presented at Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, Maryland.
Presented, 03/2019.
- "Is DNA our destiny?” 9th annual Bridging the Gap conference. Salt Lake City, UT.
Invited Talk/Keynote,
Presented, 02/2018.
- “Identifying placental cytosine methylation and neurodevelopmental treatment targets for prenatal opioid exposure.” National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Opioid effects on brain development and NAS/NOWS workshop. Bethesda, Maryland.
Invited Talk/Keynote,
Presented, 01/2018.
- “Home visiting treatment and policy implications for behavioral epigenetic research”. HARC Collaborative Science of Home Visiting meeting. Washington, DC.
Invited Talk/Keynote,
Presented, 01/2018.
- “Treatment, intervention, and policy implications for behavioral epigenetic research”. Honoring Dr. T. Berry Brazelton’s legacy: New pathways to supporting infants, parents, & families. University of Massachusetts, Boston.
Invited Talk/Keynote,
Presented, 10/16/2017.
- “Epigenetic processes implicated in prenatal origins of health” Snowbird Symposium on “The Role of Epigenetics in Neuroscience”. University of Utah Department of Neuroscience.
Invited Talk/Keynote,
Presented, 10/02/2017.
- Advancing the science of early life stress research using epigenetic methods” University of Nevada Las Vegas experimental psychology proseminar series.
Invited Talk/Keynote,
Presented, 03/06/2017.
- “The Intergenerational Transmission of Demotion Dysregulation: Testing the Programming Hypothesis via Epigenetic Methods” Indiana University Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences.
Invited Talk/Keynote,
Accepted, 03/01/2016.
- Conradt, E., DeGarmo, D., Lester, B., LaGasse, L., Shankaran, S., Bada, H., Bauer, C., Whitaker, T., & Hammond, J. (2015, July). Cortisol as a biomarker for neurobehavioral disinhibition. Paper presented at the International Society for Research in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Portland, OR.
Conference Paper,
Presented, 07/2015.
- Conradt, E., Fei, M., LaGasse, L., Tronick, E., Guerin, D., Gorman, D., Marsit, C.J., & Lester, B.M. (2015, April). Maternal sensitivity buffers the effect of maternal depression on DNA methylation and neuroendocrine functioning. Paper presented at the biannual meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Philadelphia, PA.
Conference Paper,
Presented, 04/2015.
Research Groups
- Developmental Adaptations to Stress and Health (DASH) collaborative , Research Professor.
10/03/2016 - present.
- Child Adaptation and Neurodevelopment Lab, Research Professor.
07/01/2014 - present.