JEFF D. DAVIS portrait
  • Associate Professor (Lecturer), Marketing Department

Current Courses

Fall 2024

  • ENTP 5772-001
    Entrepreneurial Mktg
    Location: CRCC 215 (CRCC 215)
  • MKTG 4700-001
    Entrepreneurial Mktg
    Location: CRCC 215 (CRCC 215)

Summer 2024

Spring 2024

Entrepreneurial Experience

  • glamorbus. 01/01/2023 - present. Employees: 2.
    Comments: Startup with my daughter in the bridal hair and makeup sector
  • Javelin Therapeutics, Inc. 01/01/2020 - present. Employees: 5.
    Comments: Chairman of the board for this biotech company based in UK
  • Fabric. 01/01/2019 - present. Employees: 4.
    Comments: Investor and board member of Fabric, a fintech and adtech company to solve for fraud, transparency and authenticity in advertising
  • Molio Inc. 12/2014 - 12/2023. Employees: 12.
    Comments: Founded Molio, a strategy, creative and digital media/analytics agency with a core offering centered on video to build startup and in market brands. Sold company to my partner in 2023.

Courses I Teach

  • 2010 - ENTP
    Teach Entrepreneurial Marketing
  • 3010 & 3040 - MKTG | BCOR
    Taught MKTG 3010 and 3040 for past semesters
  • 6090 MBA Online - MKTG (Spring 2021)
    Strategic Marketing Management
  • 6203 & 6204 - MBC ENTP
    Teach strategy and marketing in the Master of Business Creation

Student Projects

  • The MBC Marketing Agency is a student run, student led, multi-major, campus “internship” with 3-year eligibility providing increasing levels of responsibility and leadership. MBC Agency associates support MBC company founders in the award-winning Master of Business Creation (MBC) program. Students participating to date in the program show a broad level of diversity with more than 50% women participation so far. Kailee Jade Jenson. 08/01/2021 - present