John Gordon portrait
  • Assistant Professor, Ois Operations & Info Systems
  • Assistant Professor (Lecturer), Ois Operations & Info Systems
  • Interdisciplinary Adjunct Faculty, College Of Humanities

Current Courses

Fall 2024

  • IS 442-001
    Database Fundamentals
  • IS 2010-015
    Spreadsheet Analysis
    Location: SFEBB 3170 (SFEBB 3170)
  • IS 2010-016
    Spreadsheet Analysis
    Location: CRCC 215 (CRCC 215)
  • IS 4420-001
    Database Fundamentals
    Location: SFEBB 5170 (SFEBB 5170)
  • WRTG 3025-001
    Code Studies
    Location: M LI 1715 (M LI 1715)

Spring 2024

Courses I Teach

  • BCOR 2020 - Frameworks for Business Problems I
    David Eccles School of Business, Department of Information Systems. This class is the first of a two-course sequence designed to present students with real problems likely to be encountered in the business world. This class provides students with the tools and concepts to address these problems. The sequence covers foundational and integrated concepts from critical thinking, data management, information systems, statistical modeling, and data analytics. The first course includes modules on critical thinking, information systems, data collection, data management, data visualization, and spreadsheet modeling. Case studies are incorporated to integrate and apply course concepts to real business situations. An important aspect of this course is the training in applying critical thinking skills learned to understand the ethical issues involved in business problem-solving using information systems and data analysis.
  • Computing (COMP) 1010 - Programming for All 1 (Python)
    College of Engineering, Khalert School of Computing. This course is designed for non-CS major students who desire a practical course for gaining basic computer programming skills. The course will use the Python language to develop skills in problem-solving, debugging, acquiring real-world data, processing data, and interacting with and visualizing solutions. The course will show the power in writing small programs that leverage existing code to create interesting applications. Examples from a variety of fields will be used to illustrate the utility of computers and programming. Students should leave the course with the confidence and ability to write useful, small-scale programs in their area of interest.
  • Humanities (HUM) 1600 - Programming for Humanities   (
    College of Humanities. Programming for Humanities familiarizes students with the essential concepts of computer programming and its multifaceted application to fields of study within the Humanities. In this course, students will explore the fundamental elements of the Python programming language, related software, and data tools, as well as learn how these components integrate into research in the Humanities. Students will gain proficiency in writing Python code, using software and data tools, and applying these skills to textual analysis and data visualization projects.
  • Information Systems (IS) 2487 - Beginner Python Programming   (
    David Eccles School of Business, Department of Information Systems. In this course, students learn the basics of programming and using Python, including computer concepts for programmers, basic syntax, decisions, iteration, fundamental data structures, functions, libraries, file handling, OOP, data wrangling and visualization.
  • Information Systems (IS) 2492 - Intro to Databases for Business
    David Eccles School of Business, Department of Information Systems. Data and databases are ubiquitous, that is, they are everywhere—in businesses, in our phones, in computer games, in smart devices, and in all manner of modern applications. This class assumes no prior knowledge of databases and starts with hands-on exploration of the pervasive nature of data in technology, business, science, sociology, psychology, sports, linguistics, art, music, games, politics, social media, etc. Once we have grounded ourselves in our understanding of how data fits into our lives and compelling interests, we will turn our attention to the software and systems that make it all possible. You will learn how to identify different sources and types of data, types of databases, and the software and systems on which they reside. You will learn to install and set up database software on your computer. You will learn to create databases, to load them with data, and interact with them using MySQL as well as with common software applications, such as Microsoft Excel, Tableau, and others. You will also learn to work with databases directly using Structured Query Language (SQL). Along the way, you will use these tools, hands-on, in the context of several of the topic areas listed above. This class is an initiative to expose new generations of students at the University of Utah to learning Digital Literacy so as to arm them with strong skills for future employment. The primary purpose is to supplement the student’s core major in making it relevant for today’s competitive and technology-dependent job market.
  • Information Systems (IS) 4430 - Systems Analysis & Design
    David Eccles School of Business, Department of Information Systems. This course introduces you to the field of information system analysis, analysis tools, and the procedures for managing information system analysis projects. Topics covered include the role of the systems analyst in organization; concepts, philosophies, and trends in systems analysis and design; and tools and techniques for such analysis activities.
  • Writing (WRTG) 3025 - Code Studies
    College of Humanities, Department of Writing & Rhetoric Studies. This course explores the emerging interdisciplinary field of Code Studies which is interested in the rhetorical, critical, and cultural significance of technology, data, and computer programming source code (“Code”). This course is designed for both STEM and non-STEM students from all majors at the university. The modern proliferation of technology, artificial intelligence, data, and software is relevant to all disciplines across campus, in the workforce, and in life itself. This course can be used to fulfill the upper-division communication/writing requirement (CW Designation) of all bachelor degrees that include the CW requirement.