• Head of Performing Arts Design Program, Theatre
  • Assistant Professor, Theatre
  • Professor, Theatre

Internal Service

  • Theatre Department Season Selection Committee. member, 10/2020 - present. Department service.
  • Theatre Department Safety Committee. member, 06/2020 - present. Department service.
  • RPT Committee. chair, 01/2020 - present. Department service.
  • Academic Senate. member, 09/2018 - present. University service.
  • Leadership Development Program. member, 09/2016 - 05/2017. University service.
  • Musical Theatre Program Faculty Search Committee. member, 09/2016 - 05/2017. Department service.
  • Season Play Selection Committee. Co-Chair, 09/2016 - 05/2017. Department service.
  • Designed costume for HELLO DOLLY for the Department of Theatre. This show was much too big for an undergraduate student to undertake. Costume Designer, 08/2015 - 01/2016. Department service.
  • CFA Grants Review Committee. member, 07/2015 - 07/2016. College service.
  • Designed masks for ANIMAL FARM for the Department of Theatre. These masks were designed in order for them to be built by the Costume Crafts Thea 3262 class. Mask Designer, 05/2014 - 09/2015. Department service.
  • Parking Violation Appeals Committee. Memeber, 08/01/2013 - 07/2016. University service.
  • Designed costumes for METAMORPHOSES for the Department of Theatre. There was not a student ready to deal with the needs of that play and the communication needed with a director based out of the country. Costume Designer, 05/01/2013 - 09/29/2013. Department service.
  • Hosted and worked extensive middle of the night hours with the puppet builder/craftsperson hired with Dee grant money to finish puppets for AVENUE Q. Honey Goodenough was the guest artist here to teach the class responsible for the puppet build. In order to finish these under her tutelage, many hours of additional work by me also needed to be put into this project. Costume Craftsperson, 02/15/2013 - 05/15/2013. Department service.
  • Task Force to Review Auxiliary Retention and Promotion . member, 12/15/2012 - 12/2013. College service.
  • Theatre Department Executive Committee. member, 08/01/2012 - present. Department service.
  • The Council of Dee Fellows. member, 08/01/2012 - 08/01/2015. University service.
  • The Council of Dee Fellows. member, 08/01/2012 - 08/01/2014. University service.
  • Search Committee for Head of Musical Theatre . member, 01/01/2012 - 01/2013. Department service.
  • Faculty Position Advisory Committe. 01/01/2012 - 06/01/2012. College service.
  • Member of the Academic Senate. committee member, 08/2011 - 08/2012. University service.
  • Fine Arts College Council. member, 08/30/2010 - 08/2012. College service.
  • Fine Arts Area Committee. member, 08/30/2010 - 09/2011. College service.

In the Media