• liaison to the UAsia board and advisor to the department chair on UAsia matters, Film & Media Arts Department
  • Associate Professor, Film & Media Arts Department

Current Courses

Fall 2024

  • FILM 3530-001
    Location: FMAB 105 (FMAB 105)
  • FILM 4520-001
    16mm Cinematography
    Location: FMAB 105 (FMAB 105)
  • FILM 6520-001
    16mm Cinematography
    Location: FMAB 105 (FMAB 105)
  • FILM 6900-007
  • FILM 6950-001
    Individual Projects

Summer 2024

Spring 2024

Teaching Philosophy

Students, from their freshman year through graduate school, rely on the support of faculty not just to excel academically but to prosper as people. Creativity happens when students feel simultaneously safe and challenged. These are the necessary conditions in which academic exploration and personal growth occur.

Kevin is a recipient of the University of Utah Distinguished Teaching Award for 2022-2023. The Distinguished Teaching Award honors significant contributions to the teaching mission of the University of Utah. Other indicators of success in teaching include the following: recipient of three Dee Fellowship Grants for interdisciplinary projects with the departments of Film & Media Arts, Modern Dance, and Theatre; participated in the Fine Arts Scholar Program through the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Utah; recipient of a Teaching Award from the office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs of the University of Utah for service to the departments of Theatre, Art, Film Studies, and the College of Business


Teaching Projects

  • Dance for Camera Location Film Experience. Project Lead: Kevin Hanson. Collaborators: Eric Handman, Connie Wilkerson. Dee Foundation Grant 08/24/2015 - 02/19/2017. Total Budget: $8,300.00.