ALAN R ROGERS portrait
  • Professor Emeritus, Anthropology Department


  • David Puts, David Carrier, and Alan R. Rogers. 2023. Contest competition for mates and the evolution of human males. Pp. 317-377 in Oxford Handbook of Human Mating, edited by David M. Buss. Oxford University Press. Published, 01/27/2023.
  • Rogers, Alan R. (2022). Beating your neighbor to the berry patch. Peer Community Journal. Vol. 2, e34. Published, 06/08/2022.
  • Rogers, Alan R. (2022). An efficient algorithm for estimating population history from genetic data. Peer Community Journal. Vol. 2, e32. Published, 06/07/2022.
  • Brand CM & White FJ (2022). Estimating bonobo (Panpaniscus) and chimpanzee (Pantroglodytes) evolutionary history from nucleotide site patterns. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Vol. 119, e2200858119e2200858119. Published, 04/01/2022.
  • Jeremy S. Morris, Nala Rogers, Alan R. Rogers & David S. Carrier (2020). Sexual Dimorphism in Skeletal Shape in Voles (Arvicolinae): Disparate Selection on Male Bodies and Female Heads. Journal of Mammalogy. Vol. 101, 951-957. Published, 08/2020.
  • Rogers, Alan R., Nathan S. Harris & Alan A. Achenbach (2020). Neanderthal-Denisovan ancestors interbred with a distantly-related hominin. Science Advances. Vol. 6. Published, 02/20/2020.
  • Rogers, Alan R. (2019). Legofit: Estimating Population History from Genetic Data. BMC Bioinformatics. Vol. 20, 526. Published, 10/28/2019.
  • Rogers, Alan R. (2018). Biographical Memoir: Henry C. Harpending, 1944-2016. (pp. 1-23). National Academy of Sciences, USA. Published, 03/31/2018.
  • Rogers, Alan R., Bohlender, Ryan J & Huff, Chad D (2017). Reply to Mafessoni and Prufer: Inferences with and without singleton site patterns. National Academy of Sciences. Vol. 114, E10258-E10260. Published, 10/02/2017.
  • Early history of Neanderthals and Denisovans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1706426114. Published, 08/07/2017.
  • The heritability of gestational age in a two-million member cohort: Implications for spontaneous preterm birth. Human Genetics, 134(7): 803-808, 2015. Published, 04/29/2015.
  • Bias in estimates of archaic admixture. Theoretical Population Biology, 100: 63-78. Published, 01/06/2015.
  • The molecular clock. In: (Thure Cerling, ed) Treatise of Geochemistry -- Archaeology and Anthropology. Elsevier. Published, 02/2014.
  • A Late Holocene Population Bottleneck in California Tule Elk (Cervus elaphus nannodes): Provisional Support from Ancient DNA. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 20(3): 495-524. Published, 09/2013.
  • Genetic relatedness to sisters' children has been underestimated. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B. 280 (1751). doi: 10.1098/rspb.2012.1937. Published, 11/28/2012.
  • Rogers, Alan R. The evidence for evolution. Chicago University Press. Published, 06/15/2011.
  • Understanding Climate's Influence on Human Evolution. National Academies Press. Published, 01/01/2010.
  • Detecting positive selection from genome scans of linkage disequilibrium. BMC Genomics 11(1):839-834. Published, 01/01/2010.
  • Mobile Elements Reveal Small Population Size in the Ancient Ancestors of Homo sapiens. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 107(5):2147–2152. Published, 01/01/2010.
  • Rogers, Alan R. and Chad Huff. Linkage Disequilibrium between Loci of Unknown Phase. Genetics. Published, 2009.

Research Statement

All of my research involves evolution, but there are two distinct threads. The first of these (in human evolutionary genetics) involves using genetic data to learn about human evolutionary history. The second (in human evolutionary ecology) involves building models in order to test hypotheses about adaptive evolution.

Research Keywords

  • Human Population Genetics
  • Evolutionary Ecology
  • Evolution


  • Neanderthal-Denisovan ancestors interbred with a distantly-related hominin. Annual meeting of the Southwest Association of Biological Anthropologists, Tempe AZ. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/02/2019.
  • Superarchaic admixture confirms a deep separation of Neanderthals and Denisovans. American Association of Physical Anthropologists. Cleveland, OH. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 03/2019.
  • Superarchaic admixture confirms a deep separation of Neanderthals and Denisovans. American Association of Physical Anthropologists. Cleveland, OH. Presentation, Accepted, 03/2019.
  • The early history of Neanderthals and Denisovans. International Symposium on Biomolecular Archaeology. Jena, Germany. Poster, Presented, 09/2018.
  • Genetic evidence for early separation of Neanderthals and Denisovans and an early archaic bottleneck. American Association of Physical Anthropologists. Austin, TX. Presentation, Presented, 04/2018.
  • Hyperarchaic admixture into Denisovans. University of Utah. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 02/2018.
  • Hyperarchaic admixture into Denisovans. Rutgers University. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 02/2018.
  • Simultaneous Estimates of Archaic Admixture and Ancient Population Sizes. Poster, Presented, 07/04/2017.
  • The origin of Neanderthals and Denisovans. Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution. Poster, Presented, 07/03/2017.
  • Genetic evidence for an archaic human diaspora. American Association of Physical Anthropologists. New Orleans. Presentation, Presented, 04/20/2017.
  • Do species change? Presentation to Salt Lake Oasis. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 02/19/2017.
  • Panel discussion at Darwin Day Celebration, Humanists of Utah. Panel, Presented, 02/11/2017.
  • Legofit: a new estimator of the history of population size and admixture. Southwest Association of Biological Anthropologists, Arizona State University. Poster, Presented, 11/05/2016.
  • Bias in estimates of archaic admixture. Genetics of Admixed Populations. Satellite meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, San Antonio, TX. Poster, Presented, 05/19/2016.
  • Allele sharing between archaic and modern humans. Annual meeting of the American Society of Physical Anthropologists, Atlanta, GA. Presentation, Presented, 04/16/2016.
  • The recent history of human population size. American Society of Human Genetics. Poster, Presented, 10/07/2015.
  • Discussant for Science Movie Night: Creation. Natural History Museum of Utah. Presentation, Presented, 07/14/2015.
  • Genetics and the Neolithic of Europe. Lecture to the Department of Anthropology, University of Utah. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 11/07/2013.
  • Did Humans Evolve? Keynote address at Darwin Day celebration, University of Utah. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 02/09/2013.
  • Discussant, public screening of "Creation", film series sponsored by Department of Anthropology, University of Utah. Other, Presented, 02/22/2012.
  • Presentation on evolution to science teachers of the Alpine School District. Presentation, Presented, 02/16/2012.
  • First of two presentations on the evidence for evolution, Sunday school class for children in their early teens, South Valley Unitarian Church, SLC. Presentation, Presented, 02/12/2012.
  • Public lecture on the evidence for evolution, keynote address for the Darwin Day Celebration, Utah Valley University. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 02/08/2012.
  • Public Lecture on the evidence for evolution. Humanist Society. North Valley Unitarian Church, SLC. Presentation, Presented, 01/12/2012.
  • Lecture on the evidence for evolution to NAKAMA, Research Admin, University of Utah. Presentation, Presented, 10/07/2011.
  • Public lecture about my new book, The Evidence for Evolution, at the King's English Bookstore. Presentation, Presented, 09/29/2011.
  • Public lecture: The evidence for evolution. Adventures in Anthropology Lecture Series, Gould Auditorium, University of Utah. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 01/12/2011.

Software Titles

  • Legofit. A computer package that uses genetic data to estimate the deep history of population size, subdivision, and admixture. Release Date: 03/09/2017. Inventors: Alan Rogers. Distribution List: Available free of charge at
  • PopHist. PopHist is a computer package that estimates the recent history of population size from genetic data. Release Date: 08/2014. Inventors: Alan R. Rogers. Distribution List: