The Find a Researcher database contains listings of University of Utah faculty and graduate students who are research topic experts and potential research collaborators. You may search for people by entering names, research keywords, departments, international experience keywords and equipment. For a more complete view of international research and activities, you can use the university's Global U Inventory site.

Many of the same features that you are able to use with a Google search will work with Find A Researcher! You can use these tools to find exactly what you're looking for.
  • When you search for multiple words, Find A Researcher will return results containing all of the words listed.
    • Searching for modern dance jazz will return results containing all three of the words modern, dance, and jazz.
  • If you separate individual words with an upper-case OR, Find A Researcher will return results containing any of the words in your query.
    • Searching for chemistry OR biology will return results containing either (or both) of the words chemistry or biology.
  • You can surround a phrase with quotation marks to have Find A Researcher search for that exact phrase.
    • Searching for "seismic hazard assessment" will return results containing the exact phrase seismic hazard assessment.
  • If you prepend a word or phrase with a -, Find A Researcher will return results that do not contain that word or phrase.
    • Searching for stereo -microscope will return results containing the word stereo, and which do not contain the word microscope
Search Results - Displaying 1 - 10 of 21 results