Adjunct Professor, Chemistry
Distinguished Professor, Molecular Pharmaceutics
Distinguished Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Chair, University of Utah, Biomedical Engineering
Adjunct Professor of Orthopedics, University of Utah, Orthopaedic Surgery Operations
Ole and Marty Jensen Endowed Professor, University of Utah, School Of Dentistry
Research Summary: Grainger's expertise lies in innovating materials in medicine, including applications to improving medical devices, medical diagnostic assays, drug delivery, surface coatings, surgical infection, and host-implant rejection. He uses diverse molecular/cellular methods, surface analytical tools, polymer chemistry, and microbiology. He has extensive experience with industrial product R&D in medical device and diagnostic technologies, and most recently with clinical grade stem cell therapies.
Research Keywords:
Translational Research,
Surface Chemistry,
Research Reproducibility,
Regenerative Medicine,
Polymer surface modification,
Medical polymers,
Medical Technology,
Medical Devices,
Ethics, Research,
Drug Delivery Systems,
Diagnostics Assays,
Cellular Therapy,
Biomedical Engineering,
Bacterial Infections,
Animal model to study human polymicrobial biofilm infections,
Ultrathin Protein and Polymer Films,
Tissue Engineering,
Protein-Surface Interaction,
Protein Immobilization and Release,
Polymeric drug delivery systems,
Molecular Diagnostics,
Membrane Biophysics,
Gene Expression, Microarray,
Fluorinated Surface Chemistry,
Drug Delivery in Combination Services,
Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering,
Drug Delivery,
Diagnostic and Microarray Surfaces,
Cell-Surface Interaction,
Brucella Vaccine,
Biopharmaceutical and physicochemical problems related to dosage forms and drug delivery systems,
Bacteria-Surface Interaction
Access to University Core Lab facilities as described on-line for the University, including the imaging, microscopy, histology, flow cytometry, and bioanalytical chemistry, and the Nano-Fab core facility with surface analysis tools, including imaging XPS and ellipsometry, SEM and TEM.