• Associate Chair Diversity and Inclusion, Chemistry
  • Professor, Chemistry

Professional Service

  • American Physical Society. Role: Co-organizer. Co-organizer with Erik Luitjen, Focus Session March 2023 APS “Middle Scales of Chemical Physics”. 08/01/2022 - present
  • Nanoporous Materials Genome Center . Scientific Advisory Board. 07/02/2022 - present
  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. LDRD Strategic Initiatives Research Quality review committee . 07/02/2022 - present
  • American Chemical Society. Role: Organizer. Organizer, Symposium “Open Source Software in Physical Chemistry” Fall 2022/2024 National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, PHYS Division. 07/01/2022 - present
  • Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics . Guest Editor - Special Issue on Interpretable Machine Learning in Chemistry. 06/01/2022 - present
  • Journal of Physical Chemistry . Editorial Advisory Board. 02/01/2022 - 01/01/2024
  • Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange. Guest Editor - Special Issue on Solution Structure in Solvent Extraction . 01/01/2022 - present
  • Journal of Physical Chemistry . 10. Editorial Advisory Board Member . 01/01/2022 - 01/01/2024
  • Computational and Theoretical Chemistry . 11. Editorial Board Member . 01/01/2020 - present
  • Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange . 11. Editorial Board Member . 01/01/2019 - present

Internal Service

  • DATASET. advisory committee, 09/01/2022 - present. University service.
  • Chemistry Dept Post-doc Committee. Chair, 07/04/2022 - present. Department service.
  • Chemistry Dept Junior Faculty Mentoring Committee. Co-Chair, 07/04/2022 - present. Department service.