BAO WANG portrait
  • Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Current Courses

Fall 2024

  • MATH 5750-002
    Topics Appl Math
    Location: LCB 222 (LCB 222)
  • MATH 5770-001
    Intro to Optimization
    Location: WEB L112 (WEB L112)
  • MATH 6640-001
    Intro to Optimization
    Location: WEB L112 (WEB L112)
  • MATH 6880-002
    Topics Appl Math
  • MATH 6960-025
    Special Projects
  • ME EN 6025-001
    Intro to Optimization
    Location: WEB L112 (WEB L112)

Spring 2024

Current Students

  • Yuhao Huang, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Project Type: Thesis. Role: Chair.
  • Shih-Hsin Wang, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Project Type: Thesis. Role: Chair.
  • Justin Baker, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Project Type: Thesis. Role: Chair.