• Member, Diabetes & Metabolism Research Center
  • Associate Professor, Pharmacology And Toxicology
  • Investigator, Nora Eccles Harrison Cardiovascular Research & Training Institute

Research Interests

Dr. Hong is a cardiovascular pharmacologist who is an associate professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology in the College of Pharmacy, an investigator in the Nora Eccles Harrison Cardiovascular Research and Training Institute (CVRTI), and a faculty member of the Diabetes & Metabolism Research Center (DMRC) at the University of Utah. Dr Hong’s research focuses on understanding the regulation and remodeling of membrane microdomains of cardiomyocytes during heart failure progression. The Hong Laboratory studies how cardiomyocyte surface microdomains are organized to concentrate ion channels and signaling proteins for proper function and regulation in normal and failing hearts. The research interested includes the mechanisms of scaffolding protein and cytoskeleton-based maintenance of membrane structures and subdomains important in calcium signaling, turnover mechanisms of microdomains, and the mechanisms of heart failure progression. The goal is to identify, at the bench, new molecular and cellular targets that can be translated to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic tools for clinical management of heart failure.