Professor, Chemistry
Ron and Eileen Ragsdale Endowed Chair in Chemical Education, Chemistry
Professional Service
- CIRCLE Conference.
Role: co-host/co-organizer.
co-host of CIRCLE Conference (Integrating Psychology and STEM Education Research to Promote Innovative Teaching), Washington University in St. Louis; funded by AAU.
05/2021 - 05/2022
- Inclusive STEM Teaching Project (ISTP).
National facilitator; organizes and leads (with cofacilitators) the Learning Community for Utah higher-education institutions; course runs 3 times a year for 6 weeks.
04/2021 - present
- American Chemical Society.
Role: Member.
Member of ACS Committee on Professional Training (2019 - present); CPT Executive Committee member (2021-present); Future Guidelines Development Subcommittee, co-chair (2021 – present), established 2021; Skills Guidelines Subcommittee (2019 – 2021); Pedagogy Guidelines Subcommittee (2020-2021); Panel Member for the Blue-Ribbon Panel on defining academic workloads in academic settings for ACS accreditation; ACS Leadership Institute, Atlanta, GA, January 25-26, 2020. Strategic Planning Committee, member, 2023
01/2019 - present
- The National POGIL Project.
Role: Member.
R. Frey has been involved with The POGIL Project since 2008. She is the lead person on the POGIL Classroom Observation Protocol Working Group (2014-present). She is a national facilitator for POGIL workshops (since 2011). POGIL Steering Committee member (2013-2016), co-chair of POGIL South Central regional workshop (2012, 2016), organizer of POGIL BCCE symposium (2014), and national Feedback Coordinator for POGIL materials (2013-2014).
06/2008 - present
Internal Service
- CSME Hiring Committee for CSME director.
11/2021 - 02/2022.
College service.
- Academic Senate.
08/2021 - present.
University service.
- HHMI Inclusive Excellence UPSTEM Program.
Leadership team,
04/2021 - present.
University service.
- Public Engagement Committee.
01/2021 - present.
Department service.
- Senior Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs Search Committee.
11/2020 - 04/2021.
University service.
- Undergraduate Education Committee .
01/2020 - present.
Department service.
- High-school Outreach Committee; Re-invented into Public Engagement Committee.
01/2020 - 12/2020.
Department service.
Honors & Awards
- Faculty Scholar.
Center for Science and Math Education (CSME),
- Ron and Eileen Ragsdale Endowed Chair in Chemical Education.
University of Utah,
In the Media