Phillip M. Singer portrait
  • Adjunct Instructor, Ois Operations & Info Systems
  • Associate Professor, Political Science Department


  • Singer PM, Skinner D & Wright B (2024). What the Evolution of 1332 Waivers Tells Us About Their Innovative Potential. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. Published, 04/02/2024.
  • Willison C, Unwala N & Singer PM (2024). Persistent Disparities: Trends in Rates of Sheltered Homelessness Across Demographic Subgroups in the USA. Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities. Vol. 11, 326338326-338. Published, 01/01/2024.
  • Willison C, Falkenbach M, Greer S & Singer PM (2023). Backsliding Among Indicators of Democratic Stability Relevant to Public Health: Risks in OECD Nations. World Medical & Health Policy. Published, 12/2023.
  • Creary M, Greer SL, Kitzmiller S, Singer PM, Unwala NA, Vaziri S & Willison CE (2023). Pivot: Partisan Policy Responses to COVID-19 Health Disparities. Health Affairs Scholar. Published, 10/21/2023.
  • Falkenbach M, Singer PM & Willison C (2023). Denmark, the United States and Canada: Before, during and post vaccination rollout. Health Policy and Technology. Published, 08/25/2023.
  • Agarwal A & Kamat S (2023). The Congressional Skin Cancer Caucus: Characterizing the inaugural decade of activity, 2013-2022. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. Vol. 89, 632634632-634. Published, 08/01/2023.
  • Incze MA (2023). The White House's Strategic Plan to Address the Opioid Crisis-Reply. (pp. 21952195). Vol. 329. JAMA. Published, 07/01/2023.
  • Agarwal, A, Kamat S, Chennareddy S, Hruza G & Singer PM (2023). The Congressional Skin Cancer Caucus: Characterizing the Inaugural Decade of Activity 2013-2022. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. Vol. 89. Published, 04/22/2023.
  • Incze MA, Kelley AT & Singer PM (2023). Implementing the White House’s Strategic Plan to Save Lives Amid the Opioid Crisis: Reaching for the “North Star”. JAMA. Published, 03/2023.
  • Dichio M & Singer PM (2023). State Attorneys General and their Challenges to Federal Policies: Insights from the Texas v. California Litigation Regarding the Affordable Care Act. Publius. Published, 03/2023.
  • Willison C, Unwala N, Singer PM, Creedon TB, Mullin B & Le Cook B (2023). Persistent Disparities: Trends in Rates of Sheltered Homelessness Across Demographic Subgroups in the United States. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. Published, 02/2023.
  • Kamat S, Han J, Agarwal A, Yen L, Appel J, Hruza G & Singer PM (2023). Advocating for Patients with Skin Disease: Federal Dermatology Lobbying and Expenditure Activity by the AADA and SKINPAC from 2008-2021. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. Published, 01/2023.
  • Singer PM & Greer SL (2022). Social Policy in the United States. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. Published, 04/2022.
  • Baker N & Singer PM (2022). Accountable Care Organization Reform: Past Challenges and Future Opportunities for Public Health. Public Health. Published, 03/01/2022.
  • Singer PM, Mandle J & Nelson DB (2021). Child Enrollment in States with and without Continuous Coverage in Medicaid and CHIP During COVID-19. American Journal of Public Health. Published, 12/01/2021.
  • Incze MA, Singer PM & Kelley, AT (2021). Hetergenous State Cannabis Policies: Potential Implications for Patients and Healthcare Professions. JAMA. Published, 11/19/2021.
  • Benney TM, Cantwell D, Singer PM, Derhak L, Bey S & Saifee Z (2021). Understanding Perceptions of Health Risk and Behavioral Responses to Air Pollution in the State of Utah . Atmosphere. Published, 10/20/2021.
  • Willison CE, Singer PM, Creary M, Stott J, Vaziri S & Greer SL (2021). How do you solve a problem like Maria? The politics of disaster response in Puerto Rico, Florida and Texas. World Medical & Health Policy. Published, 10/17/2021.
  • Singer PM & Willison CE (2021). Rhetoric and Reality: Populist Radical Right, Donald Trump and Health Policy. Springer. Published, 09/07/2021.
  • Pratici L & Singer PM (2021). COVID-19 Vaccination: What Do We Expect for the Future? A Systematic Literature Review of Social Science Publications in the First Year of the Pandemic . Sustainability. Published, 07/23/2021.
  • Raj M & Singer PM (2021). Redefining caregiving as an imperative for supporting caregivers: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of General Internal Medicine. Published, 05/28/2021.
  • Singer PM, Willison C, Moore-Petinak N & Greer S (2021). Anatomy of a Failure: How the US Responded to Coronavirus. University of Michigan Press. Published, 04/2021.
  • Willison CE, Lilvis D, Mauri, A & Singer, PM (2021). Technically Accessible, Practically Ineligible: The Effects of Medicaid Expansion Implementation on Chronic Homelessness. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. Accepted, 03/08/2021.
  • Pratici, L & Singer, PM (2021). Public-Private Partnerships in Public Sector Healthcare Organizations: A Comparative Study Between Italy and the United States. International Journal of Organizational Analysis. Accepted, 02/17/2021.
  • Sharareh N, Hess R, White S, Dunn A, Singer PM & Cochran J (2020). A vulnerability assessment for the HCV infections associated with injection drug use. Preventive medicine. Vol. 134, 106040. Published, 12/01/2020.
  • Oberlander J, Singer PM & Jones DK (2020). Can the Elections End the Health Reform Stalemate?. The New England Journal of Medicine. Vol. 383, 1601-1603. Published, 11/01/2020.
  • Singer PM (2020). Advancements and lingering challenges in addressing public health disasters. Journal of thoracic disease. Vol. 12, 5254-5258. Published, 11/01/2020.
  • Singer PM & Rozier M (2020). Shifting threats and rhetoric: how Republican governors framed Medicaid expansion. Health economics, policy, and law. Vol. 15, 496-508. Published, 10/01/2020.
  • Singer PM, Willison CE & Greer SL (2020). Infectious disease, public health, and politics: United States response to Ebola and Zika. Journal of public health policy. Vol. 41, 399-409. Published, 09/15/2020.
  • Nelson DB, Sommers BD, Singer PM, Arntson EK & Tipirneni R (2020). Changes in Coverage, Access, and Health Following Implementation of Healthy Behavior Incentive Medicaid Expansions vs. Traditional Medicaid Expansions. Journal of General Internal Medicine. Vol. 35, 2521-2528. Published, 09/15/2020.
  • Moore-Petinak N & Singer PM (2020). The Uncertain Future of Children's Health Insurance: New and Ongoing Threats. JAMA pediatrics. Vol. 174, 924-925. Published, 08/24/2020.
  • Grogan CM, Bersamira CS, Singer PM, Smith BT, Pollack HA, Andrews CM & Abraham AJ (2020). Are Policy Strategies for Addressing the Opioid Epidemic Partisan? A View from the States. Journal of health politics, policy and law. Vol. 45, 277-309. Published, 08/01/2020.
  • Willison CE, Singer, PM & Grazier, K (2020). Double Edged Sword of Federalism: Variation in Essential Health Benefits for Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Coverage in States. Health Economics, Policy and Law. Published, 01/01/2020.
  • Phillip M. Singer, Jon McNaughtan & Dustin Eicke (2019). Higher Education and Medicaid Spending: Analysis of State Budgetary Trade-offs and the Affordable Care Act. Higher Education Policy. Published, 09/19/2019.
  • Wright, Brad, Porter, Anna, Singer, Phillip & Jones, David (2019). The Devolution of Health Reform? A Comparative Analysis of State Innovation Waiver Activity. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. Vol. 44, 315-331. Published, 04/01/2019.
  • Singer, Phillip & Willison, Charley (2019). Medicaid Waivers: Public Health Consequences Under the Trump Administration. American Journal of Public Health. Accepted, 02/2019.
  • Singer, Phillip & Nelson, Daniel (2019). Expansion by Ballot Initiative: Challenges and Future Directions in Health Policy. Journal of General Internal Medicine. Accepted, 02/2019.
  • Singer, Phillip (2019). Physicians in Print: Letters to the Editor and the Medicaid Expansion. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. Vol. 44, 87-111. Published, 02/2019.
  • Willison, Charley, Singer, Phillip, Creary, Melissa & Greer, Scott (2019). Quantifying Inequities in US Federal Response to Hurricane Disaster in Texas and Florida Compared to Puerto Rico. British Medical Journal Global Health. Published, 01/2019.
  • Beck, Angela, Singer, Phillip, Buche, Jessica, Manderscheid, Ron & Buerhaus, Peter (2018). Improving Data for Behavioral Health Workforce Planning: Development of a Minimum Data Set. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Vol. 54, S192-S198. Published, 06/2018.
  • Singer, Phillip, Noppert, Grace & Jenkins, Charlotte (2017). Gaps in Federal and State Screening of Tuberculosis in the United States. American Journal of Public Health. Vol. 107, 1750-1752. Published, 11/2017.
  • Singer, Phillip, Tipierneni, Renuka & Nelson, Daniel (2017). Consumer-Directed Health Care in Medicaid: Past and Future Reforms. American Journal of Public Health. Vol. 107. Published, 10/2017.
  • Willison, Charley & Singer, Phillip (2017). Repealing the Affordable Care Act Essential Health Benefits: Threats and Obstacles. American Journal of Public Health. Vol. 107, 1225-1226. Published, 07/2017.
  • Greer, Scott & Singer, Phillip (2017). Addressing Zika in the United States: Polarization, Fragmentation, and Public Health. American Journal of Public Health. Vol. 107, 861-862. Published, 06/2017.
  • Grogan, Colleen, Singer, Phillip & Jones, David (2017). Rhetoric and Reform in Waiver States. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. Vol. 42. Published, 04/2017.
  • Singer, Phillip (2017). States of Reform: Polarization, Long-term services and supports, and Medicaid Waivers. State and Local Government Review. Vol. 48, 246-258. Published, 03/2017.
  • Greer, Scott & Singer, Phillip (2017). The United States Confronts Ebola: Suasion, Executive Action, and Fragmentation. Health Economics, Policy and Law. Vol. 12, 81-104. Published, 01/2017.
  • Singer, Phillip (2017). The Future of Health Reform: Section 1332 Waivers and State-Led Reform. The New England Journal of Medicine. Vol. 376, 108-111. Published, 01/2017.
  • Oberlander, Jonathan, Jones, David, Spivack, Steven & Singer, Phillip (2016). In the ACA’s Shadow: The Fate of the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Health Affairs. Vol. 35, 1835-1841. Published, 10/2016.
  • Singer PM & Greer SL (2016). Social Policy in the United States. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. Published, 08/2016.
  • Rozier, Michael & Singer, Phillip (2016). Money, Politics, and Morality in the Framing of Medicaid Expansion. American Journal of Public Health. Vol. 106, 203-204. Published, 02/2016.
  • Jones, David, Bagley, Nicholas, Brown, Andrew, Hilligoss, Diane & Singer, Phillip (2015). What Are The States Doing To Prepare For King v. Burwell? (Part 1). [Website/Blog]. Published, 06/2015.
  • Jones, David, Bagley, Nicholas, Brown, Andrew, Hilligoss, Diane & Singer, Phillip (2015). What Are The States Doing To Prepare For King v. Burwell? (Part 2). [Website/Blog]. Published, 06/2015.
  • Jones, David, Bagley, Nicholas, Brown, Andrew, Hilligoss, Diane & Singer, Phillip (2015). What Are The States Doing To Prepare For King v. Burwell? (Part 3). [Website/Blog]. Published, 06/2015.
  • Jones, David, Singer, Phillip & Ayanian, John (2014). The Changing Landscape of Medicaid: Practical and Political Considerations for Expansion. JAMA. Vol. 311, 1965-1966. Published, 05/2014.
  • Jones, David & Singer, Phillip (2012). The State Of Implementation: Health Reform And The 2012 Elections. [Website/Blog] URL Published, 11/2012.


  • Local Partisanship and Harm Reduction Retrenchment. Presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Presentation, Presented, 09/16/2022.
  • Estimating Abortion Rates: The Influence of Innumeracy and Motivated Reasoning. Presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Presentation. Presentation, Presented, 09/16/2022.
  • Political Determinants of Disaster Responses: Risk and Partisanship in American Territories. Presented at the Souther Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Presentation, Presented, 01/15/2022.
  • Democratic and Republican disasters: What SARS, H1N1, Ebola, and Zika, teach us about public health politics in the United States. Presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Presentation, Presented, 09/30/2021.
  • Democratic & Republican Disasters: SARS, H1N1, Ebola, and Zika & U.S. Politics; Presented at the 2021 American Political Science Association Annual Meeting . Presentation, Presented, 09/30/2021.
  • Rhetoric and Reality: Populist Radical Right, Donald Trump and Health Policy. Presented at ECPR Annual Meeting. Presentation, Presented, 08/18/2021.
  • Democratic and Republican disasters: What SARS, H1N1, Ebola, and Zika, teach us about public health politics in the United States. Presented at the Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Presentation, Presented, 01/08/2021.
  • Democratic and Republican disasters: What SARS, H1N1, Ebola, and Zika, teach us about public health politics in the United States. Presented at the 2021 Souther Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Presentation, Presented, 01/08/2021.
  • The 2020 Elections and Health Policy. Talk given to the University of Michigan School of Public Health. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 11/05/2020.
  • Rhetoric and Reality: Populist Radical Right, Donald Trump and Health Policy; presented at World Congress on Public Health annual meeting. Presentation, Presented, 10/13/2020.
  • The Curious Case of Texas v. Azar. Presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Presentation, Presented, 09/09/2020.
  • The Effectiveness of Healthy Behavior Incentive Programs in Medicaid Expansion States. Presented at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. Presentation, Presented, 07/15/2020.
  • The Curious Case of Texas v. Azar. Presented at the Law and Society Annual Meeting. Presentation, Presented, 06/03/2020.
  • How do you solve a problem like Maria? The federal government’s response to Natural Disasters; presented at Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Presentation, Presented, 01/09/2020.
  • How do you solve a problem like Maria? The federal government’s response to Natural Disasters; presented at Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting. Presentation, Presented, 09/05/2019.
  • How do you solve a problem like Maria? The federal government’s response to Natural Disasters; presented at American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Presentation, Presented, 08/30/2019.
  • Medicaid Expansion Associated with States’ Supply of Health Workforce; presented at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. Poster, Presented, 06/26/2019.
  • Comparative Analysis of Family Planning Waivers, presented at University of Utah Family Planning Conference. Presentation, Presented, 02/2019.
  • When the Politics of Health Reform and the Opioid Epidemic Meet, The Complexity of Medicaid Entrenchment Enters, presented at the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law andTaubman Center conference on The Politics of the Opioid Epidemic. Presentation, Presented, 02/2019.
  • Opioids and the States: Response, Politics, and Diffusion of Opioid Legislation, presented at American Political Science Association. Presentation, Presented, 08/2018.
  • Physicians on the Editorial Page: Framing of Medicaid Expansion, presented at Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life at Tufts University and the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. Presentation, Presented, 12/2017.
  • Research to Strengthen Behavioral Health Workforce Capacity, presented at NAADAC Behavioral Health Workforce. Presentation, Presented, 09/2017.
  • Factors Contributing to States Applying for 1915(c) Waivers, presented at AcademyHealth Interest Group Meeting. Poster, Presented, 06/2017.
  • Standardizing Workforce Data Collection: A Minimum Data Set for the Behavioral Health Workforce, presented at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. Poster, Presented, 06/2017.
  • Factors Contributing to States Applying for 1915(c) Waivers, presented at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. Poster, Presented, 06/2017.
  • Analysis of State Scopes of Practice for Behavioral Health Professions, presented at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. Poster, Presented, 06/2017.
  • Standardizing Workforce Data Collection: A Minimum Data Set for the Behavioral Health Workforce, presented at AcademyHealth Interest Group Meeting. Poster, Presented, 06/2017.
  • Primary Care and Behavioral Health Workforce Integration: Barriers and Best Practices. Poster, Presented, 06/2017.
  • Analysis of State Scopes of Practice for Behavioral Health Professions, presented at AcademyHealth Interest Group Meeting. Poster, Presented, 06/2017.
  • Framing Contested Policies: Republican Governors and Medicaid Expansion, presented at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. Presentation, Presented, 06/2017.
  • State Legislation and Executive Orders Related to Substance Use Disorders, presented at AcademyHealth Interest Group Meeting. Presentation, Presented, 06/2017.
  • Primary Care and Behavioral Health Workforce Integration: Barriers and Best Practices, presented at Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Research Conference. Presentation, Presented, 05/2017.
  • A Preliminary Analysis of State Scopes of Practice for Behavioral Health Professions, presented at Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Research Conference. Presentation, Presented, 05/2017.
  • A Minimum Data Set for the Behavioral Health Workforce, presented at Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Research Conference. Presentation, Presented, 05/2017.
  • An Assessment of Behavioral Health Workforce Data Sources, presented at Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Research Conference. Presentation, Presented, 05/2017.
  • Behavioral Health Workforce Challenges: Recruitment, Retention, and Work Environment, presented at Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Research Conference. Presentation, Presented, 05/2017.
  • Data Collection Strategies for the Behavioral Health Workforce, presented at Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Research Conference, Arlington. Presentation, Presented, 05/2017.
  • Developing a National Strategy for Behavioral Health Workforce Data Collection, presented at SAMHSA Region VIII Behavioral Health Workforce Summit. Presentation, Presented, 08/2016.
  • Double-Edged Sword of Federalism: Essential Health Benefits, Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders in the Affordable Care Act, presented at International Bioethics Retreat: Columbia University Global Centers-Europe. Presentation, Presented, 07/2016.
  • The Double-Edged Sword of Federalism: Essential Health Benefits and Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder, presented at Law and Society. Presentation, Presented, 06/2016.
  • The Double-Edged Sword of Federalism: Essential Health Benefits and Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder, presented at Workshop for Integrating and Discussing Topics in Healthcare. Presentation, Presented, 04/2016.
  • In the ACA’s Shadow: The Fate of the Children’s Health Insurance Program, presented at the American Political Science Association. Presentation, Presented, 09/2015.
  • Policy and Political Learning in the Development of Medicaid Waivers, presented at the Policy Diffusion Scholar Practitioner Network. Presentation, Presented, 06/2015.
  • Ebola in the USA: Partisan politics, health system fragmentation, and multilevel governance in comparative perspective, presented at International Conference on Public Policy. Presentation, Presented, 06/2015.
  • Long-Term Care in the States: Medicaid Waivers and the Obama Administration, Presented at Southern Political Science Association. Presentation, Presented, 01/2015.
  • Affordable Care Act Scholar Practitioner Network . Other, Presented, 01/2014.