Daniel E. Adkins portrait
  • Chair, Graduate Program in Statistics
  • Adjunct Associate Professor, Psychiatry
  • Associate Professor, Sociology Department


  • Radhika Prasad & Ming Wen, Zobayer Ahmmad, Daniel E Adkins (2023). Investigating Moderation in the Prospective Relationship of Marijuana Use to Subsequent Illicit Substance Use: Evidence from Add Health. health behavior research. Vol. 6:2, 3. Published, 05/01/2023.
  • Ed A. Muñoz & Rebecca Y Owen, Moises Prospero, Daniel E. Adkins (2022). Diversion and Restorative Justice: Salt Lake Peer Court Disrupting Disproportionate Minority Contact?. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. Published, 02/2022.
  • Ellis BJ & Shakiba N (2021). Early external-environmental and internal-health predictors of risky sexual and aggressive behavior in adolescence: An integrative approach. Developmental psychobiology. Vol. 63, 556-571. Published, 12/01/2021.
  • Eshim S Jami & Daniel E Adkins […], Meike Bartels, Christel Middeldorp (~120 authors) (2021). Genome-wide association meta-analysis of childhood and adolescent internalising symptoms. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Accepted, 12/2021.
  • Zobayer Ahmmad & Daniel E. Adkins (2021). Ethnicity and acculturation: Asian American substance use from early adolescence to mature adulthood. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Vol. 47:19, 4570-4596. Published, 11/2021.
  • Munn-Chernoff MA, Johnson EC, Chou YL, Coleman JRI, Thornton LM, Walters RK, Yilmaz Z, Baker JH, Hübel C, Gordon S, Medland SE, Watson HJ, Gaspar HA, Bryois J, Hinney A, Leppä VM, Mattheisen M, Ripke S, Yao S, Giusti-Rodríguez P, Hanscombe KB, Adan RAH, Alfredsson L, Ando T, Andreassen OA, Berrettini WH, Boehm I, Boni C, Boraska Perica V, Buehren K, Burghardt R, Cassina M, Cichon S, Clementi M, Cone RD, Courtet P, Crow S, Crowley JJ, Danner UN, Davis OSP, de Zwaan M, Dedoussis G, Degortes D, DeSocio JE, Dick DM, Dikeos D, Dina C, Dmitrzak-Weglarz M, Docampo E, Duncan LE, Egberts K, Ehrlich S, Escaramís G, Esko T, Estivill X, Farmer A, Favaro A, Fernández-Aranda F, Fichter MM, Fischer K, Föcker M, Foretova L, Forstner AJ, Forzan M, Franklin CS, Gallinger S, Giegling I, Giuranna J, Gonidakis F, Gorwood P, Gratacos Mayora M, Guillaume S, Guo Y, Hakonarson H, Hatzikotoulas K, Hauser J, Hebebrand J, Helder SG, Herms S, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Herzog W, Huckins LM, Hudson JI, Imgart H, Inoko H, Janout V, Jiménez-Murcia S, Julià A, Kalsi G, Kaminská D, Karhunen L, Karwautz A, Kas MJH, Kennedy JL, Keski-Rahkonen A, Kiezebrink K, Kim YR, Klump KL, Knudsen GPS, La Via MC, Le Hellard S, Levitan RD, Li D, Lilenfeld L, Lin BD, Lissowska J, Luykx J, Magistretti PJ, Maj M, Mannik K, Marsal S, Marshall CR, Mattingsdal M, McDevitt S, McGuffin P, Metspalu A, Meulenbelt I, Micali N, Mitchell K, Monteleone AM, Monteleone P, Nacmias B, Navratilova M, Ntalla I, O'Toole JK, Ophoff RA, Padyukov L, Palotie A, Pantel J, Papezova H, Pinto D, Rabionet R, Raevuori A, Ramoz N, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Ricca V, Ripatti S, Ritschel F, Roberts M, Rotondo A, Rujescu D, Rybakowski F, Santonastaso P, Scherag A, Scherer SW, Schmidt U, Schork NJ, Schosser A, Seitz J, Slachtova L, Slagboom PE, Slof-Op't Landt MCT, Slopien A, Sorbi S, Świątkowska B, Szatkiewicz JP, Tachmazidou I, Tenconi E, Tortorella A, Tozzi F, Treasure J, Tsitsika A, Tyszkiewicz-Nwafor M, Tziouvas K, van Elburg AA, van Furth EF, Wagner G, Walton E, Widen E, Zeggini E, Zerwas S, Zipfel S, Bergen AW, Boden JM, Brandt H & Crawford S (2021). Shared genetic risk between eating disorder- and substance-use-related phenotypes: Evidence from genome-wide association studies. Addiction biology. Vol. 26, e12880. Published, 10/01/2021.
  • Alley J, Owen RY, Wawrzynski SE, Lasrich L, Ahmmad Z, Utz R & Adkins DE (2021). Illness, Social Disadvantage, and Sexual Risk Behavior in Adolescence and the Transition to Adulthood. Archives of sexual behavior. Vol. 50, 205-217. Published, 03/01/2021.
  • Johnson EC, Demontis D, Thorgeirsson TE, Walters RK, Polimanti R, Hatoum AS, Sanchez-Roige S, Paul SE, Wendt FR, Clarke TK, Lai D, Reginsson GW, Zhou H, He J, Baranger DAA, Gudbjartsson DF, Wedow R, Adkins DE, Adkins AE, Alexander J, Bacanu SA, Bigdeli TB, Boden J, Brown SA, Bucholz KK, Bybjerg-Grauholm J, Corley RP, Degenhardt L, Dick DM, Domingue BW, Fox L, Goate AM, Gordon SD, Hack LM, Hancock DB, Hartz SM, Hickie IB, Hougaard DM, Krauter K, Lind PA, McClintick JN, McQueen MB, Meyers JL, Montgomery GW, Mors O, Mortensen PB, Nordentoft M, Pearson JF, Peterson RE, Reynolds MD, Rice JP, Runarsdottir V, Saccone NL, Sherva R, Silberg JL, Tarter RE, Tyrfingsson T, Wall TL, Webb BT, Werge T, Wetherill L, Wright MJ, Zellers S, Adams MJ, Bierut LJ, Boardman JD, Copeland WE, Farrer LA, Foroud TM, Gillespie NA, Grucza RA, Harris KM, Heath AC, Hesselbrock V, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Horwood J, Iacono WG, Johnson EO, Kendler KS, Kennedy MA, Kranzler HR, Madden PAF, Maes HH, Maher BS, Martin NG, McGue M, McIntosh AM, Medland SE, Nelson EC, Porjesz B, Riley BP, Stallings MC, Vanyukov MM, Vrieze S, Davis LK, Bogdan R, Gelernter J, Edenberg HJ, Stefansson K, Børglum AD, Agrawal A & Walters R (2020). A large-scale genome-wide association study meta-analysis of cannabis use disorder. The Lancet Psychiatry. Vol. 7, 1032-1045. Published, 12/2020.
  • Docherty AR, Shabalin AA, DiBlasi E, Monson E, Mullins N, Adkins DE, Bacanu SA, Bakian AV, Crowell S, Chen D, Darlington TM, Callor WB, Christensen ED, Gray D, Keeshin B, Klein M, Anderson JS, Jerominski L, Hayward C, Porteous DJ, McIntosh A, Li Q & Coon H (2020). Genome-Wide Association Study of Suicide Death and Polygenic Prediction of Clinical Antecedents. The American journal of psychiatry. Vol. 177, 917-927. Published, 11/01/2020.
  • Docherty AR, Shabalin AA, Adkins DE, Mann F, Krueger RF, Bacanu SA, Campbell A, Hayward C, Porteous DJ, McIntosh AM & Kendler KS (2020). Molecular Genetic Risk for Psychosis Is Associated With Psychosis Risk Symptoms in a Population-Based UK Cohort: Findings From Generation Scotland. Schizophrenia bulletin. Published, 09/2020.
  • Grineski SE, Collins TW & Adkins DE (2020). Hazardous air pollutants are associated with worse performance in reading, math, and science among US primary schoolchildren. Environmental research. Vol. 181, 108925. Published, 09/01/2020.
  • Polimanti R, Walters RK, Johnson EC, McClintick JN, Adkins AE, Adkins DE, Bacanu SA, Bierut LJ, Bigdeli TB, Brown S, Bucholz KK, Copeland WE, Costello EJ, Degenhardt L, Farrer LA, Foroud TM, Fox L, Goate AM, Grucza R, Hack LM, Hancock DB, Hartz SM, Heath AC, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Johnson EO, Kendler KS, Kranzler HR, Krauter K, Lai D, Madden PAF, Martin NG, Maes HH, Nelson EC, Peterson RE, Porjesz B, Riley BP, Saccone N, Stallings M, Wall TL, Webb BT, Wetherill L, Edenberg HJ, Agrawal A, Gelernter J & (2021). Leveraging genome-wide data to investigate differences between opioid use vs. opioid dependence in 41,176 individuals from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium. Molecular psychiatry. Vol. 25, 1673-1687. Published, 08/2020.
  • Kirby AV, Diener ML, Adkins DE & Wright C (2020). Transition preparation activities among families of youth on the autism spectrum: Preliminary study using repeated assessments across a school year. PloS one. Vol. 15, e0231551. Published, 04/2020.
  • Docherty AR, Moscati A, Bigdeli TB, Edwards AC, Peterson RE, Adkins DE, Anderson JS, Flint J, Kendler KS & Bacanu SA (2020). Pathway-based polygene risk for severe depression implicates drug metabolism in CONVERGE. Psychological medicine. Vol. 50, 793-798. Published, 04/2020.
  • Everett BG, Kominiarek MA, Mollborn S, Adkins DE & Hughes TL (2019). Sexual Orientation Disparities in Pregnancy and Infant Outcomes. Maternal and child health journal. Vol. 23, 72-81. Published, 04/01/2019.
  • Lin B, Kerig PK & Adkins DE (2019). Cross-validation of the Inventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits across reporters and genders in a sample of detained youth. Psychological assessment. Vol. 31, 15-26. Published, 02/01/2019.
  • Docherty AR, Fonseca-Pedrero E, Debbané M, Chan RCK, Linscott RJ, Jonas KG, Cicero DC, Green MJ, Simms LJ, Mason O, Watson D, Ettinger U, Waszczuk M, Rapp A, Grant P, Kotov R, DeYoung CG, Ruggero CJ, Eaton NR, Krueger RF, Patrick C, Hopwood C, O'Neill FA, Zald DH, Conway CC, Adkins DE, Waldman ID, van Os J, Sullivan PF, Anderson JS, Shabalin AA, Sponheim SR, Taylor SF, Grazioplene RG, Bacanu SA, Bigdeli TB, Haenschel C, Malaspina D, Gooding DC, Nicodemus K, Schultze-Lutter F, Barrantes-Vidal N, Mohr C, Carpenter WT & Cohen AS (2018). Enhancing Psychosis-Spectrum Nosology Through an International Data Sharing Initiative. Schizophrenia bulletin. Vol. 44, S460-S467. Published, 12/01/2018.
  • Walters RK, Polimanti R, Johnson EC, McClintick JN, Adams MJ, Adkins AE, Aliev F, Bacanu SA, Batzler A, Bertelsen S, Biernacka JM, Bigdeli TB, Chen LS, Clarke TK, Chou YL, Degenhardt F, Docherty AR, Edwards AC, Fontanillas P, Foo JC, Fox L, Frank J, Giegling I, Gordon S, Hack LM, Hartmann AM, Hartz SM, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Herms S, Hodgkinson C, Hoffmann P, Jan Hottenga J, Kennedy MA, Alanne-Kinnunen M, Konte B, Lahti J, Lahti-Pulkkinen M, Lai D, Ligthart L, Loukola A, Maher BS, Mbarek H, McIntosh AM, McQueen MB, Meyers JL, Milaneschi Y, Palviainen T, Pearson JF, Peterson RE, Ripatti S, Ryu E, Saccone NL, Salvatore JE, Sanchez-Roige S, Schwandt M, Sherva R, Streit F, Strohmaier J, Thomas N, Wang JC, Webb BT, Wedow R, Wetherill L, Wills AG, Boardman JD, Chen D, Choi DS, Copeland WE, Culverhouse RC, Dahmen N, Degenhardt L, Domingue BW, Elson SL, Frye MA, Gäbel W, Hayward C, Ising M, Keyes M, Kiefer F, Kramer J, Kuperman S, Lucae S, Lynskey MT, Maier W, Mann K, Männistö S, Müller-Myhsok B, Murray AD, Nurnberger JI, Palotie A, Preuss U, Räikkönen K, Reynolds MD, Ridinger M, Scherbaum N, Schuckit MA, Soyka M, Treutlein J, Witt S, Wodarz N, Zill P, Adkins DE, Boden JM, Boomsma DI, Bierut LJ, Brown SA, Bucholz KK, Cichon S, Costello EJ, de Wit H, Diazgranados N, Dick DM, Eriksson JG, Farrer LA, Foroud TM, Gillespie NA, Goate AM, Goldman D, Grucza RA, Hancock DB, Harris KM, Heath AC, Hesselbrock V, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Horwood J, Iacono W, Johnson EO, Kaprio JA, Karpyak VM, Kendler KS, Kranzler HR, Krauter K, Lichtenstein P, Lind PA, McGue M, MacKillop J, Madden PAF, Maes HH, Magnusson P, Martin NG, Medland SE, Montgomery GW, Nelson EC, Nöthen MM, Palmer AA, Pedersen NL, Penninx BWJH, Porjesz B, Rice JP, Rietschel M, Riley BP, Rose R, Rujescu D, Shen PH, Silberg J, Stallings MC, Tarter RE, Vanyukov MM, Vrieze S, Wall TL, Whitfield JB, Zhao H, Neale BM, Gelernter J, Edenberg HJ, Agrawal A & Agee M (2018). Transancestral GWAS of alcohol dependence reveals common genetic underpinnings with psychiatric disorders. Nature neuroscience. Vol. 21, 1656-1669. Published, 12/2018.
  • Docherty AR, Moscati A, Dick D, Savage JE, Salvatore JE, Cooke M, Aliev F, Moore AA, Edwards AC, Riley BP, Adkins DE, Peterson R, Webb BT, Bacanu SA & Kendler KS (2018). Polygenic prediction of the phenome, across ancestry, in emerging adulthood. Psychological medicine. Vol. 48, 1814-1823. Published, 11/2018.
  • Sanders JN, Higgins JA, Adkins DE, Stoddard GJ, Gawron LM & Turok DK (2018). The Impact of Sexual Satisfaction, Functioning, and Perceived Contraceptive Effects on Sex Life on IUD and Implant Continuation at 1 Year. Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health. Vol. 28, 401-407. Published, 11/01/2018.
  • Conradt E, Adkins DE, Crowell SE, Raby KL, Diamond LM & Ellis B (2018). Incorporating epigenetic mechanisms to advance fetal programming theories. Development and psychopathology. Vol. 30, 807-824. Published, 10/01/2018.
  • Conradt E, Adkins DE, Crowell SE, Monk C & Kobor MS (2018). An epigenetic pathway approach to investigating associations between prenatal exposure to maternal mood disorder and newborn neurobehavior. Development and psychopathology. Vol. 30, 881-890. Published, 10/01/2018.
  • Moore AA, Sawyers C, Adkins DE & Docherty AR (2018). Opportunities for an enhanced integration of neuroscience and genomics. Brain imaging and behavior. Vol. 12, 1211-1219. Published, 08/2018.
  • Clark SL, McClay JL, Adkins DE, Kumar G, Aberg KA, Nerella S, Xie L, Collins AL, Crowley JJ, Quackenbush CR, Hilliard CE, Shabalin AA, Vrieze SI, Peterson RE, Copeland WE, Silberg JL, McGue M, Maes H, Iacono WG, Sullivan PF, Costello EJ & van den Oord EJ (2017). Deep Sequencing of 71 Candidate Genes to Characterize Variation Associated with Alcohol Dependence. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. Vol. 41, 711-718. Published, 12/01/2017.
  • Edwards AC, Heron J, Vladimirov V, Wolen AR, Adkins DE, Aliev F, Hickman M & Kendler KS (2017). The Rate of Change in Alcohol Misuse Across Adolescence is Heritable. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. Vol. 41, 57-64. Published, 12/01/2017.
  • Chan RF, Shabalin AA, Xie LY, Adkins DE, Zhao M, Turecki G, Clark SL, Aberg KA & van den Oord EJCG (2017). Enrichment methods provide a feasible approach to comprehensive and adequately powered investigations of the brain methylome. Nucleic acids research. Vol. 45, e97. Published, 10/01/2017.
  • Docherty AR, Edwards AC, Yang F, Peterson RE, Sawyers C, Adkins DE, Moore AA, Webb BT, Bacanu SA, Flint J & Kendler KS (2017). Age of onset and family history as indicators of polygenic risk for major depression. Depression and anxiety. Vol. 34, 446-452. Published, 05/01/2017.
  • Adkins DE (2017). Machine Learning and Electronic Health Records: A Paradigm Shift. The American journal of psychiatry. Vol. 174, 93-94. Published, 02/01/2017.
  • Docherty AR, Moscati A, Peterson R, Edwards AC, Adkins DE, Bacanu SA, Bigdeli TB, Webb BT, Flint J & Kendler KS (2016). SNP-based heritability estimates of the personality dimensions and polygenic prediction of both neuroticism and major depression: findings from CONVERGE. Translational psychiatry. Vol. 6, e926. Published, 10/01/2016.
  • Otowa T, Hek K, Lee M, Byrne EM, Mirza SS, Nivard MG, Bigdeli T, Aggen SH, Adkins D, Wolen A, Fanous A, Keller MC, Castelao E, Kutalik Z, der Auwera SV, Homuth G, Nauck M, Teumer A, Milaneschi Y, Hottenga JJ, Direk N, Hofman A, Uitterlinden A, Mulder CL, Henders AK, Medland SE, Gordon S, Heath AC, Madden PA, Pergadia ML, van der Most PJ, Nolte IM, van Oort FV, Hartman CA, Oldehinkel AJ, Preisig M, Grabe HJ, Middeldorp CM, Penninx BW, Boomsma D, Martin NG, Montgomery G, Maher BS, van den Oord EJ, Wray NR, Tiemeier H & Hettema JM (2016). Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of anxiety disorders. Molecular psychiatry. Vol. 21, 1485. Published, 09/01/2016.
  • Clark SL, McClay JL, Adkins DE, Aberg KA, Kumar G, Nerella S, Xie L, Collins AL, Crowley JJ, Quakenbush CR, Hillard CE, Gao G, Shabalin AA, Peterson RE, Copeland WE, Silberg JL, Maes H, Sullivan PF, Costello EJ & van den Oord EJ (2016). Deep Sequencing of Three Loci Implicated in Large-Scale Genome-Wide Association Study Smoking Meta-Analyses. Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. Vol. 18, 626-31. Published, 04/01/2016.
  • Clark SL, Gillespie NA, Adkins DE, Kendler KS & Neale MC (2016). Psychometric modeling of abuse and dependence symptoms across six illicit substances indicates novel dimensions of misuse. Addictive behaviors. Vol. 53, 132-40. Published, 02/29/2016.
  • van den Berg SM, de Moor MH, Verweij KJ, Krueger RF, Luciano M, Arias Vasquez A, Matteson LK, Derringer J, Esko T, Amin N, Gordon SD, Hansell NK, Hart AB, Seppälä I, Huffman JE, Konte B, Lahti J, Lee M, Miller M, Nutile T, Tanaka T, Teumer A, Viktorin A, Wedenoja J, Abdellaoui A, Abecasis GR, Adkins DE, Agrawal A, Allik J, Appel K, Bigdeli TB, Busonero F, Campbell H, Costa PT, Smith GD, Davies G, de Wit H, Ding J, Engelhardt BE, Eriksson JG, Fedko IO, Ferrucci L, Franke B, Giegling I, Grucza R, Hartmann AM, Heath AC, Heinonen K, Henders AK, Homuth G, Hottenga JJ, Iacono WG, Janzing J, Jokela M, Karlsson R, Kemp JP, Kirkpatrick MG, Latvala A, Lehtimäki T, Liewald DC, Madden PA, Magri C, Magnusson PK, Marten J, Maschio A, Mbarek H, Medland SE, Mihailov E, Milaneschi Y, Montgomery GW, Nauck M, Nivard MG, Ouwens KG, Palotie A, Pettersson E, Polasek O, Qian Y, Pulkki-Råback L, Raitakari OT, Realo A, Rose RJ, Ruggiero D, Schmidt CO, Slutske WS, Sorice R, Starr JM, St Pourcain B, Sutin AR, Timpson NJ, Trochet H, Vermeulen S, Vuoksimaa E, Widen E, Wouda J, Wright MJ, Zgaga L, Porteous D, Minelli A, Palmer AA, Rujescu D, Ciullo M, Hayward C, Rudan I, Metspalu A, Kaprio J, Deary IJ, Räikkönen K, Wilson JF, Keltikangas-Järvinen L, Bierut LJ, Hettema JM, Grabe HJ, Penninx BW, van Duijn CM, Evans DM, Schlessinger D, Pedersen NL, Terracciano A, McGue M, Martin NG, Boomsma DI & (2016). Meta-analysis of Genome-Wide Association Studies for Extraversion: Findings from the Genetics of Personality Consortium. Behavior genetics. Vol. 46, 170-82. Published, 02/01/2016.


  • “Physical illness, social disadvantage, and sociosexuality in adolescence and young adulthood.” Presenting at International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS) Annual Meeting. Presentation, Presented, 03/2019.
  • “Physical illness, social disadvantage, and sociosexuality in adolescence and young adulthood" Invited presentation at Duke University, Population Research Institute (DUPRI). Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 08/2018.
  • "Incorporating Genetic Information into Sociological Research", Invited panel speaker at American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Panel, Presented, 08/2018.
  • “Social inequality, epigenetics, and adaptation.” Sociology Department Seminar Series, University of Utah. Presentation, Presented, 01/20/2017.

Research Groups

Grants, Contracts & Research Gifts

  • 1R01HD095661: Sexual acceptability's role in contraceptive preference and behavior. PI: Jenny Higgins. NIH/NICHD, 09/01/2017 - 03/30/2019. Total project budget to date: $500,000.00
  • "A social epigenomics approach to investigating health disparities among infants raised in low socio-economic status environments. PI: Liz Conradt. Co-PI(s): Sheila Crowell & Daniel Adkins. CSBS Interdisciplinary Research Pilot Program (IRPP) at the University of Utah, 02/01/2017 - 03/20/2018. Total project budget to date: $9,900.00
  • Developmental methylomics of childhood trauma and its health consequences. PI: Edwin van den Oord. NIH R01, 08/01/2014 - 04/30/2017. Total project budget to date: $1,500,000.00
  • Integrating genomic and environmental perspectives on internalizing disorders. PI: Daniel Adkins. NIH K01, 04/01/2011 - 03/31/2016. Total project budget to date: $677,231.00