• Adjunct Associate Professor, School Of Computing
  • Professor, Elect & Computer Engineering
  • Associate Professor, Elect & Computer Engineering

Professional Service

  • IWLS 20. General Chair. 12/2019 - 08/2020
  • IFIP/IEEE VLSI-SoC. Program co-chair. 01/2019 - 12/2019
  • IEEE/IFIP VLSI-SoC 2020. General Chair. 10/2018 - 10/2020
  • NSERC. CRSNG. Chair of the Selection Committee for Electrical Engineering. 10/2018 - 03/2019
  • IEEE CEDA. IEEE CEDA Liaison to the Rebooting Computing Initiative. 01/2018 - present
  • DSD. TPC member. 01/2018 - present
  • IEEE / ACM IWLS. Finance chair. 01/2018 - 12/2019
  • IEEE DCIS. Publicity co-chair. 01/2018 - 12/2018
  • IEEE MPSoC 2018. General Chair. 01/2018 - 08/2018
  • IEEE TNANO. Guest editor. 07/2017 - 12/2019
  • IEEE TVLSI. Guest editor. 07/2017 - 12/2018
  • DATE conference. Best paper award committee. 01/2017 - 03/2017
  • DATE Conference. TPC member. 01/2016 - present
  • IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology. Associate Editor. 01/2016 - present
  • Nanoarch conference. TPC Member. 01/2016 - present
  • DAC Conference. TPC Member. 01/2016 - 12/2018
  • Nanoarch conference. Publicity chair. 01/2016 - 07/2016
  • FETCH Conference. Program Chair. 01/2016 - 02/2016
  • DATE. Special session organizer. 01/2015 - present

Honors & Awards

  • 2023 DAC Under-40 Innovators Award . 06/2023
  • 2022 Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Research Faculty Award. 08/2022
  • 2022 Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Chair Award. 08/2022
  • 2020 Outstanding New Faculty Award. ACM, 07/2020
  • 2019 IEEE CEDA Ernest S. Kuh Early Career Award. 11/2019
  • 2019 DARPA Young Faculty Award. 07/2019
  • 2018 Chemical Engineering Education William H. Corcoran Best Paper Award. 03/2019
  • 2018 IEEE CEDA Donald O. Pederson Best Paper Award. 06/2018
  • NSF CAREER Award. National Science Foundation, 01/2018
  • The 2016 Prof. Pazy Memorial Research Award. US - Israel Binational Science Foundation, 07/2017
  • Elevation to Senior Member. IEEE, 12/2016

Internal Service

  • Hiring co-chair. 08/2023 - present. Department service.
  • Associate Chair . 07/2020 - 07/2022. Department service.
  • Strategic Committee. Chair, 07/2019 - 07/2020. Department service.
  • Marketing and Outreach Committee. 07/2018 - 07/2019. Department service.
  • Award committee. 01/2018 - 07/2019. Department service.
  • Graduate Recruiting Committee. 01/2016 - 07/2019. Department service.
  • Faculty hiring committee. 01/2016 - 05/2016. Department service.


  • Founder of The Open-Source FPGA Foundation. 04/2021 - 12/2022

In the Media

  • Several articles about The Open-Source FPGA Foundation / RapidSilicon fundraising / OpenFPGA: https://www.eetimes.com/fpga-development-opens-up/# https://finance.yahoo.com/news/rapid-silicon-announces-seed-funding-130000925.html https://finance.yahoo.com/news/quicklogic-announces-first-rad-hard-133500336.html?.tsrc=fin-srch https://www.quicklogic.com/products/efpga/efpga-ip2/. 06/2021.
  • AQandU project on Fox13. 01/2020. https://fox13now.com/2020/01/20/the-air-is-cleaner...
  • https://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-talk/semiconductors/design/darpa-picks-its-first-set-of- winners-in-electronics-resurgence-initiative. 06/2018.
  • http://www.techsite.io/p/876909. 06/2018.
  • http://www.actionutah.org/2017/12/07/host-an-air-quality-sensor/. 12/2017.
  • https://slcgreenblog.com/2017/11/29/hows-the-air-quality-at-your-home/. 11/2017.