• Certified Public Accountant, State of Colorado
  • Associate Professor (Lecturer), Accounting Department

Current Courses

Fall 2024

  • ACCTG 5110-003
    Intrm Fin Accounting I
    Location: SFEBB 3106 (SFEBB 3106)
  • ACCTG 5610-001
    Fin Stmts: Their Story
    Location: SFEBB 3106 (SFEBB 3106)
  • ACCTG 5610-002
    Fin Stmts: Their Story
    Location: GC 2760 (GC 2760)

Summer 2024

Spring 2024

Professional Organizations

  • Beta Alpha Psi. 07/02/2018 - present. Position : Member & Faculty Co-Advisor.
  • American Accounting Association. 04/11/2016 - present. Position : Member.

Small Group Teaching

  • Accounting Bootcamp - Instructor for 2 days for Undergraduate Accounting Students - 08/14/2023 and 08/16/2023.  08/14/2023  -  08/16/2023
  • Accounting Bootcamp - Instructor for 2 days for Undergraduate Accounting Students.  08/18/2022  -  08/19/2022