Research Statement
In 2020, Dr. Olivier earned her PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences from the University of Utah, for which her dissertation research investigated Motor Learning in aging and neurologically-involved populations. Her current research endeavors focus on measuring patient outcomes, as well as high-intensity exercise in people with neurologic conditions.
Research Keywords
- functional outcome measures
- Postural Control
- Personalized Medicine
- Patient Outcomes
- Parkinson Disease
- Older Adults
- Motor Learning
- Motor Control
- High-Intensity Training
- Gait
- Falls
- Cerebrovascular Disorders
- Brain Injury
- Balance
- Aerobic Exercise
- English, fluent.
- Olivier GN, Paul SS, Walter CS & Hayes HA (2021). The feasibility and efficacy of a serial reaction time task that measures motor learning of anticipatory stepping. Gait & posture. Vol. 86, 346-353. Published, 07/01/2021.
- Paul SS, Dibble LE & Olivier GN (2021). Dopamine replacement improves motor learning of an upper extremity task in people with Parkinson disease. Behavioural brain research. Vol. 377, 112213. Published, 04/01/2021.
- Olivier GN, Paul SS & Lohse KR (2020). Predicting Motor Sequence Learning in People With Parkinson Disease. Journal of neurologic physical therapy : JNPT. Vol. 43, 33-41. Published, 05/01/2020.
- Paul SS, Schaefer SY & Olivier GN (2019). Dopamine Replacement Medication Does Not Influence Implicit Learning of a Stepping Task in People With Parkinson's Disease. Neurorehabilitation and neural repair. Vol. 32, 1031-1042. Published, 02/01/2019.