Shad Roundy portrait
  • Associate Chair, Mechanical Engineering
  • Adjunct Associate Professor, Elect & Computer Engineering
  • Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Current Courses

Spring 2025

  • CS 4970-049
    CS Bachelor's Thesis
  • ME EN 3000-001
    Design of Mech Elements

Fall 2024

Summer 2024

Entrepreneurial Experience

  • INVIZA. 10/01/2020 - present. Employees: 2.
    Comments: I am on the Technical Advisory Board for this startup.

Courses I Teach

  • ME EN 2550 - Applied Probability and Statistics for Engineers
    Basic statistics and probability for engineers.
  • ME EN 4000 and ME EN 4010 - Senior Design I and II
    Capstone Design course sequence for seniors in mechanical engineering.
  • ME EN 5070/6070 - Electromechanical Energy Harvesting
    Principles of harvesting electrical energy from mechanical sources such as vibrations, motion, acoustics, and heat. Covers basic physics of electromagnetic, piezoelectric, elecstrostatic, and thermoelectric transducers.