• Instructor (Lecturer), Honors College

Professional Organizations

  • Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE). 01/2012 - 04/2021. Position : Member.
  • International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture (ISSRNC). 08/2013 - 10/2018. Position : Member.
  • Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA). 03/2013 - 04/2020. Position : Member.
  • Screen Actor’s Guild (SAG) Actor’s Equity. 12/2000 - 05/2010. Position : Member.

Current Courses

Fall 2024

  • HONOR 1010-002
    Ideas Mtr; Ops & Probs
    Location: KV 1512 (KV 1512)
  • HONOR 2211-055
    Writing In Honors
    Location: HON CTR 150 (HON CTR 150)
  • HONOR 2211-056
    Writing In Honors
    Location: HON CTR 150 (HON CTR 150)
  • HONOR 3200-006
    Research University
    Location: HON CTR 150 (HON CTR 150)

Summer 2024

Spring 2024