Research Keywords
- Meiji women writers, women's rights movement, Meiji Empress, Women's Education, Diaries, Biographies, Classical Chinese in the Meiji Context
- “Gender Dynamics and Discourses of the Nation-State in Late Imperial Trans-Asian Contexts,” at the Modern Languages Association, Philadelphia, PA. January 5, 2017. Conference Paper, Presented, 01/05/2017.
- "Unpacking National Identity through Japanese Food Culture,” Utah State University, Logan, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 10/26/2016.
- "Kanshi and Kanbungaku as Women’s Education in 1880s and 1890s Japan" on the panel "Kanshibun and Gender in Early Modern and Modern Japan" at the Association for Asian Studies, Seattle, WA. April 1, 2016. Conference Paper, Presented, 04/01/2016.
- Taketori Monogatari and The Tale of Princess Kaguyahime: Adapting an Ancient Tale as Anime. Presentation, Presented, 02/10/2016.
- “Teaching Girls to Be Women: Shimoda Utako’s Genji Monogatari Kōgi and Meiji Women’s Education,” Association for Asian Studies, Chicago, IL. March 28, 2015. Conference Paper, Presented, 10/2014.
- “Meiji Kanshi and Activist Literata Kishida Toshiko (Nakajima Shōen),”AAS, Philadelphia, PA. Conference Paper, Presented, 03/30/2014.
- Meiji Women’s Education as Performance: Shimoda Utako’s Construction and Embodiment of the “New Traditional” Woman, AJLS, Chicago, IL.
Conference Paper,
Presented, 10/19/2013. - “Shimoda Utako's (1854-1936) Jissen Women's Academy and Domestic Science for Asian Women”, AATJ, San Diego, CA. Conference Paper, Presented, 03/21/2013.
- Lecture: "Introduction to Japan: Meiji and Taisho Women for the National Consortium" for National Teaching about Asia Seminar. Other, Presented, 10/29/2011.
- “Home Nursing in Urban and Rural Contexts: The Teaching and Practice of Shimoda Utako’s (1854-1936) Views of Katei kango in Early Twentieth-Century Japan” at RMMLA, Scottsdale, AZ. Conference Paper, Presented, 10/06/2011.
- "Marriage or Mirage: Imagining Meiji Women’s Politicality in Women’s Rights Fiction" at Asian Studies Conference Japan. Conference Paper, Presented, 06/25/2011.
- “The Kishida Toshiko Incident: The Rikken Seitō Newspaper and Narrative Mechanisms of the Public Trial Column” at the Midwest Conf. on Asian Affairs, St. Olafs College and Carlton College, MN. Conference Paper, Presented, 02/26/2010.
Grants, Contracts & Research Gifts
- Researching, Creating, and Implementing Content to support Japanese Language Faculty at Under-resourced Institutions . PI: Mamiko Suzuki. AAS DEI Curriculum Development Grant, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Sustaining the Humanities through the American Rescue Plan (SHARP) program, 05/01/2022 - 04/01/2023. Total project budget to date: $12,600.00
- Japanese, fluent.
Geographical Regions of Interest
- Eastern Asia
- Japan
- Kitō,” [Translation. “The Prayer”] by Sata Ineko, in For Dignity, Justice, and Revolution: An Anthology of Japanese Proletarian Literature. U of Chicago Press, 2016 Norma Field Heather Bowen-Struyk, eds.
Published, 01/2016. - "Co-opting the Politics of Gendered Narration in Nakajima Shōen’s Sankan no meika (Noble Flowers of the Mountains, 1889), Japanese Language and Literature Vol. 49, No. 2, October 2015. Published, 03/2015.
- "Shimoda's Program for Japanese and Chinese Women's Education." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 15.2 (2013): <> (word count: 6100). Published, 08/2013.
- “Kindai shōsetsu no gensetsu joshō.” [Translation. “Introduction to the Discourse of the Modern Novel: ‘Time’ in the Novel and Literary Language or, A Reading of Kamei Hideo’s Transformations of Sensibility, in Monogatari bungaku no gensetsu”] by Mitani Kuniaki was published in Michael K. Bourdaghs, ed. Linguistic Turn in Contemporary Japanese Literary Studies: Textuality, Language, Politics. Published, 12/2010.
- “Between the Public Persona and the Private Narrator: The Open Space of Kishida Toshiko's Diaries (1891-1901),” U.S.-Japan Women’s Journal, Riverside, Calif. : Jōsai University Center for Inter-Cultural Studies and Education and the Purdue University Dept. of History. No. 35: 6-25. 2008. Published, 08/2008.
- “Yo ga hansei no zange” [Translation. Midlife Confessions] by Futabatei Shimei. Published in Tetsuo Najita, ed., Japan’s Modernity: A Reader. Select Papers, Center for East Asian Studies, University of Chicago, 11. Published, 06/2002.