• Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering
  • Adjunct Instructor, Sod - Education
  • Research Associate Professor, Surgery

Research Keywords

  • Polyamine based antimicrobial
  • Percutaneous devices
  • Osseointegration
  • Nano and micro texturing of orthopaedic surfaces
  • Epithelial cell differentiation
  • Device-softtissue integration
  • Biomimic coating


  • Combination Approach for Limiting Epithelial Downgrowth Around the Percutaneous Implants: Use of Biomimetic Coatings in Conjunction with Negative Pressure Wound Therapy. Jeyapalina S; Cook SJ; Nichols C; Bachus KN. Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition, April 15-17, 2015. Charlotte, NC. Lake City, UT. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 04/15/2015.
  • Immunohistochemical Techniques for Studying Skin-Implant Interfaces: Stepping Beyond Monochromatic Stains; Jeyapalina S, Edwards A, Bachus KN, Beck JP; Salt Lake City, UT, USA; 6th International Conference Advances In Orthopaedic Osseointegration. March 26-27th 2015, Las Vegas, NV . Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 03/26/2015.
  • Jeyapalina S, Cook SJ, Nichols, FR & Bachus KN (2014). Biomimetic coatings for preventing continuous wound-healing and associated epithelial downgrowth around the percutaneous implants. The Wound Healing Society's 2014 Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. Conference Paper, Presented, 04/2014.
  • Jeyapalina S, Betz, DH, Ford TA, Bloebaum RD & Van Dyke, M. (2013). Investigating Keratin Biomaterial as a Biomimetic Coating for Percutaneous Device Applications. Society For Biomaterials, Boston. MA. Conference Paper, Presented, 04/2013.
  • Jeyapalina S, Betz DH, Ford TA & Bloebaum RD, (2013). Towards Understanding the Skin-Percutaneous Implant Integration. Society For Biomaterials, Boston, MA. Conference Paper, Presented, 04/2013.
  • Jeyapalina S, Beck JP, Snyder AD, Bloebaum RD & Bachus KN. (2010). A pig back model to evaluate the ability of porous P2 titanium coated subdermal disks to prevent infection in transcutaneous implants. Trans Soc Biomater, March 22, Seattle, WA. Conference Paper, Presented, 03/2012.
  • Jeyapalina, S, Bloebaum, RD, Beck, JP & Bachus KN. (2012). Bone ingrowth, remodeling and mechanical stability of porous coated percutaneous osseointegrated prostheses. 4th International Conference: Advances in Orthopaedic Osseointegration (OSOS). Orthop. Surg. Osseointegr. Soc. San Francisco, CA. Conference Paper, Presented, 02/2012.
  • Jeyapalina S, Beck JP, Bachus KN & Bloebaum RD. (2010). An amputation model for evaluating the efficacy of a porous coated subdermal barrier to create skin-seal in load bearing osseointegrated implants. 27th Army Science Conference, Orlando FL. Conference Paper, Presented, 11/2010.
  • Jeyapalina S, Beck JP, Bachus KN & Bloebaum RD. (2010). Skin tissue response to a percutaneous osseointegrated implant: A sheep amputation model. ORS, 56th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Conference Paper, Presented, 03/2010.

Research Equipment and Testing Expertise

  • Softtissue-implant analyses. Contact: Sujee Jeyapalina , 801-244-9621 .

Grants, Contracts & Research Gifts

  • Microbiome and Innate Immunity with Percutaneous Osseointegrated Implants. PI: Beck JP. Co-PI(s): Jeyapalina S, Loc-Carrillo CM & Agarwal J. VA RR&D, 09/01/2015 - 08/30/2018. Total project budget to date: $400,000.00
  • Keratin Nanomaterial Coating for Interfacing Advanced, Musculoskeletal Anchored Prosthetics to Epithelial Tissues. PI: Van Dyke M. Co-PI(s): Jeyapalina S; Bachus KN; Beck JB.. DOD, 08/15/2015 - 08/14/2018. Total project budget to date: $1,500,000.00
  • Negative Pressure Wound Therapy to Soft Tissues Surrounding Percutaneous Devices. PI: Bachus KN. Co-PI(s): Jeyapalina S. VA RR&D, 06/01/2015 - 05/30/2018. Total project budget to date: $850,000.00


  • English, fluent.

Geographical Regions of Interest

  • Asia
  • Europe
  • Oceania


  • Jeyapalina S, Beck JP, Bachus KN & Bloebaum RD. (2014). Radiographical evaluation of bone adaptation adjacent to percutaneous osseointegrated prostheses in a sheep model. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 472(10), 2966-2977. Published, 10/2014.
  • Jeyapalina S, Beck JP, Bloebaum RD & Bachus KN. (2014). Progression of bone ingrowth and attachment strength for stability of percutaneous osseointegrated prostheses. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 472(10), 2957-2965. Published, 10/2014.
  • Holt BM, Betz DH, Ford TA, Beck JP, Bloebaum RD & Jeyapalina S. (2013). Pig dorsum model for the impaired wound healing outcomes at the skin-implant interface of percutaneous devices. J Mater Sci: Mater Med, 24(9), 2181–2193. Published, 09/2014.
  • Pawar DRL & Jeyapalina S, Hafer K, Bachus KN (2019). Influence of negative pressure wound therapy on peri-prosthetic tissue vascularization and inflammation around porous titanium percutaneous devices. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. Published, 01/10/2019.
  • Juhnke DL, Beck JP, Jeyapalina S, Aschoff HH. Fifteen years of experience with Integral-Leg-Prosthesis: Cohort study of artificial limb attachment system. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2015;52(4):407-20. doi: 10.1682/JRRD.2014.11.0280. PubMed PMID: 26348827. Published, 07/08/2015.
  • Isaacson B & Jeyapalina S. (2014). Osseointegration: A review of the fundamentals for assuring cementless skeletal fixation. Orthop Res Rev, 6, 55 - 65. Published, 04/2014.
  • Williams DL, Sinclair KD, Jeyapalina S & Bloebaum RD. (2013). Characterization of a novel active release coating designed to prevent biofilm implant-related infections. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater, 101B(6), 1078-1089. Published, 08/2013.
  • Holt BM, Bachus KN, Beck, JP, Bloebaum RD & Jeyapalina S. (2013). Immediate post-implantation skin immobilization decreases skin regression around percutaneous osseointegrated prosthetic implant systems. J Biomed Mater Res A, 101(7), 2075-82. Published, 07/2013.
  • Betz DH, Epperson RT, Holt BM, Bloebaum RD & Jeyapalina S. (2012). A new trichrome technique for PMMA embedded percutaneous implants for the study and characterization of epithelial integration. J Histotech, 35(4), 164-170. Published, 12/2012.
  • Jeyapalina S, Beck JP, Bachus KN & Bloebaum RD. (2012). Cortical bone response to the presence of load-bearing percutaneous osseointegrated prostheses. Anat Rec, 295(9), 1437-1445. Published, 09/2012.
  • Jeyapalina S, Beck JP, Bachus KN, Williams DL & Bloebaum RD. (2012). Efficacy of a porous structured titanium subdermal barrier for preventing infection in percutaneous osseointegrated prostheses. J Orthop Res, 30(8), 1304-1311. Published, 08/2012.
  • Lim KH, Jeyapalina S, Ho HN, Chew CM, Chen PC, Teo CL, & Lim BH. (2008). Non-invasive prediction of skin flap shrinkage: a new concept based on animal experimental evidence. J Biomech, 41(8), 1668-1674. Published, 05/2008.
  • Lim KH, Chew CM, Chen PC, Jeyapalina S, Ho HN, Rappel JK & Lim BH. (2008). New extensometer to measure in vivo uniaxial mechanical properties of human skin. J Biomech, 41(5), 931-936. Published, 02/2008.
  • Pawar DRL & Mitchell SJ, Jeyapalina S, Hawkes JE, Florell SR, Bachus KN. (2019). Peri-prosthetic tissue reaction to discontinuation of negative pressure wound therapy around porous titanium percutaneous devices. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. Vol. 107(3), 564-572. Published, 04/2019.
  • S Jeyapalina & Beck JP, Agarwal J, Bachus KN. (2017). A 24-month evaluation of a percutaneous osseointegrated limb-skin interface in an ovine amputation model. J Mater Sci Mater Med. Vol. 28(11), 179. Published, 10/2017.
  • Mitchell SJ & Jeyapalina S, Nichols FR, Agarwal J, Bachus KN. (2016). Negative pressure wound therapy limits downgrowth in percutaneous devices. Wound Repair Regen. Vol. 24(1), 35-44. Published, 01/2016.