YEHUA Dennis WEI portrait
  • Affilated Faculty, Asian Studies Program
  • Professor, Sch Of Environ,Society&Sustain


  • Y.H.D. Wei (2017). Urban Land and Sustainable Development. MDPI. Published, 04/2017.
  • Y.H.D. Wei (2017). Geography of inequality in Asia. Geographical Review. Vol. 107, 263-275. Published, 04/2017.
  • L. ZHANG & Y.H.D. Wei (2017). Spatial Dynamics and Inequality of the Retail Industry in China. Geographical Research. 55(4): 395-411. Published, 06/2017.
  • G. Tian, Y.H.D. Wei & H. Li (2017). Effects of Accessibility and Environmental Health Risk on Housing Prices: A Case of Salt Lake County, Utah. Applied Geography. Vol. 89, 12-21. Published, 06/2017.
  • Tian, G., Y.H.D. Wei & H. Li (2017). Effects of accessibility and environmental health risk on housing prices: A case of Salt Lake County, Utah. Applied Geography. Vol. 89, 12-21. Published, 09/2017.
  • Y.H.D. Wei, H. Li & W. Yue (2017). Urban Land Expansion and Regional Inequality in Transitional China. Landscape and Urban Planning. Vol. 163, 17-31. Published, 03/2017.
  • J Lin, Y.H.D. Wei & M. Wang (2017). Internet access, spillover and regional development in China. Sustainability. 9(6):946. Published, 06/2017.
  • K Yenneti, Y.H.D. Wei & W.Chen (2017). The urbanization of poverty in India: Spatio- temporal disparities in consumption expenditures. Geographical Review. Vol. 107, 360–383. Published, 04/2017.
  • Y.H.D. Wei (2017). Geography of Inequality in Asia. Geographical Review. 107(2):263-411. Published, 04/2017.
  • L. Zhang, Y.H.D. Wei & R. Meng (2017). Spatiotemporal dynamics and spatial determinants of urban growth in Suzhou, China. Sustainability. Vol. 9, 393. Published, 03/2017.
  • C. Wu, Y.H.D. Wei, X. Huang & B. Chen (2017). Economic transition, spatial development and urban land use efficiency in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Habitat International. Vol. 63, 67-78. Published, 05/2017.
  • J. Shen & Y.H.D. Wei (2017). The impact of environmental regulations on the location of Pollution-intensive industries in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 148, 785-794. Published, 04/2017.
  • B.D. Liu, Y.H.D. Wei & C. Simon (2017). Social Capital, Race and Income Inequality in the United States. Sustainability. Vol. 9, 248. Published, 02/2017.
  • Y.H.D. Wei, L. Zhang, F.H.F. Liao & J.L. Chen (2018). Economic Transition, Urban Expansion and Spatial Restructuring in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. Published, 05/01/2018.
  • C.L. Gu, Y.H.D. Wei & I.G. Cook (2017). Planning Beijing: Socialist City, Transitional City and Global City. (pp. 111-132). Routledge. Published, 03/2017.
  • J. Kang, Y. Ning, Y.D. Wei & R. Wu (2017). The spatio-temporal evolution and influencing factors of peasants’ income in contiguous destitute area. China Population, Resources and Environment. Vol. 27, 252-260. Published, 05/2017.
  • Li H., Wei Y., Yu Z. & Tian G. (2016). Amenity, accessibility and housing values in metropolitan USA: A study of Salt Lake County, Utah. Cities. Vol. 59, 113-125. Published, 11/01/2016.
  • Chen J., Gao J., Yuan F. & Wei Y. (2016). Spatial determinants of urban land expansion in globalizing Nanjing, China. Sustainability (Switzerland). Vol. 8. Published, 08/29/2016.
  • Wei Y. (2016). Towards equitable and sustainable urban space: Introduction to special issue on "Urban land and sustainable development". Sustainability (Switzerland). Vol. 8. Published, 08/15/2016.
  • Huang Z., He C. & Wei Y. (2016). A comparative study of land efficiency of electronics firms located within and outside development zones in Shanghai. Habitat International. Vol. 56, 63-73. Published, 08/01/2016.
  • Yenneti K., Tripathi S., Wei Y., Chen W. & Joshi G. (2016). The truly disadvantaged? Assessing social vulnerability to climate change in urban India. Habitat International. Vol. 56, 124-135. Published, 08/01/2016.
  • Wei Y., Bi X., Wang M. & Ning Y. (2016). Globalization, Economic Restructuring, and Locational Trajectories of Software Firms in Shanghai. Professional Geographer. Vol. 68, 211-226. Published, 04/02/2016.
  • Ewing R., Hamidi S., Grace J. & Wei Y. (2016). Does urban sprawl hold down upward mobility?. Landscape and Urban Planning. Vol. 148, 80-88. Published, 04/01/2016.
  • Wei Y., Xiao W., Wen M. & Wei R. (2016). Walkability, land use and physical activity. Sustainability (Switzerland). Vol. 8, 1-16. Published, 01/01/2016.
  • Li H., Wei Y. & Ning Y. (2016). Spatial and temporal evolution of urban systems in China during rapid urbanization. Sustainability (Switzerland). Vol. 8. Published, 07/08/2016.
  • Wang M., Liao F., Lin J., Huang L., Gu C. & Wei Y. (2016). The making of a sustainable wireless city? Mapping public Wi-Fi access in Shanghai. Sustainability (Switzerland). Vol. 8. Published, 01/01/2016.
  • Li, H., Y. Ning, Y. Wei and F. Chen (2016). Spatial distribution and correlation mechanisms of megalopolises in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Changjiang Liuyu Ziyuan Huanjing (Resources and Environment of the Yangtze River Valley) 25(12): 1797-1806. Published, 12/01/2016.
  • Guan, W., Y. Yao, X. Peng, Y. Wei and H. Zhang (2016). Urbanization and economic growth in China, 1978-2014. Dili Kexue (Geographical Sciences) 36(6): 813-819. Published, 06/01/2016.
  • Zhang, F., C. Yang, Y. Ning and Y. Wei (2016). Structure and evolution of Chinese transnational urban networks based on airline passage flows. Shijie Dili Yanjiu (World Regional Studies) 25(3): 1-11. Published, 03/01/2016.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. (ed.) (2016). Urban Land and Sustainable Development. Sustainability. Published, 04/01/2016.
  • Gao, J.L., Y.H.D. Wei, W. Chen and K. Yenneti. 2015. Urban Land Expansion and Structural Change in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Sustainability 7(8): 10281-10307. Published, 10/2015.
  • Gu, C.L., Y.H.D. Wei and I.G. Cook. 2015. Planning Beijing: Socialist City, Transitional City and Global City. Urban Geography 36(6): 905-926. Published, 09/2015.
  • Zhang, L. and Y.H.D. Wei. 2015. Foreign hypermarket retailers in China. Geographical Review 105(4): 528-550. Published, 09/2015.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. (ed.). 2015. Spatial Inequality. Applied Geography 61: 1-116. Published, 07/2015.
  • Li, D.D., T. Wang and Y.H. Wei, F. Yuan. 2015. Temporal and Spatial Complexity of Scientific Knowledge Network and Technological Knowledge Network on China’s Urban Scale. Dili Yanjiu (Geographical Research) 34(3): 525-540. Published, 03/2015.
  • Wang, Z.Y., Y.Q. Cheng, Q. Ma, X.Y. Ye and Y.H. Wei. 2015. Measurement and Spatial Analysis of Quality of Life of Urban Residents in Northeast China. Dili Kexue (Geographical Sciences) 35(2): 190-196. Published, 02/2015.
  • Dai, Q.W., Y.H. Wei and Y.M. Ning. 2015. Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Intra-provincial Inequality in Less Developed Provinces. Jingji Dili (Economic Geography) 35(2): 14-21, 29. Published, 02/2015.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. 2015. Network Linkages and Local Embeddedness of Foreign Ventures in China. Regional Studies 49(2): 287-299. Published, 01/2015.
  • Li, H., Y.H.D, Wei, F.H. Liao and Z. Huang. 2015. Adminstrative Hierarchy and Urban Expansion in Transitnal China. Applied Geography 56: 177-186. Published, 01/2015.
  • Timberlake, M., Y.H.D. Wei, X. Ma and J. Hao. Global Cities with Chinese Characteristics. Cities 41: 162-170. Published, 12/2014.
  • Li, H., Y.H.D Wei and Z.Huang Urban Land Expansion and Spatial Dynamics in Globalizing Shanghai, Sustainability 6: 8856-8875. Published, 12/2014.
  • Wei, Y.H.D and X.Y. Ye (eds.). Urbanization, Land Use and Sustainable Development in China. Stochastic Environment Research and Risk Assessment 28(4): 755-880. Published, 10/2014.
  • Gao, J.L. Y.D.H. Wei., W. Chen and J.L. Chen.Economic Transition and Urban Land Expansion in Provincial China. Habitat International 44:461-473. Published, 10/2014.
  • Gao, J.L., J.L. Chen, F. Yuan, Y.H. Wei, and W. Chen. Patterns, Evolution and Mechanisms of Urban Land Expansion in Nanjing City. Dli Yanjiu(Geographical research)10: 1892-1907. Published, 09/01/2014.
  • Cheng,Y., Z. Wang. X. Ye and Y.H.D. Wei. Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Carbon Intensity from Energy Consumption in China. Journal of Geographical Science 24(4): 631-650. Published, 08/2014.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. and Xinyue Ye. Urbanization, Land Use, and Sustainable Development in China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 28(4): 757-765. Published, 07/2014.
  • Li, Y. and Y.H.D. Wei. Multidimensional inequalities in health care distribution in provincial China: A case study of Henan Province. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (Journal of Economic and Social Geography) 105(1): 91-106. Published, 07/2014.
  • Yue, W.Z., P.L. Fan, Y.H.D. Wei and J.G. Qi. Economic Development, Urban Expansion, and Sustainable Development in Shanghai. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 28(4): 783-799. Published, 07/2014.
  • Liao, H.F. and Y.H.D. Wei. Modeling spatial determinants of urban growth in Dongguan, China: A spatial logistic approach. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 28(4): 801-816. Published, 07/2014.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. and Xinyue Ye. Urbanization, Land use, and Sustainable Development in China. Stochastic environmental Research and Ris Assessment 28(4): 755. Published, 06/2014.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. China's Yangze River Delta Region: Globalization, Production Networks and Regional Development. In Y.N Zheng and Y.T. Tong (eds.), China's Evolving Industrial Policies and Economic Restructing, pp.197-210. London:Routledge. Published, 06/2014.
  • Gao, J.L., W. Chen and Y.H. Wei. Dynamical Evolution and Driving Mechanisms of Urban Land Use Structure under Globalization. The Fifth Cross-Strait Conference in Economic Geography, Nanjing. Published, 06/26/2014.
  • Ji, F. F., W. Chen, Y.H. Wei and F. Yuan. Patterns and Driving Mechanisms of Changing Financial Flows under the Integration of the Yangtze River Delta. Dili Xuebao (Acta Geographic Sinica) 69(6): 823-827. Published, 06/01/2014.
  • Wang, M. F., Y.H. Wei and J. Qiu. Spatial Agglomeration and Urban Network of Ventura Capital Investment in China. Caijing Yanjiu (Journal of Finance and Economics) 40(4): 117-131. Published, 03/01/2014.
  • Huang, H. and Y.H.D. Wei. Intra-metropolitan Location of Foreign Direct Investment in Wuhan, China: Institution, Urban Structure and Accessibility, Applied Geography 47: 78-88. Published, 02/2014.
  • Yuan, F., Y.H.D. Wei and W. Chen. Economic Transition, Industrial Location and Corporate Networks: Remaking the Sunan Model in Wuxi City, China. Habitat International. 42: 58-68. Published, 01/2014.
  • Xu, J.G., Y.H. Wei and Y.M. Ning. Review of the Wenzhou Model from the Industrial District Perspective. Zhongguo Chengshi Yanjiu (China Urban Studies) . Published, 12/2013.
  • Wu, W., S.L. Zhou, Y.H. Wei and H.F. Liao. 2013. Application and Evaluation of Spatial Heterogeneity Model in the Simulation of Urban Expansion. Journal of Hunan University 40(12): 114-119. Published, 12/2013.
  • Sun, Y.F., Y.H.D. Wei, Y. Zhou, and G.C.S. Lin. Subcontracting and Supplier Technology Upgrading: Evidence from China’s Information and Communication Technology Industry. Regional Studies. 47(10):1766-1784. Published, 11/2013.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. and F.H.F. Liao. FDI Embeddedness in Production and Innovation in China: Strategic Coupling in Global Production Networks? Habitat International 40: 82-90. Published, 10/2013.
  • Shi, M.J., J. Yang, W. Long and Y.H.D. Wei. 2013. Geographical Change and Driving Factors of China’s Manufacturing Industry. Dili Yanjiu (Geographical Research) 32(9): 1708-1720. Published, 09/2013.
  • Liefner, I., Y.H.D. Wei, and G. Zeng. The innovativeness and heterogeneity of foreign- invested high-tech companies in Shanghai. Growth and Change. 44(3): 522-549. Published, 09/2013.
  • Qin, X.H., Y.H. Wei, W. Chen and X.J. Duan. Population Expansion and Polycentric Development of Nanjing city in a period of hyper-growth. Dili Yanjiu (Geographical Research) 32(4): 711-719. Published, 08/2013.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. FDI Networks, R&D Activities and the Making of Global Cities in China. In I. Liefner and Y.H.D. Wei (eds.), Innovation and Regional Development in China. pp.95-120. London: Routledge. Published, 01/2014.
  • Liefner, I. and Y.H.D. Wei (eds.). Innovation and Regional Development in China. London and New York: Routledge. Published, 01/2014.
  • Wu, W., S.L. Zhou, Y.H.D. Wei and T. Chang. 2013. Modeling Spatial Determinants of Land Urbanization in Urban Fringe. Nongye Gongcheng Xuebao (Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering) 29(16): 220-228. Published, 08/2013.
  • Wei, Y.H.D., F. Yuan and F.H. Liao. Spatial Mismatch and Determinants of Foreign and Domestic ICT Firms in China. Professional Geographer. 65(2): 247-264. Published, 06/2013.
  • Liao, H.F. and Y.H.D. Wei. TNCs’ technology linkages with domestic firms: an investigation of the ICT industry in Suzhou, China. Environment and Planning C. 31(3): 460-474. Published, 06/2013.
  • Chen, J.L., J.L. Gao, Y.H. Wei and F. Liu. 2013. Spatial Determinants of Urban Land.Expansion in Large Chinese Cities: A Case Study of Nanjing. Dili Kexue (Geographical Sciences) 33(6): 676-684. Published, 06/2013.
  • Liao, F.H.F. and Y.H.D. Wei. Dynamics, Space, and Regional Inequality in Provincial China: A Case Study of Guangdong Province. Applied Geography 35(1-2): 71-83. Published, 11/2012.
  • Ye, X.Y. and Y.H.D. Wei. 2012. Regional Development, Disparities and Policies in Globalizing Asia. Regional Science Policy and Practice 4(3): 179-182. Published, 08/2012.
  • Ye, X.Y. and Y.H.D. Wei (eds.). Special Issues on Globalization, Regional Development and Public Policy in Asia. Regional Science Policy and Practice 4(3): 179-333. Published, 08/2012.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. Restructuring for Growth in Urban China: Transitional Institutions, Urban Development, and Spatial Transformation. Habitat International 36(3):396-405. Published, 07/2012.
  • Yuan, F., Y.H.D. Wei and W. Chen. 2012. Manufacturing Firms Location Adjustment and the Restructuring of the Sunan Model in Wuxi City. Dili Kexue (Geographical Sciences) 32(4): 401-408. Published, 04/2012.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. and C.K. Leung. Multi-faceted Regional Inequality in China. In Ashok K. Dutt, Vandana Wadhwa, Baleshwar Thakur and Frank J. Costa (eds.), Facets of Social Geography. New Delhi: Cambridge University Press. Published, 03/2012.
  • Wei, Y.H.D., Y. Zhou, Y.F. Sun, and G.C.S. Lin. Production and R&D Networks of Foreign Ventures in China: Implications for Technological Dynamism and Regional Development. Applied Geography 32(1): 106-118. Published, 01/2012.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. and I. Liefner. Globalization, Industrial Restructuring, and Regional Development in China. Applied Geography 32(1): 102-105. Published, 01/2012.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. and I. Liefner (eds.). 2012. Special Issue on Globalization, Industrial Restructuring, and Regional Development in China. Applied Geography 32(1): 102-184. Published, 01/2012.
  • Wang, Z.Y. and Y.H.D. Wei. Globalization, Knowledge Economy and the Restructuring of Italian Industrial Districts. Dili Kexue (Geographical Sciences) 31(11):1335-1341. Published, 11/2011.
  • Zhao, X.Z., Y.M. Ning and Y.H.D. Wei. Foreign Investment and Spatial Restructuring in Shanghai. Dili Xuebao (Acta Geographica Sinica) 66(10): 1390-1402. Published, 10/2011.
  • Wei, Y.H.D.Beyond the GPN-New Regionalism Divide in China: Restructuring the Clothing Industry, Remaking the Wenzhou Model. Geografiska Annaler B 93(3): 237-251. Published, 09/2011.
  • Wei, Y.H.D., I. Liefner, and C.H. Miao. Network Configurations and R&D Activities of the ICT Industry in Suzhou Municipality, China. Geoforum 42: 484-495. Published, 09/2011.
  • Wei, Y.H.D., D.L. Yu and X.J. Chen. Scale, Agglomeration, and Regional Inequality in Provincial China. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (Journal of Economic and Social Geography) 102(4): 406-425. Published, 09/2011.
  • Miao, C.H., Y.H.D. Wei, and L.C. Lu. Xin Jingji Dili Xue (New Economic Geographies). Beijing: Science Press. Published, 07/01/2011.
  • Gao, S., Y.H.D. Wei, W. Chen and H.X. Zhao. Spatial Correlations of Industrial Clustering and Water Pollution in Developed Regions of China: A Case Study of Wuxi City. Dili Yanjiu (Geographical Research) 30(5): 902-912. Published, 05/2011.
  • Zhao, X.Z. and Y.H.D. Wei. Research on Global Economic Space Change and Its Mechanism in Shanghai. Nanjing Shehui Kexue (Nanjing Social Sciences) 5: 8-14. Published, 05/2011.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. and Y. Zhou (eds.). Special Issue on Globalization, Innovation and Regional Development in China. Environment and Planning A 43(4): 781-849. Published, 04/2011.
  • Zhou, Y. and Y.H.D. Wei. Globalization, Innovation, and Regional Development in China. Environment and Planning A 43(4): 781-785. Published, 04/2011.
  • Liefner, I. and Y.H.D. Wei (eds.). Special Issue on Foreign Direct Investment, Innovation and Regional Economic Development in China. Erdkunde 65(1): 3-83. Published, 01/2011.
  • Hao, H. and Y.H.D. Wei. Location and Determinants of Foreign Investment in China. Erdkunde 65(1): 7-23. Published, 01/2011.
  • Liefner, I. and Y.H.D. Wei. Geography and the Research on Contemporary China. Erdkunde 65(1): 3-5. Published, 01/2011.
  • Zhou, Y., Y.F. Sun, Y.H.D. Wei and G.C.S. Lin. De-centering ‘Spatial Fix’—Patterns of Territorialization and Regional Technological Dynamism of ICT Hubs in China. Journal of Economic Geography 11(1): 119-150. Published, 01/2011.
  • Li, Y.R. and Y.H.D. Wei. A Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Health Care and Mortality Inequalities in Transitional China. Eurasian Geography and Economics 51(6): 767-787. Published, 12/21/2010.
  • Wei, Y.H.D., J. Li and Y.M. Ning. Corporate Networks, Value Chains, and Spatial Organization: A Study of the Computer Industry in China. Urban Geography 31(8): 1118-1140. Published, 12/16/2010.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. and M. Timberlake. Making Shanghai a Global City. World Expo: Commemorative Publication.pp.14-19.Washington, DC: Medauras Global Publishing. Published, 10/2010.
  • Li, Y.R. and Y.H.D. Wei. The Spatial-Temporal Hierarchy of Regional Inequality of China. Applied Geography 30: 303-316. Published, 07/2010.
  • Wei, Y.H.D., J. Luo, and Q. Zhou. Location Decisions and Network Configurations of Foreign Investment in Urban China. Professional Geographer 62(2): 264-283. Published, 05/2010.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. and C.L. Gu. A Study of Industrial Development and Spatial Structure in Changzhou City, China: The Restructuring of the Sunan Model. Urban Geography 31(3): 321-347. Published, 04/2010.
  • Wei, Y.H.D.2010.Beyond New Regionalism, Beyond Global Production Networks: Remaking the Sunan Model, China. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 28(1): 72-96. Published, 01/2010.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. China’s Shoe Manufacturing and the Wenzhou Model: Perspectives on the World’s Leading Producer and Exporter of Footwear. Eurasian Geography and Economics 50(6): 720-739. Published, 2009.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. Location Decisions and Network Organizations of Foreign Ventures in China. Zhongguo Chenghsi Yanjiu (China Urban Studies) 3: 1-14. Published, 12/2010.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. Shanghai Rising: State Power and Local Transformations in a Global Megacity. Xiangming Chen (ed.), University of Minnesota Press. Economic Geography 86(3): 319-320. Published, 07/2010.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. On Scholarly Research and Writing in Human Geography. Shijie Dili (World Regional Studies) 19(3): 159-167. Published, 03/2010.
  • Yuan, F., Y.H.D. Wei, W. Chen and Z.F. Jin. Spatial Agglomeration and New Firm Formation in the Information and Communication Technology Industry in Suzhou. Dili Xuebao (Acta Geographic Sinica) 65(2): 153-163. Published, 02/2010.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. Foreign Ventures and Global City Formation in China. Changing Cities, pp. 25-31. Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Press. Published, 01/2010.
  • Miao, C.H. and Y.H.D. Wei. Deepening Division of Labor, Knowledge Creation and the Growth of Industrial Clusters: A Case Study of the Flowers and Plants Industry in Yanling County, Henan Province, China. Dili Yanjiu (Geographical Research) 28(4): 853-864. Published, 2009.
  • Luo, J. and Y.H.D. Wei. Modeling Spatial Variations of Urban Growth Patterns in Chinese Cities: The Case of Nanjing. Landscape and Urban Planning 91(2): 51-64. Published, 2009.
  • Wei, Y.H.D and X.Y. Ye. Beyond Convergence: Space, Scale, and Regional Inequality in China. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (Journal of Economic and Social Geography) 100(1): 59-80. Published, 2009.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. The Globalization of Suzhou, China: States, Transnational Enterprises, and Regional Development, in Yuan Ren, Xiangmin Chen, Dieter Lapple (eds.), The Era of Global City-Regions. Shanghai: Fudan University Press. Published, 2009.
  • Wei, Y.H.D., Y.Q. Lu, and W. Chen. Globalizing Regional Development in Sunan, China: Does Suzhou Industrial Park Fit a Neo-Marshallian District Model? Regional Studies 43(3): 409-427. Published, 2009.
  • Guan, W.H., X. Peng, H. Zhang, and Y.H. Wei. 2015. Regional Economic Inequalities in Jiangsu at Different Spatial Scales. Changjiang Liuyu Ziyuan Huanjing (Resources and Environment of the Yangtze River Valley) 24(12): 2004-2011. Published, 12/01/2015.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. (ed.). 2015. Urban Land and Sustainable Development. Sustainability 7, 2015: 4260-4279, 10281-10307, 11632-11656, 11727-11755, 15718-15753, 16783-16800, 16849-16865. Published, 09/01/2015.
  • Huang, Z., Y.H.D. Wei, C. He and H. Li. 2015. Urban Land Expansion under Economic Transition in China: A Multi-level Modeling Analysis. Habitat International 47: 69-82. Published, 06/01/2015.
  • Li, D.D., Y.H.D. Wei, T. Wang. 2015. Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Urban Innovation Network in China. Habitat International 49: 484-496. Published, 05/01/2015.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. 2015. Zone Fever, Project Fever: Development Policy, Economic Transition, and Urban Expansion in China. Geographical Review 105(2): 156-177. Published, 04/01/2015.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. 2015. Spatiality of Regional Inequality. Applied Geography 61: 1-10. Published, 03/01/2015.
  • Liao, F.H. and Y.H.D. Wei. 2015. Space, Scale, and Regional Inequality in Provincial China. Applied Geography 61: 94-104. Published, 03/01/2015.
  • Wang, Z.Y., Y.Q. Cheng, X.Y. Ye and Y.H.D. Wei. 2015. Analyzing the Space-time Dynamics of Innovation in China: ESDA and Spatial Panel Approaches. Growth and Change 46(1): 133-149. Published, 02/01/2015.
  • Liefner, I. and Y.H.D. Wei (eds.). Innovation and Regional Development in China. London and New York: Routledge. Published, 02/01/2014.
  • Wang, Z.Y., Y.Q. Cheng, X.Y. Ye and Y.H.D. Wei. Analyzing the Space-time Dynamics of Innovation in China: ESDA and Spatial Panel Approaches. Growth and Change 47(1): 111-129, 2016. Published, 02/01/2016.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. 2015. Spatiality of Regional Inequality. Applied Geography 61: 1-10. Published, 07/01/2015.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. 2015. Spatiality of Regional Inequality. Applied Geography 61: 1-10. Published, 05/01/2015.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. 2015. Zone Fever, Project Fever: Development Policy, Economic Transition,and Urban Expansion in China. Geographical Review 105(2): 156-177. Published, 04/01/2015.
  • Li H & Wei YD (2023). COVID-19, Cities and Inequality. Applied geography (Sevenoaks, England). Vol. 160. Published, 10/01/2023.
  • Wu Y, Wei YD, Liu, M. & Garcia, I. (2023). Green infrastructure inequality in the context of COVID-19: Taking parks and trails as examples. Urban forestry & urban greening. Vol. 86. Published, 08/01/2023.
  • Xiong, N., Wei. Y.D. & Wu, Y. (2023). Tech firm births and agglomeration economies: (un)related variety, specialization, and spatial externalities. Cities. Vol. 138, 104349. Published, 03/01/2023.
  • Wang J., Wei YD & Lin, B. (2023). HOW SOCIAL MEDIA AFFECTS PM2.5 LEVELS IN URBAN CHINA?. Geographical Review. Published, 02/01/2023.
  • Liu W (2022). Spatial restructuring of pollution-intensive enterprises in Foshan China: Effects of the changing role of environmental regulation. Journal of environmental management. Vol. 325, 116501116501. Published, 11/01/2022.
  • Ma H., Wei Y.D., Dai L. & Xu X. (2022). The proximity and dynamics of intercity technology transfers in the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macau Greater Bay Area: Evidence from patent transfer networks. Environment and Planning A. Vol. 54, 1432-1449. Published, 10/01/2022.
  • Xiao W & Wei YD (2022). Neighborhood, built environment and resilience in transportation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Transportation research. Part D, Transport and environment. Vol. 110, 103428103428. Published, 10/01/2022.
  • Wang Y., Wei Y.D. & Sun B. (2022). New economy and national city size distribution. Habitat International. Vol. 127. Published, 09/01/2022.
  • Xiao W., Wei Y.D. & Wu Y. (2022). Neighborhood, built environment and resilience in transportation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 110. Published, 09/01/2022.
  • Zhang W., Wang B., Wang J., Wu Q. & Wei Y.D. (2022). How does industrial agglomeration affect urban land use efficiency? A spatial analysis of Chinese cities. Land Use Policy. Vol. 119. Published, 08/01/2022.
  • Tian G., Miao J., Miao C., Wei Y.D. & Yang D. (2022). Interplay of Environmental Regulation and Local Protectionism in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Vol. 19. Published, 05/01/2022.
  • An Y., Wei Y.D., Yuan F. & Chen W. (2022). Impacts of high-speed rails on urban networks and regional development: a study of the Yangtze River Delta, China. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. Vol. 16, 483-495. Published, 01/01/2022.
  • Wu J., Wei Y.D., Yuan F. & Wang L. (2022). M&A Activities and Changes in Corporate Control across Chinese Cities: Spatial Patterns and Locational Implications. Professional Geographer. Vol. 74, 727-742. Published, 01/01/2022.
  • Guo J., Wei Y.D., Chen W. & Xiao W. (2022). Progress of urban polycentricity research and planning practice in the context of spatial restructuring. Progress in Geography. Vol. 41, 316-329. Published, 01/01/2022.
  • Wu Y., Wei Y.D., Li H. & Liu M. (2022). Amenity, firm agglomeration, and local creativity of producer services in Shanghai. Cities. Vol. 120. Published, 01/01/2022.
  • Wu Y., Miao C., Wei Y.D. & Miao J. (2021). Investment location dynamics and influencing factors of pollution-intensive industries in China: A study of chemical firms. Growth and Change. Vol. 52, 1997-2015. Published, 12/01/2021.
  • Liu W., Shen J., Wei Y.D. & Chen W. (2021). Environmental justice perspective on the distribution and determinants of polluting enterprises in Guangdong, China. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 317. Published, 10/01/2021.
  • Xiao W., Wei Y.D. & Li H. (2021). Spatial inequality of job accessibility in Shanghai: A geographical skills mismatch perspective. Habitat International. Vol. 115. Published, 09/01/2021.
  • Wei Y.D., Xiao W. & Wu Y. (2021). Trip generation, trip chains and polycentric development in metropolitan USA: A Case Study of the Wasatch Front Region, Utah. Applied Geography. Vol. 133. Published, 08/01/2021.
  • Wang J., Wei Y.D. & Lin B. (2021). Functional division and location choices of Chinese outward FDI: The case of ICT firms. Environment and Planning A. Vol. 53, 937-957. Published, 08/01/2021.
  • McCullough ML, Wan N, Pezzolesi MG, Collins TW, Grineski SE & Wei YD (2021). Type 1 Diabetes incidence among youth in Utah: A geographical analysis. Social science & medicine (1982). Vol. 278, 113952. Published, 05/01/2021.
  • Xiao W., Wei Y.D. & Wan N. (2021). Modeling job accessibility using online map data: An extended two-step floating catchment area method with multiple travel modes. Journal of Transport Geography. Vol. 93. Published, 05/01/2021.
  • Xiao W. & Wei Y.D. (2021). Multiscale Analysis of Urban Walkability and Pedestrian's Destination Choice. Journal of Urban Planning and Development. Vol. 147. Published, 03/01/2021.
  • Liao, HF, YD Wei & L Huang (2021). Regional Inequality in Transitional China. Routledge. Published, 02/01/2021.
  • Hoalst-Pullen, N & Wei YD (2021). Global Pandemics. Applied Geography. Published, 01/01/2021.
  • Wei Y.D., Xiao W., Medina R. & Tian G. (2021). Effects of neighborhood environment, safety, and urban amenities on origins and destinations of walking behavior. Urban Geography. Vol. 42, 120-140. Published, 01/01/2021.
  • An Y., Wei Y.D., Yuan F. & Chen W. (2021). Impacts of high-speed rails on urban networks and regional development: a study of the Yangtze River Delta, China. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. Published, 01/01/2021.
  • Xiao W., Li H. & Wei Y.D. (2021). Understanding jobs-housing imbalance in urban China: A case study of Shanghai. Journal of Transport and Land Use. Vol. 14, 389-415. Published, 01/01/2021.
  • Zhong, Y., Y. Ye and Y. Wei (2020). Characteristics and influencing factors of urban networks based on innovation linkages. Keji Guanli Yanjiu (Science and Technology Management Research). Vol. 7, 1-9. Published, 05/15/2020.
  • Li, H. and Y.D. Wei (2020). Spatial inequality of housing value changes since the financial crisis. Applied Geography. Vol. 115, 102141. Published, 05/15/2020.
  • Wu, C., X. Huang, Y.D. Wei, B. Chen and X. Chuai (2020). Valuing land use change effects upon ecosystem service values: Spatial simulating analysis of land use optimization and ecological management. Ecological Indicator. Vol. 117, 106507. Published, 05/15/2020.
  • Yuan, F., Y.D. Wei and J. Wu (2020). Amenity Effects of Urban Facilities on Housing Prices in China: Accessibility, Scarcity, and Urban Spaces. Cities. Vol. 96, 102433. Published, 05/15/2020.
  • Li, H., Y.D. Wei and E. Swerts (2020). Spatial Clustering and Inequality of City-Regions in the Yangtze River Valley, China. Urban Studies. Vol. 57, 672-689. Published, 04/15/2020.
  • Nijman J & Wei YD (2020). Urban inequalities in the 21st century economy. Applied geography (Sevenoaks, England). Vol. 117, 102188. Published, 04/01/2020.
  • Wu, J., Z. Yu, Y.D. Wei & L. Yang (2019). Changing distribution of the floating population and its determinants in urban China: Economic transition, public policy and amenity. Habitat International. Vol. 94. Published, 12/2019.
  • Yuan F., Y.D. Wei & W. Xiao. (2019). Land marketization, fiscal decentralization, and the dynamics of urban land prices in transitional China. Land Use Policy. Vol. 89. Published, 12/2019.
  • Li, D., Y.D. Wei, C. Miao, Y. Wu & W. Xiao (2019). Innovation, network capabilities, and sustainable development of regional economies in China. Sustainability. Vol. 11. Published, 09/2019.
  • Wang, J & Y.D. Wei (2019). Agglomeration, Environmental Policies and Surface Water Quality in China: A Study Based on a Quasi-Natural Experiment. Sustainability. Vol. 11. Published, 09/2019.
  • Li, H., Y.D. Wei & Y. Wu (2019). Urban amenity, human capital and employment distribution in Shanghai. Habitat International. Vol. 91. Published, 09/2019.
  • Wang, J., Y.D. Wei & B. Lin (2019). How does tolerance affect urban innovative capacities in China?. Growth and Change. Vol. 50(4), 1242-1259. Published, 07/2019.
  • Chen, W., K. Yenneti, Y.D. Wei, F. Yuan, J. Wu & J. Gao (2019). Polycentricity in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration (YRDUA): More cohesion or more disparities?. Sustainability. Vol. 11. Published, 06/2019.
  • Li, H., Y.D. Wei & Y. Wu (2019). Analyzing the private rental housing market in Shanghai with open data. Land Use Policy. Vol. 89. Published, 06/2019.
  • Yuan, F., Y.D. Wei, J. Gao & W. Chen (2019). Water Crisis, Environmental Regulations and Location Dynamics of Pollution-Intensive Industries in China: A Study of the Taihu Lake Watershed. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 216. Published, 04/2019.
  • Huang, H. & Y.H.D. Wei (2019). The Spatial-Temporal Hierarchy of Inequality in Urban China. Professional Geographer. Vol. 71(3). Published, 04/2019.
  • Li, H., Y.D. Wei & Y. Zhou (2019). Institutions, extreme weather and urbanization in the Greater Mekong Region. Annals of AAG. Vol. 109(4). Published, 02/2019.
  • Wu, J., Y.D. Wei, W. Chen & F. Yuan (2019). Environmental regulations and redistribution of polluting industries in transitional China: Understanding regional and industrial differences. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 206, 142-155. Published, 01/2019.
  • Wang, J., X. Ye & Y.D. Wei (2019). Effects of Agglomeration, Environmental Regulations, and Technology on Pollutant Emissions in China. Sustainability. Vol. 11(2), 363. Published, 01/2019.
  • Simon, C.A., N.P. Lovrich, B. Liu & Y.D. Wei (2018). Citizen Support for Military Expenditure Post–9/11: Exploring the Role of Race, Ethnicity, and Place of Birth. Armed Forces & Society. Vol. 44(4), 688-706. Published, 10/2018.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. & R. Ewing (2018). Urban expansion, sprawl and inequality. Landscape and Urban Planning. Vol. 177, 259-265. Published, 09/2018.
  • Dai, Q., X. Ye, Y.H.D. Wei, Y. Ning & S. Dai (2018). Geography, Ethnicity and Regional Inequality in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy. Vol. 11(3), 557-580. Published, 09/2018.
  • Zhang, L., Y. Wen, Y. Liu, P. Fan & Y.H.D. Wei (2018). Suburban industrial land development in transitional China: Spatial restructuring and determinants. Cities. Vol. 78, 96-107. Published, 08/2018.
  • Wu, J., Y.H.D. Wei, Q. Li & F. Yuan (2018). Economic Transition and Changing Location of Manufacturing Industry in China: A Study of the Yangtze River Delta. Sustainability. Vol. 10, 2624. Published, 07/2018.
  • Yuan, F., Y.H.D. Wei & L. Wang (2018). Policy change, amenity, and spatiotemporal dynamics of housing prices in Nanjing, China. Land Use Policy. Vol. 75, 225-236. Published, 06/2018.
  • Li, H., Y.H.D. Wei & K. Korinek (2018). Modelling urban expansion in the transitional Greater Mekong Region. Urban Studies. Vol. 55(8), 1729-1748. Published, 06/2018.
  • Ma, B. & H. Li, Y. Wei, D. Xue and J. Jiang (2018). Spatial structure and mechanism of urban poverty in western China: A case study of Xi'an city. Science Press. Vol. 73, 1018-1032. Published, 06/01/2018.
  • Wei, Y.D. & R. Ewing (2018). Urban Expansion, Sprawal and Inequality. (pp. 259-361). Vol. 177. Elsevier. Published, 05/01/2018.
  • Zhong, Y. & Y.H.D. Wei (2018). Economic Transition, Urban Hierarchy, and Service Industry Growth in China. Journal of Economic and Social Geography. Vol. 109(2), 189-209. Published, 04/2018.
  • Wei, Y.H.D., W. Xiao, C.A. Simon, B. Liu & Y. Ni (2018). Neighborhood, Race and Education Inequality. Cities. Vol. 73, 1-13. Published, 03/2018.
  • Tu, T. & J. Chen, Y.D. Wei, Q. Liang and Y. Zhang (2018). Spatial Structure and Evolution of Basic Education Facilities in Nanjing, China. CAS. Vol. 35, 66-74. Published, 02/01/2018.
  • Zhang, L & Y.H.D. Wei (2017). Spatial inequality and dynamics of foreign hypermarket retailers in China. Geographical Research. Vol. 55(4), 395-411. Published, 11/2017.
  • Q. Dai, X. Ye, Y.H.D. Wei, Y. Ning & S. Dai (2017). Geography, Ethnicity and Regional Inequality in Western China. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy. Vol. 4, 1-24. Published, 08/2017.
  • L. Zhang, Y.H.D. Wei & R. Meng (2017). Spatiotemporal dynamics and spatial determinants of urban growth in Suzhou, China. Sustainability. Vol. 9, 1-22. Published, 03/2017.

Research Statement

Dennis Wei is an economic/urban geographer and development specialist, with research interests in globalization, urbanization, and regional development in China. Using recent developments in geographical information system (GIS), Wei has investigated the effects of globalization and economic transition on cities, regions, and places with respect to regional inequality, urban transition, foreign investment, innovation, and human development. Wei is the author of Regional Development in China: States, Globalization, and Inequality and more than 100 referenced journal articles. His research has been funded by the NSF, Ford Foundation, World Bank, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, National Geographic Society, and Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). He has received awards for research excellence from the NSFC (Outstanding Young Scientist Award, 2004), Association of American Geographers’ (AAG) Regional Development and Planning Specialty Group, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His professional services include: advisor/panelist for the NSF, consultant to the World Bank, Chair for AAG’s China, Asian, and Regional Development & Planning specialty groups, Vice President of Chinese Professionals in GIS, board member of Asian Urban Research Association et al.

Research Keywords

  • Regional Development
  • Land Use
  • Globalization
  • GIS Spatial Analysis
  • Economic/Urban Geography


  • Spatiality of Regional Inequality in China.The Advanced Yellow River Forum, Kaifeng. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/17/2017.
  • Urbanization, Urban Expansion and Spatial Inequality. The Shanghai Forum, Shanghai . Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/27/2017.
  • Urbanization, Urban Sprawl, and Socioeconomic Outcomes. College of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University. Guangzhou . Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 12/26/2017.
  • Globalization, Urbanization and Equitable/Sustainable Development in China and Asia. Current Research on Asian Societies. University of Utah. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 09/29/2017.
  • Spatiality, Neighborhood and Health Inequality. Consortium for Families and Health Research, University of Utah . Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 09/28/2017.
  • Liao, H.F. and Y.D. Wei. Sixty Years of Regional Inequality in China: Trends, Scales, and Mechanisms.The Advanced Yellow River Forum, Kaifeng. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/17/2017.
  • Yuan, F., J. Wu and Y.D. Wei.Policy Change, Amenity, and Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Housing Prices in Nanjing, China. The Advanced Yellow River Forum, Kaifeng. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/17/2017.
  • Xiao, W. and Y.D. Wei.Job-housing Imbalance in Shanghai: Spatial Mismatch with Chinese Characteristics? The Advanced Yellow River Forum, Kaifeng. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/18/2017.
  • Yin, W., Y. Ning and Y.D. Wei.Influencing Factors and Spatial Inequality of Access to Public Education Resources in Shanghai. The Advanced Yellow River Forum, Kaifeng. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/18/2017.
  • Spatiality of Regional Inequality.College of Economics, Jinan University, Guangzhou. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/14/2017.
  • E-Commerce, Taobao Villages and Regional Development in China. Asian/Global Production Networks Workshop. Hong Kong . Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/08/2017.
  • Urban Sprawl: Concepts, Patterns and Outcomes. College of Public Administration, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou . Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/26/2017.
  • Urbanization and Housing. College of Public Administration, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou . Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/25/2017.
  • Spatial Inequality. Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing . Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/18/2017.
  • Academic Research and SSCI Publications. Advanced Workshop for Key Faculty in Beijing. Beijing Training Center for Higher Education, Beijing . Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/12/2017.
  • Li, H. and Y.D. Wei. Multi-Dimension of Urban Pattern Analysis in Salt Lake County. May 10. AP-Human Geography at Wasatch High School, Salt Lake City . Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/10/2017.
  • Amenity, Neighborhood and Spatial Inequality. The CSBS Interdisciplinary Research Pilot Program Seminar, University of Utah . Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 04/21/2017.
  • Globalization, Urbanization and Equitable/Sustainable Development. Interdisciplinary Faculty Environment & Sustainability Research, Global Change and Sustainability Center, University of Utah . Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 03/01/2017.
  • Spatial Inequality in China and Asia. AAG Annual Meeting, Boston. Presentation, Presented, 04/05/2017.
  • Huang, H. ad Y.D. Wei. The Spatial-Temporal Hierarchy of Inequality in Urban China. AAG Annual Meeting, Boston. Presentation, Presented, 04/06/2017.
  • Liao, H. and Y.D. Wei. Regional inequality in China. AAG Annual Meeting, Boston. Presentation, Presented, 04/07/2017.
  • Wu, Y. and Y.D. Wei. Modeling Housing Submarket: An Application of Big Data Technique in Hedonic Models. AAG Annual Meeting, Boston. Presentation, Presented, 04/06/2017.
  • Lin, J. and Y.D. Wei.Technological Evolution of Rural E-commerce Cluster: Insights from Zhejiang's Taobao Villages. AAG Annual Meeting, Boston. Presentation, Presented, 04/09/2017.
  • Li, H., Wei, Y.D., Z. Yu & G. Tian. Amenity, Accessibility and Housing Values in Salt Lake County. Salt Lake GIS Users Group Meeting. Salt Lake City, November 15. Presentation, Presented, 11/15/2016.
  • Ewing, R., S. Hamidi, J.B. Grace and Y.D. Wei. Minority Communities: Does Urban Sprawl Hold Down Upward Mobility? APA Utah Full Conference. Farmington, Utah, October 6-7. Presentation, Presented, 10/06/2016.
  • Li, H., Wei, Y.D., Z. Yu & G. Tian. Amenity, Accessibility and Housing Values in Metropolitan USA: A Study of Salt Lake County. Geography Colloquium, University of Utah. Salt Lake City, September 23. Presentation, Presented, 09/23/2016.
  • Wei, Y.D. Spatiality of Regional Inequality in China. World Planning Schools Congress: Global Crisis, Planning and Challenges to Spatial Justice. Rio, Brazil, July 3-8. Presentation, Presented, 07/04/2016.
  • Social Sciences and SSCI Publication. Zhejiang University, June 17. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/17/2016.
  • Human Geography Research and Publication. Henan University, May 25. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/25/2016.
  • Urban Sprawl and Its Outcomes. College of Public Administration, Zhejiang University, May 17. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/17/2016.
  • Human Geography Research and Publication. Nanjing Normal University, May 12. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/12/2016.
  • Human Geography Research and Publication. Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, May 12. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/12/2016.
  • Simon, C., B. Lovrich, B. Liu and Y.D. Wei. Citizen Support for Military Expenditure Post 9/11 (2000-2014): Exploring the Role of Place of Birth and Location of Upbringing. Annual meeting of New England Political Science Association, New Port, RI, April 21-23. Presentation, Presented, 04/21/2016.
  • Wei, Y.D. Spatial Inequality in China. AAG Annual Meeting, San Francisco. March 29-April 2. Presentation, Presented, 03/31/2016.
  • Shen, J., Y.D. Wei and Y. Zi. Environmental Regulation and Location of Pollution Intensive Industries in Guangdong Province, China. AAG Annual Meeting, San Francisco. March 29-April 2. Presentation, Presented, 03/31/2016.
  • Wu, C., Y.H.D. Wei, X. Huang and B. Chen. Economic Transition, Spatial Development and Urban Land Use Efficiency in the Yangtze River Delta, China. AAG Annual Meeting, San Francisco. March 29-April 2. Presentation, Presented, 03/31/2016.
  • Yenneti, K., Y.D. Wei and W. Chen. The Truly Disadvantaged: Regional Changes in Urban Poverty in India. AAG Annual Meeting, San Francisco. March 29-April 2. Presentation, Presented, 03/31/2016.
  • Spatiality of Territory Inequality in China. International Conference on Territorial Inequality and Development, Puebla, Mexico, January 25-27. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 01/26/2016.
  • Y.H.D Wei. Urbanization, Spatial Inequality and Sustainable Development. Department of Geography, University of Utah. November 18. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 11/18/2015.
  • Y.H.D Wei. Space, Sale, and Regional Inequality in Provincial China. International Conference on Spatial Inequality and Suitability in Asia. University of Utah, Salt Lake City. September 18-20. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 09/18/2015.
  • Y.H.D Wei. Spatial Inequality in China. International Conference on Spatial Inequality and Suitability in Asia. University of Utah, Salt Lake City. September 18-20. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 09/18/2015.
  • Y.H.D. Wei. Globalization, Economic Transition and Industrial Location in Shanghai. IGU Regional Conference, Moscow, August 17-21. Presentation, Presented, 08/17/2015.
  • Y.H.D Wei. Globalization, Global Cities and Innovative Cities. Conference on Innovative Geography. Beijing, June 12-14. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/12/2015.
  • Y.H.D. Wei. Globalization, Economic Restructuring and Locational Trajectories of Software Firms in Shanghai. Applied Geography IGU Conference, Bangkok. May 11-13. Presentation, Presented, 05/11/2015.
  • Y.H.D Wei. Institution, Economic Transition and Urban Expansion in China. Department of Land Management, Zhejiang University, May 8. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/08/2015.
  • Huang, H. and Y.H.D. Wei. Spatial Inequality of Foreign Direct Investment in China: Institution Change, Agglomeration Economies, and Comparative Advantage. AAG Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 21-25. Presentation, Presented, 04/21/2015.
  • Xiao, W.Y., Y.H.D. Wei and R. Wei. Neighborhood Walkability, Land Use and Physical Activity. AAG Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 21-25. Presentation, Presented, 04/21/2015.
  • Y.H.D Wei. Spatiality of Regional Inequality. Zhejiang University, May 26. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/26/2015.
  • Y.H.D Wei. Regional Inequality in China: Research Progress and Potential. Henan University, May 18. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/18/2015.
  • Liao, H.F. and Y.H.D. Wei. Agglomeration, Scale, and Regional Inequality in Provincial China: A Spatial Filtering Approach. AAG Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 21-25. Presentation, Presented, 04/21/2015.
  • Y.H.D. Wei. Spatiality of Regional Inequality. AAG Annual Meeting, Chicago. April 21-25. Presentation, Presented, 04/21/2015.
  • Y.H.D Wei. Spatiality of Regional Inequality. Conference on the Development of Human-Economic Geography in China. Kaifeng.November 20-21. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 11/20/2014.
  • Y.H.D. Wei. Remaking Development Models in China. International Conference on Yellow River Civilization and Development Path of China. Kaifeng, November 21-23. Presentation, Presented, 11/2014.
  • Y.H.D Wei. FDI Networks in Production and Innovation in China: Beyond New Regionalism, Beyond Global Production Networks. American Association for Chinese Studies Annual Conference, George Washington University, Washington DC, October 10-12. Presentation, Presented, 10/10/2014.
  • Y.H.D. Wei. Spatiality of Regional Inequality in China. College of Environment and Planning, Henan University, July 14. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 07/14/2014.
  • Y.H.D Wei. Human Geography Research and Publication. College of Environment and Planning, Henan University, June 16. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/16/2014.
  • Y.H.D. Wei. Globalization, Global-Local Networks, and Innovation in China. Conference on Innovation and Urban Development. Beijing, June 13-15. Presentation, Presented, 06/2014.
  • Y.H.D Wei. Academic Research and SSCI Publication. College of Public Administration, Zhejiang University, June 11. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/11/2014.
  • Gao, J.L., W. Chen and Y.H. Wei. Dynamical Evolution and Driving Mechanisms of Urban Land Use Structure under Globalization. The Fifth Cross-Strait Conference in Economic Geography, Nanjing, June 26-28. Presentation, Presented, 06/2014.
  • Y.H.D Wei, Spatiality of Regional Inequality in China. AAG Annual Meeting, Tampa, April 8-12. Presentation, Presented, 04/08/2014.
  • Gao, J.L., J.L. Chen, F Yuan and Y.H.D. Wei. Patterns and Mechanisms of Built-up Land Expansion in Nanjing City. Conference on Urban Transformation and Restructuring. Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, December 13-15. Presentation, Presented, 12/2013.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. FDI Networks in Production and Innovation in China: Beyond New Regionalism, Beyond Global Production Networks. Department of Geography, University of Oregon, November 7. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 11/2013.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. Transnational Corporations, Embeddedness and Regional Development in China. Annual Conference of the Sociology of Development on Future of Development, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 24-25. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 10/2013.
  • Huang, H. and Y.H.D. Wei. Government Policies as Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in China. Annual Conference of the Sociology of Development on Future of Development, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 24-25. Presentation, Presented, 10/2013.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. FDI Networks, Innovation and Regional Development in China. International Geographic Union Regional Conference, Kyoto, August 4-9. Presentation, Presented, 08/2013.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. FDI and the Restructuring of Development Models in China. School of Management, University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, June 6. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/2013.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. FDI Location, Networks and Regional Development in China. Center for Modern Chinese City Studies, East China Normal University, May 27. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/2013.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. Remaking the Sunan Model: Implications for Land Use and Regional Development. School of Public Administration, Zhejiang University, May 30. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/2013.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. China Geography Today. Panel Session on Geographical Reflections on China's Reform and Transformation. AAG Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, April 9-13. Panel, Presented, 04/2013.
  • Wang, M.F., J. Qiu and Y.H.D. Wei. The Spatial Distribution and Urban Network of Venture Capital Investments in China. AAG Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, April 9-13. Presentation, Presented, 04/2013.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. Urbanization, Land and Regional Development in China. AAG Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, April 9-13. Presentation, Presented, 04/2013.
  • Bi, X.J., Y.H.D. Wei and Y.M. Ning. Intraurban Location of the Software Industry in Metropolitan Shanghai, China. AAG Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, April 9-13. Presentation, Presented, 04/2013.
  • Liao, F.H.F. and Y.H.D. Wei. Dynamics, Space, and Regional Inequality in Provincial China: A Case Study of Guangdong Province. Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Ottawa, November 7-10. Presentation, Presented, 11/2012.
  • Huang, H. and Y.H.D. Wei. Intra‐urban Foreign Direct Investment Location and Institutions in Inland China. Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Ottawa, November 7-10. Presentation, Presented, 11/2012.
  • Huang, H. and Y.H.D. Wei. Institutional Transition, Global Integration, and Foreign Direct Investment in Inland China. Annual Conference of Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 1-4. Presentation, Presented, 11/2012.
  • Liao, F.H.F. and Y.H.D. Wei. Dynamics, Space, and Regional Inequality in Provincial China: A Case Study of Guangdong Province. AAG GPRM Annual Meeting, Park City, Utah, October 11-12. Presentation, Presented, 10/2012.
  • Liao, F.H.F. and Y.H.D. Wei. Spatial Determinants of Urban Growth in Dongguan, GIScience 2012, Columbus, Ohio, September 18-21. Conference Paper, Presented, 09/2012.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. FDI Networks, Innovation and Embeddedness in China. International Geographical Congress, Cologne, Germany, August 26-30. Presentation, Presented, 08/2012.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. Urban Land Use and Spatial Restructuring in the Yangtze River Delta, China. International Symposium on China’s Urban Development and Land Policy. Beijing, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, July 14-15, 2012. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 07/15/2012.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. Remaking the Sunan Model: Globalization, Embeddedness and Regional Development. International Conference on Urbanization in China, Shanghai, June 30-July 1, 2012. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/30/2012.
  • Huang, H. and Y.H.D. Wei. Institutional Transformation and Intra-urban Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Wuhan, China. International Association of Chinese Planners Conference, Wuhan, China, June 17-19. Conference Paper, Presented, 06/2012.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. Remaking the Sunan Model, China: Globalization, Industrial Location and Regional Development. Department of Geography, University of Maryland, May 18, 2012. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/18/2012.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. FDI Networks, Embeddedness and Innovation in China. International Geographical Union Conference on Innovation and Creativity in Emerging Economic Spaces, Krakow, Jagiellonian University, Poland, May 3-5. Presentation, Presented, 05/2012.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. The Making of Global Cities in China: The State, Global Capital, and Urban Urbansformation. AAG Annual Meeting, New York, February 24-28. Presentation, Presented, 02/2012.
  • Guan, W.H. and Y.H.D. Wei. Multiple Timescale Analysis of Regional Economic Inequality in China. AAG Annual Meeting, New York, February 24-28. Presentation, Presented, 02/2012.
  • Zhang, L. and Y.H.D. Wei. Wei, Y.H.D. Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Urban Expansion and Land Use Changes in Suzhou, China. AAG Annual Meeting, New York, February 24-28. Presentation, Presented, 02/2012.
  • Wang, Z.Y. and Y.H.D. Wei. Spatial Evolution of Industrial Districts: A Case Study of the Electrical Equipment Industrial District in Wenzhou, China. AAG Annual Meeting, New York, February 24-28. Presentation, Presented, 02/2012.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. Location and Networks of Transnational Corporations in Urban China. Applied Geography Conference, Redlands. Presentation, Presented, 10/19/2011.
  • Huang, H. and Y.H.D. Wei. Policy and Non-policy Determinants of China’s Foreign Direct Investment. Association of Collegiate School of Planning 52th Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, University of Utah, October 13-16. Presentation, Presented, 10/14/2011.
  • Modeling Housing Submarket: An Application of Big Data Technique in Hedonic Models. AAG Annual Meeting, Boston. Presentation, Presented, 04/08/2017.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. Remaking the Sunan Model: Made in China, Innovated in China? International Conference on Urbanization and Development in China. University of Utah, Salt Lake City. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 08/27/2011.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. The Yangtze River Delta: FDI, Networks and Development. International Conference on Industrial Policy and Development in China. National University of Singapore, Singapore. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 07/29/2011.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. FDI Networks and Regional Development in China. Institute of Geographical Science and Resources Research, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/29/2011.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. Embedding Transnational Corporations: Implications for Global Cities. Conference on Global Cities. East China Normal University, Shanghai, June 10. Presentation, Presented, 06/10/2011.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. On Research and Publication. Panel Session on Career Development I. AAG Annual Meeting, Seattle, April 12-16. Presentation, Presented, 04/2011.
  • Wei, Y.H.D. China in Transition: Theoretical and Methodological Issues. AAG Annual Meeting, Seattle, April 12-16. Presentation, Presented, 04/2011.
  • FDI Networks and Innovation Behaviors in China: Implications for Regional Development. Center for Yellow River Civilization and College of Environment and Planning. Henan University, Kaifeng, September 16. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 09/16/2010.
  • Embeddeding Transnational Corporations: Making Cities Resilient. Shanghai Forum, Shanghai, May 28-30 . Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/29/2010.
  • Spatiality of Regional Inequality. College of Economics, Jinan University, Guangzhou. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/2014.
  • Wen, M., D. Curtis, D. Zhang, Z. Chen, L. Shi, L. Chen, D. Su, Y. Wei, Y. Li, J. Li, B. Chen, H. Li, X. Han. Racial and ethnic disparities in lifestyle changes during the COVID-19 pandemic: Exploring the socioeconomic and psychosocial mechanisms. ASCO Annual Meeting. Chicago. Presentation, Presented, 06/05/2022.
  • Urban Sprawl and Upward Mobility: How Sprawling Neighborhood Decrease Opportunity. Presentation, Presented, 11/12/2021.
  • Job-housing relationship and commuting organization in the context of rail transportation. Presentation, Presented, 09/26/2021.
  • Housing Inequality in Urban China. Asian Studies 3001: Exploring Asia, University of Utah. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 11/04/2020.
  • Nijman, J. and Y.D. Wei. Urban inequalities in the 21st century economy. The SSM webinar on the urban-rural divide in the EU. The European Commission. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/17/2020.
  • Wu, Y., Y.D. Wei and H. Li. Firm Suburbanization in the Context of Urban Sprawl. Salt Lake GIS Users Group Meeting. Presentation, Presented, 11/12/2019.
  • Lin, J. and Y.D. Wei. Spatial structural change and location factors of Taobao villages in Zhejiang province. Economic Geography Specialty Group Meeting of the Chinese Geographical Society. Dalian, China. Presentation, Presented, 06/28/2019.
  • Shen, J., W. Liu and Y.D. Wei. Influences of environmental regulation and border effects on location change of pollution intensive enterprises within cities. Economic Geography Specialty Group Meeting of the Chinese Geographical Society. Dalian, China. Presentation, Presented, 06/28/2019.
  • Xiao, W. and Y.D. Wei. Job-housing Imbalance in Shanghai. International Conference on China Urban Development. Peking University, Beijing. Presentation, Presented, 06/27/2019.
  • Global Cities: Critiques and Prospects. Global Cities in Globalization. Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/19/2019.
  • Emerging Themes in Global Cities and Regions. Advanced Forum on “Regional Integration Theories, Methods ad Practice in the Yangtze River Delta Region.” Shanghai. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/18/2019.
  • Global Cities: Critiques and Prospects. Department of Land Management, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/14/2019.
  • Wei, Y.D., J. Lin and L. Zhang. E-Commerce, Taobao Villages and Regional Development in China. Rethinking Clusters. University of Padova, Padova, Italy. Presentation, Presented, 05/15/2019.
  • Spatiality of Inequality in the Urban Context. Henan University, Kaifeng. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/10/2019.
  • Spatiality of Inequality in the Urban Context. Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/07/2019.
  • Spatial Inequality and Regional Development. Department of Land Management, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/05/2019.
  • Housing Inequality in Urban China. Jinan University, Guangzhou. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 04/30/2019.
  • Spatiality of Inequality in the Urban Context. AAG Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. Presentation, Presented, 04/03/2019.
  • Xiao, W., Wei, Y.D. and Li, H. Urban inequality in China: Spatial mismatch problem in Shanghai. AAG Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. Presentation, Presented, 04/03/2019.
  • Li, H. and Wei, Y.D. Analyzing Housing Price Changes since the Financial Crisis: How Does Geography Matter? AAG Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. Presentation, Presented, 04/2019.
  • Liu, M., Wei, Y.D., Li, H. and Wu, Y. Environmental Cost and Environmental Justice of Air Pollution in China. AAG Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. Presentation, Presented, 04/2019.
  • Li, D. and Wei, Y.D. Innovation Policies and Regional Development in China. AAG Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. Presentation, Presented, 04/2019.
  • Perspectives on Innovation and Development: Implications for Guangzhou. Roundtable Conference on Opportunities of the Greater Yue-Gong-Ao Bay Area and Strategies for Guangzhou. Guangzhou, Jinan University. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 12/13/2018.
  • Wu, Y., Y.D. Wei, and H. Li. Understanding spatial heterogeneity of housing prices with large datasets: spatial clustering and housing submarkets. The Salt Lake GIS Users Group Meeting. Salt Lake City. Presentation, Presented, 11/13/2018.
  • Wei, Y.D., W. Xiao, R. Medina and G. Tian. Departures and Destinations of Walking Behavior: Effects of Neighborhood Amenity, Safety, and Urban Environment. Demography Summit Program, University of Utah, Salt Lake City. Presentation, Presented, 10/26/2018.
  • Urban Sprawl, Land Use and Equitable/Sustainable Development. Environmental Research on the Wasatch Front, University of Utah, Salt Lake City. Presentation, Presented, 09/26/2018.
  • Spatiality of Regional Inequality in China. Advanced Forum on Smart Cities in Shanghai. East China Normal University, Shanghai. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/13/2018.
  • Industrial Clusters, Innovation and Regional Development. Department of Land Management, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/08/2018.
  • Human Geographical Research and Publishing in SSCI Journals. Henan University, Kaifeng. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/14/2018.
  • Regional Inequality and Policy. Department of Land Management, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/11/2018.
  • Human Geographical Research and Publishing in SSCI Journals. Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/09/2018.
  • Human Geographical Research and Publishing in SSCI Journals. Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/08/2018.
  • Housing Prices in Metropolitan USA. College of Economics, Jinan University, Guangzhou. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 04/26/2018.
  • Human Geographical Research and Publishing in SSCI Journals. Southern China Normal University, Guangzhou. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 04/24/2018.
  • Xiao, W. and Y.D. Wei. Job-housing imbalance in Shanghai: Spatial mismatch with Chinese characteristics? AAG Annual Meeting, New Orleans. Presentation, Presented, 04/14/2018.
  • Regional Inequality and Polarization in Provincial China. AAG Annual Meeting, New Orleans. Presentation, Presented, 04/13/2018.
  • Yuan, F., J. Wu and Y.D. Wei. Policy change, amenity, and spatiotemporal dynamics of housing prices in Nanjing. AAG Annual Meeting, New Orleans. Presentation, Presented, 04/11/2018.
  • Wei, Y.D., H. Li and Y. Wu. Spatial Patterns and Determinants of Housing Prices in Salt Lake County: Amenity, Transportation and Submarkets. Annual Meeting of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters. Southern Utah University, Cedar City, Utah. Presentation, Presented, 04/07/2018.
  • Panelist, Session on Writing and Publishing about China. AAG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, April 10-14. Panel, Presented, 04/2018.
  • GIS and Neighborhood Context. Families and Health Course, University of Utah. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 03/06/2018.
  • Xiao, W. and Y.D. Wei. Job-housing Imbalance in Shanghai: Spatial Mismatch with Chinese Characteristics? The Advanced Yellow River Forum, Kaifeng. Presentation, Presented, 06/18/2017.
  • Liao, H.F. and Y.D. Wei. Sixty Years of Regional Inequality in China: Trends, Scales, and Mechanisms. The Advanced Yellow River Forum, Kaifeng. Presentation, Presented, 06/18/2017.
  • YEHUA Dennis WEI, & Yin, W., Y. Ning. (2018) Influencing Factors and Spatial Inequality of Access to Public Education Resources in Shanghai. The Advanced Yellow River Forum, Kaifeng. Presentation, Presented, 06/17/2017.
  • Yuan, F., J. Wu and Y.D. Wei. Policy Change, Amenity, and Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Housing Prices in Nanjing, China. The Advanced Yellow River Forum, Kaifeng. Presentation, Presented, 06/17/2017.

Research Groups

  • Urban and Sustainability Research Lab, Other. 07/2014 - present.

Grants, Contracts & Research Gifts

  • Amenity, Neighborhood and Spatial Inequality. PI: Dennis Wei. Interdisciplinary Research Pilot Program, College of Social and Behavior Sciences, University of Utah, 08/01/2015 - 07/31/2016. Total project budget to date: $9,200.00
  • International Conference on Inequality in Sustainability in Asia. PI: Dennis Wei. the Asia Center and the Confucius Institute, University of Utah, 01/01/2015 - 12/31/2015. Total project budget to date: $10,000.00


  • Chinese, fluent.

Geographical Regions of Interest

  • China
  • Eastern Asia
  • United States of America