George W. 'Buzz' Welch
  • Managing Director, Eccles Global, School Of Business Dean
  • Associate Professor (Lecturer), Finance Department

Current Courses

Summer 2024

  • BUS 5880-064
    Business Intern Program

Spring 2024

Entrepreneurial Experience

  • Eccles Global. 01/01/2016 - present. Employees: 2.
    Comments: Innovating an Eccles Global Classroom designed for remote learning with a live, real time, interactive video feed from an Eccles classroom to London, Sydney, Buenos Aires, and Shanghai. Currently (Spring 2018) utilizing this technology to teach Finance 3040 and Accounting 3601 over a condensed 8-week format whlist integrating 3040/3601 syllabis. Full implementation of the Eccles Global Classroom expected Fall 2018. In Development with partner universities in Spain, France, China, and Brazil a full-semester Eccles experience taught completely in a foreign language with the first cohort expected to be seated in Oviedo, Spain Spring, 2019. In partnership with the Bennion Center in development of an international Community Engagement course (BUS 2880) to be offered initially in London, Fall 2018.