Nanci McLeskey, DNP, MCG, MDiv, GERO-BC, FNGNA portrait
  • Associate Professor (Clinical), Con-Hscbc Division
  • Associate Professor (Clinical), College Of Nursing

Current Courses

Fall 2024

  • GERON 6975-098
    Masters Project
  • GERON 6980-008
    Faculty Consultation

Summer 2024

Spring 2024

Professional Organizations

  • GAPNA. 01/04/2021 - present. Position : Member.
  • NHCGNE Education Committee. 03/02/2020 - present. Position : Member.
  • NHCGNE Education Committee. 01/2020 - present. Position : Member.
  • NHCGNE Education Committee. 01/01/2020 - present. Position : Member.
  • STTI Gamma RHO. 07/01/2019 - present. Position : Secretary of local chapter.
  • GSA. 03/01/2018 - present. Position : Member.
  • Utah Alzheimer's Association. 01/01/2016 - present. Position : Member.
  • University of Utah College of Nursing Alumni Association. 12/03/2015 - present. Position : Member.
  • HPNA. 02/03/2014 - present. Position : Member.
  • Hospice and Palliative Care Nurses Association. 01/05/2014 - present. Position : Member.
  • Utah Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. 05/05/2013 - present. Position : Member.
  • Gerontological Society of Aging. 01/20/2012 - present. Position : Member.
  • Sigma Theta Tau International. 03/15/2011 - present. Position : Member.
  • Sigma Theta Tau International, Gamma Rho Chapter. 03/15/2011 - present. Position : Member, President.
  • American Geriatrics Society. 01/05/2011 - 01/05/2012. Position : Member.
  • ANA and Utah Nurses Association. 03/05/2007 - present. Position : Member.
  • American Nurses Association. 02/05/2007 - present. Position : Member.
  • National League of Nursing. 01/05/2007 - present. Position : Member.
  • Sigma Phi Omega. 05/05/2006 - present. Position : Member.
  • National Gerontological Nurses Association. 01/05/1998 - present. Position : Member.

Practice History

  • I traveled to China on a good will mission with 9 other gerontological nurses visiting hospitals and hospices in Suzhou,Nanjing,Beijing,Shanghai and Hong Kong. 02/2005 - present .

Teaching Philosophy

My current philosophy of teaching has evolved over time. For example, during my early years as a nurse I did not view myself as an educator. Yet, like many nurses, I found myself repeatedly in the role of teaching patients, family members, peers, and co-workers.  But it wasn’t until I had spent 20 years in clinical nursing and after completing my first graduate degree that it finally dawned on me that I was an educator, and had a passion to teach.  And now, for the past 7 years, I have been fortunate to have been given the opportunity to serve as a full time faculty member in the College of Nursing (currently Assistant Professor) where I can spend much of every day teaching, making plans to teach, and in this case, evaluating my teaching philosophy.

Thoughts that come to my mind that describe my teaching philosophy are: developing a positive relationship with each student, and creating an environment that excites students to want to learn, where communication is open and encouraged, an environment which remains sensitive to the unique backgrounds and learning styles of each student. I hope to create an atmosphere where creativity, trust, kindness, sincerity, and competence prevail. I think back on the positive educational experiences I encountered during my undergraduate and graduate training. These included an awareness of being recharged, the desire to seek personal improvement, the importance of empowerment, and the gratefulness of the privilege to be able to grow and learn, and ultimately, to sense accomplishment.  These are the feelings that I hope my students also recall.  In contrast, I believe there is no place for destructive comments or criticism when dealing with students. Rather, I believe providing constructive, encouraging comments is a far better way to enable students to grow and improve. Complement them when you catch them doing something right!  Also, sprinkling in a little humor from time to time, when done right, can defuse a charged situation, adding warmth, relaxation and delight to most routine classes.



What I want students under my tutelage to know is that I care about them, that I have a vested interest in them, and a desire for them to grasp what is being taught. A favorite quote I find beneficial to keep in mind is, ‘They don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care!’ However, I also want them to know that what they are learning is state of the art, evidence-based information that will be applicable to them in their future careers.

I want students to learn what I have learned, that they too will be educators, whether at the bedside, in administrative positions, or potentially more formally in an academic setting.  I also want them to realize that they themselves should experience the educational process on a continual basis, life-long learning, in order that they avoid becoming stagnant, outdated and less valuable. As an educator, I want to serve as an encourager, a ‘cheerleader’, for those with whom I work and those whom I have been charged to educate. I hope we all will go forward with aspirations and goals, and to continue on with further education and training.

In my opinion, there is no greater gift for a teacher than to see one’s students emulating techniques and recalling knowledge taught (or caught) from one’s instruction.  Frequently, while visiting my students at their clinical sites, I overhear them in conversation with or see them providing care for older adult patients, incorporating the principles recently taught. I take great satisfaction in seeing real results from our teaching efforts, knowing that we have made a difference in enhancing the quality of care rendered by those who will follow in our footsteps.