Brad  Vierig
  • Associate Professor (Lecturer), Finance Department






Brad Vierig is the associate dean of MBA Programs and Executive Education.  He has been with the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah since 2000. During his tenure, the Executive MBA program has grown each year to its present enrollment of over 130 students. The program is currently ranked in the top 40 Executive MBA programs in the USA and the top 80 programs in the world by the Financial Times of London. In addition, the Professional MBA program has expanded to over 300 students and is ranked #50 in the country by Bloomberg Businessweek and enrollment in corporate programs has increased to over 400 new students per year. Brad also teaches both the Corporate Finance and International Field Study courses in the Executive MBA program.  He has organized and led over a dozen trips overseas, visiting all parts of the globe with hundreds of executives and faculty members.


Prior to joining the David Eccles School of Business, Brad’s career included ten years as a senior financial executive with American Stores Company, a NYSE-listed Company with retail sales of over $18 billion annually. Brad played a key role in providing leadership for the financial staff and supporting executive management. Brad also spent ten successful years in the auditing and accounting division of Ernst & Young, an international accounting and consulting firm, where he served multiple clients in a wide variety of industries including: banking, retail food and drug, mining, real estate, and aerospace and defense. 


Brad is the past chair of the International Executive MBA Council Board of Trustees. His past assignments as part of the council include treasurer; co-chair of the council's annual meeting in Chicago; and various positions on the planning committees for the annual meetings in Baltimore, Toronto and San Diego. He has delivered presentations on managing an Executive MBA program and financial analysis of Executive MBA programs. 


Brad has an Executive Masters of Business Administration degree and Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from the University of Utah. He graduated as a Dean's Scholar with his Executive MBA degree and is a Certified Public Accountant.