Current Courses

Fall 2024

  • ART 3032-001
    NM Lithography I
    Location: ART 252 (ART 252)
  • ART 3034-001
    NM Intaglio I
    Location: ART 252 (ART 252)
  • ART 3320-001
    Lithography I
    Location: ART 252 (ART 252)
  • ART 3340-001
    Intaglio I
    Location: ART 252 (ART 252)
  • ART 4360-001
    Adv. Printmaking I
    Location: ART 252 (ART 252)
  • ART 4365-001
    Adv. Printmaking II
    Location: ART 252 (ART 252)
  • ART 4910-017
    Honors Studio Art
  • ART 6000-017
    Post-Degree Studio
  • ART 6310-001
    Grad Projects-Prntmakng
  • ART 6340-001
    Grad Prntmakng
  • PRINT 3320-001
    Lithography I
  • PRINT 3340-001
    Intaglio I
    Location: ART 252 (ART 252)
  • PRINT 4360-001
    Adv. Printmaking I
    Location: ART 252 (ART 252)
  • PRINT 4365-001
    Adv. Printmaking II
    Location: ART 252 (ART 252)

Summer 2024

Spring 2024

Professional Organizations

  • Royal Society of Painter Printmakers. RE. 06/2021 - present. Position : Elected a full fellow in 2022. Member.
  • Rocky Mountain Printmaking Alliance. 06/2021 - present. Position : Member.
  • Royal Society of Painter Printmakers. 01/2019 - 12/31/2020. Position : Elected Member. Associate.
  • Mid America Print Council. 01/1998 - present. Position : Member.
  • Southern Graphics Council International. 01/1997 - present. Position : Member.

Teaching Projects

  • 5 th Rocky Mountain Printmaking Symposium. Project Lead: Justin Diggle. Collaborators: Al Denyer, Ed Bateman. Dee Grant and Registration Fees. 10/2019 - 10/2019.
  • Rocky Mountain Printmaking Symposium. Project Lead: Justin Diggle. Collaborators: Edward Batemen. Organised a symposium with the assistance of other faculty members. Events: speakers, panels, demonstrations, exhibitions etc. DEE GRANT 10/2013 - 10/2013. Total Budget: $8,546.00.

Student Projects

  • Visiting Artist. Dominic Thorburn. (South Africa). The artist worked/initiated a project with students that was completed after he left. The artist also talked/critiqued students about their own work. Dee Grant. Printmaking students. 10/2013 - 10/2013
  • Visiting Artist. Humberto Saenz. The artist worked on a lithographic/screenprint print with the assistance of students. He directed students in various techniques and they did most of the printing. This was invaluable experience technically and also to engage one on one with an accomplished artist. Printmaking students. 04/2013 - 04/2013
  • Miniprint Portfolio/Exhibition. This annual project raises funds to assist students in attending the Southern Graphics Council International Annual Conference. $2500.00 to $5000.00 raised annually. Printmaking Students. 12/1999 - 12/2015

Minor SpecialTopics

I have established a Printmaking Minor and a new special topics course in printmaking.

The minor starts in the fall of 2016.