Christopher Sneddon portrait
  • Instructor (Clinical), College Of Nursing

Current Courses

Fall 2024

  • NURS 2400-001
    Explore Nursing
    Location: CNB 3205 (CNB 3205)
  • NURS 3305-001
  • NURS 3410-001
    Acute Care Practicum
  • NURS 3811-001
    ACNurs Practicum 1
  • NURS 3812-001
    ACNurs Practicum 2

Summer 2024

Spring 2024

Professional Organizations

  • AAMN. 01/25/2019 - present. Position : Treasurer.

Teaching Philosophy

My teaching theory centers on Benner’s theory of nursing education. Beginning with the end in mind, I try to assist the students learn the principles needed to obtain the knowledge and skills required to move from beginner to expert. I encourage students to take primary responsibility for their learning. My responsibility is to teach students how to obtain answers based on evidence and learn through a concept based perspective.  I strive to understand where each student is in their learning and adapt my teaching to meet to their particular needs.