• Professor, Physics And Astronomy

Current Courses

Fall 2024

  • PHYS 1330-001
    Physics Audio & Video
    Location: JFB 101 (JFB 101)
  • PHYS 3330-001
    Digital Audio & Video
    Location: JFB 101 (JFB 101)
  • PHYS 6950-026
    Special Reading Topics:
  • PHYS 7910-026
    Special Reading Topics:

Summer 2024

Spring 2024

Professional Organizations

  • IEEE. 12/2011 - present. Position : Member.
  • Acoustical Society of America. 12/2005 - present. Position : Member.
  • American Physical Society. 07/01/1990 - present. Position : Fellow.

Teaching Philosophy

My teaching approach is to first introduce a topic by giving a brief historical overview and its status. Quite often the topic was discovered or initiated by chance and in many cases by individuals who are not experts but who persisted in exploring it. Once students interest  has been captured the topic is slowly developed, usually by means of a blackboard but at the same time following the students' response. As the students are absorbing the material, lecture demonstrations are then presented with explanation of what is going on. That raises student response, it triggers their imagination, and it generates many questions, showing that the learning process is active and proceeding.That component is an important part of my teaching approach.  From my experience I have foundthat students learn best when they are presented with interesting material. And, to make it interesting is challenging.