LEE DIBBLE portrait
  • Adjunct Associate Professor, Health and Kinesiology
  • Professor, Physical Therapy & Athletic Training
  • Department Chair, Physical Therapy & Athletic Training
  • Adjunct Professor, Occupational & Recreational Therapies

Current Courses

Fall 2024

  • PH TH 6025-291
    Prof Practice II
    Location: CANVAS (CANVAS)
  • PH TH 6025-292
    Prof Practice II
    Location: CANVAS (CANVAS)
  • PH TH 6025-293
    Prof Practice II
    Location: CANVAS (CANVAS)
  • PH TH 6025-294
    Prof Practice II
    Location: CANVAS (CANVAS)
  • PH TH 7980-004
    Faculty Consultation
  • RHSCI 7500-001
    Rehab Science Seminar
  • RHSCI 7500-002
    Rehab Science Seminar
  • RHSCI 7970-001
    Dissertation Credits

Summer 2024

Spring 2024

Professional Organizations

  • International Society for Posture and Gait Research. 02/01/2019 - present. Position : Member.
  • American Physical Therapy Association. 06/01/1991 - present. Position : Member.

Teaching Philosophy

Teaching diverse topics and having the opportunity to interact with skilled teachers from several

departments has contributed to the continued refinement of my teaching philosophy and skills. Over the course of my teaching here at the University of Utah, I have seen a change in the character of the students. Like some of my colleagues, I have been known to express concerns about the “Millennial” student that appears to be multi-tasking in class with technology. My response has been to set up each course with a high level of content, implement a diversity of learning opportunities that require active involvement by the student, to clearly communicate my expectations for student performance, and to provide the support necessary for those students willing to actively participate in the course. Although this doesn’t completely take away the problems, I see less technological distraction when I am pushing the students hard in terms of content and requiring them to do something in the class besides just listening to a lecture.


Most important to me is the impact that my teaching has on students’ ability to perform in the clinic. In an effort to gauge that impact, I seek feedback from 3 sources: students during their internships, at exit interviews upon their graduation, and from former students in clinical practice.  Feedback from these sources gives my confidence in the impact of my teaching. In addition, I have been honored to receive 3 teaching awards from students within the Department of Physical Therapy and was awarded the 2009-2010 Distinguished Teaching Award in the College of Health. Looking forward, I continue to work to try to improve my teaching. The interaction of an individual course’s content and the currently enrolled students annually creates a unique set of teaching challenges that requires adaptability.