• Adjunct Associate Professor, Elect & Computer Engineering
  • Research Professor Emeritus, Biomedical Engineering
  • Research Assoc Prof Emeritus, Biomedical Engineering


  • Cavalcanti, L. M., Thomas, W M, Warren, D J & Mathews, V J (2022). A bidirectional joint controller with admissible stiffness profiles using an FNS-based adaptive model predictive controller. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. Published, 11/16/2022.
  • McNabb, C, Mize, J, Hilgart, D. & Warren, D J (2022). Real-Time Detection of Nerve Damage Using Electrophysiological Properties. BMES. Published, 10/15/2022.
  • Thomas WM & Leber M (2022). Evaluation of Pneumatic Insertion Stability of Utah Slanted Electrode Arrays in Rat Sciatic Nerve. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference. Vol. 2022, 509951025099-5102. Published, 09/01/2022.
  • Trout, M A, Hansen, T C, Olsen, C D, Warren, D J, Segil, J. L. & George, J A (2022). Shared-Control Decreases the Physical and Cognitive Demands of Maintaining a Secure Grip. Myoelectric Controls Symposium. Published, 08/09/2022.
  • Du, Jinze, Morales, Andres, Kosta, Pragya, Bouteiller, Jean-Marie C, Martinez, Gema, Warren, David, Fernandez, Eduardo & Lazzi, Gianluca (2022). Electrical Stimulation Induced Current Distribution in Peripheral Nerves Varies Significantly with the Extent of Nerve Damage: A Computational Study Utilizing Convolutional Neural Network and Realistic Nerve Models. Artificial Intelligence in Neuroscience: Affective Analysis and Health Applications. Published, 06/03/2022.
  • Zuniga, S., Adams, M. M., Thomas, W M, Sondh, I., Crosfield, C., Leber, M, Lim, H H., Rieth, L & Warren, D. J. (2022). Development of a New Surgical Approach for Implantation of a High-Density Penetrating Electrode Array in the Feline Auditory Nerve. Mid-winter Meeting, Association of Research Otolaryngologists. Published, 02/20/2022.
  • Hansen TC & Trout MA (2022). A Bionic Hand for Semi-Autonomous Fragile Object Manipulation via Proximity and Pressure Sensors. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference. Vol. 2021, 6465-6469. Published, 01/01/2022.
  • Sondh, I., Ghose, G. M., Johnson, L. A., Verdun, L., Warren, D. J., Thomas, W M, Rieth, L, Leber, M, Solzbacher, F, Zuniga, S., Adams, M. M. & Lim, H H. (2021). Characterization of electrically-evoked auditory brainstem responses in rhesus monkey, cat, and guinea pig produced by stimulation via a novel auditory nerve implant using the Blackrock Utah array. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. Published, 11/08/2021.
  • Rieth, L. W., Baker, B., Kellis, S., Sharma, R., Caldwell, R., Kluger, D T, George, J A, Neibling, A., Warren, D. J. & Clark, G A (2021). Long-term stability of Utah Slanted Electrodes Arrays as bidirectional peripheral nerves interfaces in human subjects. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. Published, 11/08/2021.
  • Leber, M, Crew, J., Rieth, L, Hubner, K., Crosfield, C., Heiller, A., Sondh, I., Verdun, L., Thomas, W M, Mastrangelo, S., Boroomand, S, Fan, Y., Strahl, S. B., Sieber, D., Dyballa, K-H, Nogueira-Vazquez, W., Warren, D. J., Ghose, G. M., Johnson, L. A., Zuniga, S., Franklin, R., Negi, S, Samii, A., Oxenham, A. J., Adams, M. M., Lenarz, T., Solzbacher, F & Lim, H H. (2021). Technology development towards a novel auditory nerve implant (ANI). Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. Published, 11/08/2021.
  • Dantas, H., T. C. Hansen, D. J. Warren and V. J. Mathews (2021). "Interpreting Volitional Movement Intent From Biological Signals: A Review." IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 38(4): 23-33. Published, 07/01/2021.
  • Kosta P & Mize J (2021). Simulation-Based Optimization of Figure-of-Eight Coil Designs and Orientations for Magnetic Stimulation of Peripheral Nerve. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Vol. 28, 2901-2913. Published, 06/01/2021.
  • Nieveen J & Brinton M (2021). A Nonlinear Latching Filter to Remove Jitter From Movement Estimates for Prostheses. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Vol. 28, 2849-2858. Published, 06/01/2021.
  • Dantas H & Hansen TC (2021). Shared Prosthetic Control Based on Multiple Movement Intent Decoders. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering. Vol. 68, 1547-1556. Published, 06/01/2021.
  • Zuniga, S., Adams, M. M., Thomas, W M, Sondh, I., Crosfield, C., Leber, M, Lim, H H., Rieth, L & Warren, D. J. (2021). Development of a New Surgical Approach for Implantation of a High-Density Penetrating Electrode Array in the Feline Auditory Nerve. ARO. Published, 02/20/2021.
  • Lim, H H., Heiller, A., Adams, M. M., Rieth, L, Leber, M, Dyballa, K-H, Nogueira-Vazquez, W., Ghose, G. M., Johnson, L., Samii, A., Franklin, R., Warren, D. J., Connelly, B., Solzbacher, F, Oxenham, A. J. & Lenarz, T. (2021). Development and Translation of an Intracranial Auditory Nerve Implant. Mid-winter Meeting, Association of Research Otolaryngologists. Published, 01/25/2021.
  • Thomas, W M, Cavalcanti, L. M., Mathews, V J & Warren, D J (2021). An Adaptive Model Predictive Control System for Functional Neuromuscular Stimulation Torque Control. SfN Global Connnections. Published, 01/06/2021.
  • Kosta P, Mize J, Warren DJ & Lazzi G (2020). Simulation-Based Optimization of Figure-of-Eight Coil Designs and Orientations for Magnetic Stimulation of Peripheral Nerve. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Vol. 28, 2901-2913. Published, 11/18/2020.
  • Nieveen J, Brinton M, Warren DJ & Mathews VJ (2020). A Nonlinear Latching Filter to Remove Jitter From Movement Estimates for Prostheses. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Vol. 28, 2849-2858. Published, 11/18/2020.
  • Hansen, T C, Dantas, H., George, J A, Clark, G A, Warren, D J & Mathews, V J (2020). Shared controllers improve control and performance of upper-limb prostheses. SFN. Published, 10/23/2020.
  • Rieth, L, Baker, B, Sharma, R B, Caldwell, R., Kluger, D T, George, J A, Harding, A. & Warren, D J. (2020). Improvement and quantitative analysis of tip metal stability for Utah slanted arrays in long-term clinical studies with a sensorimotor prosthesis. SFN. Published, 10/23/2020.
  • Hilgart, D., Warren, D J., Barrus, S J & Clark, G A (2020). Performance of wireless Utah slanted electrode arrays in cat: The SARA-USEA. SFN. Published, 10/23/2020.
  • Dantas H, Warren DJ, Wendelken SM, Davis TS, Clark GA & Mathews VJ (2019). Deep Learning Movement Intent Decoders Trained With Dataset Aggregation for Prosthetic Limb Control. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering. Vol. 66, 3192-3203. Published, 11/01/2019.
  • Dantes, H, Mathews, V. J. & Warren, D. J. (2019). Semi-Supervised Adaptive Learning for Decoding Movement Intent from Electromyograms. IEEE. Published, 09/02/2019.
  • Duncan, Christopher C., Kluger, David T., Davis, Tyler S., Warren, David J., Page, David M., Hutchinson, Douglas T. & Clark, Gregory A. (2019). Selective Decrease in Allodynia With High-Frequency Neuromodulation via High-Electrode-Count Intrafascicular Peripheral Nerve Interface After Brachial Plexus Injury. Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface. Published, 07/01/2019.
  • Kagan ZB, Mize JT, Kosta P, Lazzi G, Normann RA & Warren DJ (2019). Reduced Heat Generation During Magnetic Stimulation of Rat Sciatic Nerve Using Current Waveform Truncation. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Vol. 27, 937-946. Published, 04/17/2019.
  • Gardner, Avery Tye, Strathman, Hunter J., Warren, David J. & Walker, Ross M. (2018). Impedance and Noise Characterizations of Utah and Microwire Electrode Arrays. IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology. Vol. 2, 234-241. Published, 08/02/2018.
  • Gardner AT, Mize J, Warren DJ, Walker RM, editors. Comparative characterization of in vivo and in vitro noise of the SIROF Utah electrode array. 2017 IEEE SENSORS; 2017 Oct. 29 2017-Nov. 1 2017. Published, 10/29/2017.
  • Street MG, Caldwell R, Warren DJ, Rieth L, Takmakov PA, editors. Automated and High-Throughput Reactive Accelerated Aging System to Evaluate Performance of Neural Implants. The Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts; 2017 October 4, 2017; National Harbor, Maryland. Published, 10/04/2017.
  • Nieveen JG, Zhang Y, Wendelken S, Davis TS, Kluger D, George JA, Warren DJ, Hutchinson D, Duncan C, Clark GA, Mathews VJ. Polynomial Kalman Filter for Myoelectric Prosthetics Using Efficient Kernel Ridge Regression. 2017 8th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER); 25-28 May 2017; Shanghai, China2017. Published, 05/25/2017.
  • Shandhi MMH, Leber M, Hogan AL, Warren DJ, Bhandari R, Negi S. Reusable High Aspect Ratio 3-D Nickel Shadow Mask. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems. 2017;PP(99):1-9. doi: 10.1109/JMEMS.2017.2654126. Published, 02/08/2017.
  • Kagan ZB, Wendelken S, Page DM, Davis T, Hutchinson DT, Clark GA & Warren DJ (2016). Linear methods for reducing EMG contamination in peripheral nerve motor decodes. Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference. Vol. 2016, 3422-3425. Published, 08/15/2016.
  • Davis TS, Wark HA, Hutchinson DT, Warren DJ, O'Neill K, Scheinblum T, Clark GA, Normann RA & Greger B (2016). Restoring motor control and sensory feedback in people with upper extremity amputations using arrays of 96 microelectrodes implanted in the median and ulnar nerves. Journal of neural engineering. Vol. 13, 036001. Published, 05/01/2016.
  • Kagan ZB, RamRakhyani AK, Lazzi G, Normann RA & Warren DJ (2016). In Vivo Magnetic Stimulation of Rat Sciatic Nerve With Centimeter- and Millimeter-Scale Solenoid Coils. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Vol. 24, 1138-1147. Published, 03/01/2016.
  • D. J. Warren, S. Kellis, J. G. Nieveen, S. M. Wendelken, H. Dantas, T. S. Davis, et al., "Recording and Decoding for Neural Prostheses," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 104, pp. 374-391, 2016. Published, 02/01/2016.
  • RamRakhyani AK, Kagan ZB, Warren DJ, Normann RA & Lazzi G (2015). A μm-Scale Computational Model of Magnetic Neural Stimulation in Multifascicular Peripheral Nerves. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering. Vol. 62, 2837-49. Published, 11/01/2015.
  • Christensen M, Pearce S, Ledbetter N, Warren D, Clark G, Tresco P. The foreign body response to the Utah Slant Electrode Array in the cat sciatic nerve. Acta biomaterialia. 2014;10(11):4650-60. Published, 11/30/2014.
  • Mathews KS, Wark HA, Warren DJ, Christensen MB, Nolta NF, Cartwright PC, Normann RA. Acute monitoring of genitourinary function using intrafascicular electrodes: selective pudendal nerve activity corresponding to bladder filling, bladder fullness, and genital stimulation. Urology. 2014;84(3):722-9. Epub 2014/08/30. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2014.05.021 S0090-4295(14)00503-2 [pii]. PubMed PMID: 25168559. Published, 09/30/2014.
  • Clark GA, Wendelken S, Page DM, Davis TS, Wark HAC, Normann RA, Warren DJ, Hutchinson DT. Using Multiple High-Count Electrode Arrays in Human Median and Ulnar Nerves to Restore Sensorimotor Function after Previous Transradial Amputation of the Hand. EMBC 2014; Aug 28 2014; Chicago, IL2014. Published, 09/28/2014.
  • Kagan ZB, RamRakhyan AK, Faisel K, Lazzi G, Normann RA, Warren DJ. Magnetic Stimulation of Mammalian Peripheral Nerves in Vivo: An Alternative to Functional Electrical Stimulation. EMBC 2014; Aug 28 2014; Chicago, IL2014. Published, 08/28/2014.
  • RamRakhyan AK, Kagan ZB, Khan F, Warren DJ, Normann RA, Lazzi G, editors. Effect of Membrane Capacitance on the Induced Electric Field for the Magnetic Peripheral Nerve Stimulation. IEEE AP-S/USNC-URSI Symposium; 2014 2014-07-10; Orlando, Florida. Published, 07/10/2014.
  • Ramrakhyani, Anil Kumar, Kagan, Zachary B, Khan, Faisal, Warren, David J, Normann, Richard A & Lazzi, Gianluca (2014). Numerical modeling of transverse electric field magnetic neural stimulation. Neuromodulation. Vol. 17, e126. Published, 07/01/2014.
  • Kagan, Zachary B, Ramrakhyani, Anil Kumar, Khan, Faisal, Lazzi, Gianluca, Normann, Richard A & Warren, David J (2014). Magnetic stimulation of mammalian peripheral nervesin vivo: Reducing power for muscle activation. Neuromodulation. Vol. 17, e126. Published, 07/01/2014.
  • Kagan ZB, RamRakhyan AK, Khan F, Lazzi G, Normann RA, Warren DJ, editors. Magnetic Stimulation of Mammalian Peripheral Nerves In Vivo: Reducing Power for Muscle Activation. Neural Interface Conference; 2014 2014-06-23; Dallas, TX USA. Published, 06/23/2014.
  • RamRakhyan AK, Kagan ZB, Khan F, Warren DJ, Normann RA, Lazzi G, editors. Numerical Modeling of Transverse Electric Field Magnetic Neural Stimulation. Neural Interface Conference; 2014 2014-06-23; Dallas, TX USA. Published, 06/23/2014.
  • RamRakhyani, A. K., Z. B. Kagan, et al. (2013). Effect of Surrounding Conditions on In-Vitro Magnetic Neural Stimulation. IEEE Neural Engineering Conference, San Diego, CA. Published, 11/2013.
  • Normann, R. A., B. R. Dowden, et al. (2012). "Coordinated, multi-joint, fatigue-resistant feline stance produced with intrafascicular hind limb nerve stimulation." Journal of neural engineering 9(2): 026019. Published, 04/09/2012.
  • Clark, G. A., N. M. Ledbetter, et al. (2011). "Recording sensory and motor information from peripheral nerves with Utah Slanted Electrode Arrays." Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference 2011: 4641-4644. Published, 01/19/2012.
  • Torab, K., T. S. Davis, et al. (2011). "Multiple factors may influence the performance of a visual prosthesis based on intracortical microstimulation: nonhuman primate behavioural experimentation." Journal of neural engineering 8(3): 035001. Published, 05/20/2011.


  • Thomas, W. M., L. M. Cavalcanti, V. J. Mathews and D. J. Warren (2021). An Adaptive Model Predictive Control System for Functional Neuromuscular Stimulation Torque Control. SfN Global Connnections, virtual. Other, Presented, 01/06/2021.
  • L. Rieth et al., "Improvement and quantitative analysis of tip metal stability for Utah slanted arrays in long-term clinical studies with a sensorimotor prosthesis," in Society for Neuroscience Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, 23 Oct 2019 2019. Other, Presented, 10/2019.
  • T. C. Hansen, H. Dantas, J. A. George, G. A. Clark, D. J. Warren, and V. J. Mathews, "Shared controllers improve control and performance of upper-limb prostheses," in Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2019. Other, Presented, 10/2019.
  • D. Hilgart, D. J. Warren, S. J. Barrus, and G. A. Clark, "Performance of wireless Utah slanted electrode arrays in cat: The SARA-USEA," in Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 23 Oct 2019 2019. Other, Presented, 10/2019.
  • Using High-Electrode-Count Intrafascicular Peripheral Nerve Interfaces for Selective Mitigation of Chronic Pain. Other, Presented, 03/01/2019.
  • Long-term Performance of EMG Movement Decoders Trained Using Dataset Aggregation. Other, Presented, 11/03/2018.
  • Simulating Functional Neural Stimulation on OpenSim Biomechanical Models with Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. Other, Presented, 10/17/2018.
  • Advances in Shared Human-Machine Control for Upper Limb Prostheses. Other, Presented, 10/17/2018.
  • High Degree-of-Freedom Control of Virtual and Robotic Prosthetic Hands Using Surface EMG. Other, Presented, 08/15/2018.
  • Rapid Electrode Multiplexing for Scalable Neural Recording. Other, Presented, 06/25/2018.
  • Nonlinear model-predictive control for functional neuromuscular stimulation. Other, Presented, 06/25/2018.
  • Performance of tasks with closed-loop control of sensorized prosthetic hands by a transradial amputee with peripheral nerve and intramuscular implants. Other, Presented, 11/15/2017.
  • Channel Selection of Neural and Electromyographic Signals for Decoding of Motor Intent. Other, Presented, 08/25/2017.
  • Evaluation of Reactive Accelerated Aging to Assess the Lifetime of Utah Electrode Arrays. Other, Presented, 01/19/2017.
  • Closed-loop control of a sensorized virtual prosthetic hand by a human subject after amputation. Other, Presented, 11/12/2016.
  • Simulation of Neuronal Localization Using the Utah Multisite Electrode Array. Other, Presented, 10/05/2016.
  • Closed-Loop Control of a Virtual Prosthetic Hand by a Human Subject After Prior Amputation. Other, Presented, 06/25/2016.
  • Motor Decoding and Sensory Stimulation for Upper-limb Prostheses Using Implanted Neural and Muscular Electrode Arrays. Other, Presented, 06/25/2016.
  • S. Wendelken, D. M. Page, T. S. Davis, D. J. Warren, C. Duncan, D. Hutchinson, et al., "Using multiple Utah Slanted Electrode Arrays (USEAs) to control 5-degrees-of-freedom of a virtual prosthetic hand and provide sensations in the phantom hand for a human, transradial amputee," in Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2015. Other, Presented, 10/16/2015.
  • D. M. Page, S. Wendelken, T. S. Davis, H. A. C. Wark, C. Duncan, D. J. Warren, et al., "Utah Slanted Electrode Array Recording and Stimulation Restores Movement and Sensation to Human Amputees," in (BMES) Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, 2015, p. 143. Other, Presented, 10/06/2015.
  • Z. B. Kagan, V. J. Mathews, and D. J. Warren, "Linear Techniques for Reducing Noise in High Channel Count Feline Sciatic Nerve Data," in (BMES) Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, 2015. Other, Presented, 10/06/2015.
  • Z. A. Wach, A. K. RamRakhyani, Z. B. Kagan, G. Lazzi, R. Normann, and D. J. Warren, "Optimization of simulated RLC circuit and solenoid coils used in the magnetic stimulation of rat sciatic nerves," in Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), 2015 USNC-URSI, 2015, pp. 309-309. Other, Presented, 07/19/2015.
  • RamRakhyan, A. K., Z. B. Kagan, et al. (2014). Effect of Membrane Capacitance on the Induced Electric Field for the Magnetic Peripheral Nerve Stimulation. IEEE AP-S/USNC-URSI Symposium, Orlando, Florida. Other, Submitted, 07/2014.
  • Kagan, Z. B., A. K. RamRakhyani, et al. (2013). Magnetic Stimulation of feline sciatic nerve with solenoid coils: Evoking motor responses. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Other, Presented, 11/2013.
  • Hilgart, D. R., M. Frankel, et al. (2013). Bipolar and multi-electrode intrafascicular nerve stimulation improve selectivity, independence, and strength of motor responses Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Other, Presented, 11/2013.
  • Rieth, L., D. J. Warren, et al. (2013). Performance improvements in fully-integrated small form-factor wireless neural interfaces. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Other, Presented, 11/2013.
  • RamRakhyan, A. K., F. Khan, et al. (2013). Multi-resolution Network Modeling of Inhomogeneneous Never Bundle for Magnetic Stimulation. BMES Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. Other, Presented, 09/2013.
  • Kagan, Z. B., A. K. RamRakhyani, et al. (2013). In vivo and in vitro peripheral nerve stimulation via electromagnetic induction. BMES Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. Other, Presented, 09/2013.
  • Warren, D. J., W. A. Smith, et al. (2012). Improved control and telemetry reception achieved with design improvements to Integrated Neural Interface – Recording devices. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Other, Presented, 10/15/2012.
  • Hilgart, D. R., B. R. Dowden, et al. (2012). Improving Selectivity and Strength of Motor Responses Evoked by Intrafascicular Nerve Stimulation Using Bipolar and Multi-electrode Configurations. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Other, Presented, 10/15/2012.
  • Clark, G. A., C. Ethier, et al. (2012). Restoring Sensorimotor Hand Function by Stimulating and Recording From Monkey Arm Nerves with Utah Slanted Electrode Arrays. Neural Interfaces Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. Other, Presented, 06/19/2012.
  • Deshpande, P., D. J. Warren, et al. (2012). STUDY OF COILS FOR INTEGRATED WIRELESS COMMUNICATION. Neural Interface Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. Other, Presented, 06/19/2012.
  • RamRakhyan, A. K., F. Khan, et al. (2012). On the Design of Implantable Magnetic Neural Stimulators using Non-linear Magnetic Core. Neural Interfaces Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. Other, Presented, 06/19/2012.
  • Hilgart, D. R., B. R. Dowden, et al. (2012). Improving Selectivity and Strength of Motor Responses Evoked by Intrafascicular Nerve Stimulation Using Bipolar and Multi-electrode Configurations. Neural Interfaces Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. Other, Presented, 06/19/2012.
  • Abaya, T., N. M. Ledbetter, et al. (2012). Selective, Artifact-free Stimulation with Infrared Light via Intrafascicular Utah Slanted Optrode Arrays. Neural Interfaces Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. Other, Presented, 06/19/2012.
  • Warren, D. J., W. A. Smith, et al. (2012). Improved device control and telemetry reception achieved with design improvements to Integrated Neural Interface – Recording devices. Neural Interfaces Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. Other, Presented, 06/19/2012.
  • Ledbetter, N. M., D. J. Warren, et al. (2011). Long-term, emg-free recording and stimulation with utah slanted electrode arrays in peripheral nerve. Society for Neuroscience 41st Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Other, Presented, 11/13/2011.
  • Clark, G. A., A. Schister, et al. (2011). Selective, high-channel-count, artifact-free stimulation with infrared light via intrafascicular utah slanted optrode arrays. Society for Neuroscience 41st Annual Meeting, Washington, D. C. Other, Presented, 11/13/2011.

Research Groups

  • Colin McNabb, Graduate Student. Biomedical Engineering. 08/01/2022 - 05/15/2023.
  • Hunter Strathman, Graduate Student. Biomedical Engineering. 09/24/2018 - 08/11/2023.
  • Taylor Hanson, Graduate Student. Bioengineering. 08/15/2017 - 08/31/2022.
  • Mitch Thomas, Graduate Student. Bioengineering. 08/15/2017 - 10/31/2023.
  • Jordan Peterson, Graduate Student. Bioengineering. 07/01/2015 - 12/31/2017.
  • Jacob Nieveen, Graduate Student. Electrical and Computer Engineering. 02/08/2014 - 07/01/2019.


  • English, fluent.
  • Spanish, basic.