• Assistant Vice President, Office for Faculty, U of U Health
  • Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs, College Of Pharmacy
  • Professor, Pharmacology And Toxicology

Current Courses

Fall 2024

  • PHARM 5110-001
    Foundations of Biochem
    Location: EHSEB 2680 (EHSEB 2680)
  • PHARM 6252-001
    Integrated Pharma I
    Location: EHSEB 3515B (EHSEB 3515B)

Spring 2024

Courses I Teach

  • PHTX 7690 - Professional Skills Development
    Pre and postdoctoral trainees on training grants and in biomedical science labs. Coursemaster and lecturer, 2020-present
  • PHARM 7352 - Principles of Project Development
    PharmD Professional Curriculum, College of Pharmacy, University of Utah Coursemaster and Lecturer, 2017-2022 Co-coursemaster and lecturer, 2023
  • PHARM 6253 - Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics II
    PharmD Professional Curriculum, College of Pharmacy, University of Utah Lecturer, Central Nervous System Pharmacology, 2016-present
  • PHARM 6252 - Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics I
    PharmD Professional Curriculum, College of Pharmacy, University of Utah Co-Coursemaster, 2023- Module Leader, "Autonomic Nervous System" 2016-present Lecturer, Autonomic Nervous System Pharmacology 2016-present
  • PHARM 6251 - Recitation
    PharmD Professional Curriculum, College of Pharmacy, University of Utah Small Group Facilitator, 2016-2018
  • PHARM 6250 - P2 Recitation
    PharmD Professional Curriculum, College of Pharmacy, University of Utah Coursemaster, 2016-2018
  • PHTX 5211 - Pharmacology I
    Pharm.D. Professional Curriculum, College of Pharmacy, University of Utah Co-Coursemaster, 2009-2014 Lecturer, 1995-2015 Introduction to the Autonomic Nervous System (2 hr)' Sympathomimetics and Catecholamines (2 hr) Anti-adrenergic agents (2 hr) Pharmacotherapy of Parkinson’s Disease (1 hr) Skeletal Muscle Relaxants" (1 hr) Headache Medications (2 hr; no longer as of 2007)
  • PHTX 5121 - Biological Basis of Disease
    Professional Curriculum, College of Pharmacy, University of Utah Lecturer, 2004-2016 Organization of the Autonomic Nervous System (2 hr) Neurotransmission (2 hr, 2015) Movement Disorders (3 hr, 2015) Psychiatric Disorders (2 hr, 2015)
  • PHTX 6030 - Brain and Behavior
    Pharmacologic Basis of Therapeutics II (1995-2009) / Brain and Behavior (2010-present) M.D. Professional Curriculum, School of Medicine, University of Utah Lecturer, 1995-2014 Introduction to the Autonomic Nervous System (2 hr) Sympathomimetics and Catecholamines (2 hr) Anti-adrenergic agents (1 hr) Physiology of the Basal Ganglia (1 hr; 2007-2008) Pharmacotherapy of Parkinson’s Disease (1 hr) Skeletal Muscle Relaxants (1 hr/directed study) Headache Medications (1 hr; no longer as of 2006) Multiple medication counseling small groups recitations (facilitator) Medication Counseling exam grading sessions.
  • PHARM 7113 - Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Sciences
    College of Pharmacy Graduate Programs Curriculum, College of Pharmacy, Univ. of Utah Lecturer, 2004-2011 Receptor Theory / Receptors (2 hr) Receptor Regulation (1 hr)
  • PHTX 7113 - Pharmacology Essentials
    Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Pharmacy, Univ. of Utah Lecturer, 2012-2014 Receptor Theory / Receptors (2 hr) Receptor Regulation (2 hr)
  • NEUSC 6040 - Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
    Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program Curriculum, University of Utah Couresmaster, 2002-2004 Lecturer, 2005-2013 Neurotransmitter Synthesis and Metabolism (3 hr) Introduction to Receptors (1.5 hr; through 2007) Ionotropic glutamate receptors (1.5 hr; through 2007)
  • NEUSC 6050 - Systems Neuroscience
    Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program Curriculum, University of Utah Lecturer, 1997-2011 Basal Ganglia (2 hr)
  • PHTX 7270 - Biochemical Basis of Neuropharmacology
    Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology and other Graduate Programs, College of Pharmacy, University of Utah Coursemaster (1999-2011) Lecturer (1997-2011) Functional Neuroanatomy (2 hr) Excitatory Amino Acids (2 hr) Inhibitory Amino Acids (2 hr) Serotonin, Histamine, Melatonin (2 hr) Catecholamines (2 hr) Acetylcholine (2 hr) Non-traditional Neurotransmitters (2 hr) Neuropharmacology of Movement Disorders (2 hr) Neuropharmacology of Drug Addiction (2 hr) Neuropharmacology of Schizophrenia/psychosis (2 hr) Neuropharmacology of Affective Disorders (2 hr)
  • PHTX 7690 - Professional Skills Development
    Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology and other Graduate Programs, College of Pharmacy, University of Utah Coursemaster, 2006-2013 Lecturer 1998-2015 Your Role as a Graduate Student / Career Planning (2 hr) Technical writing (3 hr) Oral presentations (1 hr) Job-Seeking Skills (1 hr) Small group facilitation of grant reviews
  • PHTX 6600 - Methods in Pharmacology
    Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology Graduate Program, College of Pharmacy, University of Utah Lecturer, 1997-2011 In situ Hybridization Histochemistry and Immunohistochemistry (3 hr)
  • PHTX 6720 - Developments in Neuropharmacology
    Journal Club, Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology Graduate Program, College of Pharmacy, University of Utah Couresemaster, 1998-1999.
  • PHTX 6610 - Principles of Pharmacology and Toxicology
    Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology Graduate Program, College of Pharmacy, University of Utah Lecturer, 1998-2004 Pharmacodynamics (2 hr) Antagonism (1 hr) Spare Receptors (1 hr)
  • PHTX 7280 - Advances in Neuropharmacology
    Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology Graduate Program, College of Pharmacy, University of Utah Lecturer, 1996 Molecular Biology of NMDA receptors (3 hr) Dopamine Receptors and Psychiatric Disorders (3 hr)
  • University of Pittsburgh - Drugs and Behavior
    Teaching Assistant, 1990
  • University of Pittsburgh - Experimental Methods in Psychology
    Teaching Assistant,1987 - 1988