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Search Results - Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results
Postdoctoral Fellow, Science Research Initiative, University of Utah, College of Science
Research Summary: I am zooarchaeologist and paleoecologist interested in understanding the impacts of Holocene climate change on the spatial-temporal distribution of animal communities to assess how these interactions influenced past human socio-ecological systems (SES). Emerging from this research are conservation and sustainability projects leveraging longitudinal paleozoological and climate data to inform future wildlife management and Indigenous partnership to help restore Indigenous SES.
Research Summary: My research utilizes models from human ecology to explain behavior in the past and present. I am currently working on projects that examine what socioecological conditions promote human conflict. My regional foci are the central Andes and western North America. Methodological specialties include bioarchaeology, isotope chemistry, spatio-statistical modeling, and big data.
Research Keywords:
Violence and Warfare,
Quantitative Methods,
North American Prehistory,
Isotope analysis,
Human - Environment Interactions,
Evolution and Ecology,
Environmental and Spatial Modeling ,
Climate Change,
Andean Prehistory
Assistant Professor, Anthropology Department
Faculty Affiliate, Arizona State University, Center for Bioarchaeological Research, School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Curator of Ethnography, Natural History Museum of Utah
Associate Professor, Anthropology Department
Research Summary: I study human impacts on environments and their human outcomes. Andrea Brunelle (Geography) and I are examining the interaction of population, land use, and ecological change at the Preclassic Maya center of El Mirador, Guatemala. I also study the impact of cycles of epidemic disease on human demography and life history. This research has two goals: 1) to examine epidemic disease impacts on Holocene demography and life history, and 2) to address general problems in prehistoric demography.