Honors & Awards
- Trailblazer R21 award . NIH / NIBIB, 12/01/2023
In the Media
- Faculty Spotlight, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah- Haohan Zhang. 08/30/2021. https://www.mech.utah.edu/new-faculty-member-todd-...
- National Science Foundation, The Discovery Files - ROBOTIC NECK BRACE . 08/16/2021. https://podcasts.apple.com/pa/podcast/robotic-neck...
- Robotic neck brace can help analyze cancer treatment impacts. 08/03/2021. https://www.nsf.gov/discoveries/disc_summ.jsp?cntn...
- Robotic Neck Brace Dramatically Improves Functions of ALS Patients. 08/12/2019. https://www.engineering.columbia.edu/press-release...
- Zhang Receives NIH Trailblazer Award. 12/22/2023. https://www.mech.utah.edu/zhang-receives-nih-trail...