
  • Filderman, M. J & Austin, C. R. (2023). ). I wrote well today: Practical progress monitoring approaches for teachers of students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Beyond Behavior. Published, 12/29/2023.
  • Austin, C. R., Moore, K. A., Kocherhans, S. & Herman, K. (2023). Phonological Awareness, Phonemic Awareness, and Spelling: When Home and School Dialect Differ. The Reading League Journal. Published, 12/28/2023.
  • Austin, C. R., Stevens, E. A. & Vaughn, S. (2023). Teaching older students to read multisyllabic words. (pp. 200-215). Benchmark Education. Published, 12/01/2023.
  • Filderman, M. J. , Austin, C. R. & Boman, C. (2023). Becoming Critical Consumers: Navigating the Educational Research Landscape. Literacy Today. Published, 10/01/2023.
  • Austin, C. R., Stevens, E., Demchak, A. & Solari, E. (2023). Orton-Gillingham: Which Aspects are Supported by Research and Which Require Additional Research?. The Reading League Journal. Published, 09/01/2023.
  • Austin, C. R., Stevens, E. A., & Vaughn, S. (2022). Teaching students with reading disabilities to read complex, multisyllabic words. In J. Hasbrouck & N. Young (Eds). The Ladder of Reading and Writing. Benchmark Education Company. Accepted, 09/16/2022.
  • Filderman, M. J., Austin, C. R., Boucher, A. N., & O’Donnell, K. (2022). A meta-analysis of the effects of comprehension instruction to support struggling readers in third through twelfth grades. Exceptional Children, 88(2). doi: Published, 01/01/2022.
  • Austin, C. R., & Boucher, A. N. (2021). Instruction integrating word reading and word meaning. Intervention in School and Clinic, online access. Published, 09/23/2021.
  • Austin, C. R., Vaughn, S., Clemens, N. H., Pustejovsky, J. E., & Boucher, A. N. (2021). The relative effects of instruction integrating word reading and word meaning on the accuracy, fluency, and word meaning knowledge of 4th-5th grade students with dyslexia. Scientific Studies of Reading, online access. Published, 07/07/2021.
  • Stevens, E. A., Austin, C. R., Moore, C. , Scammacca, N. , Vaughn, S. & Boucher, A. N. (2020). Current State of the Evidence: Examining the Effects of Orton-Gillingham Reading Interventions for Students with or at Risk for Word-Level Reading Disabilities. Exceptional Children. Accepted, 12/26/2020.
  • Stevens, E. A. & Austin, C. R. (2020). Structured Literacy Intervention for Reading Comprehension. Guilford Publishing. Accepted, 12/08/2020.
  • Stewart, A. A. & Austin, C. R. (2020). Reading interventions for students with or at risk of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A systematic review. Remedial and Special Education. Vol. 41(5), 352–367. Published, 12/01/2020.
  • Hall, C., Vaughn, S., Barnes, M. A., Stewart, A. A., Austin, C. R. & Roberts, G. (2020). The effects of inference instruction on the inference generation and reading comprehension of English learning with reading comprehension difficulties in grades 6 and 7. Remedial and Special Education. Vol. 41(5), 259–270. Published, 09/01/2020.
  • Austin, C. R. & Filderman, M. J. (2020). Selecting and designing measurements to track the progress of struggling readers. Intervention in School and Clinic. Vol. 56(1), 13–21. Published, 05/20/2020.
  • Swanson, E., Austin, C. R., Stewart, A. E. & Scammacca, N. (2020). A meta-analysis examining the effect of e-book use on literacy outcomes for students in grades k-12. Reading and Writing Quarterly. Vol. 36(5), 480–496. Published, 01/21/2020.

Research Keywords

  • Special Education
  • Reading Intervention
  • Reading Education
  • Reading Disability
  • Learning Disability
  • Elementary Education
  • Early Literacy and Reading
  • Dyslexia


  • Austin, C. R. (2024, March). Phonological Awareness, Phonemic Awareness, and Spelling: When Home and School Dialect Differ. {Coffee Chat, The Reading League}. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 03/01/2024.
  • Austin, C. R., & O’Donnell, K., Powell, S. (2024, February). Integrating math language instruction within high-frequency word reading instruction. {Poster presentation}. Pacific Coast Research Conference (PCRC). Presentation, Presented, 02/04/2024.
  • O’Donnell, K., & Clemens, N. H., & Austin, C. R. (2024, February). A Preliminary Examination of the Effect of Science of Reading Laws. {Poster presentation} Pacific Coast Research Conference (PCRC). Presentation, Presented, 02/01/2024.
  • Austin, C. R. (2023, November). Orton-Gillingham: Which aspects are supported by research and which require additional research? {Coffee Chat, The Reading League}. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 11/01/2023.
  • Austin, C. R. (2023, October). An introduction to the Science of Reading for parents of children with dyslexia. {Presentation} Decoding Dyslexia Utah Wasatch Reading Summit. Presentation, Presented, 10/01/2023.
  • Stevens, E. A., Austin, C. R., Solari, E., Petscher, Y., & Hall, C. (2023, February). The recent meta-analysis on Orton-Gillingham interventions: What does it mean? Where do we go from here? {Panel presentation} Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). Presentation, Presented, 02/10/2023.
  • Austin, C. R., & Filderman, M. J. (2023, February). The effects of an Orton-Gillingham-based Intervention on Students’ phonemic decoding and oral reading fluency. {Poster presentation}. Pacific Coast Research Conference (PCRC). Presentation, Presented, 02/01/2023.
  • Stevens, E. A., & Austin, C. R. (2022, November). Current State of Evidence: The Effects of Orton-Gillingham Interventions on the Reading Outcomes of Students with Word Level Reading Difficulties. {Audio recorded interview with Jan Wasowicz, Founder, SpellTalk}. . Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 11/01/2022.
  • Stevens, E.A., & Austin, C. R. (2022, June). Structured Literacy Interventions: Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Reading Difficulties, Grades K-6. Pattan: Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network. {Zoom Presentation}. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/01/2022.
  • Filderman, M. J., Austin, C. R., Boucher, A. N. (2022, February). Reading Comprehension Intervention for Struggling Readers: Interpreting the Results of a Meta-Analysis to Inform Practice. The Reading League Michigan. {Zoom Presentation}. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 02/01/2022.
  • Filderman, M. J., Austin, C. R., Boucher, A. N., & O’Donnell, K. (2022, February). A meta-analysis of the effects of comprehension instruction to support struggling readers in third through twelfth grades. {Panel presentation for the Council for Exceptional Children, CEC}. Presentation, Presented, 02/01/2022.
  • Austin, C. R. (2021, February). Instruction Integrating Word Reading and Word Meaning. {Presentation for the Council for Exceptional Children, CEC, Virtual}. Presentation, Presented, 02/01/2021.
  • Austin, C. R., Stevens, E., Moore, C., & Boucher, A. N. (2021, February). Effects of Orton-Gillingham Reading Interventions. {Poster session for the Pacific Coast Research Conference, PCRC, Virtual}. Presentation, Presented, 02/01/2021.
  • Filderman, M. J., Austin, C. R., Boucher, A. N., & O’Donnell, K. (2021, February). A meta-analysis of the effects of comprehension instruction to support struggling readers in third through twelfth grades. {Poster session for the Pacific Coast Research Conference, PCRC, Virtual} . Presentation, Presented, 02/01/2021.
  • Stevens, E., Austin, C. R. (2020, February). Integrating paraphrasing and text structure instruction to support upper elementary struggling readers’ main idea generation and reading comprehension. {Presentation for the Council for Exceptional Children, CEC}. Presentation, Presented, 02/15/2020.
  • Austin, C.R., Stevens, E., Hall, C. (2020, February). Reading Interventions for Students with and At-Risk for Dyslexia. {Panel Presentation for Council for Exceptional Children, CEC, Portland, OR.}. Presentation, Presented, 02/15/2020.
  • Moore, C., Boucher, A. N., Rodrigo, S., & Austin, C. R. (2020, February). Responsiveness profiles and maintenance effects associated with a reading and self-regulation intervention. {Poster session for the Pacific Coast Research Conference, PCRC, San Diego, CA.}. Presentation, Presented, 02/01/2020.
  • Austin, C. R. (2020, February). Instruction Linking Word Reading and Word Meaning. {Poster session for the Pacific Coast Research Conference, PCRC, San Diego, CA.}. Presentation, Presented, 02/01/2020.