Professor, Political Science Department
Professor, Environmental & Sustainability
Affiliated Faculty, Center for Global Change and Sustainability
Professional Organizations
International Society of Political Psychology.
Position : Member.
Midwestern Political Science Association.
Position : Member.
Western Political Science Association.
Position : Member.
American Political Science Association.
Position : Member.
Courses I Teach
POLS 1100
U.S. National Government
This course provides an introduction to American government and politics. The course covers the principles on which the national government rests, the nature of political action in the U.S., and the dynamics of the Congress, Presidency, Judiciary, and Bureaucracy.
POLS 2500 / ECON 2500
The United States of Inequality
Since the end of the post-war “Golden Age of Capitalism” (1945 to 1975), the US economy has been characterized by rising levels of inequality. This inequality is most often measured in terms of increasing gaps between the top and bottom of the income and wealth distributions, along with a decline in the middle class, but it is manifest in other, related dimensions as well, including growing disparities in health and exposure to environmental hazards. In addition, growing inequalities in economic resources feed into growing inequalities in political power, and differential political power can be used to solidify differential access to economic resources. Rising inequality provides the context shaping the development of solutions to many other economic and social challenges of our time, including access to health care, racial and ethnic divisions and the rise of race-based nationalism, persistent gender inequalities, the stresses created by immigration, and the need to develop sustainable climate and energy policy. This class will draw on the expertise of the faculty in the economics and political science departments to examine the long-run development of economic inequality, its measurement, its connection to political power and to other societal divides, and potential remedies.
POLS 3140 / GNDR 3140
Gender & Politics
The purpose of this course is to introduce undergraduate students to some of the systematic thinking on gender and politics. It offers a general survey of how women as a group have engaged in politics including: as outsiders through political participation, as insiders in government, and as the subject of policy action. We will consider the effects of gender on electoral behavior and political institutions, as well as the ways in which law, public policy, and politics shape gender relations. Topics include: the mobilization of women into politics through the suffrage movement and the modern women’s movement; the role of gender in shaping public opinion and electoral behavior; public opinion and electoral behavior on gender issues; women’s activities within the political parties; the experiences of women candidates and women elites; and several policy debates. This course will also emphasize the diversity of women’s political experiences.
POLS 3180
Voting, Elections & Public Opinion
From this course, students will understand the measurement, structure, and dynamics of public opinion, both what influences it, as well as how it shapes other aspects of politics and public life, including: the character of political attitudes, party identification, turnout and participation, and the vote decision. You will also understand different modes of political participation beyond mere voting, including conventional and non-conventional and their correlates.
ENVST 2100
Introduction to Environment and Sustainability
This course examines human-environment relations from a variety of disciplines. Through a series of lectures and readings, students will be exposed to a diverse range of research, viewpoints, approaches, and topics associated with environmental and sustainability issues. This class provides a unique opportunity for students to engage the breadth of research and teaching at the University of Utah that addresses human-environment relations. Students will engage a wide range of opinions, be exposed to distinct kinds of intellectual inquiry, and meet faculty from many disciplines. Through lectures and class discussion, we will process this material and fit it into a larger inter-disciplinary context of environmental and sustainability studies.
POLS 5322/6322
Environmental and Sustainability Politics
This course will examine environmental politics and policy in the United States. We will apply theories from political science, public policy, and other social science disciplines to analyze how values, interests, and institutions shape the processes by which policies are enacted and implemented. We will pay particular attention to public opinion and the related political forces that influence environmental policy. Using a case study approach we will consider a variety of policy issues involving pollution control, access to and management of natural resources, urban design and restoration, and energy development. These case studies will also consider environmental policy in the state and local, national, and international contexts.
POLS 5510
Water Policy & Politics
This class examines the policy and politics of water, including issues of water pollution/quality; water supply and management; historical perceptions and development; water law and current debates; river restoration; environmental justice; and Native Americans. We will focus mainly on the rules governing how water is used, the politics of water decision-making, and whether or not the rules are effective at providing adequate amounts of clean water for human consumption and ecosystem maintenance. Although the focus of this course will be the American West (west of the 100h meridian), I will bring into discussion—and invite contributions--about water policy dynamics in other parts of the U.S and abroad, where there exists conflict or potential conflict, over water.
POLS 6282
American Political Behavior
This seminar presents an overview of research on American political behavior. This course is intended for graduate students studying American politics, but is open to all students with an interest in learning about American politics or political behavior. This course is a companion to Political Science 6281, American Political Institutions, and Political Science 6283, American Policy Processes. For our purposes, political behavior is the study of citizens and their connections to the institutions and policies of American government. We examine how citizens learn and what they know about politics, public opinion both individually and collectively, and the nature of how and why citizens participate in politics.
Teaching Projects
- Inequality for All.
Project Lead: Juliet Carlisle & Tom Maloney.
Collaborators: Ivan Mendieta Munoz, Rudiger von Arnim, Tom Maloney, Marshall Steinbaum, Ellis Scharfenaker, Catherine Ruetschlin, Michael Dichio, Edmund Fong, Philip Singer, Claudio Holzner, Brent Steele, Jim Curry.
The Office of Undergraduate Studies (UGS), the College of Social and Behavioral Science (CSBS)
01/2021 - 12/2022.
Total Budget: $9,000.00.