Juliet Carlisle portrait
  • Professor, Political Science Department
  • Professor, Environmental & Sustainability
  • Affiliated Faculty, Center for Global Change and Sustainability

Research Summary

My research substantively deals with public opinion and participation, survey research, environmental politics, and political socialization. I seek to explain the causes and characteristics of public opinion and behavior regarding politics, the environment, and energy development.


  • PhD, Political Science, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • MA, Political Science, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • BA, Political Science, University of Washington


Juliet Carlisle is a Professor in the Department of Political Science and the Environmental and Sustainability Studies Program. Her research substantively deals with political behavior and public opinion with an emphasis on environmental politics and policy. In particular, Dr. Carlisle broadly considers public opinion and has investigated the interplay of demographic, cognitive, psychological, and contextual factors on attitudes regarding the environment, offshore oil drilling, large-scale solar development, and vaccines. 

Her co-authored book, The Politics of Energy Crises (2017), published by Oxford University Press applies the theories of agenda setting and punctuated equilibrium to energy crises and explores energy policy during energy crises with specific attention on the role of public opinion, business interests and environmental activists. Her current research focuses on the following three projects: 1) generational differences and climate change; 2) state-level environmental opinion and its influence on state policy proposals and laws; and 3) emotions and political behavior.