Tracey Daniels portrait
  • Chair, Career-Line Faculty Committee, Writing and Rhetoric Studies
  • University Teaching Committee, Svpaa-Academics
  • Graduate Committee, Writing and Rhetoric Studies
  • Associate Professor (Lecturer), Writing and Rhetoric Studies

Current Courses

Fall 2024

  • WRTG 1010-016
    Introduction To Writing
    Location: GC 1790 (GC 1790)
  • WRTG 1010-035
    Introduction To Writing
    Location: BU C 211 (BU C 211)
  • WRTG 3012-090
    Social Sciences
    Location: ONLN (Online)
  • WRTG 3012-091
    Social Sciences
    Location: ONLN (Online)
  • WRTG 3012-290
    Social Sciences
    Location: ONLN (Online)
  • WRTG 3870-090
    Wrtg as Social Practice
    Location: ONLN (Online)
  • WRTG 3870-290
    Wrtg as Social Practice
    Location: ONLN (Online)

Summer 2024

Spring 2024

Professional Organizations

  • Conference on College Composition & Communication. 06/20/2021 - present. Position : Member, Executive Committee.
  • Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition. 06/01/2021 - present. Position : Member.
  • Rhetoric Society of American. 12/21/2020 - present. Position : Member.
  • Society of Early Americanists. 01/01/2020 - present. Position : Member.
  • National Council of Teachers of English. 01/2017 - present. Position : Member.
  • Society of American Women Writers. 01/01/2015 - present. Position : Member.

Teaching Philosophy

My teaching reflects a desire to foster understanding, critical knowledge, and an appreciation of the English language, its many speakers and writers, and its literatures and cultures. I believe this falls in line with a desire to orient students to some of the difficult, but important questions that they may encounter as they approach unfamiliar texts and contexts. The most important thing that I bring to my role as an instructor is a genuine interest in the student, not merely as a learner in the classroom, but as an individual who will live in the world beyond the classroom. I am also incredibly passionate about the topics I teach, and I believe this genuine interest in discovery, coupled with a deep respect for the polyphonic and interdisciplinary approaches to the material, fosters the kind of enthusiasm and inquiry that motivates students and allows them to freely engage with the material as they consider perspectives that may be unfamiliar to them. My courses encourage students to open themselves to unique perspectives and to explore inventive and creative ways to engage with new concepts. I am sensitive to the concerns of college students who find themselves entrenched in what award winning Washington Post journalist Wil Haygood describes as the ‘physical work’ that makes up the complex processes of critical thinking, reading, and writing, especially in an academic environment. This complex can become even more difficult to navigate for some students as they attempt to use the language of rhetoric to produce writing for unfamiliar academic audiences. As a lecturer, undergraduate advisor, First Year Writing Asst. Director, and Writing Center Director, I have worked with an incredibly diverse student body and faculty cohort, and recognize that flexibility and sensitivity are critical to teaching and program administration. I recognize that not all of the individuals who enter the university setting will be uniformly equipped to properly tackle the challenging reading and writing assignments they will confront. Dissimilarities in how well students are prepared for college, differences in their levels of proficiency, and variations in their linguistic and cultural backgrounds can have a profound and lasting impact on how well they will respond to the demands and challenges of academic writing. Therefore, I am prepared to provide the scaffolding that students need as they work to successfully navigate all phases of their academic careers.

Courses I Teach

  • WRTG1010 - Writing 1010
    Writing 1010 is designed to prepare students like you for the kinds of reading and writing that you will do as a member of an academic community. We begin by embracing the idea that writing in academic settings is about joining an ongoing conversation. We focus on developing the tools and literacy practices that students will need in order to fully participate in the research, projects, and conversations that are important in their individual disciplines. In other words, even though you have been reading and writing for most of your life, the kinds of reading and writing required in a university setting are different.
  • WRTG2010 - Writing 2010
    Writing 2010 is designed to provide students with the foundational practices and capabilities needed to read and write academic arguments proficiently. Academic writing isn’t a solo endeavor, in which the author sits and comes up with ideas by him or herself. Instead, it is more useful to imagine academic writing as a conversation, in which an author talks to others concerned with the same topic, and who are reading and writing arguments and doing research on that topic. My courses may focus on Discourses of the Other, Gendered Discourses, Feminist Rhetoric, Embodied Rhetoric, Environmental Rhetoric, Artificial Intelligence, and Posthuman Rhetoric.