Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Professional Service
- Advanced Energy and Sustainability.
Journal Article Review.
01/16/2024 - 01/16/2024
- Advanced Energy and Sustainability.
Journal article review.
11/08/2023 - 11/08/2023
- Department of Energy.
Role: Reviewer.
Proposal review (panel).
05/01/2023 - 05/22/2023
- RSC Advances.
Reviewer (1 article).
11/12/2022 - 11/12/2022
- Journal of Power Sources.
Reviewer (1 article).
08/19/2022 - 08/19/2022
- Advanced Functional Materials.
Reviewer (1 article).
08/13/2022 - 08/13/2022
- NSF.
Proposal Reviewer, Review Panel.
05/2022 - 05/2022
- Polymer Engineering & Science.
Reviewer (1 article).
03/08/2022 - 03/08/2022
- Journal of Power Sources.
Reviewer (1 article).
10/10/2021 - 10/10/2021
- Chemistry - A European Journal.
Reviewer (2 articles).
03/17/2021 - 06/18/2021
- Small.
Reviewer (1 article).
12/13/2020 - 12/13/2020
- Advanced Energy Materials.
Reviewer (1 article).
10/28/2020 - 10/28/2020
- Advanced Functional Materials.
Reviewer (2 articles).
09/04/2020 - 10/14/2020
- Advanced Energy Materials.
Reviewer (1 article).
07/29/2020 - 07/29/2020
- Renewable Energy Technology.
Reviewer (1 article).
07/20/2020 - 07/20/2020
- Small.
Reviewer (1 article).
07/17/2020 - 07/17/2020
- Advanced Functional Materials.
Reviewer (1 article).
07/03/2020 - 07/03/2020
- Advanced Functional Materials.
Reviewer (1 article).
06/16/2020 - 06/16/2020
- Materials Today Communications.
Reviewer (1 article).
05/01/2020 - 05/01/2020
- RSC Advances.
Reviewer (1 article).
04/16/2020 - 04/16/2020
- The Electrochemical Society.
Role: Session chair.
Session chair, 236th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Atlanta.
10/15/2019 - 10/15/2019
- Journal of the Electrochemical Society.
Reviewer (1 article).
01/2019 - 12/2019
- ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology.
Reviewer (2 articles).
01/2019 - 12/2019
- Journal of the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society.
Reviewer (1 article).
01/2019 - 12/2019
- Chemistry-A European Journal.
Reviewer (1 article).
01/2019 - 12/2019
- Langmuir (ACS Publications).
Reviewer (1 article).
01/2019 - 12/2019
- Electrochimica Acta (Elsevier).
Reviewer (1 article reviewed).
01/01/2019 - 12/31/2019
- The Electrochemical Society.
Role: Lead organizer.
Symposium Organizer.
05/30/2018 - 01/31/2020
- The Electrochemical Society.
Student Poster Session Judge, 233rd ECS Meeting, Symposium L06 “Nanoporous Materials”, Seattle, WA, May 13-17, 2018.
05/16/2018 - 05/16/2018
- The Electrochemical Society.
Role: Session Chair.
Session Chair, 233rd ECS Meeting, Symposium L06 “Nanoporous Materials”, Seattle, WA, May 13-17, 2018. (4 sessions chaired).
05/13/2018 - 05/17/2018
"Long Duration Energy Storage" Workshop Participant.
12/07/2017 - 12/08/2017
- The Electrochemical Society.
Student Poster Session Judge, 232 ECS Meeting, National Harbor, MD.
10/04/2017 - 10/05/2017
- The Electrochemical Society.
Reviewed award nominations for the Energy Technology Division Graduate Award and Research Award.
09/01/2017 - 09/30/2017
- The Electrochemical Society.
Role: Lead Symposium Organizer.
Lead Organizer, 233rd ECS Meeting, Symposium L06 “Nanoporous Materials”, Seattle, WA, May 13-17, 2018.
06/01/2017 - 05/31/2018
- The Electrochemical Society.
Session Chair (2 session total)
1 session at the 231st meeting (New Orleans, 05/2017), 1 session at the 232d meeting (National Harbor, 10/2017).
01/01/2017 - 12/31/2017
- New Journal of Chemistry.
Journal Article Reviews, 7 total for 2017 (03/06, 04/21, 04/21, 05/26, 07/04, 08/30, 12/26).
01/01/2017 - 12/31/2017
- Materials for Renewable Sustainable Energy.
Journal Article Review, 1 total for 2017 (07/09).
01/01/2017 - 12/31/2017
- The Electrochemical Society.
Lead Organizer, 233rd ECS Meeting, Symposium L06: "Nanoporous Materials", Seattle, WA (May 13-17, 2018).
01/01/2017 - 12/31/2017
- International Society of Electrochemistry.
Co-Organizer, 68th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Symposium 7 "Supercapacitors from Materials and Processes to Applications", Providence, RI, August 27-September 1, 2017.
01/01/2017 - 09/01/2017
- The Electrochemical Society.
Role: Reviewed nominations for the ETD Research Award.
ECS Energy Technology Division Research Award judge.
09/08/2016 - 09/21/2016
- National Science Foundation.
Invited attendee at the NSF-sponsored "Design of Engineering Materials Workshop" (hosted by Texas A&M University).
07/18/2016 - 07/19/2016
- The Electrochemical Society.
Role: Judged student posters.
Student poster session judge (229th ECS meeting, San Diego).
05/31/2016 - 05/31/2016
- National Science Foundation.
Role: Attended one-day review panel in DC, reviewed 8 proposals.
Proposal review.
05/10/2016 - 05/10/2016
- RSC Advances.
Journal article review, 1 total for 2016 (07/05/2016).
01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016
- Micromachines.
Journal article review, 1 total for 2016 (07/20/2016).
01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016
- Journal of The Electrochemical Society.
Journal article reviews, 2 total for 2016 (06/05/2016, 11/22/2016).
01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016
Honors & Awards
- CAREER Award.
- Early Career Travel Grant Award ($780 award covering registration for the 233rd ECS Meeting and "Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division" Reception ticket).
The Electrochemical Society,
- Outstanding Reviewer for 2017.
New Journal of Chemistry,
Internal Service
- Capstone Committee.
08/15/2023 - present.
Department service.
- Academic Senate.
08/15/2023 - 08/14/2026.
University service.
- Senate Advisory Committee on University Strategic Planning.
08/15/2023 - 08/14/2026.
University service.
- Systems Engineering Search Committee.
12/01/2020 - 05/15/2021.
Department service.
- Micro/Nano committee.
08/15/2020 - 05/15/2022.
Department service.
- Capstone Committee.
08/01/2020 - 07/31/2022.
Department service.
- VPR Seed Grant Reviewer.
01/01/2020 - 01/15/2020.
University service.
- Senior Design Faculty Search Committee.
09/24/2019 - 05/15/2020.
Department service.
- Capstone Design Committee.
08/15/2018 - 08/14/2020.
Department service.
- Seminar Committee. Attended meetings, organized poll for DEMS group speaker, dinner with DEMS speaker Alice White.
08/01/2017 - 12/31/2017.
Department service.
- Capstone Design Committee.
Participated in discussions of capstone curriculum revisions and prepared revised ME 4000 syllabus for Curriculum Committee,
08/22/2016 - 08/21/2017.
Department service.
- Seminar Committee.
Attended meetings; organizer/host for Distinguished Speaker Liwei Lin,
06/27/2016 - 12/31/2016.
Department service.
University of Utah Global Change & Sustainability Center
Affiliated faculty member,
03/17/2016 - present
- Engineering Day volunteer. Hosted lab tours for high school students.
11/18/2017 - 11/18/2017
- Salt Lake Valley Science and Engineering Fair Judge.
03/23/2017 - 03/23/2017
- Engineering Day volunteer. Hosted lab tours for high school students.
11/05/2016 - 11/05/2016
- University of Utah Women's Enrollment Initiative Mixer.
03/25/2016 - 03/25/2016
- Salt Lake Valley Science and Engineering Fair judge.
03/17/2016 - 03/17/2016