Tucker Hermans portrait
  • Adjunct Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
  • Associate Professor, School Of Computing

Current Courses

Fall 2024

  • CS 4300-001
    Artificial Intelligence
    Location: WEB L104 (WEB L104)
  • CS 4970-023
    CS Bachelor's Thesis
  • CS 6300-001
    Artificial Intelligence
    Location: WEB L104 (WEB L104)
  • CS 6951-036
    Teaching Menteeship
  • ROBOT 5950-008
    Independent Study
  • ROBOT 6920-008
    Graduate Project

Summer 2024

Spring 2024

Professional Organizations

  • Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. 03/01/2012 - present. Position : Senior Member.
  • IEEE-Robotics and Automation Society. 03/01/2012 - present. Position : Senior Member.

Small Group Teaching

  • Robot Learning Reading Group.  09/03/2015  -  present