
  • Sarah F Small (2024). What is a Feminist Quantitative Method? Opportunities for Feminist Econometrics. Feminist Economics. Published, 11/2024.
  • Sarah F. Small, Laura Beltran Figueroa, Leah Masci, Nishu Mehrish , Iris Riddiford Graham & Steven Pressman (2024). A History of the Eastern Economic Association: 50 Years of Finding Space for Pluralism and Inclusion in Economics. Eastern Economic Journal. Published, 10/2024.
  • Sarah F. Small (2024). Unions and Men’s Participation in Unpaid Social Reproduction in the United States. Review of Radical Political Economics. Published, 09/2024.
  • Sarah F. Small (2024). Review of The Value of Work since the 18th Century: Custom, Conflict, Measurement, and Theory ed. by Massimo Asta and Pedro Ramos Pinto. History of Political Economy. Published, 09/2024.
  • Sarah F Small (2024). Bringing Breadth and Relevance to Introductory Economics Courses Using JEL Codes. Journal of Economic Education. Vol. 56(1). Published, 07/2024.
  • Sarah F. Small (2024). Gender Marker Laws and Access to Emergency Rental Assistance for Transgender Renters in the United States during COVID-19. Housing Policy Debate. Published, 07/2024.
  • Sarah F. Small & Jade Ramirez-Barraza (2024). Barbara Bergmann’s Scholarship on the Economic Risks of Being a Housewife. The Edward Elgar Handbook on Women and Heterodox Economics: Past, Present, and Future. Accepted, 06/2024.
  • Eunice S. Han & Sarah F. Small (2024). Labor Market Experiences of US Veterans During COVID-19: Women’s Relative Advantage. Eastern Economic Journal. Published, 06/2024.
  • Sarah F. Small & Laura Beltran Figueroa (2024). Teaching Time Use in Economics Classes: Introducing Students to Time Poverty and Inequality in Unpaid Work. Advances in Economics Education. Accepted, 05/2024.
  • Yazgi Genç & Sarah F. Small (2024). Supporting Childcare Supply in the United States: An Economic Policy Review and Research Agenda. Forum for Social Economics. Published, 02/2024.
  • Sarah F. Small & Elissa Braunstein (2023). Has the Feminist Economics Intellectual Project Lost its Way? An Analysis of the Journal’s Evolution. Feminist Economics. Published, 12/2023.
  • Sarah F. Small (2023). Patriarchal Rent Seeking in Entrepreneurial Households: An Examination of Business Ownership and Housework Burdens in Black and White US Couples. Feminist Economics. Published, 10/2023.
  • Sarah F. Small (2023). Generative AI and Opportunities for Feminist Classroom Assignments. Feminist Pedagogy. Accepted, 08/2023.
  • Sarah F Small & Yana van der Meulen Rodgers (2023). The Gendered Effects of Investing in Physical and Social Infrastructure. World Development. Vol. 171. Published, 06/2023. 106347
  • Sarah F. Small (2023). Infusing Diversity in a History of Economic Thought Course: An Archival Study of Syllabi and Resources for Redesign. Eastern Economic Journal. Vol. 49, 276–311. Published, 03/07/2023.
  • Sarah F Small, Yana van der Meulen Rodgers & Teresa Perry (2023). Immigrant Women and the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Intersectional Analysis of Frontline Occupational Crowding in the United States. Forum for Social Economics. 1-26. Published, 01/2023.
  • Sarah F Small (2023). The Political Economy of Hegemonic Masculinity: Race, Gender, and Work in the United States. Review of Radical Political Economy. Vol. 50. Published, 01/2023.
  • Sarah F Small, Bhavya Sinha & eds. Steven Pressman and John Smithin (2022). Rules are meant to be broken: Arguments in favor of discretionary monetary policy. Debates in Monetary Economics: Tackling Some Unsettled Questions. Palgrave MacMillan. Published, 12/2022.
  • Sarah F Small (2022). Tracing Barbara Bergmann’s Occupational Crowding Hypothesis: A Historical Analysis. History of Political Economy. Published, 12/2022. 00182702-10085696
  • Sarah F Small (2022). Book Review of Career and Family: Women’s Century-Long Journey toward Equity, by Claudia Goldin. Vol. 15. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics,. Published, 11/2022.
  • Sarah F. Small (2022). Facing a Care Crunch: Childcare Disruption and Economic Hardships for Maine Parents during COVID-19. Maine Policy Review. Vol. 31. Published, 08/2022. 53558/SJCZ5135
  • Sarah F Small (2020). Book Review of Collective Bargaining and Gender Equality, by Jane Pillinger and Nora Wintour. Review of Radical Political Economy. Published, 11/2020.


  • “Why I am a Feminist Economist: A Research Overview.” Department of Economics, Universite Grenoble Alpes. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 10/2024.
  • “Feminomics: The Gender Lens- Preparing Business Students to Navigate Diversity with Cultural Competency and Emotional Intelligence in Their Careers." McGraw Hill Economics. Panel, Presented, 10/2024.
  • "When Men Fix the House: Gendered Housework and Exchange Value.” Levy Institute Workshop “A Path to Inclusive Development: Unpacking Gender Inequalities in Economic Theory and Policies”. Conference Paper, Presented, 09/2024.
  • “The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Labor Market Experience of Early Childhood Educators.” Center for Women and Work, Rutgers University. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 09/2024.
  • "What is a Feminist Approach to Research in the History of Economic Thought? Methods in the Field." Annual International Association for Feminist Economics Conference. Conference Paper, Presented, 07/05/2024.
  • "What is a Feminist Quantitative Method? Opportunities for Feminist Econometrics." Levy Institute of Bard College Seminar Series Speaker. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 03/04/2024.
  • "A History of the Eastern Economic Association: 50 Years of Finding Space for Pluralism and Diversity in Economics." Annual Eastern Economic Association Conference. Conference Paper, Presented, 03/02/2024.
  • "Edward Elgar Handbook on Women in Heterodox Economics: Past, Present and Future." Annual Eastern Economic Association Conference. Panel, Presented, 03/02/2024.
  • "Why I am a Feminist Economist" Assumption University Invited Speaker. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 02/28/2024.
  • "Diversity in Feminist Economics Research Methods: Trends from the Global South" Diversity in Philosophy of Economics Workshop for Special Issue of Journal of Economic Methodology. Conference Paper, Presented, 01/2024.
  • "What is a Feminist Quantitative Method? Visions and Dilemmas in Feminist Econometrics" Annual International Association for Feminist Economics Conference . Conference Paper, Presented, 07/2023.
  • "Experiences using Barbara Bergmann's Archives at Duke University" Annual International Association for Feminist Economics Conference . Panel, Presented, 07/2023.
  • "Unions and Men’s Participation in Unpaid Social Reproduction in the United States." Gender, Work, and Organization Annual Conference. Conference Paper, Presented, 06/2023.
  • "Infusing Diversity in a History of Economic Thought Course: An Archival Study of Syllabi and Resources for Redesign." St John's University Invited Seminar Speaker. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 03/2023.
  • "Unions and Men’s Participation in Unpaid Social Reproduction in the United States" Annual Eastern Economic Association Conference . Conference Paper, Presented, 02/2023.
  • “Infusing Diversity in a History of Economic Thought Course: An Archival Study of Syllabi and Resources for Redesign” International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics. Conference Paper, Presented, 01/2023.
  • “Infusing Diversity in a History of Economic Thought Course: An Archival Study of Syllabi and Resources for Redesign”, IAFFE Session at the ASSA meetings. Conference Paper, Presented, 01/2023.
  • "Has the Feminist Economics Intellectual Project Lost its Way?" International Association for Feminist Economics Annual Conference. Conference Paper, Presented, 07/2022.
  • “Has the Feminist Economics Intellectual Project Lost its Way?” Eastern Economic Association Conference . Conference Paper, Presented, 05/2022.
  • "Patriarchal Rent Seeking in Entrepreneurial Households: An Examination Business Ownership and Housework Burdens in Black and White US Couples" International Association for Feminist Economics Annual Conference . Conference Paper, Presented, 07/2021.
  • "Has the Feminist Economics Intellectual Project Lost its Way?" International Association for Feminist Economics Annual Conference . Conference Paper, Presented, 07/2021.
  • "Tracing Barbara Bergmann's Occupational Crowding Hypothesis" Conference on Women and Economics with the Center for the History of Politcal Economy at Duke University . Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 07/2021.
  • "Tracing Barbara Bergmann’s Occupational Crowding Hypothesis” Research Workshop with the Center for the History of Political Economy at Duke University. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 02/2021.
  • “The Political Economy of Hegemonic Masculinity: Class, Race, and Work”, Western Social Science Association Conference. Conference Paper, Presented, 06/2020.
  • "The Political Economy of Hegemonic Masculinity” in URPE & IAFFE joint Session at the ASSA meetings. Conference Paper, Presented, 01/2020.
  • “The Political Economy of Hegemonic Masculinity” Annual Eastern Economic Association Conference . Conference Paper, Presented, 01/2020.
  • "The Political Economy of Hegemonic Masculinity" International Association for Feminist Economics Annual Conference. Conference Paper, Presented, 07/2019.
  • "John Stuart Mill’s Subjection of Women: A 150th Anniversary Retrospective” Annual Meeting of the History of Economics Society . Conference Paper, Presented, 06/2019.
  • "Basic Income and Feminist Support from the Perspective of John Stuart Mill." The Great Transition Conference . Conference Paper, Presented, 05/2018.
  • "Basic Income and Feminist Support from the Perspective of John Stuart Mill." North American Basic Income Congress . Conference Paper, Presented, 06/2017.

Grants, Contracts & Research Gifts

  • A History of the Eastern Economic Association. PI: Sarah F. Small. Co-PI(s): Steven Pressman . 08/01/2023 - 05/31/2025. Total project budget to date: $78,400.00
  • The Status of New Jersey’s Childcare Infrastructure: A Focus on Community and Workforce Needs in the State’s Childcare Deserts. PI: Yana van der Muelen Rodgers. Co-PI(s): Sarah F Small, Debra Lancaster. 07/2022 - 02/2023. Total project budget to date: $50,000.00
  • Black Bodies Black Health Research Grant. PI: Yana van der Muelen Rodgers. Co-PI(s): Sarah F Small. Institute for the Study of Global Racial Justice at Rutgers University, 03/2022 - 09/2022. Total project budget to date: $0.00