Current Courses
Spring 2024
SPAN 5242-001
Span Pronun/PhoneticsLocation: LNCO 1910 (LNCO 1910) -
SPAN 5320-001
SPAN Teaching Practicum
Professional Organizations
- Southeastern conference on Linguistics. 01/01/2020 - 12/31/2021. Position : Member.
- Linguistic Association of the Southwest. 07/2018 - 12/2018. Position : Member.
- Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association. 03/2016 - 12/2016. Position : Member.
- Acoustical Society of America. 01/2016 - present. Position : Full member and Technical committee.
- Modern Language Association. 01/01/2013 - 12/2017. Position : Member.
Courses I Teach
SPAN 4280
Intro to Hispanic Linguistics
Curso introductorio a la linguistica hispana -
SPAN 4900/6900
Special Topics in Spanish Linguistics
Contact Linguistics, US Spanish, Intro to Hispanic Sociolinguistics, etc -
SPAN 5242
Spanish Phonetics and Pronunciation
Curso avanzado de subgrado; intro a la fonetica de espaƱol -
WLC 2020
Language in Society
Intro to sociolinguistics, taught in English.
Pedagogical Publications
- Flores, T. Manual para familias de niños con pérdida de audición. [Spanish handbook for families with children who are hard of hearing]. Including Covid resources. 125 pages. Paper published, 04/2021.
- Manual para familias de niños con pérdida de audición. Spanish handbook for families with children who are hard of hearing. Presentation published, 06/2019.
Student Projects
- Spanish Acoustic Project. Addison Bethards. 08/2022 - 05/2024
Teaching Projects
- International and Area Studies Curriculum Development Grant. Project Lead: Tanya Flores. International and Area Studies 05/2021 - present.
Small Group Teaching
- Spanish Teacher workshop through L2TReC. 07/2019 - 08/2019