BRETT CLARK portrait
  • Professor, Sociology Department
  • Professor, Environmental Humanities Graduate Program
  • Professor, School of Environment, Society, and Sustainability

Research Summary

Brett Clark's research focuses on the political economy of global environmental change and the philosophy, history, and sociology of science.


  • MA, Sociology, Colorado State University
  • PhD, Sociology, University of Oregon


Brett Clark is professor of sociology at the University of Utah. His research focuses on the political economy of global environmental change and the philosophy, history, and sociology of science. He teaches courses in the Department of Sociology, Environmental Humanities Graduate Program, and the School of Environment, Society, and Sustainability.

He is the author of the following books: The Robbery of Nature (with John Bellamy Foster), The Tragedy of the Commodity (with Stefano B. Longo and Rebecca Clausen), The Science and Humanism of Stephen Jay Gould (with Richard York), The Ecological Rift (with John Bellamy Foster and Richard York), and Critique of Intelligent Design: Materialism versus Creationism from Antiquity to the Present (with John Bellamy Foster and Richard York).

He has published articles in the American Journal of SociologyAmerican Sociological Review, Social Problems, Social Science Research, Theory and Society, Sociological Inquiry, The Sociological Quarterly, Conservation BiologyGlobal Environmental Change, WIRES Climate Change, Sociology of Development, Environmental Research LettersDialogues in Human Geography, GeoforumEnvironmental SociologyAnnals of the American Association of GeographersOrganization & Environment, Population & Environment, Global Environmental Politics, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Environmental Studies and Sciences, Climatic Change, Journal of Rural Studies, SSM-Population HealthPloS One, Urban Studies, Nature and Culture, Society & Natural Resources, Critical Sociology, Journal of Agrarian Change, Journal of Peasant Studies, Human Geography, Journal of Historical Geography, Science of the Total Environment, International Critical Thought, Environmental ResearchEnergy Research & Social ScienceEnvironmental Research Communications, Journal of Classical Sociology, Discover SustainabilityDevelopment and Change, Review of Policy Research, and other scholarly publications. 


Publications are divided into the following sections: Books, Edited Books, Articles, Book Chapters, Other Scholarly Articles and Comments, Review Essays, and Book Reviews.


The Robbery of Nature (co-authored with John Bellamy Foster) (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2020). 

The Tragedy of the Commodity: Oceans, Fisheries, and Aquaculture (co-authored with Stefano B. Longo and Rebecca Clausen) (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2015).

The Science and Humanism of Stephen Jay Gould (co-authored with Richard York) (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2011).

The Ecological Rift (co-authored with John Bellamy Foster and Richard York) (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2010).

The Critique of Intelligent Design: Materialism Versus Creationism From Antiquity to the Present (co-authored with John Bellamy Foster and Richard York) (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2008). 


Edited Books

The Capitalist Commodification of Animals. Vol. 35 of Research in Political Economy (co-edited with Tamar Diana Wilson) (Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing, 2021).

Ecology and Power: Struggles Over Land and Material Resources in the Past, Present and Future (co-edited with Alf Hornborg and Kenneth Hermele) (London: Routledge, 2012).



Auerbach, Daniel and Brett Clark. 2024. “Monopoly Capital, Militarism, and Environmental Degradation.” Denver Law Review 101(4): 793-816. 

Foster, John Bellamy and Brett Clark. 2023. “The Dialectical Ecologist: Richard Levins and the Science and Praxis of the Human-Nature Metabolism.” Socialism and Democracy 37(1-2): 14-34.

Napoletano, Brian M., Pedro S. Urquijo, Brett Clark, and John Bellamy Foster. 2023. “Identifying the Revolutionary Agent in the Radical Project of Autogestion.” Dialogues in Human Geography 13(3): 468-472.

Napoletano, Brian M., Pedro S. Urquijo, Brett Clark, and John Bellamy Foster. 2023. “Henri Lefebvre’s Conception of Nature-Society in the Revolutionary Project of Autogestion.” Dialogues in Human Geography 13(3): 433-452.

Napoletano, Brian M., Pedro S. Urquijo, Brett Clark, and John Bellamy Foster. 2023. “El ritmanálisis de Henri Lefebvre y las fracturas metabólicas en el marco histórico del Antropoceno.” Estudios Rurales 13(27):

Jorgenson, Andrew K., Brett Clark, Ryan P. Thombs, Jeffrey Kentor, Jennifer E. Givens, Xiaorui Huang, Hassan El Tinay, Daniel Auerbach, and Matthew C. Mahutga. 2023. “Guns Versus Climate: How Militarization Amplifies the Effect of Economic Growth on Carbon Emissions.” American Sociological Review 88(3): 418-453.

Napoletano, Brian M., Brett Clark, John Bellamy Foster, and Pedro S. Urquijo. 2022. “Critical Geography’s Nature Problem and the Lefebvrian Ecological Dialectic.” Journal of Historical Geography 78: 35-44.

Napoletano, Brian M., John Bellamy Foster, and Brett Clark. 2022. “Antinomies of Space and Nature or an Open Totality? Neil Smith and Henri Lefebvre on Nature and Society.” Human Geography 15(3): 245-258.

Bertana, Amanda, Brett Clark, Tabitha M. Benney, and Cameron Quackenbush. 2022. “Beyond Maladaptation: Structural Barriers to Successful Adaptation.” Environmental Sociology 8(4): 448-458.

York, Richard, Lazarus Adua, and Brett Clark. 2022. “The Rebound Effect and the Challenge of Moving Beyond Fossil Fuels: A Review of Empirical and Theoretical Research.” WIRES Climate Change  13(4): e782. DOI: 10.1002/wcc.782.

Loustaunau, Delores, Mauricio Betancourt, Brett Clark, and John Bellamy Foster. 2022. “Chinese Contract Labor, the Corporeal Rift, and Ecological Imperialism in Peru’s Nineteenth-Century Guano Boom.” Journal of Peasant Studies 49(3): 511-535.

Adua, Lazarus, Brett Clark, and Andrew K. Jorgenson. 2022. “State Policy and Environmental Management: Examining the Intermediate Mechanisms of Ecological Modernization.” Environmental Research Communications 4: 025005. DOI:

Longo, Stefano B., Ellinor Isgren, and Brett Clark. 2021. “Nutrient Overloading in the Chesapeake Bay: Structural Conditions in Poultry Production and the Socioecological Drivers of Marine Pollution.” Sociology of Development 7(4): 416-440.

Longo, Stefano B., Ellinor Isgren, Brett Clark, Andrew K. Jorgenson, Anne Jerneck, Lennart Olsson, Orla M. Kelly, David Harnesk, and Richard York. 2021. “Sociology for Sustainability Science.” Discover Sustainability 2(1): Article 47. DOI: 10.1007/s43621-021-00056-5.

Adua, Lazarus, Karen Xuan Zhang, and Brett Clark. 2021. “Seeking a Handle on Climate Change: Examining the Comparative Effectiveness of Energy Efficiency Improvement and Renewable Energy Production in the United States.” Global Environmental Change 70: 102351. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2021.102351.

Foster, John Bellamy, Brett Clark, and Hannah Holleman. 2021. “Marx and the Commons.” Social Research: An International Quarterly 88(1): 1-30.

Besek, Jordan Fox, Patrick Trent Greiner, and Brett Clark. 2021. “W.E.B. Du Bois and Interdisciplinarity: A Comprehensive Picture of the Scholar’s Approach to Natural Science.” Journal of Classical Sociology 21(2): 144-164.

Adua, Lazarus and Brett Clark. 2021. “Politics and Corporate-Sector Environmentally Significant Actions: The Effects of Political Partisanship on U.S. Utilities Energy Efficiency Policies.” Review of Policy Research  38(1): 31-48.

Jorgenson, Andrew K., Ryan P. Thombs, Brett Clark, Jennifer E. Givens, Terrence D. Hill, Xiaorui Huang, Orla M. Kelly, and Jared B Fitzgerald. 2021. “Inequality Amplifies the Negative Association between Life Expectancy and Air Pollution: A Cross-National Longitudinal Study.” Science of the Total Environment 758: 143705. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143705.

Adua, Lazarus, Brett Clark, and Richard York. 2021. “The Ineffectiveness of Efficiency: The Paradoxical Effects of State Policy on Energy Consumption in the United States.” Energy Research & Social Science 71: 101806. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2020.101806.

Napoletano, Brian M., Brett Clark, John Bellamy Foster, and Pedro S. Urquijo. 2020. “Sustainability and Metabolic Revolution in the Works of Henri Lefebvre.” World 1(3): 300-317.

Jorgenson, Andrew K., Jared Fitzgerald, Ryan Thombs, Terrence Hill, Jennifer Givens, Brett Clark, Juliet Schor, Xiaorui Huang, Orla Kelly, and Peter Ore. 2020. “The Multiplicative Impacts of Working Hours and Fine Particulate Matter Concentration on Life Expectancy: A Longitudinal Analysis of U.S. States.” Environmental Research 191: 110117. DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.110117.

Foster, John Bellamy, Brian Napoletano, Brett Clark, and Pedro S. Urquijo. 2020. “Henri Lefebvre’s Marxian Ecological Critique: Recovering a Foundational Contribution to Environmental Sociology.” Environmental Sociology  6(1): 31-41. 

Jorgenson, Andrew K., Terrence Hill, Brett Clark, Ryan Thombs, Peter Ore, Kelly Balistreri, and Jennifer Givens. 2020. “Power, Proximity, and Physiology: Does Income Inequality and Racial Composition Amplify the Impacts of Air Pollution on Life Expectancy in the United States?” Environmental Research Letters  15(2): 024013. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab6789.

Napoletano, Brian M. and Brett Clark. 2020. “An Ecological-Marxist Response to the Half-Earth Project.” Conservation and Society  18(1): 37-49.

Cachelin, Adrienne, Ann Darling, Brett Clark, and Kim Hackford-Peer. 2019. “Weaving Equity and Sustainability into the Fabric of Higher Education.” Sustainability: The Journal of Record 12(6): 304-309.

Adua, Lazarus, Brett Clark, Richard York, and Chien-fei Chen. 2019. “Modernizing Our Way Out or Digging Ourselves In? Reconsidering the Impacts of Efficiency Innovations and Affluence on Residential Energy Consumption, 2005-2015.” Journal of Environmental Management  252: 109659.

Napoletano, Brian M., John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark, Pedro S. Urquijo, Michael K. McCall, and Jaime Paneque-Gálvez. 2019. “Making Space in Critical Environmental Geography for the Metabolic Rift.” Annals of the American Association of Geographers  109(6): 1811-1828. 

Adua, Lazarus and Brett Clark. 2019. “Even for the Environment, Context Matters! States, Households, and Residential Energy Consumption.”Environmental Research Letters 14(6): 064008. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab1abf.

Longo, Stefano B., Brett Clark, Richard York, and Andrew K. Jorgenson. 2019. “Aquaculture and the Displacement of Fisheries Captures.” Conservation Biology 33(4): 832-841.

Hill, Terrence D., Andrew K. Jorgenson, Peter Ore, Kelly S. Balistreri, and Brett Clark. 2019. “Air Quality and Life Expectancy in the United States: An Analysis of the Moderating Effect of Income Inequality.” SSM - Population Health 7: DOI:10.1016/j.ssmph.2018.100346.

Clark, Brett, Daniel Auerbach, and Stefano B. Longo. 2018. “The Bottom Line: Capital’s Production of Social Inequalities and Environmental Degradation.” Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 8(4): 562-569.

Auerbach, Daniel and Brett Clark. 2018. “Metabolic Rifts, Temporal Imperatives, and Geographical Shifts: Logging in the Adirondack Forest in the 1800s.” International Critical Thought 8(3): 468-486.

Napoletano, Brian M., Pedro S. Urquijo, Jaime Paneque-Gálvez, Brett Clark, Richard York, Iván Franch-Pardo, Yadira Méndez-Lemus, and Antonio Vieyra. 2018. “Has (Even Marxist) Political Ecology Really Transcended Metabolic Rift?” Geoforum 92: 92-95.

Clark, Brett, Daniel Auerbach, and Karen Xuan Zhang. 2018. “The Du Bois Nexus: Intersectionality, Political Economy, and Environmental Injustice in the Peruvian Guano Trade in the 1800s.” Environmental Sociology 4(1): 54-66.

Clark, Timothy P., Stefano B. Longo, Brett Clark, and Andrew K. Jorgenson. 2018. “Socio-Structural Drivers, Fisheries Footprints, and Seafood Consumption: A Comparative International Study, 1961-2012.” Journal of Rural Studies 57: 140-146.

Longo, Stefano B. and Brett Clark. 2016. “An Ocean of Troubles: Advancing Marine Sociology.” Social Problems 63(4): 463-479.

Longo, Stefano B., Brett Clark, Thomas E. Shriver, and Rebecca Clausen. 2016. “Sustainability and Environmental Sociology: Putting the Economy in its Place and Moving Toward an Integrative Socio-Ecology.” Sustainability 8(5): No. 437: doi:10.3390/su8050437.

Jorgenson, Andrew K. and Brett Clark. 2016. “The Temporal Stability and Developmental Differences in the Environmental Impacts of Militarism: The Treadmill of Destruction and Consumption-Based Carbon Emissions.” Sustainability Science 11: 505-514.

Fitzgerald, Jared B., Andrew K. Jorgenson, and Brett Clark. 2015. “Energy Consumption and Working Hours: A Longitudinal Study of Developed and Developing Nations, 1990 to 2008.” Environmental Sociology 1(3): 213-223.

Serenari, Christopher, Nils Peterson, and Brett Clark. 2015. “Theorizing Logger Religion within the Pacific Northwest Timber Conflict.” Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology 19(3): 265-282.

Clausen, Rebecca, Brett Clark, and Stefano B. Longo. 2015. “Metabolic Rifts and Restoration: Agricultural Crises and the Potential of Cuba’s Organic, Socialist Approach to Food Production.” World Review of Political Economy 6(1): 4-32.

Jorgenson, Andrew K., Daniel Auerbach, and Brett Clark. 2014. “The (De-)Carbonization of Urbanization, 1960-2010.” Climatic Change 127: 561-575.

Longo, Stefano B., Brett Clark, and Richard York. 2013. “The Globalization of Ecologically Intensive Aquaculture (1984-2008).” Environmental Studies and Sciences 3(3): 297-305.

Jorgenson, Andrew K. and Brett Clark. 2013. “The Relationship Between National-Level Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Population Size: An Assessment of Regional and Temporal Variation, 1960-2005.” PloS One 8(2): e57107.

Clark, Brett, Andrew K. Jorgenson, and Daniel Auerbach. 2012. “Up in Smoke: The Human Ecology and Political Economy of Coal Consumption.” Organization & Environment 25(4): 452-469.

Jorgenson, Andrew K., James Rice, and Brett Clark. 2012. “Assessing the Temporal and Regional Differences in the Relationships Between Infant and Child Mortality and Urban Slum Prevalence in Less-Developed Countries, 1990-2005.” Urban Studies 49(16): 3495-3512.

Jorgenson, Andrew K. and Brett Clark. 2012. “Are the Economy and the Environment Decoupling? A Comparative International Study, 1960-2005.” American Journal of Sociology 118(1): 1-44.

Jorgenson, Andrew K., Brett Clark, and Jennifer Givens. 2012. “The Environmental Impacts of Militarization in Comparative Perspective: An Overlooked Relationship.” Nature and Culture 7(3): 314-337.

Clark, Brett and Andrew K. Jorgenson. 2012. “The Treadmill of Destruction and the Environmental Impacts of Militaries.” Sociology Compass 6(7): 557-569.

Jorgenson, Andrew K., Brett Clark, and Vincentas R. Giedraitis. 2012. “The Temporal (In)Stability of the Carbon Dioxide Emissions/Economic Development Relationship in Central and Eastern Nations, 1992-2005: A Preliminary Analysis.” Society & Natural Resources 25(11): 1182-1192.

Austin, Kelly and Brett Clark. 2012. “Tearing Down Mountains: Using Spatial and Metabolic Analysis to Investigate the Socio-Ecological Contradictions of Coal Extraction in Appalachia.” Critical Sociology 38(3): 437-457.

Longo, Stefano B. and Brett Clark. 2012. “The Commodification of Bluefin Tuna: The Historical Transformation of The Mediterranean Fishery.” Journal of Agrarian Change 12(2-3): 204-226.

Jorgenson, Andrew K. and Brett Clark. 2011. “Societies Consuming Nature: A Panel Study of the Ecological Footprints of Nations, 1960-2003.” Social Science Research 40: 226-244.

York, Richard and Brett Clark. 2010. “Nothing New Under the Sun? The Old False Promise of New Technology.” Review: A Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center 33(2-3): 203-224.

Jorgenson, Andrew K. and Brett Clark. 2010. “Assessing the Temporal Stability of the Population/Environment Relationship in Comparative Perspective: A Cross-National Panel Study of Carbon Dioxide Emissions, 1960-2005.” Population & Environment 32(1): 27-41.

Clark, Brett and John Bellamy Foster. 2010. “The Dialectic of Social and Ecological Metabolism: Marx, Mészáros, and the Absolute Limits of Capital.” Socialism and Democracy 24(2): 124-138.

Jorgenson, Andrew K., James Rice, and Brett Clark. 2010. “Cities, Slums, and Energy Consumption in Less-Developed Countries, 1990-2005.” Organization & Environment 23(2): 189-204.

York, Richard and Brett Clark. 2010. “Critical Materialism: Science, Technology, and Environmental Sustainability.” Sociological Inquiry 80(3): 475-499.

Clark, Brett and John Bellamy Foster. 2010. “Marx’s Ecology in the Twenty-First Century.” World Review of Political Economy 1(1): 142-156.

Clark, Brett, Andrew Jorgenson, and Jeffrey Kentor. 2010. “Militarization and Energy Consumption: A Test of Treadmill of Destruction Theory in Comparative Perspective.” International Journal of Sociology 40(2): 23-43.

Jorgenson, Andrew K., Brett Clark, and Jeffrey Kentor. 2010. “Militarization and the Environment: A Panel Study of Carbon Dioxide Emissions and the Ecological Footprints of Nations, 1970-2000.” Global Environmental Politics 10(1): 7-29.

Foster, John Bellamy, Brett Clark, and Richard York. 2009. “The Midas Effect: A Critique of Climate Change Economics.” Development and Change 40(6): 1085-1097.

Jorgenson, Andrew K. and Brett Clark. 2009. “The Economy, Military, and Ecologically Unequal Exchange Relationships in Comparative Perspective: A Panel Study of the Ecological Footprints of Nations, 1975-2000.” Social Problems 56(4): 621-646.

Clark, Brett and John Bellamy Foster. 2009. “Ecological Imperialism and the Global Metabolic Rift: Unequal Exchange and the Guano/Nitrates Trade.” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 50(3-4): 311-334.

Foster, John Bellamy and Brett Clark. 2008. “The Sociology of Ecology: Ecological Organicism Versus Ecosystem Ecology in the Social Construction of Ecological Science, 1926-1935.” Organization & Environment 21(3): 311-352.

Clark, Brett, John Bellamy Foster, and Richard York. 2007. “The Critique of Intelligent Design: Epicurus, Marx, Darwin, and Freud and the Materialist Defense of Science.” Theory and Society 36(6): 515-546.

York, Richard and Brett Clark. 2007. “The Problem with Prediction: Contingency, Emergence, and the Reification of Projections.” The Sociological Quarterly 48(4): 713-743.

York, Richard and Brett Clark. 2006. "Marxism, Positivism, and Scientific Sociology: Social Gravity and Historicity." The Sociological Quarterly 47(3):425-450.

Clark, Brett and Richard York. 2005. “Carbon Metabolism: Global Capitalism, Climate Change, and the Biospheric Rift.” Theory and Society 34(4): 391-428.

Clausen, Rebecca and Brett Clark. 2005. “The Metabolic Rift and Marine Ecology: An Analysis of the Oceanic Crisis Within Capitalist Production.” Organization & Environment 18(4): 422-444.

Clark, Brett and Richard York. 2005. “Dialectical Materialism and Nature:  An Alternative to Economism and Deep Ecology.” Organization & Environment 18(3): 318-337.

Clark, Brett. 2002. “The Indigenous Environmental Movement in the United States: Transcending Borders in Struggles Against Mining, Manufacturing, and the Capitalist State.” Organization & Environment 15(4): 410-442.


Book Chapters

Auerbach, Daniel, Brett Clark, and Lazarus Adua. 2024. “The Jevons Paradox.” In Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Sociology, edited by Christine Overdevest. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 387-393.

Clark, Brett, John Bellamy Foster, and Daniel Auerbach. 2023. “Substantive Inequality and the Alienated Metabolism of the Capital System.” In The Handbook of Inequality and the Environment, Michael Long, Michael Lynch, and Paul Stretesky, eds. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 28-43.

Clark, Brett and John Bellamy Foster. 2022. “Marx’s Ecology and Metabolic Analysis.” In The Routledge Handbook on Ecosocialism, Leigh Brownhill, Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro, Terran Giacomini, Ana Isla, Michael Löwy, and Terisa E. Turner, eds. London: Routledge, pp. 89-98.

Clark, Brett and Tamar Diana Wilson. 2021. “The Capitalist Commodification of Animals: A Brief Introduction.” In The Capitalist Commodification of Animals, Brett Clark and Tamar Diana Wilson, eds. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing, pp. 1-5.

Antonio, Robert J. and Brett Clark. 2021. “Social Theory in the Anthropocene: Ecological Crisis and Renewal.” In The Cambridge Handbook of Social Theory, Volume II: Contemporary Theories and Issues, Peter Kivisto, ed. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 227-248.

Clark, Brett and Stefano B. Longo. 2021. “Harry Braverman (1920-76).” In Routledge Handbook of Marxism and Post-Marxism, Alex Callinicos, Stathis Kouvelakis, and Lucia Pradella, eds. London: Routledge, pp. 519-525.

Clark, Brett, John Bellamy Foster, and Stefano B. Longo. 2019. “Metabolic Rifts and the Ecological Crisis.” The Oxford Handbook of Karl Marx, Matt Vidal, Tony Smith, Tomás Rotta, and Paul Prew, eds. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 651-658.

Clausen, Rebecca, Stefano B. Longo, and Brett Clark. 2019. “From Ocean to Plate: Catching, Farming, and Eating Seafood.” In Twenty Lessons in the Sociology of Food and Agriculture, Jason Konefal and Maki Hatanaka, eds. Cambridge: Oxford University Press, pp. 165-180.

Clark, Brett, Stefano B. Longo, Rebecca Clausen, and Daniel Auerbach. 2019. “From Sea Slaves to Slime Lines: Commodification and Unequal Ecological Exchange in Global Marine Fisheries.” In Ecologically Unequal Exchange: Environmental Injustice in Comparative and Historical Perspective, R. Scott Frey, Paul K. Gellert, and Harry F. Dahms, eds. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 195-220.

Corbett, Julia B. and Brett Clark. 2017. “The Arts and Humanities in Climate Change Engagement." Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228620.013.392.

Clark, Brett and Stefano B. Longo. 2017. “Marxism and Ecology.” In Routledge Handbook of Marxian Economics, David M. Brennan, David Kristjanson-Gural, Catherine P. Mulder, and Erik K. Olsen, eds. London: Routledge, pp. 399-408.

Whyte, Kyle Powys, Ryan Gunderson, and Brett Clark. 2017. “Is Technology Use Insidious?” In Philosophy, Technology, and the Environment, David M. Kaplan, ed., MIT Press, pp. 41-61.

Givens, Jennifer, Brett Clark, and Andrew K. Jorgenson. 2016. “Strengthening the Ties Between Environmental Sociology and the Sociology of Development.” In The Sociology of Development Handbook, Gregory Hooks, ed. Oakland: University of California Press, pp. 69-94.

Foster, John Bellamy and Brett Clark. 2016. “Marx’s Universal Metabolism of Nature and the Frankfurt School: Dialectical Contradictions and Critical Syntheses.” In Changing Our Environment, Changing Ourselves, James S. Ormrod, ed. London: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 101-135.

Clausen, Rebecca, Stefano B. Longo, and Brett Clark. 2015. “Fishy Business: Genetic Engineering and Salmon Aquaculture.” In Genetically Modified Organisms in Foods, Ronald Ross Watson and Victor R. Preedy, eds. London: Elsevier, pp. 159-165.

Antonio, Robert J. and Brett Clark. 2015. “The Climate Change Divide in Social Theory.” In Climate Change and Society: Sociological Perspectives, Riley E. Dunlap and Robert J. Brulle, eds. Cambridge: Oxford University Press, pp. 333-368.

Clark, Brett and Richard York. 2012. “Techno-Fix: Ecological Rifts and Capital Shifts.” In Ecology & Power: Struggles Over Land and Material Resources in the Past, Present, and Future, Alf Hornborg, Brett Clark, and Kenneth Hermele, eds. London: Routledge, pp. 23-36.
Clark, Brett and John Bellamy Foster. 2012. “Guano: The Nineteenth-Century Trade in Fertilizers from South America.” In Ecology & Power: Struggles Over Land and Material Resources in the Past, Present, and Future, Alf Hornborg, Brett Clark, and Kenneth Hermele, eds. London: Routledge, pp. 68-82.
Jorgenson, Andrew K. and Brett Clark. 2012. “Footprints: The Division of Nations and Nature.” In Ecology & Power: Struggles Over Land and Material Resources in the Past, Present, and Future, Alf Hornborg, Brett Clark, and Kenneth Hermele, eds. London: Routledge, pp. 155-167.
Jorgenson, Andrew K. and Brett Clark. 2012. “Treadmills, Rifts, and Environmental Degradation: A Cross-National Panel Study, 1970-2000.” In Global Crises and the Challenges for the 21st Century: Antisystemic Movements and the Transformation of the World-System, Tom Reifer, ed. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Press, pp. 87-103.
Foster, John Bellamy and Brett Clark. 2003. “Ecological Imperialism: The Curse of Capitalism.” In Socialist Register 2004: The New Imperial Challenge, L. Panitch and C. Leys, eds. London: Merlin Press, pp. 186-201.
Other Scholarly Journal Articles and Comments

Foster, John Bellamy and Brett Clark. 2024. “Imperialism in the Indo-Pacific.” Monthly Review 76(3): 1-23.

Foster, John Bellamy and Brett Clark. 2022. “Socialism and Ecological Survival.” Monthly Review 74(3): 1-33.

Foster, John Bellamy and Brett Clark. 2021. “The Capitalinian: The First Geological Age of the Anthropocene.” Monthly Review 73(4): 1-16.

Foster, John Bellamy, Brett Clark, and Hannah Holleman. 2021. “Capital and the Ecology of Disease.” Monthly Review 73(2): 1-23.

Foster, John Bellamy, R. Jamil Jonna, and Brett Clark. 2021. “The Contagion of Capital: Financialized Capitalism, COVID-19, and the Great Divide.” Monthly Review 72(8): 1-19.

Foster, John Bellamy, Hannah Holleman, and Brett Clark. 2020. “Marx and Slavery.” Monthly Review  72(3): 96-117.

Foster, John Bellamy and Brett Clark. 2020. “The Rift of Éire.” Monthly Review  71(11): 1-11.

Foster, John Bellamy, Brett Clark, and Hannah Holleman. 2020. “Marx and the Indigenous.” Monthly Review  71(9): 1-19.

Foster, John Bellamy, Brett Clark, and Hannah Holleman. 2019. “Capitalism and Robbery: The Expropriation of Land, Labor, and Corporeal Life.” Monthly Review 71(7):  1-23.

Foster, John Bellamy, Hannah Holleman, and Brett Clark. 2019. “Imperialism in the Anthropocene.” Monthly Review 71(3): 70-88.

Foster, John Bellamy and Brett Clark. 2019. “Marx and the Critique of Alienated Speciesism: A Reply to Benton.” Monthly Review 71(1): 45-46.

York, Richard and Brett Clark. 2019. “Class and Ecology.” Global Dialogue 9(1):

Longo, Stefano B. and Brett Clark. 2019. “Does Fish Farming Help Conserve Wild Fish?” Current Conservation.

Foster, John Bellamy and Brett Clark. 2018. “Marx and Alienated Speciesism.” Monthly Review 70(7): 1-20.

Clark, Brett and Stefano B. Longo. 2018. “Land-Sea Ecological Rifts: A Metabolic Analysis of Nutrient Loading.” Monthly Review 70(3): 106-121.

Foster, John Bellamy and Brett Clark. 2018. “The Robbery of Nature: Capitalism and the Metabolic Rift.” Monthly Review 70(3): 1-20.

Foster, John Bellamy and Brett Clark. 2018. “The Expropriation of Nature.” Monthly Review 69(10): 1-27.
Foster, John Bellamy and Brett Clark. 2018. “Women, Nature, and Capital in the Industrial Revolution.” Monthly Review 69(8): 1-24.
Foster, John Bellamy and Brett Clark. 2016. “Marxism and the Dialectics of Ecology.” Monthly Review 68(5): 1-17.
Foster, John Bellamy and Brett Clark. 2016. “Marx's Ecology and the Left.” Monthly Review 68(2): 1-25.

Foster, John Bellamy and Brett Clark. 2015. “Crossing the River of Fire: The Liberal Attack on Naomi Klein and This Changes Everything.” Monthly Review 66(9): 1-17.

Clark, Brett and Scott Borchert. 2015. “Pete Seeger, Musical Revolutionary.” Monthly Review 66(8): 20-29.

Longo, Stefano B., Rebecca Clausen, and Brett Clark. 2014. “Capitalism and the Commodification of Salmon: From Wild Fish to a Genetically Modified Species.” Monthly Review 66(7): 35-55.

Jorgenson, Andrew K., Riley E. Dunlap, and Brett Clark. 2014. “Ecology and Environment.” In Concise Encyclopedia of Comparative Sociology, Masamichi Sasaki, Jack Goldstone, Ekkart Zimmermann, and Stephen K. Sanderson, eds. Leiden: Brill Academic Press, pp. 457-464.

Foster, John Bellamy and Brett Clark. 2012. “The Planetary Emergency.” Monthly Review 64(7): 1-25.
Clark, Brett and Andrew K. Jorgenson. 2012. “Climate Change.” In The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, volume 1, George Ritzer, ed. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 219-226.
Jorgenson, Andrew K. and Brett Clark. 2012. “Environment: International Political Economy.” In The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, volume 2, George Ritzer, ed. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 512-517.
York, Richard and Brett Clark. 2011. “Stephen Jay Gould’s Critique of Progress.” Monthly Review 62(9): 19-36.
Foster, John Bellamy, Brett Clark, and Richard York. 2010. “Capitalism and the Curse of Energy Efficiency: The Return of the Jevons Paradox.” Monthly Review 62(6): 1-12.
Foster, John Bellamy and Brett Clark. 2010. “The Ecology of Consumption: A Critique of Economic Malthusianism.” Polygraph: An International Journal of Culture & Politics 22: 113-132.
Foster, John Bellamy and Brett Clark. 2009. “The Paradox of Wealth: Capitalism and Ecological Destruction.” Monthly Review 61(6): 1-18.
Clark, Brett, Richard York, and John Bellamy Foster. 2009. “Darwin’s Worms and the Skin of the Earth: An Introduction to Charles Darwin’s The Formation of Vegetable Mould, Through the Action of Worms, with Observations on Their Habits (Selections).” Organization & Environment 22(3): 338-350.
Jorgenson, Andrew K. and Brett Clark. 2009. “Ecologically Unequal Exchange in Comparative Perspective: A Brief Introduction.” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 50(3-4): 221-214.
York, Richard, Brett Clark, and John Bellamy Foster. 2009. “Capitalism in Wonderland.” Monthly Review 61(1): 1-18.
Clark, Brett and Richard York. 2008. “Rifts and Shifts: Getting to the Root of Environmental Crises.” Monthly Review 60(6): 13-24.
Foster, John Bellamy, Brett Clark, and Richard York. 2008. “Marx’s Critique of Heaven and Critique of Earth.” Monthly Review 60(5): 22-42.
Clark, Brett and Rebecca Clausen. 2008. “The Oceanic Crisis: Capitalism and the Degradation of Marine Ecosystems.” Monthly Review 60(3): 91-111.
Foster, John Bellamy, Brett Clark, and Richard York. 2008. “Ecology: The Moment of Truth—An Introduction.” Monthly Review 60(3): 1-11.
Foster, John Bellamy and Brett Clark. 2008. “Rachel Carson’s Ecological Critique.” Monthly Review 59(9): 1-17.
York, Richard and Brett Clark. 2007. “Gender and Mathematical Ability: The Toll of Biological Determinism.” Monthly Review 59(6): 7-15.
Clark, Brett and Richard York. 2007. “The Restoration of Nature and Biogeography: An Introduction to Alfred Russel Wallace’s ‘Epping Forest.’” Organization & Environment 20(2): 213-234.
York, Richard and Brett Clark. 2006. “Science and History: A Reply to Turner.” The Sociological Quarterly 47(3): 465-470.
Clark, Brett and John Bellamy Foster. 2006. “The Environmental Conditions of the Working Class: An Introduction to Selections from Frederick Engels’s The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844.” Organization & Environment 19(3): 375-388.
Clark, Brett and John Bellamy Foster. 2006. “Florence Kelley and the Struggle Against the Degradation of Life: An Introduction to a Selection from Kelley’s Modern Industry.” Organization & Environment 19(2): 251-263.
York, Richard and Brett Clark. 2006. “Debunking as Positive Science: Reflections in Honor of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Stephen Jay Gould’s The Mismeasure of Man.” Monthly Review 57(9): 3-15.
York, Richard and Brett Clark. 2005. “Natural History and the Nature of History.” Monthly Review 57(7): 21-29.
Clark, Brett and Richard York. 2005. “Dialectical Nature: Reflections in Honor of the Twentieth Anniversary of Levins and Lewontin’s The Dialectical Biologist.” Monthly Review 57(1): 13-22.
Foster, John Bellamy and Brett Clark. 2004. “Empire of Barbarism.” Monthly Review 56(7): 1-15.
Clark, Brett and John Bellamy Foster. 2003. “Land, the Color Line, and the Quest of the Golden Fleece: An Introduction to W.E.B. Du Bois’s The Souls of Black Folk and The Quest of the Silver Fleece (Selections).” Organization & Environment 16(4): 459-469.
Clark, Brett. 2003. “Ebenezer Howard and the Marriage of Town and Country: An Introduction to Howard’s Garden Cities of To-morrow (Selections).” Organization & Environment 16(1): 87-97.
Clark, Brett and John Bellamy Foster. 2002. “Helen Keller and the Touch of Nature: An Introduction to Keller’s The World I Live In (Selections).” Organization & Environment 15(3): 278-284.
Clark, Brett and John Bellamy Foster. 2002. “George Perkins Marsh and the
Transformation of Earth: An Introduction to Marsh’s Man and Nature.” Organization & Environment 15(2): 164-169.
Clark, Brett and John Bellamy Foster. 2001. “William Stanley Jevons and The Coal Question: An Introduction to Jevons’s ‘Of the Economy of Fuel.’” Organization & Environment 14(1): 93-98.
Clark, Brett and John Bellamy Foster. 2000. “Henry S. Salt, Socialist Animal Rights Activist: An Introduction to Salt’s A Lover of Animals.” Organization & Environment 13(4): 468-473.
Review Essays
York, Richard and Brett Clark. 2005. “The Science and Humanism of Stephen Jay Gould.” Review essay of The Structure of Evolutionary Theory and The Hedgehog, the Fox, and the Magister’s Pox: Mending the Gap Between Science and the Humanities by Stephen Jay Gould. Critical Sociology 31(1/2): 281-295.

Clark, Brett. 2002. “Materialism, Emergence, and Life: The Interaction of Gene, Organism, and Environment.” Review essay of It Ain’t Necessarily So: The Dream of the Human Genome and Other Illusions, 2nd Ed., by Richard Lewontin, The Triple Helix: Gene, Organism, and Environment, by Richard Lewontin, and The Ontogeny of Information: Developmental Systems and Evolution, 2nd Ed., by Susan Oyama.  Critical Sociology 28(3): 417-433.


Clark, Brett. 2001. Review essay of Marx and Nature: A Red and Green Perspective by Paul Burkett.  Historical Materialism 8(Summer): 479-490.



Clark, Brett. 2020. Review of Strange Harvests: The Hidden Histories of Seven Natural Objects, by Edward Posnett. Environmental History 25(4): 818-820.

Northcutt, Jacob F. and Brett Clark. 2019. Review of Extreme Cities: The Peril and Promise of Urban Life in the Age of Climate Change, by Ashley Dawson. Journal of World-Systems Research  25(2): 496-499.

Clark, Brett and Daniel Auerbach. 2018. Review of Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century: Globalization, Super-Exploitation, and Capitalism’s Final Crisis, by John Smith. Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 47(5): 628-629.

Clark, Brett and Brooke Larsen. 2018. Review of Fighting King Coal: The Challenges to Micromobilization in Central Appalachia, by Shannon Elizabeth Bell. Mobilization 23(2): 261-263.

Auerbach, Daniel and Brett Clark. 2016. “The Internet and Monopoly Capitalism.” Monthly Review 68(5): 45-50.

Clark, Brett. 2015. Review of Food Regimes and Agrarian Questions, by Philip McMichael. Journal of Agrarian Change 15(2): 296-298.

Clark, Brett. 2010. Review of Nature, Social Relations and Human Needs: Essays in Honour of Ted Benton, edited by Sandra Moog and Rob Stones. Organization & Environment 23(4): 485-487.

Clark, Brett. 2007. Review of From Energy Dreams to Nuclear Nightmares: Lessons from the Anti-Nuclear Power Movement in the 1970s by Horace Herring. Organization & Environment 20(3): 399-402.

Clark, Brett. 2004. Review of Ecocide: A Short History of the Mass Extinction of Species by Franz J. Broswimmer. Organization & Environment 17(2): 269-273.

Clark, Brett. 2004. Review of The Consumer Trap: Big Business Marketing in American Life by Michael Dawson. Critical Sociology 30(1): 157-161.

Clark, Brett. 2004. Review of Coal: A Human History by Barbara Freese. Organization & Environment 17(1): 122-126.

Clark, Brett. 2003. “Unsustainable Cities.” Review of Dead Cities: And Other Tales by Mike Davis. Monthly Review 55(7): 33-40.

Clark, Brett. 2003. Review of Socialism or Barbarism: From the “American Century” to the Crossroads by István Mészáros. Critical Sociology 29(2): 262-266.

Clark, Brett. 2003. Review of Ecology and Historical Materialism by Jonathan Hughes. Science and Society 67(1): 122-124.

Clark, Brett. 2002. Review of The Political Economy of Nature by Robert Boardman. Society and Natural Resources 15: 651-654.

Clark, Brett. 2001. Review of Urban Recycling and the Search for Sustainable Community Development by Adam S. Weinberg, David N. Pellow, and Allan Schnaiberg.  Organization & Environment 14(1): 120-124.