Deanna Lee Kepka, PhD, MPH portrait
  • Investigator, Huntsman Cancer Institute
  • Director of Global and International Health, College Of Nursing
  • Adjunct Professor, Population Health Sciences
  • Professor, College Of Nursing

Research Statement

My Current Projects Include:                                                                                                                        

Community-level Geographic Factors and HPV Vaccination in the U.S.


This study aims to look at contextual factors that relate to patterns of HPV vaccination receipt in the United States among eligible girls and boys from 2008-2014 using the National Immunization Survey -Teen.

Role: PI                                                                                                                             

Salud Juntos: A Promotora-Led Home-Based Cancer Care Support Solution


This study is a promotora-led home-based cancer care support solution project intended to reduce health disparities by developing technologies that are effective, affordable, culturally acceptable, and accessible.

Role: Co-I

Cancer Prevention among Service Industry Employees: Multi-level Intervention Development

Huntsman Cancer Institute GMaP Region 6 Pilot Award

The objectives of the present study are to assess to the effectiveness of our cancer prevention program for hotel and cleaning workers and to identify strategies to expand this program into a multi-level intervention for cancer prevention among service industry employees in both metropolitan and nonmetropolitan settings in the Intermountain West.

Role: PI                                                                                                                               

Dental and Dental Hygienist Student Perceptions, Knowledge, and Clinical Procedures Regarding HPV Oropharyngeal Cancer

University of Utah College of Nursing Burton Award Pilot Grant
This proposal aims to assess perceptions, knowledge, and clinical procedures related to HPV oropharyngeal cancer prevention through a survey of dental and dental hygienist students in more than ten dental and dental hygienist education programs across the United States.

Role: Co-PI

Latina Cancer Screening
Comprehensive Cancer Control/UCAN
Primary Investigator: Deanna KepkaGoals: To increase the proportion of Utah women aged 40 – 74 years who have received a mammogram in the past two years from 67.6% to 81.1% by 2015; to increase the proportion of Utah women who have received a Pap test in the past three years from 79.3% to 93% percent by 2015; and to increase the proportion of Utah adults aged 50 to 75 who have received a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy in the last ten years and/or FOBT in the last year from 69.0% to 80.0% by 2015.

Patient, parent and health care factors related to HPV vaccination in Utah

Primary Children's Medical Center Foundation

Primary Investigator: Deanna Kepka

Goals: To determine the individual and health care system level factors related to HPV vaccination among female and male adolescents ages 11-17 years in Utah from 2008-2012 using data from the National Immunization Survey - Teen. 

Exploring Parent and Healthcare Provider Characteristics related to HPV Vaccination: A Population-level Utah Survey
University of Utah Research Committee Faculty Research and Creative Grant
Primary Investigator: Deanna Kepka
Goals: To determine parental demographic factors and parental HPV knowledge related to HPV vaccine uptake and completion of the 3-dose vaccine series among female and male adolescents age 13 – 17 years in Utah from 2008 – 2012; to explore physician HPV vaccine recommendations and HPV vaccine uptake among female and male adolescents age 13 – 17 years in Utah from 2008 – 2012; and to assess HPV vaccine uptake in relation to the completion of other recommended adolescent immunizations among female and male adolescents age 13 – 17 years in Utah from 2008 – 2012.

An Investigation of Latino Parents’ Perceptions of the HPV Vaccine Using Mini-Surveys and Focus Groups
University of Utah Faculty Research Grant
Primary Investigator: Deanna Kepka
Goals: To host four focus groups in collaboration with two local Latino community organizations to explore knowledge of cervical cancer, HPV, and the HPV vaccine, interest in receiving the vaccine for one’s child, barriers to uptake and facilitators to uptake, and ideas for interventions that may help increase uptake and completion of the 3-dose series among Latino adolescents in Salt Lake City.

Assessment of factors related to HPV vaccination uptake and 3-dose completion from 2008-2012 in the Intermountain West and pilot test of healthcare system level HPV vaccination intervention
Huntsman Cancer Institute Cancer Control and Population Sciences Pilot Award Program
Primary Investigator: Deanna Kepka
Goals: To determine the individual and health care system level factors related to HPV vaccination among female and male adolescents age 11 – 17 years in the Intermountain West from 2008 – 2012; to map regional changes in HPV vaccination initiation and 3-dose completion rates among eligible adolescent females and males over a five year time period in Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and New Mexico; and to develop and test a provider reminder and feedback system in a clinic setting and a culturally-tailored HPV vaccination education and reminder program for Latino parents.


  • Vanderpool, R, Kepka, D, Onega, T. Community-center collaborations to impact rural cancer disparities. Panel presentation. National Rural Health Association. National Health Equity Conference. Atlanta, GA. Conference Paper, Presented, 05/2019.
  • Low-cost workplace intervention to improve breast, cervical & colorectal cancer prevention among low-income service and manual labor employees. 5th Extreme Affordability Conference. Ensign College of Public Health. Kpong, Ghana. Presentation, Presented, 07/2018.
  • Tay, D. L., +Sneddy, E., & Kepka, D. Healthcare provider and healthcare system factors to support HPV vaccination in a state with low HPV vaccine uptake. Extreme Affordability Conference. Ensign College of Public Health. Kpong, Ghana. Poster, Presented, 07/2018.
  • Factors associated with Human Papillomavirus Vaccination among diverse U.S. adolescents in a region with low HPV vaccination rates. 5th Extreme Affordability Conference. Ensign College of Public Health. Kpong, Ghana. Presentation, Presented, 07/2018.
  • Dixon, B. L., +Rutkoski, H., Pinzon, L. M., Winkler, J. R., Kepka, D., +Lai, D., & +Martel, L. Dental hygiene and dental student knowledge of HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer and HPV vaccination. Poster Session accepted at the American Dental Hygienists’ Association 2018 Annual Conference. Columbus, OH. Poster, Presented, 06/2018.
  • Few know that radon gas leads to lung cancer in EPA-defined moderate to high radon counties in Utah. Presentation at the Huntsman Cancer Institute’s Cancer Control and Population Sciences Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 04/2018.
  • Martin, S., +Warner, E. L., Kirchhoff, A., +Mooney, R., +Martel, L., & Kepka, D. An electronic medical record alert intervention to improve HPV vaccination among eligible male college students at a University student health center. Annual American Society of Preventive Oncology conference. New York, NY. Poster, Presented, 03/2018.
  • A Promotora Intervention Model for Improving Cancer Screening and Health Education. GMaP Region 6 Annual Meeting. Huntsman Cancer Institute. Salt Lake City, UT. 05/2017. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/15/2017.
  • A Multi-state Partnership to Improve Regional HPV Vaccination Rates. Increasing HPV Vaccination in the US: A Collaboration of NCI-funded Cancer Centers. Charleston, SC. 05/2017. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/15/2017.
  • Winkler J, Dixon B, Fowler B, Mooney R, Lai D, Rutkoski H, Pinzon L & Deanna Kepka. Knowledge Dental/Dental Hygiene Students Have Regarding HPV Associated Oropharyngeal-Cancers. Poster, Other, 03/22/2017.
  • Dixon BL, Winkler JR, Rutkoski H, Lai D, Pinzon LM, Mooney R, Martel L, & Kepka DL. A Dental Hygiene Student Survey Regarding HPV Related Oropharyngeal Cancers. American Dental Education Association Annual Session & Exhibition. Poster, Other, 03/2017.
  • Pinzon LM, Rutkoski H, Lai D, Martel L, Mooney R, Dixon B, Winkler J, & Kepka DL. Knowledge that Dental and Dental Hygienist Students Have Regarding HPV Associated Oropharyngeal-Cancers. Poster presented at 31st International Papillomavirus Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. Poster, Other, 02/2017.
  • Improving HPV vaccination in the Mountain West. PBHLT 6301-001 Cancer Epidemiology Guest Lecture. Salt Lake City, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 03/2018.
  • Kepka, D., Lai, D., Bodson, J., Davis, F.A., Lee, D., Tavake-Pasi, F., Napia., E., Villalta, J., Mukundente, V., Mooney, R., Coulter, H., Sanchez-Birkhead, A., Martel, L., & Stark, L.A. Diverse families’ experiences with HPV vaccine information sources: A community-based participatory approach. Poster session presented at HPV 2017: 31st International Papillomavirus Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. Poster, Presented, 02/2017.
  • Kepka D, Rutkoski H, Lai D, Martel L, Mooney R, Winkler J, Dixon B, & Pinzon LM. HPV Vaccine Knowledge and Attitudes Among Dental Health Professional Students in the United States. Poster presented at 31st International Papillomavirus Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. February 2017. Poster, Presented, 02/2017.
  • Warner EL, Warner Z, Reid B, Auguste P, Torres D, Fam M, Gillet-Ellrington A, Kraybill M, Kepka D. The Cancer PEAK Study: A cancer prevention education needs assessment in a remote Caribbean community. Poster presented at the Extreme Affordability Conference in Salt Lake City, UT. Poster, Other, 01/2017.
  • HPV Vaccination – A Missed Opportunity for Cancer Prevention. University of Utah College of Dentistry Global Health Seminary. Salt Lake City, UT. 11/2016. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 11/15/2016.
  • "Overview of HPV; Making it Real" - Quality Improvement in HPV Vaccination Conference Hosted by the Utah Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Murray, UT. 11/2016. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 11/01/2016.
  • Fowler B, Warner E, Pontsler J, Kepka D. Improving HPV vaccination in the Intermountain West. Presented at Increasing HPV Vaccination in the US: A Collaboration of NCI Funded Cancer Centers, June 29, Columbus, OH. Poster, Other, 06/2016.
  • HPV: What is it? How do we get it? How does it cause cervical cancer? National Cervical Cancer Coalition. Las Vegas, NV. 08/2016. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 08/27/2016.
  • Intermountain West HPV Vaccination Coalition. American Academy of Pediatrics Hub and Spoke Quality Improvement Project. Salt Lake City, UT. 08/2016. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 08/20/2016.
  • Changing incidences of HPV related cancers & low rates of HPV vaccination. American Academy of Pediatrics Meeting, 08/2016, Las Vegas, NV. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 08/12/2016.
  • Improving HPV Vaccination in the Intermountain West. HPV Vaccination Provider Training. Utah Department of Health and American Cancer Society. Blanding, UT. 06/2017. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/15/2017.
  • Improving HPV Vaccination in the Intermountain West. HPV Vaccination Provider Training. Utah Department of Health and American Cancer Society. Richfield, UT. 06/2017. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/15/2017.
  • Improving HPV Vaccination in the Intermountain West. Wyoming Medical Society Annual Meeting. Jackson Hole, WY. 06/2017. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/15/2017.
  • Prevention Care Management Program & Intermountain West HPV Vaccination Coalition Updates. Huntsman Cancer Institute WDOT. Presented 04/2016. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 04/04/2016.
  • Mooney R, Lai D, Davis F.A, Lee D, Tavake-Pasi F, Napia E, Villalta J, Mukundente V, Coulter H, Stark L.A, Sanchez-Birkhead A, & Kepka D. A Community-Based Participatory Study of Diverse Families’ Perspectives of the HPV Vaccine (Poster presentation) UPHA, 2016 Public Health Conference for Utah. Salt Lake City, Ut. Poster, Other, 04/2016.
  • Lai, D., Bodson, J., Davis, F.A., Lee, D., Tavake-Pasi, F., Napia, E., Villalta, J., Mukundente, V., Mooney, R., Coulter, H., Stark., L.A., Sanchez-Birkhead, A., & Kepka, D. Diverse families’ perspectives of HPV vaccine information. Poster session presented at the 49th Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference of the Western Institute of Nursing, Anaheim, CA. Poster, Other, 04/2016.
  • Fowler B, Ding Q, Pappas L, Wu Y, Linder L, Wright J, Clayton M, Kepka D, Kirchhoff A. Utah Cancer survivors: A comprehensive comparison of health-related outcomes between survivors and individuals without a history of cancer. Presented at the Utah Public Health Association Conference, April 2016, Salt Lake City, UT. Poster, Other, 04/2016.
  • Mooney R, Lai D, Davis F.A, Lee D, Tavake-Pasi F, Napia E, Villalta J, Mukundente V, Coulter H, Stark L.A, Sanchez-Birkhead A, & Kepka D. A Community-Based Participatory Study of Diverse Families’ Perspectives of the HPV Vaccine (Poster presentation) 11th Annual Health Services Research Conference. Salt Lake City, Ut. Poster, Other, 04/2016.
  • Fowler B, Kepka D, Samadder J, Ding Q, Kirchhoff A. Improvements in Colorectal Cancer Incidence and Mortality Not Experienced by Non-Metropolitan Women: A Population Based Study from Utah. Presented at the Utah Health Services Research Conference, March 2016, Salt Lake City, UT. Poster, Other, 03/2016.
  • Kepka DK, Ding Q, Hawkins AJ, Henry KA, Warner EL, & Boucher KM. Factors associated with increased receipt of the HPV vaccine in U.S. male adolescents include Hispanic ethnicity and receiving other vaccines. American Society of Preventive Oncology. Columbus, OH. Poster, Presented, 03/14/2016.
  • Kepka D, Ding Q, Pappas L, Boucher K, Akerley W, Fowler B, Wu Y, Kaphingst K, Kirchhoff A. High radon and higher incidence of lung cancer in nonmetropolitan areas. Poster session presented at the Huntsman Cancer Institute conference, Translating Cancer Epidemiology: From cells to clinic to population, Salt Lake City, UT. Poster, Presented, 10/2015.
  • Bodson J, Wilson A, Warner EL, Kepka D. Associations between religious practice and HPV vaccine knowledge and utilization among young women age 18-26. Chicago Student Research Symposium. Chicago, IL. Poster, Other, 10/2015.
  • Lai D, Ding Q, Warner EL, Bodson J, Kepka D. Younger parental age, older adolescent age, and receipt of other immunizations are associated with HPV vaccination in the Intermountain West. Cancer Institute conference, Translating Cancer Epidemiology: From cells to clinic to population. Salt Lake City, UT. Poster, Other, 10/2015.
  • Fowler B, Bodson J, Warner EL, Kepka D. HPV Vaccination Knowledge among a Sample of Utah Latinas with Low Cervical Cancer Screening. Poster session presented at the Huntsman Cancer Institute conference, Translating Cancer Epidemiology: From cells to clinic to population, Salt Lake City, UT. Poster, Other, 10/2015.
  • The Changing Incidences of HPV-Associated Cancers. HPV Free Summit: Immunize Nevada and Intermountain West HPV Vaccination Coalition. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 09/2015.
  • Kepka, D., Ding, Q., Hawkins, A., Warner, E., & Boucher, K. Factors associated with improved receipt of the HPV vaccine in U.S. male adolescents include Hispanic ethnicity and receipt other recommended vaccines. 30th International Papillomavirus Conference & Clinical and Public Health Workshops (HPV 2015). Lisbon, Portugal. Poster, Presented, 09/2015.
  • Kepka, D., Balch, A., Warner, E., & Spigarelli, M. High number of missed opportunities for the HPV vaccine among eligible girls and boys shown in statewide vaccine registry data. 30th International Papillomavirus Conference & Clinical and Public Health Workshops (HPV 2015). Lisbon, Portugal. Poster, Presented, 09/2015.
  • Warner EL, Lai D, Davis PF, Mukundente V, Napia E, Tavake-Pasi F, Villalta J, Aiono H, Kepka D. Knowledge and awareness of human papillomavirus and cervical cancer among a diverse group of Utahans. Oral presentation at the Utah Public Health Association Annual Conference in Layton, UT, April 2015. Presentation, Other, 05/2015.
  • Fowler B, Bodson J, Warner EL, Kepka D. HPV Vaccination Knowledge among a Sample of Utah Latinas with Low Cervical Cancer Screening. Utah Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Layton, UT. Poster, Other, 04/2015.
  • Lai D, Ding Q, Warner EL, Bodson J, Kepka D. Multivariate analysis of female HPV vaccination rates in the Intermountain West. Presented at the Western Institutes of Nursing Conference Annual Conference in Albuquerque NM. Poster, Other, 04/2015.
  • Wilson AR, Kepka D. Religious Practice as Related to HPV Vaccine Uptake & 3-Dose Completion in Women Ages 18-26 in Utah. Utah Public Health Association. Layton, UT. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 04/2015.
  • Kepka D. Latino parents’ knowledge and receipt of the HPV vaccine for child in a state with Low uptake. Western Institute of Nursing. Albuquerque, NM. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 04/2015.
  • Mooney R, Bodson J, Warner EL, Kepka D. Self-Reported Factors Associated with Not Being Up-to-Date on Cervical Cancer Screening among Latina Women in Salt Lake City. Utah Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Poster, Other, 04/2015.
  • Warner EL, Bodson J, Borrero M, Lai D, Kepka, D. Prevention Care Management to improve Latina’s Colorectal Cancer Screening. Western Institutes of Nursing Conference Annual Conference. Albuquerque, NM. Poster, Presented, 04/2015.
  • Lai, D., Qian, D., Warner, E., Bodson, J., & Kepka, D. “Multivariable analysis of HPV vaccine initiation among females in the Intermountain West”. 36th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. San Antonio, TX. Poster, Other, 04/2015.
  • Velazquez, A., Kepka, D. L., +Rutkoski, H., +Lai, D., +Martel, L., Dixon, B., Winkler, J. R., &Pinzon. L. M. Internal consistency of Latin America dental HPV-OPC knowledge scales. International Association of Dental Research General Session. London, England. Poster, Presented, 07/2018.
  • Sneddy, E., +Tay, D.L., Kepka, D. Engaging communities in cancer prevention. Extreme Affordability Conference. Ensign College of Public Health. Kpong, Ghana. Poster, Presented, 07/2018.
  • Kepka, D., Bodson, J., +Lai, D., Mooney, R., Tavake-Pasi, F., Napia, E., Davis, F.A., Lee, D., Mukundente, V., Birkhead, A.S., Villalta, J., Coulter, H., & Stark, L.A. Factors associated with Human Papillomavirus Vaccination among diverse U.S. adolescents in a region with low HPV vaccination rates. 5th Extreme Affordability Conference. Ensign College of Public Health. Kpong, Ghana. Poster, Presented, 07/2018.
  • Winkler, J. R., Dixon, B. L., +Rutkoski, H., Pinzon, L. M., +Lai, D., Velazquez, A., +Martel, L., & Kepka, D. Oral healthcare student knowledge of HPV, oropharyngeal cancer and vaccination. Poster session accepted at the International Association of Dental Research General Session. London, England. Poster, Presented, 07/2018.
  • Pinzon, L. M., Velazquez, A., +Rutkoski, H., +Lai, D., +Martel, L., Pappas, L., Dixon, B. L., Winkler, J. R., & Kepka, D. Latin America dental students and residents’ knowledge of HPV-OPC cancer. International Association of Dental Research General Session. London, England. Poster, Presented, 07/2018.
  • HPV vaccine: HPV vaccine: Working together to decrease missed opportunities for cancer prevention. Utah Dental Hygienist Association Lunch and Learn. Salt Lake City, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 04/2018.
  • HPV vaccine: Working together to decrease missed opportunities for cancer prevention. Northern Utah Immunization Coalition Conference. Ogden, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 04/2018.
  • HPV vaccination challenges in rural and suburban settings. High Sierra Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Public Health Echo Series. Reno, NV. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 04/2018.
  • A. Factors associated with HPV vaccination among diverse adolescents in a region with low HPV vaccination rates. Rural Health Panel Discussion at the 2nd Annual GMaP Region 6 & HCI Cancer Health Equity Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT. Presentation, Presented, 04/2018.
  • HPV vaccination challenges and strategies for improvement. First National Meeting: La Salud de la Mujer Dominicana. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 03/2018.
  • Auguste, P., +Warner, E. L., Reid, B., Warner, Z., Kraybill, M., Gillet-Ellrington, A., & Kepka, D. Knowledge and beliefs about cancer and cancer risk in the indigenous population of Dominica: The cancer prevention education assessment of the Kalinago (PEAK) study. 9th Annual Consortium of Universities for Global Health Conference. New York, NY. Poster, Presented, 03/2018.
  • Warner, Z., +Warner, E. L., Reid, B., Auguste, P., Kraybill, M., Gillet-Ellrington, A., & Kepka, D. Knowledge and awareness of HPV, HPV vaccination, and Cervical cancer among an indigenous Caribbean community. 9th Annual Consortium of Universities for Global Health Conference. New York, NY. Poster, Presented, 03/2018.
  • Pinzon, L. M., Velazquez, A., +Rutkoski, H., +Lai, D., +Martel, L., Pappas, L., Godin, S., Dixon, B. L., Winkler, J. R., & Kepka, D. Validation of an HPV Survey of dental students in Latin-America. 2018 AADR/CADR Annual Meeting. Fort Lauderdale, FL. Poster, Presented, 03/2018.
  • Reid, B., Fam, M., +Warner, E. L., Warner, Z., Auguste, P., Kraybill, M., Gillet-Ellrington, A., & Kepka, D. The Cancer prevention education assessment of the Kalinago (PEAK) study: Knowledge and awareness of colorectal cancer among an indigenous Caribbean community. 9th Annual Consortium of Universities for Global Health Conference. New York City, NY. Poster, Presented, 03/2018.
  • Building community partnerships to strengthen research programs. Presented at Roseman University of Health Sciences. South Jordan, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 02/2018.
  • Making it real: Why HPV vaccination matters to pediatric offices. AAP Kick-off Video Conference with local pediatricians. Salt Lake City, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 02/2018.
  • HPV HPV Vaccination Training Workshop for Healthcare Providers and Healthcare Teams. Intermountain West HPV Vaccination Coalition Presentation. Bear River, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 01/2018.
  • Cedar City HPV Vaccination Training Workshop for Healthcare Providers and Healthcare Teams. Intermountain West HPV Vaccination Coalition Presentation. Cedar City, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 01/2018.
  • HPV vaccination is cancer prevention. PechaKucha Night SLC. Salt Lake City, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 11/2017.
  • Global health, local health, past, present, & future. College Council Meeting Presentation on Global Health Position. Salt Lake City, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 11/2017.
  • Member presentation. University of Utah Consortium for Families and Health Research Fall Symposium. Salt Lake City, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 09/2017.
  • Vulnerable populations. Guest lecture for NURS 7101: Research Ethics& Protection of Human Subjects. Salt Lake City, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 09/2017.
  • HPV prevention. Utah Association of Family Physicians Vaccine Conference. Murray, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 08/2017.
  • HPV cancer research: Improving HPV vaccination in the Intermountain West. Presentation to the First Lady of the Dominican Republic. Salt Lake City, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 07/2017.
  • Warner, E. L., Fowler, B., +Martel, L., & Kepka, D. Improving HPV vaccination through a diverse multi-state coalition. National Cancer Institute’s and Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s 4th Annual Increasing HPV Vaccination in the US. Charleston, SC. Poster, Presented, 05/2017.
  • Kekpa D, Fowler B, Warner E. Improving HPV Vaccination in the Intermountain West. Presented at The Increasing HPV Vaccination in the US: A Collaboration of NCI-funded Cancer Centers 2015 Summit, November 2015, Huston TX. Poster, Presented, 11/2015.
  • Ayres S, Bodson J, Warner EL, Mooney R, Kepka D. Findings suggest that age and self-identified health status affect cervical cancer screening among Latinas. Utah Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Layton, UT. Poster, Other, 04/2015.
  • Mooney R, Bodson J, Warner EL, Kepka D. Demographic Factors Associated with not being up to Date on Cervical Cancer Screening Among Latina Women. Health Services Research Annual Conference. Layton, UT.. Poster, Other, 04/2015.
  • Lai D, Tavake-Pasi F, Napia E, Davis F, Mukundente V, Villalta, J., Warner, E., Aiono, H., & Kepka, D. Parent barriers to obtaining information about the HPV vaccine. Utah Valley University Nursing Research Conference. Orem, UT. Conference Paper, Presented, 03/2015.
  • Kepka D, Ding Q, Warner E, Mooney K. High school females and female adolescents with other recommended vaccinations most likely to complete HPV vaccine 3-dose series. American Society of Preventive Oncology. Birmingham, AL. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 03/2015.
  • Kepka D, Balch A, Warner E, Spigarelli. Vaccine Registry Data Indicate High Number of Missed Opportunities for the HPV Vaccine Among Eligible Girls. American Society of Preventive Oncology. Selected for Top 20 Abstracts. Birmingham, AL. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 03/2015.
  • Warner EL, Ding Q, Boucher K, Kepka D. Utah statewide provider survey: Younger pediatricians and those of LDS religion report lowest HPV vaccine knowledge. American Society of Preventive Oncology. Birmingham, AL. Poster, Presented, 03/2015.
  • Decision making process of intent to receive COVID-19 vaccination relates to HPV vaccination receipt among young adults in Mountain West region of the United States. Kepka D, Chang E, Lipscomb J, Hill J, Mann S, Hashibe M, Christini K. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/01/2022.
  • Young Adult Vaccine Attitudes. University of Utah Center of Excellence in Women's Health’s Virtual 2021 Symposium Sex, Gender, and Women’s Health Across the Lifespan Symposium. Kepka D, Christini K. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/13/2021.
  • Mann S, Kepka D, Christini K. COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among Young Adults in the Mountain West (poster presentation). Utah Inter-professional Symposium for Underserved, Rural, and Global Health Education (SURGE). Poster, Presented, 04/05/2021.

Grants, Contracts & Research Gifts

  • AAP Adolescent Vaccinations and Wellness Grant Program for Chapters- Utah Chapter. PI: Deanna Kepka. American Academy of Pediatrics, 01/01/2017 - 12/31/2017. Total project budget to date: $4,000.00
  • Cancer Prevention among Service Industry Employees: Multi-level Intervention Development. PI: Deanna Kepka. Huntsman Cancer Institute GMaP Region 6 Pilot Award, 07/01/2016 - 06/30/2017. Total project budget to date: $20,000.00
  • Lung Cancer Prevention in Utah: Development of a Population Level Intervention to Improve Radon Knowledge and Increase Radon Testing. PI: Deanna Kepka. Co-PI(s): Wallace Akerley. 06/15/2016 - 06/14/2017. Total project budget to date: $35,000.00
  • Assessment of the Feasibility of Introducing HPV Vaccination and HPV Education into Dental Practices. PI: Deanna Kepka. 07/01/2016 - 06/30/2017. Total project budget to date: $25,000.00
  • Dental and Dental Hygienist Student Perceptions, Knowledge, and Clinical Procedures Regarding HPV Oropharyngeal Cancer. PI: Deanna Kepka. Co-PI(s): Lilliam Pinzon, James Winkler. University of Utah Research Committee, 05/01/2016 - 04/30/2017. Total project budget to date: $6,000.00
  • Salud Juntos!: A Promotora-Led Home-Based Cancer Care Support Solution. PI: Anna Maria-Lopez. 04/01/2016 - 03/30/2018. Total project budget to date: $131,874.00
  • Dental and Dental Hygienist Student Perceptions, Knowledge, and Clinical Procedures Regarding HPV Oropharyngeal Cancer. PI: Deanna Kepka. Co-PI(s): James Winkler, Lilliam Pinzon. 01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016. Total project budget to date: $10,000.00
  • Identifying Patient, Family, and Provider Barriers to Childhood Immunizations after Cancer Therapy. PI: Anne Kirchhoff. American Cancer Society Huntsman Cancer Institute Institutional Research Grant, 01/01/2016 - 12/31/2017. Total project budget to date: $30,000.00
  • Geographic Disparities in HPV Vaccination for Survivors of Pediatric and Adolescent Cancer in Utah. PI: Deanna Kepka. Huntsman Cancer Institute CCPS Award, 01/01/2016 - 06/30/2017. Total project budget to date: $10,000.00
  • Geographic Disparities in HPV Vaccination for Survivors of Pediatric and Adolescent Cancer in Utah. PI: Deanna Kepka. Huntsman Cancer Institute Health Equity Grant, 01/01/2016 - 12/31/2017. Total project budget to date: $1,000.00
  • Community-level Geographic Factors and HPV Vaccination in the U.S. PI: Deanna Kepka. NIH/NCI R03 Small Grants Program For Cancer Research, 12/01/2015 - 11/30/2017. Total project budget to date: $163,233.00
  • Analysis of provider and parent surveys related to HPV vaccination in Utah. PI: Deanna Kepka. 09/01/2015 - present. Total project budget to date: $5,000.00
  • Analysis of provider and parent surveys related to HPV vaccination in Utah. PI: Deanna Kepka. University of Utah College of Nursing Research Committee, 09/01/2015 - present. Total project budget to date: $5,000.00
  • Analysis of provider and parent surveys related to HPV vaccination in Utah. PI: Deanna Kepka. University of Utah College of Nursing Research Committee, 09/01/2015 - present. Total project budget to date: $5,000.00
  • Health Disparities and Cancer Prevention (HeDCaP) Initiative will internally assess all active and recently completed programs and projects in HeDCaP that are affiliated with Huntsman Cancer Institute. PI: Deanna Kepka. CCPS Health Disparities and Cancer Prevention Initiative/University of Utah, 01/01/2015 - 06/30/2015. Total project budget to date: $36,000.00
  • Health Disparities and Cancer Prevention (HeDCaP) Initiative. PI: Sean Tavtigian, Kathi Mooney. Co-PI(s): Deanna Kepka. CCSG / Univ. of Utah, 01/15/2015 - 06/30/2015. Total project budget to date: $36,000.00
  • Utah School Nurse Project for Improving HPV Vaccination Rates. PI: Kepka. Utah Department of Public Health , 01/2022 - present. Total project budget to date: $30,000.00
  • Improving HPV Vaccination Rates in the Era of COVID-19. PI: Kepka. Utah Department of Public Health, 02/01/2022 - present. Total project budget to date: $30,000.00
  • Assessment of HPV vaccine Hesitancy in Utah. PI: Kepka. Huntsman Cancer Institute, 01/2022 - present. Total project budget to date: $50,000.00
  • Intermountain West HPV Vaccination Coalition. PI: Kepka. Huntsman Cancer Institute, 01/2022 - present. Total project budget to date: $20,000.00
  • Assessment of the Clinical Workflow and Processes of Communication between Rural Clinics and HCI to Improve the Referral Process for Rural Gynecologic Cancer Patients. PI: Kepka. Huntsman Cancer Institute, 05/2021 - present. Total project budget to date: $30,000.00


  • Spanish, functional.

Geographical Regions of Interest

  • Canada
  • Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Southern Africa


  • Kepka D & Ou JY, Warner EL, Nam GE, Martel L, Carbajal-Salisbury S, Fuentes V, Wetter DW, Kirchhoff AC, (2019). Colorectal cancer knowledge and screening adherence among low-income Hispanic employees. Health Educ Res. Vol. 34(4), 400-414. Published, 08/01/2019.
  • Kepka D & Harris KL, Tay D, Kaiser D, Praag A, Rutkoski H, Dixon BL, Pinzon LM, Winkler JR, (2019). The perspectives, barriers, and willingness of Utah dentists to engage in Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine practices. [Website/Blog]. Accepted, 07/30/2019.
  • Kepka D & Rutkoski H, Pappas L, Tay DL, Winkler JR, Dixon B, Velazquez A, Pinzon LM (2019). US oral health students' willingness to train and administer the HPV vaccine in dental practices. Prev Med Rep. Vol. 15100957. Published, 07/17/2019.
  • Kepka D & Rutkoski H, Tay DL, Dixon BL, Pinzon LM, Mooney R, Winkler JR (2019). A Multi-state Evaluation of Oral Health Students' Knowledge of Human Papillomavirus-Related Oropharyngeal Cancer and HPV Vaccination. [Website/Blog]. Accepted, 07/10/2019.
  • Kirchhoff, AC, Mann, K, Warner, EL, Kaddas, HK, Fair, D, Fluchel, M, Knackstedt, ED, Kepka, D. (2019). HPV vaccination knowledge, intentions, and practices among caregivers of childhood cancer survivors. Human Vaccinations and Immunotherapeutics. Epub ahead of print. Published, 05/22/2019.
  • Warner, EL, Martel, L, Ou, JY, Nam, GE, Carbajal-Salisbury, S, Fuentes, V, Kirchhoff, AC, Kepka, D. (2020). A workplace-based intervention to improve awareness, knowledge, and utilization of breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screenings among Latino service and manual labor employees in Utah. [Epub ahead of print]. Vol. 44(2), 256-264. Published, 04/2020.
  • Fowler B, Ding Q, Pappas L, Wu YP, Linder L, Yancey J, Wright J, Clayton M, Kepka D & Kirchhoff AC (2019). Utah Cancer Survivors: A Comprehensive Comparison of Health-Related Outcomes Between Survivors and Individuals Without a History of Cancer. Journal of cancer education : the official journal of the American Association for Cancer Education. Vol. 33, 214-221. Published, 02/01/2019.
  • Gaffney DK, Hashibe M, Kepka D, Maurer KA & Werner TL (2019). Too many women are dying from cervix cancer: Problems and solutions. Gynecologic oncology. Vol. 151, 547-554. Published, 01/01/2019.
  • Swiecki-Sikora, AL, Henry, K., & Kepka, D. (2020). HPV vaccination coverage among US teens across the rural-urban continuum. J Rural Health. Published, 01/31/2020.
  • Harris KL, Tay D, Kaiser D, Praag A, Rutkoski H, Dixon BL, Pinzon LM, Winkler JR & Kepka D (2020). The perspectives, barriers, and willingness of Utah dentists to engage in human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine practices. Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics. Vol. 16, 436-444. Published, 12/01/2020.
  • Warner EL, Vaca Lopez PL, Kepka D, Mann K, Kaddas HK, Fair D, Fluchel M, Knackstedt ED, Pannier ST, Martel L & Kirchhoff AC (2021). Influence of provider recommendations to restart vaccines after childhood cancer on caregiver intention to vaccinate. Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice. Vol. 14, 757-767. Published, 02/01/2021.
  • Rutkoski H, Tay DL, Dixon BL, Pinzon LM, Mooney R, Winkler JR & Kepka D (2021). A Multi-state Evaluation of Oral Health Students' Knowledge of Human Papillomavirus-Related Oropharyngeal Cancer and HPV Vaccination. (pp. 1017-1025). Vol. 35. Journal of cancer education : the official journal of the American Association for Cancer Education. Published, 02/01/2021.
  • Warner EL, Vaca Lopez PL, Kepka D, Mann K & Kaddas HK (2021). Influence of provider recommendations to restart vaccines after childhood cancer on caregiver intention to vaccinate. Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice. Vol. 14, 757-767. Published, 02/01/2021.
  • Rutkoski H, Tay DL & Dixon BL (2021). A Multi-state Evaluation of Oral Health Students' Knowledge of Human Papillomavirus-Related Oropharyngeal Cancer and HPV Vaccination. (pp. 1017-1025). Vol. 35. Journal of cancer education : the official journal of the American Association for Cancer Education. Published, 02/01/2021.
  • Harris KL, Tay D, Kaiser D & Praag A (2021). The perspectives, barriers, and willingness of Utah dentists to engage in human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine practices. Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics. Vol. 16, 436-444. Published, 06/01/2021.
  • Kepka D, Bodson J, Lai D, Sanchez-Birkhead AC, Davis FA & Lee D (2021). Diverse caregivers' HPV vaccine-related awareness and knowledge. Ethnicity & health. Vol. 26, 811-826. Published, 08/01/2021.
  • Ramsay JM & Kaddas HK (2022). Missed opportunities for concomitant HPV vaccination among childhood cancer survivors. Cancer medicine. Vol. 11, 1181-1191. Published, 02/01/2022.
  • Brandt HM & Kepka D (2022). Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination is cancer prevention for childhood cancer survivors. Cancer. Vol. 128, 237-239. Published, 03/01/2022.
  • Ou JY, Ramsay JM, Lee G, VanDerslice JA & Taddie M (2023). Patterns of indoor radon concentrations, radon-hazard potential, and radon testing on a small geographic scale in Utah. Journal of environmental radioactivity. Vol. 256, 107046107046. Published, 10/01/2023.
  • Coronado GD & Petrik AF (2023). Adolescents Who Have Undergone Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Are More Likely to Get a COVID-19 Vaccine. The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine. Vol. 72, 985988985-988. Published, 05/01/2023.
  • Ou JY, Bennion N, Parker K, Fair D & Hanson HA (2023). Risk Factors and Trends for HPV-Associated Subsequent Malignant Neoplasms among Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivors. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology. Vol. 32, 625633625-633. Published, 05/01/2023.
  • Waters AR, Anderson JS & Mann K (2023). Drivers of COVID-19 Vaccine Intent Among Survivors of Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer: a Mixed Method Study. Journal of cancer education : the official journal of the American Association for Cancer Education. Vol. 38, 562570562-570. Published, 04/01/2023.
  • Brandt HM & Footman A (2023). Implementing interventions to start HPV vaccination at age 9: Using the evidence we have. Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics. Vol. 19, 21802502180250. Published, 03/01/2023.
  • Kaddas HK, Ramsay JM & Ou JY (2023). HPV Vaccination Initiation and Completion Among Pediatric, Adolescent, and Young Adult Cancer Survivors and a Comparison Population Sample Receiving Primary Care. Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology. Vol. 45, e236e243e236-e243. Published, 02/01/2023.