• Associate Professor, Sociology Department
  • Adjunct Associate Professor, Health and Kinesiology
  • Adjunct Associate Professor, Family And Preventive Medicine


  • Kamimura, A., Panahi, S., Kang, A., Whitesitt, K, C., Ashby, J., & Olmsted, J. (2023). Volunteer experiences at a hospice for homeless individuals during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Progress in Palliative Care, 31(6), 346-351. DOI: 10.1080/09699260.2023.2241791. (2022 Impact factor 1.7). Published, 08/27/2023.
  • Panahi, S., Spearman, B., Sundrud, J., Lunceford, M., & Kamimura, A. The impact of patient autonomy among uninsured free clinic patients. Journal of Patient Experience, 10. doi:10.1177/23743735231179041 (Impact Factor: 1.5). Published, 06/02/2023.
  • Mauchley, O., Dinehart, C., Ahmed, S., Kang, A., & Kamimura, A. Lifestyles of highly active older adults before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study based on the Socio-Ecological Model. Activities, Adaptation & Aging. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01924788.2023.2202455 (2022 impact factor 2.8) *The first autor is a student of the UROP and Senior Thesis.. Published, 04/16/2023.
  • Panahi, S., Spearman, B., Sundrud, J., Lunceford, M., & Kamimura, A. Perceived and physiological stress and social support among uninsured free clinic patients. Southern Medical Journal, 116(6), 464-470. doi: 10.14423/SMJ.0000000000001565. (2022 impact factor 1.1). Published, 04/2023.
  • Kamimura, A., Bhattacharya, H., Stedman, M., Panahi, S., Griffiths, A., Meng, H-W., Franchek-Roa., K. Dating/intimate partner violence and social media use among college students. Gender & Violence, Dec 2022, 187-192. https://doi.org/10.1089/vio.2021.0073 (2022-2023 Impact factor: 1.652). Published, 12/08/2022.
  • Dorsey, B., Kamimura, A., Cook, L. J., Kadish, H. A., Cook, H. K., Kang, A., Nguyen, J, & Holsti, M. Communication Gaps Between Providers and Caregivers of Patients in a Pediatric Emergency Department. Journal of Patient Experience. In press. Accepted, 06/21/2022.
  • Panahi, S., Rathi, N., Hurley, J., Sundrud, J., Lucero, M., & Kamimura, A. (2022). Patient adherence to health care provider recommendations and medication among free clinic patients. Journal of Patient Experience, 9. https://doi.org/10.1177/23743735221077523. Published, 01/09/2022.
  • Dinehart, C., Panahi, S. & Kamimura, A. (2021). Household environmental safety and perceived stress among uninsured free clinic patients. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Health Sciences, 5(3), 53-59. Published, 01/2022.
  • Rathi, N., Sin, K., Pye, M., Levitt, S. E., & Kamimura, A. (2021). The use of complementary and alternative medicine among refugees resettled in the United States. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, 17(4), 500-507. (2020 impact factor: 0.89). Published, 09/10/2021.
  • Kamimura, A., Panahi, S., Meng, H-W., Sundrud, J., & Lucero, M. (2021). Patient satisfaction with telehealth and experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic among uninsured free clinic patients. Journal of Patient Experience, 8, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1177/23743735211033107 (2020 Google Scholar h5-index: 18). Published, 07/26/2021.
  • Kamimura, A., Higham, R., Panahi, S., Lee, E., Griffin, R. J., Sundrud, J., & Lucero, M. (2022). A study of how food insecurity and financial difficulty relate to emotional well-being and social functioning. Southern Medical Journal, 115(1), 1-7. (2019 Impact Factor: 0.793). Published, 06/10/2021.
  • Kamimura, A., Trinh, H. N., Hurley, J., Izampuye, E., & Nguyen, H. Knowledge and perceptions of contraceptive health among college students in Vietnam and the United States. International Journal of Sexual Health. DOI: 10.1080/19317611.2020.1846655 (2019 Impact Factor: 1.191). Published, 12/04/2020.
  • Kamimura, A., Weaver, Sin, K., Pye, M, & Panahi, S. (2020). Immigration stress among refugees resettled in the United States. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. https://doi.org/10.1177/0020764020939611 (2019 Impact Factor: 1.439; 5-Year Impact Factor 1.856). Published, 07/15/2020.
  • Kamimura, A., Howard, S., Weaver, S., Panahi, S., & Ashby, J. (2020). The use of complementary and alternative medicine strategies, opioids, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids) among patients attending a free clinic. Journal of Patient Experience. https://doi.org/10.1177/2374373520937514. Published, 07/14/2020.
  • Kamimura, A., Higham, R., Panahi, S., Lee, E., & Ashby, J., (2020). Social norms and self-management ability among uninsured primary care patients. Southern Medical Journal. (2018 impact factor: 0.86). Accepted, 04/04/2020.
  • Truman, T., Chernenko, A., Higham, R., Ahmmad, Z., Pye, Mu., Sin, K., Griffiths, A., & Kamimura, A. (2020). Knowledge, beliefs, and experiences about immunization among refugees resettled in the United States from the Thailand-Myanmar (Burma) border. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education. DOI: 10.1080/14635240.2020.1747518 (2018 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.27; cite per doc: 0.619). *The first author is a student of honor’s thesis. Online publication date: April 5, 2020. Published, 04/05/2020.
  • Kamimura, A., Weaver, S., Paw, S., Panahi, S., Sin, K., Pye, M., Ashby, J., & Wen, M. (2020). Cancer risk awareness among refugees resettled in the United States. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. (2017 Impact Factor: 0.860; Five-Year Impact Factor: 1.196). In press. Accepted, 03/26/2020.
  • Kamimura, A., Nourian, M. M., Assasnik, N., Nourian, K., & Franchek-Roa, K. (2020). Childhood abuse and intimate partner violence victimization among Filipina and South Asian women in the USA. Journal of Women’s Health Reports, 1(1), 2-10. DOI: 10.1089/whr.2019.0001. Published, 01/20/2020.
  • Jones, M., Kamimura, A., Levitt, S. E., Juarez, N., & Holsti M. (2019). Perspectives from students in the Native American Summer Research Internship Program. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care, 16(4), 66-73. DOI: 10.36648/2049-5471.16.3.195 (2018 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.135; cite per doc: 0.5) *The first author is a student of honor’s thesis.. Published, 12/24/2019.
  • Shakur, S., Avondet, C., Sin, K., Panahi, S., Griffiths, A., Izampuye, E., & Kamimura, A. (2019). Piloting an interactive theater program to promote intimate partner violence awareness among refugees resettled in the United States. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care, 16(4), 61-65. DOI: 10.36648/2049-5471.16.3.194 (2018 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.135; cite per doc: 0.5) *The first author is a student of the UROP.. Published, 12/20/2019.
  • Weaver, S., Hussaini, Z., Valentin, V. L., Panahi, S., Levitt, S. E., Ashby, J., & Kamimura, A. (2019). Higher levels of self-efficacy and readiness for a future career of Spanish speaking physician assistant students after their volunteer work in a student-run free clinic in the United States. Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3352/jeehp.2019.16.27. (2018 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.306; cite per doc: 1.014). Published, 09/06/2019.
  • Tabler, J., Mykyta, L., Schmitz, R., Kamimura, A., Martinez, D. A., Martinez, R. D., Flores, P., Gonzales, K., Marquez, A., & Torres, A. (2019). Getting by with a little help from our friends: The role of social support in addressing HIV-related mental health disparities among sexual minorities in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Journal of Homosexuality. (2018 Impact Factor: 1.438). In press. Accepted, 08/06/2019.
  • Kamimura, A., Weaver, S., Armenta, B., Gull., B., & Ashby, J. (2019). Patient centeredness: The perspectives of uninsured primary care patients. International Journal of Care Coordination. (2017 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.455; cite per doc: 1.125). In press. Accepted, 02/18/2019.
  • Trinh, H. N., Howard, S., Paw, S., Panahi, S., Lee, E., Ashby, J., & Kamimura, A. (2018). English classes for foreign-born uninsured free clinic patients in the United States: A qualitative study. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care, 15(5), 215-222. (2015 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.12). Published, 09/25/2018.
  • Kamimura, A., Panahi, S., Rathi, N., Weaver, S., & Ashby, J. (2019). Cancer risk awareness among uninsured primary care patients. Southern Medical Journal, 112(2), 112-117. (2017 Impact Factor: 0.854). Published, 09/10/2018.
  • Kamimura, A., Panahi, S., Ahmmad, Z., Stoddard, M., Weaver, S., & Ashby, J. (2018). Continuity of care: Perspectives of uninsured free clinic patients. Journal of Patient Experience.https://doi.org/10.1177/2374373518805098 Online publication date: October 9, 2018. Published, 10/09/2018.
  • Kamimura, A., Panahi, S., & Weaver, S. (2018). [Editorial] Improving health of diverse populations. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care, 15(4), 198. DOI: 10.21767/2049-5471.1000 e 29. Published, 08/21/2018.
  • Higham, R., Panahi, A., Howard, S., Puerto, E., Evensen, M., Pye, M., Ashby, J., & Kamimura, A. (2018). Stress Management Classes for Uninsured Free Clinic Patients in the United States. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care, 15(4), 184-189. (2015 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.12). *The first author is a student of the Summer Program for Undergraduate Research . Published, 08/14/2018.
  • Trinh, H. N., Meng, H-W., Johansen, M., Sin, K., Rathi, N., Nourian, K., Paw, S., & Kamimura, A. (2018). Physical Activity Education for Adults with Refugee Background in the United States. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care, 15(4), 158-163.. Published, 07/31/2018.
  • Kamimura, A., Panahi, S., Rathi, N., Weaver, S., Pye, M., Sin, K., & Ashby, J. (2018). Risks of opioid abuse among uninsured primary care patients utilizing a free clinic. DOI: 10.1080/15332640.2018.1456387. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse. (2016 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.41, cites per doc: 0.72). Published, 07/24/2018.
  • Kamimura, A., Trinh, H. N., Johansen, M., Hurley, J., Pye, M., Sin, K., & Nguyen, H. (2018). Perceptions of mental health and mental health services among college students in Vietnam and the United States. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 37, 15-19. (CiteScore: 1.06; 2017 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.585). Published, 08/09/2018.
  • Scott, M., Weaver, S., Kamimura, A. (2018). Experiences of immigrant women who applied for a VAWA self-petition in the United States: Qualitative analysis of legal affidavits. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care, 15(4), 145-150. (2015 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.12). *The first author is a student of honor’s thesis and UROP(Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program).. Published, 07/16/2018.
  • Tabler, J., Mykyta, L., Schmitz, R., Kamimura, A., Martinez, D. A., Martinez, R. D., Flores, P., Gonzales, K., Marquez, A., & Torres, A. (2018). Social determinants of sexual behavior and knowledge of sexually transmitted infections (STI) among low-income HIV+ or STI at-risk Hispanic residents receiving care at the U.S.-Mexico border. Journal of Community Health. DOI: 10.1007/s10900-018-0562-5. (2017 Impact Factor: 1.530). Online publication date: August 10, 2018. Published, 08/10/2018.
  • Armenta, B. A., Rathi, N., Assasnik, N., & Kamimura, A. (2018). Structural quality of healthcare facilities in India. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 31(6), 483-488. (2016 Scopus Cite Score: 0.85). *The first author is a student of senior thesis. . Published, 07/06/2018.
  • Kamimura, A., Panahi, S., & Weaver, S. (2018). [Editorial] International Health Care Topics: Malaria Prevention Analyses, Nursing Perspective, and Patient Perspectives. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care, 15(3), 127-128. Published, 06/01/2018.
  • Juarez, N., Puerto, E., Hagarty, D., Stoddard, M., Weaver, S., Panahi, S., Ashby, J., & Kamimura, A. (2018). Perspectives of health care services among free clinic patients in the USA: A qualitative study. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care, 15(3), 110-115. (2015 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.12). *The first author is a student of senior thesis.. Published, 05/11/2018.
  • Kamimura, A., Panahi, S., & Weaver, S. (2018). Global healthcare issues and proposed solutions. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care, 15(2), 93-94. Published, 04/10/2018.
  • Kamimura, A., Chen, J., Nourian, M. M., Stoddard, M., & Al-Sarray, A. (2018). Stress, depression, and job satisfaction among physicians in Iraq. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care, 15(2), 71-76. (2015 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.12). In press. Published, 04/03/2018.
  • Jones, M., Weaver, S., Panahi, S., & Kamimura, A. (2018). Native American Health: Review of Lifestyle Issues and the Implementation of Community-Based Participatory Research. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care, 15(2), 66-77. (2015 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.12). *The first author is a student of honor’s thesis.. Published, 03/26/2018.
  • Kamimura, A., Ashby, J., Nourian, M. M., Assasnik, N., Chen, J., Tabler, J., Aguilera, G., Blanton, N., Jess, A., Reel, J.J. (2018). Parental health-related quality of life, depression and stress associated with the health of their child among low-income immigrants. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJMHSC-11-2016-0041 (2016 Scopus CiteScore: 0.40).. Published, 05/21/2018.
  • Kamimura, A., Panahi, S., & Weaver, S. (2018). Community health care: An essential tool to improve population health. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care, 15(1), 39-40. Published, 03/06/2018.
  • Kamimura, A., Pye, M., Sin, K., Nourian, M. M., Assasnik, N., Stoddard, M., & Frost, C. (2018). Health and Well-being of Women Migrating from Predominantly Muslim Countries to the United States. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 29, 337-348. (2016 Impact factor: 0.916). Published, 02/2018.
  • Kamimura, A., Garfield, T., Tabler, J., Nourian, M. M, Stoddard, M., Chernenko, A. & Ashby, J. (2018). Motivations and outcomes of volunteers at a non-student-run free clinic. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care, 15(1), 9-14. (2015 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.12). Published, 02/2018.
  • Meng, H-W, Sin, K., Pye, M., Chernenko, A., Hagerty, D., Al-Sarray, A., & Kamimura, A. (2018). Barriers and Facilitators to Healthy Lifestyle among Refugees Resettled in the United States. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care,15(1), 1-8. (2015 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.12). *One of the first author’s dissertation papers. . Published, 01/2018.
  • Kamimura, A., Ahmmad, Z., Pye, M., & Gull, B. (2018). Peer smoking and smoking-related beliefs among college students in Bangladesh. Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health. DOI: 10.3961/jpmph.17.146 (2016 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.66, cites per doc: 1.53). Online publication date: January 22, 2018. Published, 01/2018.
  • Kamimura, A., Panahishabestari, S., Ahmmad, Z., Pye, M., & Ashby, J. (2018). Transportation and other nonfinancial barriers among uninsured primary care patients. Health Services Research & Managerial Epidemiology, 5, 1-6. DOI: 10.1177/2333392817749681. Published, 01/2018.
  • Kamimura, A., Nourian, M. M., Chernenko, A., Rathi, N, Oslund, M-A., & Ashby, J. (2019). Beliefs and knowledge of cardiovascular related disease among uninsured primary care patients. Chronic Illness, 15(1), 41-50. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1742395317746469. (2016 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.8, cites per doc: 1.5). Online publicaton date: December 17, 2017. Published, 12/2017.
  • Kamimura, A., Panahi, S., & Weaver, S. (2017). Editor’s note: Explore your knowledge on nursing and health care. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care, 14(6), V-VI. Published, 12/2017.
  • Kamimura, A., Booth, C., Johansen, M., Morales, U, Ashby, J, & Erickson, L. (2017). Home dental care education for uninsured free clinic patients in the United States. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care, 14(6), 296-301. (2015 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.12). Published, 12/2017.
  • Kamimura, A., Sin, K., Pye, M., & Meng, H-W. (2017). Cardiovascular disease related health beliefs and lifestyle issues among Karen refugees resettled in the US from the Thai-Myanmar (Burma) border. Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, 50, 1-7. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3961/jpmph.17.098. (2016 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.66, cites per doc: 1.53). Online publication date: November 2, 2017. Published, 11/2017.
  • Kamimura, A., Booth, C., Sin, K., Pye, M., Chernenko, A, Meng, H-W, Harris, T., Stoddard, M., Hagerty, D., Al-sarray, A., Hagerty, D., & Erickson L. (2017). Home dental care education for refugee background adults in the United States. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care, 14(6), 277-282. (2015 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.12). Published, 11/2017.
  • Gorski, H. P., Kamimura, A. Nourian, M. M., Assasnik, N., Wright, L., & Franchek-Roa, K. (2017). Gender roles and women’s health in India. Public Policy and Administration Research, 7(7), 12-16. *The first author is a student of senior thesis.. Published, 08/2017.
  • Kamimura, A., Chen, J., Aguilera, G., Stoddard, M., Sin, K., Pye, M., & Ashby, J. (2017). Patient satisfaction and perspectives of continuity of care among free clinic patients in the USA: A qualitative study. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care, 14(4), 169-174. (2015 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.12). Published, 07/2017.
  • Kamimura, A., Trinh, HN., Weaver, S., Chernenko, A., Wright. L, Stoddard, M., Nourian, M., & Nguyen, H. (2017). Knowledge and beliefs about HPV among college students in Vietnam and the United States. Journal of Infection and Public Health. DOI: 10.1016/j.jiph.2017.06.006 (Impact factor: 1.194). Online publication date: June 28, 2017. Published, 06/2017.
  • Weaver, S., Gull, B., Ashby, J., & Kamimura, A. (2017). An analysis of oppression and health education for underserved populations in the United States: The issues of acculturation, patient-provider communication, and health education classes. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(15), 150-155. *The first author is a student of honor’s thesis/UROP.. Published, 05/2017.
  • Kamimura, A., Trinh, HN., Weaver, S., Chernenko, A., Nourian, M., Assasnik, N., & Nguyen, H. (2017). Influenza vaccination knowledge and perceptions among college students in Vietnam and the United States. Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3961/jpmph.17.061. (2015 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.73, cites per doc: 1.46). Published, 05/2017.
  • Carlson, M., Kamimura, A., Al-Obaydi, S., Trinh, H.N., Franchek-Roa, K. (2017). Readiness to manage intimate partner violence among resident physicians and medical students in the US. Health Equity, 1(1), 77-82. DOI: 10.1089/heq.2017.0008. *The first author is a student of senior thesis/UROP.. Published, 06/2017.
  • Kamimura, A., Tabler, J., Nourian, M. M., Assasnik, N., Wright, L., & Ashby, J. (2017). Prevention and management of hypertension and diabetes using social capital and physical activity among socio-economically disadvantaged populations. Family and Community Health, 40(3), 205-211. (Impact Factor: 0.633). doi: 10.1097/FCH.0000000000000156. Published, 05/2017.
  • Gorski, H. P., Gull, B., Harris, T., Garfield, T., Ashby, J., & Kamimura, A. (2017). Volunteer experiences at a free clinic in the United States: A qualitative study. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care, 14(3), 130-135. (2015 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.12). *The first author is a student of senior thesis. Published, 05/2017.
  • Kamimura, A., Armenta, B. A., Nourian, M. M, Assasnik, N., Nourian, K., Chernenko, A. (2017). Perceived environmental pollution and its impacts on health in China, Japan and South Korea. Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, 50(3), 188-194. DOI: 10.3961/jpmph.17.044. (2015 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.73, cites per doc: 1.46). Online publication date: April 27, 2017. Published, 04/2017.
  • Meng, H-W., Gull, B., Ashby, J., & Kamimura, A. (2017). The perspectives of nonprofit social service organizations on the value and scope of free clinic services: A qualitative study. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care, 14(3), 111-118. (2015 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.12). *One of the first author’s dissertation papers.. Published, 04/2017.
  • Weaver, S., Meng, H-W, Ashby, J., Kamimura, A. (2017). A direct observation study of health education classes for uninsured primary care patients. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care, 14(2), 87-92. (2015 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.12). *The first author is a student of honor’s thesis/UROP.. Published, 04/2017.
  • Booth, C., Nourian, M. M., Weaver, S., Gull, B., & Kamimura, A. (2017). Policy and social factors influencing diabetes among Pima Indians in Arizona, USA. Public Policy and Administration Research, 7(3), 35-39. *The first author is a student of UROP.. Published, 03/2017.
  • Weaver, S. Ashby, J., & Kamimura, A. (2017). Self-reported diagnosis of type 1 and type 2 diabetes among uninsured primary care patients. Health Services Research & Managerial Epidemiology. DOI: 10.1177/2333392816689528. *The first author is a student of honor’s thesis/UROP.. Published, 01/2017.
  • Kamimura, A., Gull, B., Lindsey, W., Weaver, S., Edwards, A., Nourian, K., Ashby, J., & Erickson, L. (2016). Factors associated with oral health-related quality of life among safety-net clinic patients. Journal of Public Health Dentistry. DOI: 10.111/jphd.12193. (2015 Impact factor: Impact Factor: 1.182). Online publication date: December 26, 2016. Published, 12/2016.
  • Stephens, T., Kamimura, A., Yamawaki, N., Bhattacharya, H., Mo, W., Birkholz, R., Makomenaw, A., & Olson, LM. (2016). Rape myth acceptance among college students in the United States, Japan and India. Sage Open.DOI: 10.1177/2158244016675015. (2015 Impact factor: 0.57). Online publication date: December 1, 2016. *The first author is a student of Undergraduate Individual Research. Published, 12/2016.
  • Kamimura, A., Gull, B., Weaver, S., Wright, L., W., Ashby, J., & Erickson, L. Association between health-related beliefs and oral health behaviors among uninsured primary care patients. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health. doi: 10.1177/2150131916680887. PMID: 27903790.(2015 SJR - SCImago Journal Rank - Score: 0.552). Online publication date: November 29, 2016. Published, 11/2016.
  • Kamimura, A., Ashby, J., Trinh, H. N., Prudencio, L., Mills, A., Tabler, J., Nourian. M. M., Ahmad, F., & Reel, J. J. (2016). Uninsured free clinic patients’ experience and perceptions of healthcare services and patient education. Patient Experience Journal, 3(2), 12-21. Published, 11/2016.
  • Kamimura, A., Tabler, J., Myers, K., Ahmed, F., Aguilera, G., & Ashby, J. (2016). Student-led health education programmes in the waiting room of a free clinic for uninsured patients. Health Education Journal. (2015 Impact factor: 0.683). DOI: 10.1177/0017896916671761. Published, 10/2016.
  • Kamimura, A., Gardner, N., Ahmed, F., Nourian. M. M., Myers, K., & Olson, ML. (2016). Health status and social characteristics among the uninsured using a mental health free clinic. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research. DOI: 10.1007/s11414-016-9533-8. (2015 impact factor: 1.617). PMID: 27612468. Online publication date: September 9, 2016. . Published, 09/2016.
  • Kamimura, A., Nourian, M. M., Jess, A., Chernenko, A., Assasnik, N., & Ashby, J. Perceived benefits and barriers and self-efficacy affecting the attendance of health education programs among uninsured primary care patients. Evaluation and Program Planning, 59, 55-61. DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2016.08.006. (2015 Impact factor: 1.000). Online publication date: August 27, 2016. Published, 08/2016.
  • Streng, TK., Kamimura, A. (2017). Perceptions of university policies to prevent sexual assault among college students in the United States. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 14(2), 133-142. DOI: 10.1007/s13178-016-0245-x. (2015 Impact factor: 1.452). Online publication date: August 5, 2016. *The first author is a student of the Honor's College and the Undergraduate Research Opportunities (UROP).. Published, 08/2016.
  • Kamimura, A., Nourian, M. M., Assasnik, N., Franchek-Roa, K. (2016). Depression and Intimate partner violence among college students in Iran. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 23, 51-55. DOI: 10.1016/j.ajp.2016.07.014. (2014 Impact factor: 1.147). Published, 07/2016.
  • Kamimura, A., Armenta, B. A., Nourian, M. M, Wright, L., Rathi, N., Chernenko, A. (2017). Perceived concern about the new strain of the influenza and obtaining the vaccine in China, Japan and South Korea. Journal of Infection and Public Health, 10, 251-257. DOI: 10.1016/j.jiph.2016.06.004. PMID: 27423930. (2015 impact factor: 1.194). Online publication date: July 13, 2016. Published, 07/2016.
  • Kamimura, A., Nourian, M. M., Assasnik, N., Rathi, N., Franchek-Roa, K. (2016). The use of physical violence against intimate partners by female college students in India. Violence and Gender. DOI: 10.1089/vio.2015.0056. Online publication date: July 11, 2016. Published, 07/2016.
  • Kamimura, A., Chernenko, A., Nourian, M. M., Assasnik, N., & Franchek-Roa, K. (2017). Factors associated with perpetration of physical intimate partner violence: College students in Russia and Lithuania. Deviant Behavior, 38(2), 130-140. DOI:10.1080/01639625.2016.1196954. (2014 Impact factor: 0.942). Online publication date: July 6, 2016. Published, 07/2016.
  • Kamimura, A., Trinh, H.N., Nguyen, H., Yamawaki, N., Bhattacharya, H., Mo, W., Birkholz, R., Makomenaw, A., & Olson, LM. (2016). Bystander attitudes to prevent sexual violence: A study of college students in the US, Japan, India, Vietnam, and China. Journal of Sex Research. DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2016.1184605. PMID: 27268768. (2013 Impact factor: 2.73). Online publication date: June 7, 2016. Published, 06/2016.
  • Kamimura, A., Jess, A., Trinh, H.N., Aguliera, G., Nourian, M. M., Assasnik, N. C., & Ashby, J. (2016). Food insecurity associated with self-efficacy and acculturation. Population Health Management. doi:10.1089/pop.2015.0179. (2014 Impact factor: 1.509). PMID: 27124517. Online publication date: April 28, 2016. Published, 04/2016.
  • Kamimura, A., Nourian, M. M., Assasnik, N., & Franchek-Roa, K. (2016). Factors associated with perpetration of physical intimate partner violence among college students in China. Injury Prevention, 22, 352-357. DOI: 10.1136/injuryprev-2015-041890. PMID: 26993804. (2014 Impact factor: 1.891). Online publication date: March 18, 2016. Published, 03/2016.
  • Kamimura, A., Samhouri, M., Huynh, T., Myers, K., Prudencio, L., Eckhardt, J., & Al-Obaydi, S. (2016). Physician migration: Experience of international medical graduates in the US. Journal of International Migration and Integration. DOI: 10.1007/s12134-016-0486-9. (2014 Impact factor: 0.462). Online publication date: March 8, 2016. Published, 03/2016.
  • Kamimura, A., Nourian, M. M., Assasnik, N., & Franchek-Roa, K. (2016). Intimate partner violence-related experiences and mental health among college students in Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. DOI: 10.1177/0020764016629700. PMID: 26888967. (2014 Impact Factor 1.215). Online publication date: February 17, 2016. Published, 02/2016.
  • Kamimura, A., Chernenko, A., Nourian, M. M., Aguliera, G., Assasnik, N., & Ashby, J. (2016). The role of health literacy in reducing negative perceptions of breast health and treatment among uninsured primary care patients. Journal of Community Health, 41, 858-863. DOI: 10.1007/s10900-016-0164-z..PMID:26856733. (2014 Impact factor: 1.716). Online publication date: February 8, 2016. Published, 02/2016.
  • Kamimura, A., Tabler, J., Nourian, M. M., Jess, A., Aguliera, G., Stephens, T., Wright, L., & Ashby, J. (2016). Promoting healthy eating attitudes among uninsured primary care patients. Journal of Community Health, 41, 805-811. DOI: 10.1007/s10900-016-0157-y. PMID: 26831483.(2014 Impact factor: 1.716). Online publication date: January 30, 2016. Published, 01/2016.
  • Kamimura, A., Ashby, J., Tabler, J., Nourian, M. M., Trinh, H.N., Chen, J., Reel, J.J. (2016). The association between tobacco, alcohol and drug use, stress and depression among uninsured free clinic patients: US born English speakers, non-US born English speakers and Spanish speakers. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse. DOI: 10.1080/15332640.2015.1102114. PMID: 26822699. (2014 Impact factor: 0.873). Online publication date: January 29, 2016. Published, 01/2016.
  • Kamimura, A., Ashby, J., Jess, A., Trinh, H. N., Nourian. M. M., Finlayson, S. Y., Prudencio, L., & Reel, J. J. (2015). Impact of neighborhood environments on health consciousness, information seeking, and attitudes among US-born and non-US-born free clinic patients. Southern Medical Journal, 108(12), 703-709. doi: 10.14423/SMJ.0000000000000379.PMID: 26630888. (2014 Impact Factor: 1.038). Published, 12/2015.
  • Warren, N., Kamimura, A., Trinh, H., Stephens, E., Omi, K., Kanaoka, A., Ishikawa, A., & Yamanaka, K. (2015). Perceptions of aging and disability among college students in Japan. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(33), 52-60. (IC Impact Factor: 7.15). *The first author is a student of the Undergraduate Student Research Opportunities (UROP).. Published, 11/2015.
  • Carlson, M., Kamimura, A., Nguyen, H., Yamawaki, N., Bhattacharya, H., Trinh, H.N., Mo, W., Birkholz, R., Makomenaw, A., & Olson, LM. (2015). Perceptions of violence against women among college students in the United States, Japan, India, Vietnam and China. Public Policy and Administration Research, 5(11), 82-92. (IC Impact Factor: 5.54). *The first author is a student of Senior Thesis and the Undergraduate Student Research Opportunities (UROP) ,and was selected as one of the Francis Family Foundation UROP Scholars for 2015-2016 for this project.. Published, 11/2015.
  • Kamimura, A., Ashby, J., Chernenko, A., Tabler, J., Trinh, H.N., Nourian, M. M., Aguliera, G., Reel, J.J. (2015). Stress, coping strategies and depression - uninsured primary care patients. American Journal of Health Behavior, 39(6), 742-750. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5993/AJHB.39.6.1. PMID: 26450541. (2014 Impact Factor 1.312). Published, 11/2015.
  • Kamimura, A., Ganta, V., Myers, K., & Thomas, T. (2015). Intimate partner violence, childhood abuse, and in-law abuse experienced by women utilizing community health services in Gujarat, India. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. DOI: 10.1177/0886260515603973. PMID:26345222. (2014 Impact Factor: 1.663). Online publication date: September 7, 2015. Published, 09/2015.
  • Kamimura, A., Nourian, M. M., Ashby, J., Trinh, H.N, Tabler, J., Assasnik, N. C., Lewis, B. (2015). Sun protection behaviors associated with self-efficacy, susceptibility and awareness among uninsured primary care patients utilizing a free clinic. Dermatology Research and Practice. Volume 2015 (2015), Article ID 753681, 7 pages. DOI:10.1155/2015/753681. PMID: 26425119. (2014 Impact Factor: 1.878). Published, 09/2015.
  • Pace, M., Al-Obaydi, S., Nourian, M. M., & Kamimura, A. (2015). Health services for refugees in the United States: Policies and recommendations. Public Policy and Administration Research, 5, 8, 63-68. (IC Impact Factor: 5.54). *The first author is a student of the Honor’s College.. Published, 08/2015.
  • Kamimura, A., Nguyen, Y., Al-Shaikhly, T., & Olson, LM. (2015). Women in a Shelter: Victims of Intimate Partner Violence—Their Health and Safety Needs. Violence and Gender, 2(3), 161-167. DOI: 10.1089/vio.2015.0004. Online publication date: August 21, 2015. Published, 08/2015.
  • Kamimura, A., Tabler, J., Chernenko, A., Aguliera, G., Nourian, M. M., Prudencio, L., & Ashby, J. (2015). Why uninsured free clinic patients don’t apply for Affordable Care Act health insurance in a non-expanding Medicaid state. Journal of Community Health. DOI: 10.1007/s10900-015-0076-3. PMID: 26275880. (2014 Impact factor:1.716). Online publication date: August 15, 2015. Published, 08/2015.
  • Kamimura, A., Al-Obaydi, S., Nguyen, H., Mo, W., Trinh, H.N., Doan, P., Franchek-Roa, K. (2015). Intimate partner violence education for medical students in the US, Vietnam, and China. Public Health,DOI: 10.1016/j.puhe.2015.04.022. PMID: 26047798. (2013 impact factor: 1.475). Online publication date: June 2, 2015. Published, 06/2015.
  • Kamimura, A., Myers, K., Ashby, J., Trinh, H. N., Nourian. M. M., & Reel, J. J. (2015). Women in free clinics: An assessment of health-related quality of life for prevention and health education. Journal of Community Health, 40, 793-801. DOI:10.1007/s10900-015-0002-8.PMID: 25708885. (2014 Impact factor:1.716). Online publication date: February 24, 2015. Published, 02/2015.
  • Streng, T. K. & Kamimura, A. (2015). Sexual assault prevention and reporting on college campuses in the US: A review of policies and recommendations. Journal of Education and Practice, 6, 3. (IC Impact Factor 7.15) *The first author is a student of the Honor's College and the Undergraduate Research Opportunities (UROP).. Published, 01/2015.
  • Kamimura, A., Ashby, J., Myers, K., Nourian, M., & Christensen, N. (2015). Satisfaction with healthcare services among free clinic patients. Journal of Community Health, 40,62-72. DOI: 10.1007/s10900-014-9897-8. PMID: 24912587 (2014 Impact factor:1.716). Online publication date: June 10, 2014. Published, 06/2014.
  • Kamimura, A., Ganta, V., Myers, K., & Thomas, T. (2014). Intimate partner violence and physical and mental health among women utilizing community health services in Gujarat, India. BMC Women's Health, 14: 127. DOI: 10.1186/1472-6874-14-127. PMID:25319589. (2013 Impact factor: 1.66). Published, 10/2014.
  • Kamimura, A., Christensen, N., Al-Obaydi, S., Solis, S., Ashby, J., Greenwood, J., & Reel, J. (2014). The relationship between body esteem, exercise motivations, depression, and social support among female free clinic patients. Women’s Health Issues, 24(6), 605-611. DOI: 10.1016/j.whi.2014.05.007. PMID:25311897. (2013 Impact factor: 1.735). Published, 10/2014.
  • Moriyama, Y., Tamiya, N., Kamimura, A., Sandval, F., & Luptak, M. (2014). Doctors’ opinion papers in long-term care need certification in Japan: Comparison between clinics and advanced treatment hospital settings. Public Policy and Administration Research, 4(9), 31-37. (IC Impact factor: 5.54). Published, 09/2014.
  • Kamimura, A., Christensen, N., Tabler, J., Prevedel, JA., Ojha, UK., Solis, SP., Hamilton, BJ., Ashby, J., & Reel, JJ. (2014). Depression, somatic symptoms, and perceived neighborhood environments among US born and non-US born free clinic patients. Southern Medical Journal, 107(9), 591-6. doi: 10.14423/SMJ.0000000000000165. PMID:25188626.(2013 Impact factor: 1.116). Published, 09/2014.
  • Kamimura, A., Christensen, N., Tabler, J., Ashby, J., & Olson, LM. (2014). Prevalence of intimate partner violence and its impact on health: A study at a free clinic. Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved, 25(2), 731-745. DOI: 10.1353/hpu.2014.0105. PMID:24858882. (2012 impact factor: 1.491). Published, 05/2014.
  • Kamimura, A., Christensen, N., Nourian, M., Myers, K., Saunders, A., Solis, SP., Ashby, J., Greenwood, J., & Reel, J. (2014). The relationship between diabetes attitudes and treatment among free clinic patients and volunteers. Journal of Community Health, 39(6), 1186-1192. DOI: 10.1007/s10900-014-9875-1. PMID:24756836 (2014 Impact factor: 1.716). Online publication date: April 23, 2014. Published, 04/2014.
  • Kamimura, A. Christensen, N., Mo, W, Ashby, J., & Reel, J. (2014). Knowledge and perceptions of breast health among free clinic patients. Women’s Health Issues, 24(3), e327-e333. DOI: 10.1016/j.whi.2014.02.006. PMID: 24725757 (2013 Impact factor: 1.735). Online publication date: April 8, 2014. Published, 04/2014.
  • Kamimura, A., Christensen, N., Myers, K., Nourian, M., Ashby, J., Greenwood, J., & Reel, J. (2014). Health and diabetes self-efficacy: A study of diabetic and non-diabetic free clinic patients and family members. Journal of Community Health, 39(4), 783-791. DOI: 10.1007/s10900-014-9831-0.PMID: 24496670. (2013 Impact factor: 1.573). Online publication date: February 5, 2014. Published, 02/2014.
  • Kamimura, A., Bybee, D. & Yoshihama, M. (2014). Factors affecting initial intimate partner violence specific health care seeking in the Tokyo Metropolitan area, Japan. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 29(13), 2378-2393. DOI: 10.1177/0886260513518842. PMID: 24470569 (2013 impact factor: 1.639). Online publication date: January 26, 2014. Published, 01/2014.
  • Kamimura, A., Christensen, N., Prevedel, JA., Tabler, J., Hamilton, BJ., Ashby, J., & Reel, J. (2014). Quality of life among free clinic patients associated with somatic symptoms, depression, and perceived neighborhood environment. Journal of Community Health, 39(3), 524-530. DOI: 10.1007/s10900-013-9790-x. PMID: 24218012 (2013 Impact factor: 1.573). Online publication date: November 12, 2013. Published, 11/2013.
  • Kamimura, A., Yoshihama, M., & Bybee, D. (2013). The trajectory of intimate partner violence specific health care seeking over the life course in the Tokyo Metropolitan area, Japan. Public Health, 127(10), 902-907. DOI: 10.1016/j.puhe.2013.06.003. PMID: 24074631 (2013 impact factor: 1.475). Online publication date: September 24, 2013. Published, 09/2013.
  • Kamimura, A., Parekh, A. & Olson, L. (2013) Health indicators, social support and intimate partner violence among women utilizing services at a community organization Women's Health Issues, 23-3, e179-e185. DOI: 10.1016/j.whi.2013.02.003. PMID: 23660431. (2013 Impact factor: 1.735). Published, 05/2013.
  • Kamimura, A., Christensen, N., Tabler, J., Ashby, J. & Olson, L. (2013). Patients utilizing a free clinic: Physical and mental health, health literacy, and social support. Journal of Community Health, 38(4), 716-723. DOI: 10.1007/s10900-013-9669-x. PMID:23463329. (Online publication date: 3/5/2013) (2013 Impact factor: 1.573). Published, 03/2013.
  • Kamimura, A., Schneider, K., Lee, C. S., Crawford, S. D., & Friese, C. R. (2012). Practice environments of nurses in ambulatory oncology settings: A thematic analysis. Cancer Nursing, Jan-Feb,35(1), E1-7. PMID: 21372702. (Impact factor: 1.792). Published, 03/2011.
  • Kamimura, A. Banaszak-Holl, J. Berta, W., Baum, J. A. C., Weigelt, C. & Mitchell, W. (2007). Do corporate chains affect quality of care in nursing homes? The role of corporate standardization. Health Care Management Review, 32(2), 168-178. PMID: 17438400. (Impact factor: 1.299). Published, 11/2007.

Research Statement

My research projects cover a wide variety of health issues, for example, community health for underserved populations, violence against women, health care organizations and policy, infectious disease and environmental health, mental health and global health issues. My community health project aim at evaluating needs, implementing health education programs, and evaluation the programs to further develop effective health promotion strategies for underserved populations in the community. My projects concerning violence against women contribute to expanding the literature on health and violence against women, and to providing knowledge for developing intervention programs and research projects to improve health and safety of women in the world.

Research Keywords

  • Health Promotion
  • Community Health Education
  • Community Based Research
  • social determinants of health
  • Minority Health
  • Health Disparities
  • immigrant health
  • intimate partner violence
  • survey research methods
  • health care management and policy
  • Global Health


  • “Experiences Among Asian American College Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study Based on the Socio-ecological Model” at The Consortium for Research on Contemporary China/Asia (CROCCA), University of Utah. Presentation, Presented, 03/17/2022.
  • “Health, Wellness, and Community Engagement Pathways Forum” at Bennion Center, University of Utah. Presentation, Presented, 11/17/2021.
  • “Keeping Up with Research/Creative Activity During the Pandemic” at the J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah, December 2, 2020. Panelist. (virtual). Presentation, Presented, 12/02/2020.
  • Kamimura, A. (2019). Experiences of immigrant women who applied for a VAWA self-petition in the United States: Qualitative analysis of legal affidavits. 4th Annual Utah Criminal Justice Conference, September 11, Salt Lake City, Utah. Presentation, Presented, 09/11/2019.
  • Meng, H-W., Sin, K., Pye, M., Chernenko, A., Hagerty, D., & Kamimura, A. (2017). Perceived barriers and facilitators to healthy lifestyle among refugees. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, November 6, 2017. Poster, Presented, 11/06/2017.
  • “Current research on Asian societies” at The Consortium for Research on Contemporary China/Asia (CROCCA), University of Utah, September 29, 2017. Presentation, Presented, 09/29/2017.
  • “Home oral health education for refugees” at Lunch & Learn, Center for Research on Migration & Refugee Integration (CRMRI), University of Utah, June 2, 2017. Presentation, Presented, 06/02/2017.
  • “Cardiovascular disease related health beliefs and lifestyle issues among Karen refugees resettled in the US from the Thai-Myanmar (Burma) border” at Research Symposium, Center for Research on Migration & Refugee Integration (CRMRI), University of Utah, March 31, 2017. Presentation, Presented, 03/31/2017.
  • "Current Health Issues in Asia" THE CONSORTIUM FOR RESEARCH ON CONTEMPORARY CHINA/ASIA (CROCCA), University of Utah. (with Mia Hashibe, Daisuke Kitagawa, and Yoko Moriyama). Presentation, Presented, 09/16/2016.
  • Warren, N., Kamimura, A., Trinh, H., Stephens, E., Omi, K., Kanaoka, A., Ishikawa, A., & Yamanaka, K. (2015). Perceptions of aging and disability among college students in Japan. Global U Expo, University of Utah, October 7, 2015. *The first author is a student of the Undergraduate Student Research Opportunities (UROP). Poster, Submitted, 10/2015.
  • Warren, N., Kamimura, A., Trinh, H., Kanaoka, A., & Yamanaka, K. (2015). Perceptions of aging and disability among college students in Japan. Tsukuba Global Science Week, September 24, 25 & 30, Tsukuba, Japan. Submitted. *The first author is a student of the Undergraduate Student Research Opportunities (UROP). Conference Paper, Refereed, Submitted, 07/2015.
  • “Survey Data Collection - Challenges in a Cross-Cultural Setting: An Example of a Study in India” at Research Administration NAKAMA, Research Education, University of Utah on June 5, 2015. Presentation, Presented, 06/05/2015.
  • Kamimura, A., Al-Obaydi, S., Nguyen, H., Mo, W., Trinh, H.N., Doan, P., & Franchek-Roa, K. (2015). Intimate partner violence education for medical students in the US, Vietnam, and China. C-FAHR Poster Session, University of Utah, April 14, Salt Lake City, Utah. Poster, Presented, 04/14/2015.
  • Kamimura, A., Al-Obaydi, S., Nguyen, H., Mo, W., Trinh, H.N., Doan, P., & Franchek-Roa, K. (2015). "Intimate partner violence education for medical students in the US, Vietnam, and China." Extreme Affordability Global Health Conference, April 10, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Poster, Presented, 04/10/2015.
  • “Cross-cultural survey research methods” at Multidisciplinary Global Health Research Seminar Series, School of Dentistry, University of Utah on March 30, 2015. Presentation, Presented, 03/30/2015.
  • Kamimura, A., Nguyen, Y., Al-Shaikhly, T., & Olson, LM. (2014). "Physical and mental health, social support, and health literacy among Spanish or English-speaking women in a shelter who experienced intimate partner violence." Academy on Violence and Abuse Conference, October 16-18, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 10/2014.
  • Kamimura, A., Al-Obaydi, S., Nguyen, H., Mo, W., Trinh, H.N., Doan, P., & Franchek-Roa, K. (2014). "Intimate partner violence education for medical students in the US, Vietnam, and China." Academy on Violence and Abuse Conference, October 16-18, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Poster, Presented, 10/2014.
  • Mo, W., Tamiya, N., Chen, LM., & Kamimura, A. (2014). Institutionalization among older adults in Japan. XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, July 13-19, Yokohama, Japan. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 07/2014.
  • “Care Giver's Attitude, Home Service Use and Institutionalization: A Study of Long-Term Care Insurance in Japan” at Center on Aging Research Retreat Poster Session, Center on Aging, University of Utah on March 24, 2014 (with Wenjing Mo, Nanako Tamiya, Li Mei Chen & Masayo Kashiwagi). Poster, Presented, 03/24/2014.
  • “Doctor's opinion papers in long-term care need certification in Japan: Differences between clinics settings and advanced treatment hospital settings” at Center on Aging Research Retreat Poster Session, Center on Aging, University of Utah on March 24, 2014 (with Yoko Moriyama, Nanako Tamiya & Marilyn Luptak). Poster, Presented, 03/24/2014.
  • “Physical and mental health associated with abuse experience among women utilizing community health services in Gujarat, India” at Global Public Health Ground Rounds, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, University of Utah on March 18, 2014 (with Kyl Myers). Presentation, Presented, 03/18/2014.
  • “Institutionalization among the elderly in Japan” at Geriatrics Research Update Conference, Division of Geriatrics, University of Utah on December 10, 2013 (with Wenjing Mo). Presentation, Presented, 12/10/2013.
  • Kamimura, A., Christensen, N., Tabler, J., & Ashby, J. (2013). Community engaged learning and community based research with the Maliheh Free Clinic. Engaged Faculty Institute, Midway, Utah. Presentation, Presented, 08/15/2013.
  • “Institutionalization among the elderly in Japan and China: A comparative study” at Center on Aging Research Retreat Poster Session, Center on Aging, University of Utah on April 8, 2013 (with Wenjing Mo, Nanako Tamiya, Li Mei Chen & Hidehiro Sugisawa). Poster, Presented, 04/08/2013.
  • “Aging in Asia” at Interdisciplinary Seminar Series on Aging, College of Social Work, University of Utah on March 18, 2013. Presentation, Presented, 03/18/2013.
  • “Perception of violence against women among college students in the US, Japan and India” at Research in Progress, Department of Pediatrics, University of Utah on March 8, 2013. Presentation, Presented, 03/08/2013.
  • “Heath care for undocumented immigrants and the undeserved: A study of Maliheh Free Clinic" at Brown Bag, Department of Sociology, University of Utah on January 25, 2013 (with Jennifer Tabler). Presentation, Presented, 01/25/2013.
  • “Knowledge and perceptions of breast health: A study of Maliheh Free Clinic” at Research Roundtable, Division of Public Health, University of Utah on January 11, 2013 (with Justine Reel and Wenjing Mo). Presentation, Presented, 01/11/2013.
  • “Heath care for undocumented immigrants and the undeserved: A study of Maliheh Free Clinic" at Global Public Health Ground Rounds, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, University of Utah on October 9, 2012. Presentation, Presented, 10/09/2012.
  • Olson, L., Kamimura., A., & Gonzalez, M. The impact of the U-visa on stopping violence against immigrant women in the U.S. Safety 2012 World Conference October 1-4, 2012, New Zealand . Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 10/2012.
  • “Health Care Seeking for Intimate Partner Violence in Japan” at Research Roundtable, Division of Public Health, University of Utah on September 16, 2011. Presentation, Presented, 09/16/2011.
  • “Health Care Seeking for Intimate Partner Violence in Japan” at Research in Progress, Department of Pediatrics, University of Utah on July 8, 2011 . Presentation, Presented, 07/08/2011.
  • Norris, E., Kent-Marvick, J., Mukundente, V., Kamimura, A., Mhatre-Owens, A., & Simonsen, S. E. (2024). Preconception preparation: Qualitative results from a participatory film project. Western Institute of Nursing Conference, Salt Lake City, April 17-20, 2024. Presentation, Accepted, 04/2024.
  • “Community health and refugee health research” at Rural & Underserved Utah Training Experience (RUUTE) Program, the University of Utah School of Medicine. Presentation, Presented, 07/2023.
  • Castaneda, C. Powers, J., Rodabaugh, J., & Kamimura, A. (2022). Narratives from the Latin American Underserved Population. Symposium . Poster, Presented, 04/2022.
  • Castaneda, C. Powers, J., Rodabaugh, J., & Kamimura, A. (2022). Narratives from the Latin American Underserved Population. Symposium for Underserved, Rural, and Global Health Education, Salt Lake City, April 28-30, 2022. Poster, Presented, 04/2022.

Research Groups

  • Elisa Diaz , Undergraduate Student. 08/2023 - 12/2023.
  • Catherine Osborne , Undergraduate Student. 08/2023 - present.
  • Miranda Galbraith , Undergraduate Student. 08/2023 - 12/2023.
  • Aniela Creek , Undergraduate Student. 05/2023 - present.

Grants, Contracts & Research Gifts

  • Culture of Health among Asian Cancer Survivors and Family Caregivers in the U.S. PI: Akiko Kamimura. Family Caregiving Collaborative Small Grant, 10/2022 - present. Total project budget to date: $2,500.00
  • Intimate Partner Violence Prevention and Reproductive Health for African Refugees Resettled in the United States. PI: Sara Simonsen. 1U4U Initiative (Violence Against Women), 05/30/2020 - 03/2023. Total project budget to date: $50,000.00
  • Dating/intimate partner violence and social media use among college students: An educational approach. PI: Akiko Kamimura. 1U4U Initiative (Violence Against Women), 03/2020 - 03/2022. Total project budget to date: $30,000.00
  • Social stress among free clinic patients. PI: Akiko Kamimura. Semnani Family Foundation Grant Program, 01/2020 - 06/2021. Total project budget to date: $3,000.00
  • Perceived and physiological stress and social support among uninsured free clinic patients. PI: Akiko Kamimura. 06/01/2019 - 06/2021. Total project budget to date: $6,000.00
  • Health Education Programs at a Free Clinic for the Uninsured: To promote Healthy Living for the Underserved Populations in the Community. PI: Akiko Kamimura. Sorenson Legacy Foundation, 05/01/2016 - 04/30/2018. Total project budget to date: $25,000.00
  • Health promotion and outcomes for the underserved: non-communicable chronic conditions and oral health status at the Maliheh Free Clinic. PI: Akiko Kamimura. Community-Based Research Grant, Vice President for Research, 07/01/2015 - 06/30/2016. Total project budget to date: $5,000.00
  • Institutionalization among the elderly in Japan and China: A comparative study. PI: Akiko Kamimura. Center on Aging, University of Utah, 01/01/2013 - 12/31/2013. Total project budget to date: $6,500.00

Research/Scholarship Projects

  • Well-being and social capital of international workers in the US. PI: Akiko Kamimura. 11/2021 - present.
  • Volunteer experiences at a hospice for homeless individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic. PI: Akiko Kamimura. 10/2021 - present.


  • English, fluent.
  • Japanese, fluent.
  • Spanish, basic.

Geographical Regions of Interest

  • Asia
  • Latin America and the Caribbean
  • United States of America