• Assistant Professor (Lecturer), Economics Department


  • Arora, D., Braunstein, E. & Seguino, S. (2023). A macro analysis of gender segregation and job quality in Latin America. World Development. Published, 04/01/2023.
  • Braunstein, E. & Arora, D. (2022). Mainstreaming gender in national policies: The cases of Ethiopia, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. Vol. UNCTAD/GDS/INF/2022/1. UNCTAD. Published, 03/2022.
  • Arora, D & Slavchevska, V. (2021). To farm or not to farm: Youth livelihood aspirations in Vietnam. Vol. WP523. Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). Published, 12/2021.
  • Gumucio, T., Arora, D., Twyman, J., Tickamayer, A. & Clavijo, M. (2020). Gender equality and tress on farms: Considerations for implementation of climate smart agriculture. Routledge. Published, 12/18/2020.
  • Murphy, S., Arora, D., Kruijssen, F. , McDougall, C. & Kantor, F. (2020). Gender-based market constraints to informal fish retailing. PLOS One. Vol. 15(3). Published, 03/31/2020.
  • Arora, D. & Rada, C. (2019). Gender norms and intrahousehold allocation of labor in Mozambique: A CGE application to household and agricultural economics. Agricultural Economics. Vol. 51(2). Published, 12/05/2019.
  • Arora, D. & García, M.A. (2019). Use of choice experiments in gendered participatory breeding & varietal selection of biofortified rice in Bolivar, Colombia. HarvestPlus and International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). Published, 09/2019.
  • Acosta, M., Bonilla, O., Eitzinger, A., Arora, D., Martínez, D., Bejarano, G. & Suchini, J. (2019). Diferencias de género asociadas al acceso ya la implementación de prácticas sostenibles adaptadas al clima en Centroamérica. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Published, 08/2019.
  • Arora, D. (2019). Extreme weather events (drought) and its impact on assets, livelihoods and gender roles Case study of small-scale livestock herders in Cauca, Colombia. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Published, 02/2019.
  • Arora, D. & Twyman, J. (2018). Gender roles among small-scale livestock producers in Costa Rica. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Published, 02/2018.
  • Ngonidzashe, C., Arenas, L., Loaiza, S., Arora, D. & et al. (2017). Novel Technological and Management Options for Accelerating Transformational Changes in Rice and Livestock Systems. Sustainability. Published, 10/27/2017.
  • Arora, D., Arango, J., Burkat, S., Chirinda, N. & Twyman, J. (2017). Gender [im]balance in productive and reproductive labor among livestock producers in Colombia: Implications for climate change response. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Published, 02/2017.
  • D. Arora & Rada, C. (2016). A Gendered Model of the Peasant Household: Time poverty and Farm Production in Rural Mozambique. Feminist Economics. Vol. 23(2). Published, 09/28/2016.
  • Diksha Arora (2015). Gender Differences in Time-Poverty in Rural Mozambique. Review of Social Economy. Vol. 73(2). Published, 06/2015.

Research Statement


I am a gender economist who works primarily in the field of development and environmental economics. My research addresses questions that are relevant for both women’s economic empowerment and sustainable development in low-income countries in Latin America and Southern Africa. The core of my academic work is based on the contention that gender matters for both microeconomic outcomes at the household-level and for macroeconomic structures and policy. My research treats gender as cause as well as effect, that is, not only evaluating gender differential impacts of macro shocks and climate change; also examining how intra-household relations – for instance, gender division of labor and unequal bargaining power – determine household well being and adaptation to climate change.



I use a wide breadth of methodologies and approaches. On the theory front, I have used capabilities approach, intra-household bargaining models and general equilibrium framework to illustrate how gender roles affect household economic outcomes and resilience to climate variability. My empirical work employs mixed methods approach, combining quantitative tools of data analysis such as numerical simulations and econometric analyses of micro and macro data, and qualitative techniques such as participant observation and focus group discussions. Finally, I include applied policy analysis as a distinct research methodology to emphasize my ‘research for development’ work with the World Bank, FAO, CCAFS etc., which requires contextual assessment of local development challenges for policy design and technology dissemination.

Research Keywords

  • Human dimensions of climate change
  • Gender economics
  • Development Economics
  • Climate Change Policy
  • Agricultural Development


  • Arora, D. 2021. "Role of intersectionality in cassava breeding." Research paper presented at Cultivating Equality: Advancing Gender Research in Agriculture and Food Systems conference (Virtual). Conference Paper, Presented, 10/14/2021.
  • Arora, D., Braustein, E. and Seguino, S. 2021. “A macro‐micro analysis of women’s economic empowerment in developing countries." UNU-WIDER virtual workshop on Women’s work – Routes to social and economic empowerment. Presentation, Presented, 12/2020.
  • Arora, D., Twyman, J. and Talsma, E. 2019. "Do empowered individuals make healthier choices? An experimental analysis of men’s and women’s food choices among smallholders in Guatemala." Research paper presented at Seeds of Change Conference, University of Canberra, Australia. Conference Paper, Presented, 04/2019.
  • Arora, D. 2019. “Drought & its impact on assets, livelihoods & gender roles. Invited speaker for United Nations University, Institute for Environment & Human Security’s webinar series ‘GlobeDrought.'. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 04/2019.
  • Arora, D. and Twyman, J. 2018. "Measuring gender gap in agricultural productivity in joint production systems." Research paper presented at International Conference of Agricultural Economics (ICAE) in Vancouver, Canada. Conference Paper, Presented, 07/2018.
  • Arora, D. and Twyman, J. 2018. “Gender gap in agricultural productivity: How do we measure it in joint production systems?” Research paper presented at Latin American Studies Association Congress in Barcelona, Spain. Conference Paper, Presented, 05/2018.
  • Arora, D. and Rada, C. 2017. “Gender norms and intra-household allocation of labor in Mozambique: a CGE application to household economics.” Research paper presented at Scientific Conference of CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Conference Paper, Presented, 12/2017.
  • Arora, D. 2017. “Understanding care provision in rural communities under the threat of climate change.” Research paper presented at Global Carework Summit at University of Massachusetts, Lowell. Conference Paper, Presented, 06/2017.
  • Arora, D. 2016. “Gender division of labor and food security in rural Mozambique.” Research paper presented at IAFFE Annual conference in Galway, Ireland. Conference Paper, Presented, 06/2016.
  • Arora, D. 2015. “Who is the leisure class? Analysis of transformation of gender roles in matrilineal Mozambique." Research paper presented at IAFFE Annual conference in Berlin, Germany. Conference Paper, Presented, 07/2015.
  • Arora, D. and Rada, C. 2014. “Gender division of labor & farm production in subsistence households.” Research paper presented at IAFFE Annual conference in Accra, Ghana. Conference Paper, Presented, 06/2014.

Geographical Regions of Interest

  • Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Southern Africa