• Professor (Lecturer), Honors College
  • Assistant Professor (Lecturer), Honors College

Professional Organizations

  • Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association. 04/13/2017 - 04/13/2019. Position : President.
  • Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association. 06/16/2016 - 06/16/2019. Position : Co-President.

Current Courses

Fall 2024

  • HONOR 2102-001
    IT: The Middle Ages
    Location: MHC 1205 (MHC 1205)
  • HONOR 2106-002
    Reacting to the Past
    Location: MHC 1205 (MHC 1205)

Spring 2024

Teaching Projects

  • TAAC Grant for Online Teaching. Project Lead: Ginger Smoak. TAAC/TLT 08/2013 - 05/2014. Total Budget: $5,000.00.

Pedagogical Publications

  • "Literary Docudrama in the Classroom: Teaching with John Hatcher's The Black Death: A Personal History." Article co-authored with Dr. Jennifer L. McNabb and published in Quidditas. Paper published, 10/21/2015.