Research Statement
Susanna Cohen's research interests focus on improving the management of obstetric and neonatal emergencies, simulation learning, and humanized birth. Her current projects include evaluations interprofessional team training in Mexico, Guatemala, Kenya and India. and low-tech, high-fidelity training in midwifery and women's health. She has a special interest in integrating traditional midwifery into to women's health.
Research Keywords
- Simulation Learning, Humanized Birth, Obstetric Emergencies
- Cohen, S., Baayd, J., Tao, K. (2020). Implicit Bias training: Increase workplace relational capacity. (IMSH), San Diego, CA. Presentation, Presented, 01/18/2020.
- Lerner, V., Cohen, S., Marko. E., Gardner, R. Using Simulation to Redefine Practice Patterns and Create a Culture Change. (IMSH), San Antonio, Texas. Presentation, Presented, 01/20/2019.
- Ghosh, R., Spindler, H., Sterling, M., Dyer., J., Christmas, A., Cohen, S., Das, A., Mahapatra, T., Gore, A., Shah, H., Walker, D. (2019). Nurse mentoring using in-situ simulation improves normal and complicated birth practices in a resource-poor settings. (IMSH), San Antonio, Texas. (Awarded: 3rd place abstract) . Poster, Presented, 01/19/2019.
- Baayd, J., Heins, Z., Walker, D., Alfulani, P., Sterling, M., Cohen, S. (2019). Global pre-service simulation: A qualitative study of the barriers and facilitators of successful implementation in professional programs. IMSH, San Antonio, Texas . Poster, Presented, 01/19/2019.
- Sterling, M., Spindler, H., Cohen, S., Dyer, J., Walker, D. (2019).A follow-up survey of AMANAT nurse mentors trained as PRONTO simulation and team training facilitators in Bihar, India: Are simulation facilitator skills translated to other work settings? IMSH, San Antonio, Texas . Poster, Presented, 01/19/2019.
- Gardner, R., Lerner, V., Cohen, S., Marko. E. Managing Maternal Hypertensive Crisis – Simulation in Action. (IMSH), San Antonio, Texas. Presentation, Presented, 01/19/2019.
- Cohen, S., Baayd, J., Tao, K. (2019). What just happened here? How simulation training can help providers learn to identify and resolve microaggressions in the workplace. (IMSH), San Antonio, Texas. Presentation, Presented, 01/19/2019.
- Calkins, K., Sterling, M., Baayd, J., Cohen, S. Thinking big: Doing to scale with simulation and team-training programs in limited resource settings. (IMSH), San Antonio, Texas. Presentation, Presented, 01/19/2019.
- Cohen, S,R. (2018) Human centered simulation: a journey back to the patient. Utah Simulation Coalition, Salt Lake City, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 10/12/2018.
- Ghosh, R., Spindler, H., Morgan, M., Cohen, S.R., Gore, A., Begum, N., Mahapatra, T., Walker, D., Diagnosis and management of delivery complications in a simulation based nurse-mentoring program. World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), Rio de Janerio, Brazil. Presentation, Presented, 10/2018.
- Spindler, H., Ghosh, R., Dyer, J., Christmas, A., Cohen, S.R., Das, A., Mahapatra, T., Gore, A., Shah, H., Walker, D., Nurse mentoring using simulation for better intrapartum and newborn care in a resource-poor setting. World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), Rio de Janerio, Brazil. Presentation, Presented, 10/01/2018.
- Vail, B., Morgan, M., Dyer, J., Christmas, A., Cohen, S.R., Sonthalia, S., Shah, P., Gore, A., Walker, D. Barriers to evidence-based practices in immediate neonatal care and neonatal resuscitation in Bihar, India. (2018). Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS), Toronto, Ontario, Canada . Poster, Presented, 02/13/2018.
- Facilitating Relationships in Global World. 2018. 1 –day workshop. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. Other, Presented, 01/06/2018.
- Vail, B., Morgan, M.C., Spindler, H., Christmas, A., Cohen, S. R., Sonthalia, S., Menon, R. R., Gore, A., Walker, D. M. (2018). Simulation as a tool for improving the quality of neonatal care in Bihar, India. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, Los Angeles, CA. Poster, Presented, 01/2018.
- Spindler, H., Raney, J., Cohen, S. R., Ghosh, R., Dyer, J.D., Christmas, A., Siju, M., Sharma, R., Srivastava, R., Walker, D.M. (2018). Choosing a simulation assessment tool – a comparative analysis in Bihar, India. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, Los Angeles, CA. Poster, Presented, 01/2018.
- Raney, J., Cohen, S. R., Morgan, M. C., Spindler, H., Vail, B., Ghosh, R., Christmas, A., Dyer, J., Sterling, M., Das, A., Sah, P., Mahapatra, T., Walker, D. (2018). Impact of PRONTO high fidelity simulation on obstetric skills in Bihar, India. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, Los Angeles, CA. Poster, Presented, 01/2018.
- Raney, J., Cohen, S. R., Spindler, H., Ghosh, R., Morgan, M. C., Christmas, A., Dyer, J., Das, A., Mahapatra, T., Walker, D. (2018). Lessons learned from debrief evaluation at scale in a resource limited setting. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, Los Angeles, CA. Poster, Presented, 01/2018.
- Madriz, S., Cohen, S. R., Tomely, C., Dyer, J., Spindler, H., Morgan, M., Walker, D. (2018). Can it be done? Evaluation of PRONTO simulation and team training from 4 LMICs. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, Los Angeles, CA. Poster, Presented, 01/2018.
- Dyer, J., Cohen, S., Gosh, R., Raney, J., Spindler, H., Christmas, A., Sonthalia, S., Menon, R., Gore, A., Walker, D. Measuring use of teamwork and communication skills in simulation; Bihar, India (2018). International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, Los Angeles, CA. Poster, Presented, 01/2018.
- Cohen, S., Christmas, A., Dyer, J., Morgan, M., Spindler, H., Walker, D. Learning from conducting 10,000+ obstetric and neonatal emergency high-fidelity simulations and debriefs in a low-resource setting. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH), Los Angeles, CA. Presentation, Presented, 01/2018.
- Calkins, K., Cohen S., Christmas, A., Afulani, P., Walker, D. Human-Centered Simulation: In-situ, high-fidelity simulation, team training, and cultural humility drive quality of care initiatives in low-resource settings. East Africa, India, and Ghana Expert Panel session at International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH), Los Angeles, CA. Presentation, Presented, 01/2018.
- Janjua, A., Dyer, J., Spindler, H., Sterne, J., Cohen, S., Morgan, M., Christmas, A., Shah, M., Das, A., Walker, D. (2017). Video analysis system as a tool to improve the quality of basic emergency obstetric and neonatal care through simulation training in Bihar, India. Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH), Washington DC. Poster, Presented, 07/2017.
- Cohen, S.R. Human – Centered simulation: Tracing Innovation back to our roots. International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning’s (INACSL) Hayden Vanguard Lecture, Washington, DC. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/27/2017.
- Dyer, J., Spindler, H., Christmas, A., Cohen, S., Calkins, K., Janjua, A., Siju, M., Sharma, R., Sterne, J., Walker, D. (2017). Putting midwifery first: Improving quality care at birth with nurse mentoring and informative feedback to nurse mentors in Bihar, India. International Confederation of Midwives (ICM), Toronto, Canada. Poster, Presented, 06/2017.
- Cohen, S., Walker, D., Calkins, K., Christmas, A., Dyer, J. Preparing for Obstetric Emergencies – Practice, Teamwork and Gap Identification Make Perfect, Workshop. International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) Triennial . Presentation, Presented, 06/2017.
- Christmas, A., Dyer, J., Kaul, S., Spindler, H., Cohen, S., Calkins, K., Janjua, A., Siju, M., Sharma, R., Sterne, J., Walker, D. Improving quality care at birth with nurse mentoring and formative feedback to nurse mentors in Bihar, India. International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) Triennial Conference, Toronto, CA. Presentation, Presented, 06/2017.
- CeMONC PRONTO Advanced Simulation Facilitator Training. 2017. 5-day Intensive Course, Patna, Bihar, India. 20 registrants. Other, Presented, 04/2017.
- Cohen, S., Fisher, J., Clark, E. et al. Utah Hypertension Safety Bundle Kick Off Meeting, Utah State Health Department, Salt Lake City, Utah. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 02/2017.
- Cohen, S., Gerard, C., Thomas, C., Rizk, A., Elmore, C, Workshop: Practice makes perfect: Obstetric emergency simulation and teamwork for homebirth in Utah, Utah Midwifery Organization Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah. Presentation, Presented, 02/2017.
- Cohen, S., Thomas, C., Rizk, A. Intrapartum care clinical update 2017: GBS, preeclampsia, triple I, preterm labor and emergency response. Utah Midwifery Organization Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah. Presentation, Presented, 02/2017.
- (2017) Fahey, J., Cohen, S., Sterne, J., Walker, D. (2017). Safety first: Making In-situ simulation safe for patients and providers. IMSH, Orlando, Florida.. Other, Presented, 01/31/2017.
- (2017) Cohen, S., Fahey, J., Sterne, J., Walker, D. (2017). Humanized Simulation: Hybrid simulations to promote cultural humility and person-centered care. IMSH, Orlando, Florida. Other, Presented, 01/30/2017.
- Spindler, H., Dyer, J., Sterne, J., Janjua, A, Christmas, A., Sharma, R., Siju, M., Srivastava, R, Morgan, M., Cohen, S., Walker, W (01/2017). Monitoring of simulation training activities in primary health facilities: StudioCode experience in rural Bihar, India. Poster session presented at IMSH, Orlando, FL. Poster, Presented, 01/2017.
- Spindler, H., Dyer, J., Sterne, J., Janjua, A., Christmas, A., Sharma, R., Siju, M., Srivastava, R., Morgan, M., Cohen, S., Walker, W. (2017). Monitoring of simulation training activities in primary health facilities: StudioCode experience in rural Bihar, India. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, Orlando, FL. Poster, Presented, 01/2017.
- Fahey, J., Cohen, S., Sterne, J., Walker, D. Safety first: Making In-situ simulation safe for patients and providers. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH), Orlando, Florida. Presentation, Presented, 01/2017.
- Spindler, H., Dyer, J., Sterne, J., Janjua, A., Christmas, A., Sharma, R., Siju, M., Srivastava, R., Morgan, M., Cohen, S., Walker, D. Monitoring simulation training activities from over 7000 miles away: Studiocode experience in Bihar, India. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH), Orlando FL. Presentation, Presented, 01/2017.
- Cohen, S., Fahey, J., Sterne, J., Walker, D. Humanized Simulation: Hybrid simulations to promote cultural humility and person-centered care. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH), Orlando, Florida . Presentation, Presented, 01/2017.
- Cohen, S.R. (2016). Highly-Realistic Simulation and Team Training to bring Equity and Quality of Care to LMICs. USAID PPH Task Force, Washington, DC. Presentation, Presented, 07/2016.
- Cohen, S., Dyer, J., Calkins, K., (2016) Solutions of how to design, setup and run birth simulation in your setting: Series of Workshops. Women Deliver, Copenhagen, Denmark. Presentation, Presented, 05/2016.
- Romo, A., Morgan, M., Christmas, A., Jacob, A., Cohen, S., Frank, H., Dyer, J., Spindler, H., Janjua, A., Walker, D (04/2016). Improving quality of obstetric and neonatal care through midwife mentoring and simulation training in Bihar, India: Mentor knowledge assessments. Poster session presented at CUGH, San Francisco, CA. Poster, Presented, 04/2016.
- A. Janjua, J. Dyer, H. Spindler, J. Sterne, S. Cohen, M. Morgan, A. Christmas, M. Shah, A. Das, D. Walker (04/2016). Analysis System as a Tool to Improve the Quality of Basic EmergencyObstetric and Neonatal Care through Simulation Training in Bihar, India. Poster session presented at CUGH, San Francisco, California. Poster, Presented, 04/2016.
- Dyer, J., Cohen, S., Christmas, A., Spencer, P., Taylor, J., Frank, H., Sterne, J., Walker, D. (04/2016). Designing and Implementing an In-situ Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care (EmONC) Simulation and Team-training Curriculum for Midwife Mentors to Drive Quality Improvement in Bihar, India. Poster session presented at CUGH, San Francisco, CA. Poster, Presented, 04/2016.
- IGNITE IMSH! Impacting Lives Five Minutes at a Time. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. San Diego, CA. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 01/2016.
- Cohen, S., Fahey, J., Carranza, L., Sterne, J. Expect the Unexpected: Designing and Facilitating Flexible In-situ Simulation in Dynamic Settings. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, San Diego, CA. Presentation, Presented, 01/2016.
- (2015) Cohen, S.R., Paisley, K. Interprofessional Faculty Development and Debriefing Training. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.. Other, Presented, 09/01/2015.
- (2014) Krestler, E., Dettinger, J., Holme, F., LaMadrid, H., Montoya, A., Olvera, M., Zelek, S., Cohen, S., Walker, D. Que Vivan Las Madres: An impact evaluation for a novel package of interventions targeting maternal and perinatal health in rural Guatemala. APHA Conference, New Orleans, LA.. Other, Presented, 11/15/2014.
- (2014) Thomas, C., Cohen, S.R. Jiggling Babies and Bridging Traditions: Mexican Rebozo in a Tertiary Care Setting, an Interactive Workshop. American College of Nurse Midwifery Region 1 Conference. Freeport, ME. Other, Presented, 11/07/2014.
- (2014) Thomas, C., Cohen, S.R. Practice Practice Practice: Preparing for Obstetric and Neonatal Emergencies, A Hands-On Simulation Workshop. American College of Nurse Midwifery Region 1 Conference. Freeport, ME. Other, Presented, 11/07/2014.
- (2014) Cohen, S.R., Paisley, K. Interprofessional Faculty Development and Debriefing Training. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.. Other, Presented, 08/26/2014.
- (2014) Cohen, S.R. Thomas, C. Clinical Learning Teams. American College of Nurse Midwifery 59th Annual Conference. Denver, CO.. Other, Presented, 06/01/2014.
- (2014) Fahey, J., Cohen, S.R., Gerard, G., Thomas, C.R. Preparing for Obstetric Emergencies- Practice Makes Perfect (A Hands-On Workshop on the Use of Simulation to improve Perinatal Outcomes). American College of Nurse Midwifery 59th Annual Conference. Denver, CO. Other, Presented, 06/01/2014.
- (2014) Cohen, S., Fahey, J., Walker, D. PRONTO: Obstetric and neonatal emergency simulation in Mexico improves patient outcomes, provider knowledge, team coordination, and identifies latent systems errors. American College of Nurse Midwifery 59th Annual Conference. Denver, CO.. Other, Presented, 06/01/2014.
- (2014) Walker, D., Cohen, S., Carranza, L. In Situ Simulation: Beyond the Emergency. Using interprofessional team training to promote cultural humility, patient-centered care, evidence-based birth care and infrastructure improvements in limited-resource settings in Mexico, Guatemala and Kenya. IMSH, The Society for Simulation in Healthcare Conference; 2014 Jan 26; San Francisco, CA.. Other, Presented, 01/01/2014.
- Walker, D., Fritz, J., Olvera, M., Lamadrid, H., Cohen, S., Fahey, J. PRONTO low-tech obstetric simulation and team training in Mexico improves patient outcomes, and evidence based care at birth. ACOG Annual Conference 2014. Poster, Accepted, 12/2013.
- Walker, D., Cohen, S., Fritz, J., Olvera, M., Lamadrid, H., Carranza, L. PRONTO low-tech simulation and team-training for obstetric and neonatal emergencies in Mexico leads to a decrease in cesarean section rates. ACOG Annual Conference, 2014. Poster, Accepted, 12/2013.
- Cohen, S.R., Fahey, J. (2014). Practice Makes Perfect: Simulation for Obstetric Emergencies. American College of Nurse Midwifery 59th Annual Conference. Denver, CO . Presentation, Accepted, 12/2013.
- Cohen, S., Fahey J., Walker, D., High-Fidelity Low-Tech Team Training in Obstetric and Neonatal Emergencies in Rural Mexico improves patient outcomes, provider knowledge and self-efficacy, team coordination, and identifies latent systems errors. ACNM Annual Conference 2014. Presentation, Accepted, 12/2013.
- Walker, D., Cohen, S.,, High-Fidelity Low-Tech Team Training in Obstetric and Neonatal Emergencies in Rural Mexico changes provider knowledge, self-efficacy, team coordination, and identifies latent systems errors. IMSH 2014, San Francisco. Poster, Accepted, 11/2013.
- Walker, D., Fritz, J., Kestler, E., Gachuno, O., Cohen, S. (2013). Challenges and triumphs in implementation science: Measuring the impact of a low-tech, low cost obstetric and neonatal emergency simulation training program (PRONTO) in Mexico, Guatemala, and Kenya. APHA Conference, Boston, MA. Presentation, Presented, 11/2013.
- Cohen, S., Walker, D, Carranza, L., In-situ Simulation: Beyond the Emergency: Using Interprofessional Team Training to Promote Cultural Humility, Patient-centered Care, Evidence-based Birth Care and Infrastructure Improvements in Limited-resource Settings in Mexico, Guatemala and Kenya, IMSH 2014. Presentation, Accepted, 11/2013.
- Holme, F., Walker, D., Kestler, E…. Cohen, S., (2013). Catalyzing change in rural guatemalan childbirth care: Evidence for a low-tech, low cost obstetric and neonatal emergency simulation training program, pronto. APHA Conference, Boston, MA. Presentation, Presented, 11/2013.
- Cohen, S.R. Thomas, C., (2013). Jiggling Babies and Bridging Traditions: Mexican Rebozo in a Tertiary Care Setting. American College of Nurse Midwifery 58th Annual Conference. Nashville, TN . Presentation, Presented, 06/2013.
- Cohen, S.R. (2011). Obstetric Care in Mexico: Personal Encounters. Utah University, Utah. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 12/2011.
- Cohen, S.R. (2011). Obstetric Care in Mexico: Personal Encounters. Utah University, Utah. 09/2011 . Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 12/2011.
- Cohen, S.R. (2011). Herbs in Pregnancy. Guest Lecture. Advanced Pharmacology in Women's Health. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 11/2011.
- Cohen, S.R. (2011). Meet the experts: Interprofessional education. InfoFair 2011. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Panel, Submitted, 10/04/2011.
- Cohen, S.R. (2011). Meet the experts: Interprofessional education. InfoFair 2011. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Panel, Presented, 10/2011.
- Fahey, J., Cohen, S.R., (2011). Practice Makes Perfect: Simulation for Obstetric Emergencies. American College of Nurse Midwifery Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX. Other, Presented, 06/2011.
- Cohen, S.R., Fahey, J. (2011). Practice Makes Perfect: Simulation for Obstetric Emergencies. American College of Nurse Midwifery Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX. Presentation, Presented, 06/2011.
- Cohen, S., Walker, D., Fahey, J. (2011). PRONTO2: Pilot Study of an In-Situ Multidisciplinary, Low-Tech, High-Fidelity Obstetric Simulation Training for Mexico. Society for Simulation in Health Care Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. Poster, Presented, 01/2011.
- Cohen, S., Walker, D., Fahey, J. (2011). PRONTO2: Pilot Study of an In-Situ Multidisciplinary, Low-Tech, High- Fidelity Obstetric Simulation Training for Mexico. Society for Simulation in Health Care Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. Poster, Presented, 01/2011.
- Cohen, S., Fahey, J., Walker, D. (2011) High Fidelity Obstetric Simulation $1.01: Low-cost, Low-Tech Simulation. Preconference Workshop. Society for Simulation in Health Care Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. Presentation, Presented, 01/2011.
- Fahey, J., Cohen, S., Walker, D. (2011). Have Sim Will Travel: High-Fidelity Low Tech Simulation for Remote or Low-Resource Settings. Society for Simulation in Health Care Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. Presentation, Presented, 01/2011.
- Cohen, S., Fahey, J., Walker, D. (2011) High Fidelity Obstetric Simulation $1.01: Low-cost, Low-Tech Simulation. Preconference Workshop. Society for Simulation in Health Care Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. Presentation, Presented, 01/2011.
- Fahey, J., Cohen, S., Walker, D. (2011). Have Sim Will Travel: High-Fidelity Low Tech Simulation for Remote or Low-Resource Settings. Society for Simulation in Health Care Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. Presentation, Presented, 01/2011.
- Walker, D.M., Cohen, S.R., Fahey, J.O., Estrada, F. (2010). Pilot of PRONTO2: An In situ Multi-disciplinary, Low-Tech, High-Fidelity Obstetric Simulation Training for Mexico. Association of Reproductive Health Professionals, Annual Meeting. Atlanta, Georgia. Poster, Presented, 09/2010.
- Cohen, S., Fahey, J., Walker, D. (2011). High Fidelity Obstetric Simulation $1.01: Low-cost, Low-Tech Simulation. Preconference Workshop. Society for Simulation in Health Care Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. (scheduled January 2011). Other, Accepted, 08/2010.
- Cohen, S., Fahey, J., and Cragin, L. Debriefing: From theory to practice, practice, practice. ACNM Conference. Other, Accepted, 08/2010.
- Fahey, J., Cohen, S., and Cragin, L. Practice makes perfect: using simulation to improve management of obstetric emergencies. ACNM Conference. Other, Accepted, 08/2010.
- Cohen, S., Walker, D., Fahey, J. (2011). PRONTO2: Pilot Study of an In-Situ Multidisciplinary, Low-Tech, High-Fidelity Obstetric Simulation Training for Mexico. Society for Simulation in Health Care Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. (scheduled January 2011). Poster, Accepted, 08/2010.
- Fahey, J., Cohen, S., Walker, D. (2011). Have Sim Will Travel: High-Fidelity Low Tech Simulation for Remote or Low-Resource Settings. Society for Simulation in Health Care Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. (scheduled January 2011). Presentation, Accepted, 08/2010.
- Walker, D., Cohen, S.R., Fahey, J.O., Estrada, F. (2010) PRONTO2: Innovation in emergency obstetric training. Global Maternal Health Conference, New Delhi, India. Presentation, Presented, 08/2010.
- Cohen, S.R., Walker, D.M., Estrada, F. (2010). PRONTO2: Development, Implementation and Evaluation of an In-situ Multi-disciplinary, Low-Tech, High-Fidelity Obstetric Simulation Training for Mexico. 9th Annual International Nursing Simulation/Learning Resource Centers Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada. Panel, Presented, 06/2010.
- Madden, C., Lassche, M., Cohen, S., Hanberg, A. (2010). Not Just a Roll of the Dice: Introducing a Simulation Scenario Template. 9th Annual International Nursing Simulation/Learning Resource Centers Conference , Las Vegas, Nevada. Panel, Presented, 06/2010.
- Cohen, S. (2010). Low-Tech High-Fidelity Obstetric Simulation: An integrated approach to graduate nursing education. 9th Annual International Nursing Simulation/Learning Resource Centers Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada. Poster, Presented, 06/2010.
- Cohen, S.R., Walker, D.M., Estrada, F. (2010). Evaluación del cambio en autoeficacia y conocimientos en la atención obstétrica de parteras profesionales y enfermeras obstétras, una capacitación a través del método de simulaciones en México. ALASIC, Asociación Latinoamericana de Simulación Clínica, Cancun, Mexico. Poster, Presented, 06/2010.
- Lassche, M., Madden, C., Cohen, S., Hanberg, A. (2010).Beating the Odds and Knowing the Limits: Managing Immersive Simulation.9th Annual International Nursing Simulation/Learning Resource Centers Conference , Las Vegas, Nevada. Poster, Presented, 06/2010.
- Cohen, S.R., Walker, D.M., Estrada, F. (2010). Desarrollo e implementación de una capacitación multidisciplinaria, de baja tecnología y alta fidelidad a través del método de simulaciones para el manejo de emergencias obstétricas en hospitales en México. ALASIC, Asociación Latinoamericana de Simulación Clínica, Cancun, Mexico. Poster, Presented, 06/2010.
- Cohen, S.R., Dyer, J. (2010). Low-Tech High-Reward: Integrating Simulation into Midwifery Education. American College of Nurse Midwifery Annual Conference. Washington, D.C. Presentation, Presented, 05/2010.
- Thomas, C., Cohen, S.R. (2010). Traditional and Modern Rebozo Work with Pregnant Women. Utah Doula Association Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 03/2010.
- Cohen, S. (2010). Breaking with Tradition: Lessons Learned from Research, Simulation and Alternative Clinical Teaching in Mexico. University of Utah, College of Nursing Seminar Series. Salt Lake City, Utah. Presentation, Presented, 02/2010.
- Cohen, S.R., (2010). Debriefing Workshop. University of Utah, College of Nursing. Salt Lake City, Utah. Presentation, Presented, 02/2010.
- Cohen, S.R., Walker, D.M. (2010). PRONTO2: In-situ Multi-disciplinary, Low-Tech, High-Fidelity Obstetric Simulation Training for Mexico. Simulation In Healthcare Annual Meeting. Poster, Presented, 01/2010.
- Cohen, S.R., Walker, D.M., Cragin, L. (2009). Development, Implementation and Evaluation of a Three-week, Low-tech, High-fidelity, Simulation-based Training for Professional Midwives and Obstetrical Nurses in Mexico. 1st European-Latin American Meeting on Healthcare Simulation and Patient Safety, Coimbra, Portugal. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 2009.
- Cohen, S.R., & Dyer, J. (2009). Low-tech high-reward: one nurse midwifery programs’ search for the right obstetrical simulation model. American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Hot Topic Conference. Salt Lake City, UT. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 2009.
- Cohen, S.R., Walker, D.M. (2009). PRONTO2: Development, Implementation and Evaluation of an In-situ Multi-disciplinary, Low-Tech, High-Fidelity Obstetric Simulation Training for Mexico. 1st European-Latin American Meeting on Healthcare Simulation and Patient Safety, Coimbra, Portugal. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 2009.
- Cohen, S.R., Hanberg, A., Lassche, M. (2009). Introducing the PartoPants©: a low-tech, high-fidelity birth simulator. 1st European-Latin American Meeting on Healthcare Simulation and Patient Safety, Coimbra, Portugal. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 2009.
- Cohen, S.R. (2009). Obstetric Care in Mexico: Personal Encounters. Utah University, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 2009.
- Cohen, S.R., Thomas, C.and Hagen, S. (2009). Birth Options. Foothill Anderson Library, Salt Lake City, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 2009.
- Cohen, S.R. Laboring with women with Infectious Processes. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 2009.
- Cohen, S. R. Fetal Brain Development: what we know, what we don’t know and what we may never know. Westminster College, Salt Lake City, Utah. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 2009.
Grants, Contracts & Research Gifts
- PRONTO2 Control Trial. PI: Cohen, Susanna. Co-PI(s): Walker, Dilys. Institute of Public Health, Mexico, 06/01/2010 - 12/27/2011. Total project budget to date: $16,000.00
- PRONTO2 Pilot. PI: Cohen, Susanna. Co-PI(s): Walker, Dilys. Institute of Public Health, Mexico, 08/01/2009 - 12/31/2010. Total project budget to date: $16,000.00
- Incorporation of Alternative Birth Attendents in Rural State Run Mexican Clinics. PI: Cohen, Susanna. Co-PI(s): Walker, Dilys; Cragin, Leslie. 01/01/2009 - 12/31/2009. Total project budget to date: $23,000.00
- Incorporation of Alternative Birth Attendents in Rural State Run Mexican Clinics. PI: Susanna Cohen. Co-PI(s): Dilys Walker, MD. Leslie Cragin CNM PhD. 11/28/2008 - 10/29/2010. Total project budget to date: $0.00
Research Equipment and Testing Expertise
- PRONTOpack. Contact: Susanna Cohen , 8015814014 , 10 South 2000 East .
- PartoPants- Low-Tech Birth Simulator.
- English, fluent.
- Spanish, fluent.
Geographical Regions of Interest
- Central America
- Ethiopia
- India
- Kenya
- Mexico
- Viet Nam
- Afulani PA, Dyer J, Calkins K, Aborigo RA, Mcnally B & Cohen SR (2021). Provider knowledge and perceptions following an integrated simulation training on emergency obstetric and neonatal care and respectful maternity care: A mixed-methods study in Ghana. Midwifery. Vol. 85, 102667. Published, 01/01/2021.
- Ghosh R, Spindler H, Dyer J, Christmas A, Cohen SR, Das A, Sonthalia S, Mahapatra T, Gore A, Shah H & Walker DM (2021). Simulation and team training embedded nurse mentoring programme and improvement in intrapartum and newborn care in a low-resource setting in Bihar, India. Journal of global health. Vol. 10, 021010. Published, 01/01/2021.
- Afulani, P.A., Aborigo, R.A., Walker, D., Moyer, C.A., Cohen, S., Williams, J. (2019). Can an integrated obstetric emergency simulation training improve respectful maternity care? Results from a pilot study in Ghana. Birth, 1-10. DOI: 10.1111/birt.12418. Accepted, 12/31/2018.
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